When you first install this program you have 30 days to test the program.
This should give you ample opportunity to see if you find it useful and to find out how it works.
After that time you are required to register.
The price is $15, 10ú, 25 DM, or 100 DKr.(or any equivalent amount).
To register you must
1. send a Cheque, money-order or cash(don't worry I'm honest) to me, or
2. if you have access to Compuerve, the Registration ID is:SWREG 17144.
3.you can place money in my account at "Roskilde/Ringsted Sparekasse" (CustomerName: "Joergen Larsen" and Account Nr: "61604048399").
4. And then send me an e-mail (or snail mail) to notify me that you wish to register, so that I have an e-mail address to send the Registration-code to.
Once I have registered your payment (e.g. via PC-bank or from CompuServe), I shall send you the code to license your program and free it from any trial-restrictions.
I shall also send you the MasterPassWord needed to change the EditorAccessPassword.
Please be sure to tell me how you want your code to be sent to you.
Either by e-mail or regular mail.
If you send the amount to me directly or by money-order send it to: