Ultimate DOOM Companion
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101.ZIP 63211 02-02-95 This DOOM level is a collection of all the be
| ideas from all the levels that I have
| constructed over the past 6 months. It was
| designed as a 1 player level, although
| multiplayer starts have been added. Room 101
| makes use of the first four skill levels, but
| I did not bother testing this level with
| Nightmare mode as it is extremely silly
11BONES.ZIP 32095 02-02-95 Yet another Doom Level. Replaces level 1
| Episode 1. Made with DEU v5.0 and BSP v1.0
11FORTKO.ZIP 48637 02-02-95 DOOM, PWAD, PATCH Introducing 'Fort Knocks' a
| new patch for DOOM
11GETBFG.ZIP 77168 02-02-95 "The United Allied Cooperative (UAC) has
| developed a new secret weapon, the BFG9000.
| Your assignment is to break into their
| headquarters and get it. We will place you at
| the entrance. Just go in, get it and come
| back out (getting the BFG will lower a sector
| at the entrance, allowing you to exit the
| level from there). We don't know the layout
| of the building, but we do know that there is
| an armoury behind a red key door, and that th
| red key is kept in the computer room which
| itself is behind a yellow key door. This is
| important as we suspect that you may encounte
| some resistance, and the only offensive
| equipment we can provide you with is a lowly
| pistol. Good luck."
11INHELL.ZIP 41166 02-02-95 This level was made entirly from scratch with
| Deu50. It designed to be a deathmatch level.
| It is possible to get every weapon, and plays
| well with both monsters, and -nomonsters. Th
| exit also requires cooperation from at least
| two people. It has several large fighting
| areas, many ambush spots, and several 'theme'
| rooms
11NIDECK.ZIP 63264 02-02-95 Castle Nideck is so large and crudely hewn th
| it is said to have been built be giants in
| prehistoric times. And prehistoric it sure i
| - it's been sitting deep in the mountains for
| as long as mankind can remember, dark and
| foreboding. A few months back, activity was
| reported inside the castle - screams and
| moans, weird lights and evil laughter. It wa
| discounted as the usual talk, until the day a
| whole village disappeared and you were sent t
| investigate
11SPACE.ZIP 53982 02-02-95 "An enemy spaceship has approached our planet
| and is now in a low orbit. We beamed a squad
| of soldiers aboard in the hopes that they
| could somehow subtly sabotage and destroy it,
| but we've lost contact with them. In their
| last transmission, they indicated that they
| were trying to get to the helm on the bridge
| and slow the ship enough that it drops out of
| orbit and burns up in the atmosphere. The
| ship now has its deflectors up and beaming
| aboard is no longer an option, however, the
| ship's deflectors do not interfere with it's
| own beaming device, nor with non-light-energy
| based weapons. So now, the only way we can
| break into the ship is with brute force
15REGVR2.ZIP 138839 02-02-95 This package is a replacement of 15regwad.ZIP
| This package will patch a doom.wad v1.2 so
| that it is compatible with DOOM v1.5b. Simpl
| extract the files in a directory containing
| the shareware DOOM v1.5b and copy the v1.2
| doom.wad into that directory as well. This
| fix will allow you to play all the episodes o
| doom as well as play Deathmatch, Deathmatch
| 2.0, load external wads, and record
| multi-player lmp's
15REGWAD.ZIP 141163 02-02-95 This wad will allow file loading and negative
| frags for 1.5 doom.exe and the reg 1.2 wad.
| By only loading this file it will add those
| things that are in the 1.5 shareware wad into
| the REG 1.2 WAD that will allow you to run
| deathmatch using neg frags. PS I put the
| dmxgus.ini file from 1.5 shareware. With the
| addition of the fix.bat that I have included
| you may even get deathmatch 2.0 working
1666E3M9.ZIP 24530 02-02-95 This wad fixes the "Player in special sector"
| error for Doom v1.666 and Episode 3 Mission 9
| Let me first say that this *IS* a map error,
| *NOT* a bug in the Engine. This same error
| was in Doom v1.2, but the 1.2 engine ignored
| the bad sector flag (explained below). With
| the enhancements to the Doom v1.666 engine, i
| now crashes when it finds the MAP error
16REGVR1.ZIP 122270 02-02-95 This package will patch a doom.wad v1.2 so th
| it is compatible with DOOM v1.6b. Simply
| extract the files in a directory containing
| the shareware DOOM v1.6b and copy the v1.2
| doom.wad into that directory as well. Then
| read the readme.1st file for futher
| instructions. This fix will allow you to pla
| all the episodes of doom (there is a slight
| glitch when playing E3M1 and E3M9) as well as
| play Deathmatch, Deathmatch 2.0, load externa
| wads, and record multi-player lmp's
16REGVR2.ZIP 154185 02-02-95 This is v2.0 of Erics 1.6 Registered Patch.
| Whats new in my Patch. "Player special
| sector..." error in Episode 3 maps 1 and 9
| FIXED. What IS critially NEW in 16 beta EXE,
| They DISABLED the shotgun when you CHEAT with
| idkfa, They changed the demo lmps so I had to
| incorporate the new ones, Some deathmatch
| positions ie e1m4 are changed. I don't think
| this is worth extracting. Change then if you
| like. But better yet try some NEW PWADS
| instead
1KDEATHS.ZIP 45475 02-02-95 Being totally fed up with existing DEATHMATCH
| A Fat City Cycles "Yo Eddy" on a lot of the
| doors
1STHELL.ZIP 20777 02-02-95 This makes E1M8 a living hell
1STTRY.ZIP 32648 02-02-95 This is my first attempt at building a level,
| hence the name. It's not particularly fancy
| but will hopefully be entertaining. Future
| levels of mine will be more complicated as I
| learn to use the editor. I don't have a sound
| board so I did'nt bother editting sounds and
| have no idea what this level will sound like
| with a sound board. The level is from scratc
| using Doomedit v6.20 and the level base is
| E1M1
1_ON_1.ZIP 90765 02-02-95 Just one of a thousand PWAD's out there. Hop
| you enjoy it
2.ZIP 79817 02-02-95 Deathmatch PWAD for DOOM
21HEX_PN.ZIP 60866 02-02-95 You look down a short corridor to a door. Yo
| fire a round - the air thickens with roars,
| hisses, and groans. What the HELL have you
| gotten into? As you hack your way through,
| you see shattered gardens, dimly-lit halls
| with sleeping chambers, a well. Good thing
| there's no pink munchers! This isn't the bes
| level possible with the base I started
| mooching around with, but it *is* pretty
| interesting! It's possible to get through on
| UV if you think about it!
21JPXFIR.ZIP 17319 02-02-95 A small wad suitable for playing either
| stand-alone or (preferably) altdeath. Single
| player is pretty easy (I was able to beat UV
| and ended up with 100% health). The wad got
| its name from a situation where Tim and I wer
| both in the opposing hidden passages facing
| each other (unknowingly) and fired on Guy (wh
| was racing down the passage). We both missed
| him and took out each other!
21RATMAZ.ZIP 107648 02-02-95 You've been thrown in this maze like a rat to
| be confused, disoriented and killed to
| sadistically entertain the architect. The
| automap facility will be almost useless due t
| the complexity of the maze. Beware the
| marauding lost soul maze cleanup crew. Be
| more wary of Cacodemons that are above the
| constraints of maze walls. This is my first
| attempt at Doom level creation. There are a
| couple of areas on the map that show up
| strangely during play. I had planned to add
| more (!!) rooms, but Deu 5.21's reject data
| routine crashed if I attempted to add more
| than 512 sectors. WARNING: I had difficulty
| saving an Ultra Violent level until after I
| had killed many monsters. I hope this level
| will consume alot of your time. You are the
| guinea pigs for my first attempt. Please let
| me know what you think. Enjoy!
23CASTLE.ZIP 11569 02-02-95 This is reminicent of a castle with moat and
| all. There still a few problems. Some of th
| walls are paper thin, which should NOT be
| done. Bitmaps don't all line up either
26THCAFE.ZIP 21479 02-02-95 You have been transported to a small ammo
| depot, Where all your former buddies have bee
| transformed into "monsters", And it is your
| job to check for survivors and secure the bas
| and the "JUNGLE". (sound familiar?)
28FRAG.ZIP 14391 02-02-95 This is a deathmatch only wad designed to hav
| a constant level of fear built in, as well as
| rewarding those who dare!
2BOSSES.ZIP 108621 02-02-95 A level for guys who want mainly to fight. Y
| are now at Deimos moonbase in front of an are
| that was planned as an storage area by the
| UAC, but not used yet. You found one dying
| space marine in front of the two large doors
| that could tell you only that the demons that
| invaded this area have two leaders hating eac
| other and that there is a column with four
| switches that controls access to several area
3.ZIP 43895 02-02-95 This is a DOOM PWAD of E1L1. Created using D
| 5.0 and tested with the registered version of
| DOOM v1.1. This PWAD only works with the
| registered versions of DOOM. Bart's office i
| a level that accurately models Bart's
| real-life office floor. It features 30
| private offices, 2 elevators, server room,
| corner offices, executive washrooms,
| cafeteria, board room, and a beatuiful 2nd
| story view. All offices are populated with a
| monster that most closely aproximates the
| nature of that employee<G>. Located in
| Sacramento, "3NET Systems" developes and sell
| Laboratory Information Systems to hospitals
| around the world
4CYL12.ZIP 31226 02-02-95 Great Deathmatch Game. Each player starts of
| in a cylinder. There are is a switch off of
| each cylinder that opens one of the doors in
| the center section, that leads to the exit.
| There is also a warp off of each cylinder tha
| warps into a different cylinder. Deathmatch
| is much better WITHOUT monsters
666.ZIP 40934 02-02-95 This level replaces e1m1 but uses textures /
| monsters / weapons from the registered
| version. It is my first 'complete' new level
| As such it wasn't entirely planned out first,
| but I think you'll think it is worth the
| download anyway. It has all skill levels and
| it is set up for multiplayer. It was designed
| for ultra-violence and is fairly challenging
| think, but it is definitely possible in UV.
| reasonable 'par' time for 100% on everything
| is about 9-10 minutes. I'm sure it can be
| done faster (but not much)
666EPIS.ZIP 224646 02-02-95 A mini-episode consisting of 5 levels.
| Replaces E3M4 through E3M8. A batch file is
| included to start the episode. Just unarj th
| file into the DOOM directory and type 666. I
| will give instructions on how to use the batc
| file (you have to give it a number indicating
| the difficulty level). More hell is the basic
| theme. You start at the "home" of the
| spider-demon, but he is nowhere to be found.
| Find him, kill him, the end. Simple. Right?
777.ZIP 57169 02-02-95 This is the 'sequel' to 666.wad. It is
| actually smaller in extent than 666 but more
| complex. You cannot get stuck anywhere,
| contrary to what it may first seem. (Though
| if you fall in the pits in the 1st room,
| you're dead, but this is the only place where
| that's the case). If it seems to end rather
| abruptly that is because I ran up against
| DEU's limit for memory (not to mention that i
| started to get slow). On that same note -- i
| was developed on a 486DX-33 with 8MB and the
| 1st room or two are pretty slow on UV -- but
| it does speed up. You may want low detail,
| maybe not
8ISENUF.ZIP 44125 02-02-95 The research station on Sirius 4 has not been
| responding to recent communications - ever
| since they reported a breakthrough on an
| ancient culture that is living there. They
| had found the beings that these creatures
| worshipped... It would take too long to send
| a ship there, but they can rig the teleporter
| to send a single person to the station (with
| simultaneous loss of power for 200 kms in
| every direction) to scout the situation.
| Congratulations. You got the job
9-TO-5.ZIP 87583 02-02-95 9 to 5, v1.0 - Well, I was all set for anoth
| boooring day at the office, but something tol
| me I was in for a little treat... a simple
| trip up the elevator leading to a glorious
| welcome... Take THAT!! No more Mr YES MAN!!
9RING12.ZIP 60423 02-02-95 A 9-level Deathmatch episode based on
| circular-shaped rooms. Meant to be Deathmatc
| (1 or 2), but has both monsters and difficult
| levels, and can be played as either
| single-player or cooperative. (Single = mass
| carnage!)
9RING666.ZIP 60970 02-02-95 9RING666 has 1.666 demos. A 9-level Deathmat
| episode based on circular shaped rooms. Mean
| to be Deathmatch (1 or 2), but has both
| monsters and difficulty levels, and can be
| played as either single-player or cooperative
| (Single = mass carnage!)
AA21.ZIP 74953 02-02-95 Another Awesome DOOM PWAD (E2M1). Play an
| action-packed NEW level for registered DOOM,
| Episode two, Mission one. Includes new
| sounds! Does not alter your DOOM.WAD. Just
| unarj in your DOOM directory and enter at the
| DOS prompt: AA21DOOM
AA22.ZIP 32945 02-02-95 Another Awsome DOOM PWAD (E2M2). Play an
| action-packed NEW level for registered DOOM,
| Episode two, Mission two. Does not alter you
| DOOM.WAD. Just unarj in your DOOM directory
| and enter at the DOS prompt: AA22DOOM
AAARRGH!.ZIP 54563 02-02-95 The first in a stunning series of levels Diei
| to KILL you!, don't hang around just boot it
AARRGHH!.ZIP 172873 02-02-95 This is an incomplete (yet) episodes designed
| primarely for experienced Doomers who are,
| say, brave enough to face Baron of Hell havin
| only pistol or to meet a couple of spiders in
| the locked room. Your main goal is to get to
| secret level although you'll be lucky enough
| just to survive the way to plain old E1M2.
| And maybe you'll discover two new features of
| lost souls
ABANWARE.ZIP 30399 02-02-95 Yet another warehouse in the middle of nowher
| You and your buddies meet here for a few
| hours fragging to pass the time. it's a shame
| they always die so fast
ABDITN.ZIP 36846 02-02-95 Your blasting away at a Cyberdemon when one o
| his mega-rockets homes in on you. The
| explosion is deafening and your senses go
| numb. What seams like seconds... well mabey
| hours later you shake your head and pull
| yourself up. Staring through a hole in the
| wall in front of you it, looks like episode 3
| on the other side. "This has never happened
| before" you think. Whew!! Safe ... for the
| moment at least. Turning around you think to
| yourself "This looks like a normal
| neighborhood street". Until the first fire
| ball comes flying at you
ABYSS.ZIP 36381 02-02-95 This wad replaces E1M1. This is a hard level
| but I know that it's not impossible because I
| finished it myself (with no cheats, but
| repeated saves)
ACASTLE2.ZIP 58070 02-02-95 A_CASTLE.WAD was messed up. Sorry. This one
| should be OK. This is my first serious
| attempt. Its a castle complete with a two
| keeps, a moat, and towers of different height
| (different from rest of castle...you'll see
| what I mean). It's mostly an exercise (in
| building a castle with different heights) so
| its not really completed yet (as far as
| populating it with bad guys), but still
| playable...in fact, add your own bad guys and
| go ballistic!
ACHERON.ZIP 43047 02-02-95 CROSSING ACHERON (pronounced 'ak eron) is a
| sequel to DANTE'S GATE -- thematically,
| anyway. (It's an E1M3 only because I thought
| the music was more appropriate than M2.) For
| any of the two or three of you out there who
| have read Dante Alighieri's THE DIVINE COMEDY
| -- or even only "Inferno" -- I'm sure you've
| been able to appreciate the many allusions to
| this work in DOOM. I have tried to take a
| tack of my own along the same lines
ACHERON6.ZIP 55925 02-02-95 As in my first level -- DANTE'S GATE -- I hav
| tried in CROSSING ACHERON to achieve a gaming
| atmosphere that is not only fast-paced (once
| the fur starts to fly), but just plain creepy
| Once again, I went for the aesthetics (you
| know: The Look); but this time, I also tried
| to keep the game from being too easy. I think
| the level is just as enjoyable (if I do say s
| myself) in DEATHMATCH as in Single-player and
| Cooperative modes
ADAM.ZIP 15217 02-02-95 This is a replacement wad for Episode 1, leve
| 2. It has a few secret areas and only the
| shotgun to find. This makes the floor much
| more difficult, but I didn't want to pack a
| whole episode into one floor. The texturing
| is all lined up so you may have to use a chea
| to find the secret areas. Notes: Only one
| thing, beware of the final room
ADV1.ZIP 21722 02-02-95 My first DOOM adventure and excursion into
| using the DEU. This is an out and out shoot
| 'em up and is designed for single player mode
| but it is set so that up to 4 can go at it.
| What makes this adventure interesting is the
| number of creatures involved and the
| interesting strategy that must be used to
| defeat them
AFRO.ZIP 33982 02-02-95 I created this WAD with DeathMatch mode in
| mind. This'll explain for a lot of the
| multiple exits / entrances to any given area
ALAIN.ZIP 44839 02-02-95 New design, great space, full ammos and lot o
| monsters. Not so difficult to end but be
| carefull
ALCATRAZ.ZIP 17522 02-02-95 Can you escape from the Phobos Alcatraz? You
| are charged with 1st degree alien murder from
| the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd episodes!
ALDOOM1.ZIP 1065699 02-02-95 Complete Aliens Doom Package. This Changes t
| Graphics Into Aliens Characters and Weapons,
| Including all Bosses and Five Different Kinds
| of Aliens. To be Run With Aldoom2. Disk 1/2
ALDOOM2.ZIP 1001298 02-02-95 Complete Aliens Doom Package. This Changes t
| Graphics Into Aliens Characters and Weapons,
| Including all Bosses and Five Different Kinds
| of Aliens. To be Run With Aldoom2. Disk 2/2
ALERT1.ZIP 1385323 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT10.ZIP 1468109 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT11.ZIP 1052975 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT12.ZIP 983015 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT13.ZIP 862675 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT2.ZIP 1023927 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT3.ZIP 1151142 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT4.ZIP 1288754 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT5.ZIP 968936 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT6.ZIP 901308 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT7.ZIP 1041577 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT8.ZIP 807587 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALERT9.ZIP 760477 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ALIEN101.ZIP 1458192 02-02-95 Alien Doom v1.01 is just a very minor bug fix
| from the last one, I also fixed up one of the
| creator's mispelled names in the text file
ALIENLEV.ZIP 510238 02-02-95 This is the updated and corrected version of
| the ALIENLEV.WAD file. This file replace the
| old file
ALIENS20.ZIP 1611595 02-02-95 AliensDoom v2.0 Barrels are replaced with
| eggs, 9 levels, guaranted to make you scream.
| Plenty of new wall textures, new sounds, with
| a NEW vulgarity option!
ALIENSND.ZIP 1735708 02-02-95 New Alien Sound F/X & Music. This is a new
| (and large) set of .WAD files to replace your
| Doom sounds with Alien sounds. Many hours of
| work went into finding the appropriate sounds
| The download is well worth it
ALIENS_B.ZIP 986127 02-02-95 An Alien Level and an Alien Sound Pwad
ALIENTC2.ZIP 939340 02-02-95 AL|ENS Total Conversion 2. Some bug
| corrections, from suggestions of the net:
| fixed the order of WADS, to avoid player
| flashing in cooperative play, put another
| sound, to avoid occasional old imp death cry,
| increased the grid ceiling size, to limit
| aliasing (can't avoid it completely). Much
| more still need to be done
ALIENTC3.ZIP 3040 02-02-95 New INSTALL.BAT for ALIENTC1.ZIP and
| ALIENTC2.ZIP Note not a PWAD just an
| installation bug fix
ALLEPMUS.ZIP 179009 02-02-95 The 3 PWADs included here each replace one
| episode's worth of music in DOOM. These work
| best with a General MIDI sound module. I use
| the Roland (genuflecting) Sound Canvas Model
| 55 mark II. It should also work well with any
| other MIDI device that is supported by Doom
ALOHA2U2.ZIP 332697 02-02-95 Bright & Shiny; Dark & Gloomy. Space to roam
ALOHA911.ZIP 331927 02-02-95 Bright & Shiny; Dark & Gloomy. Space to roam
ALOHA999.ZIP 351757 02-02-95 Doom 1, Episode 2. 8 new maps, No secrets, N
| secret level, Violent (of course). Dangerou
| (of course)
ALTIMA.ZIP 28434 02-02-95 Deathmatch
AMADEUS.ZIP 27863 02-02-95 Simply Put, A Deathmatch Level With BYTE.
| Nothing fancy, Just 6 Different playing field
| loaded with ammo, weapons, and bonuses. The
| health is not as heavy, nor are the monsters.
| Thats why it's an excellent Deathmatch wad.
| NO DOORS, Or Lifts. I like the even playing
| field, with the exception of SNIPER POINTS.
| Lot's of Warps, so you can hear your apponent
| but wont know which warp to take.. Oh Yea!,
| The Name of the WAD File Reflects the Name Of
| The Music I incorporated into this WAD..
| Pretty Cool!! Another Strong point to this WA
| File is the NARROW Hallways, and pass
| through's. If your aim isnt exact, it could
| very well kill you in the end... He He! NO
| Deathmatch
AMAZED.ZIP 28883 02-02-95 This started out as an experiment in learning
| DEU, and just grew into this .WAD file. It's
| got a little of everything a new DEU user
| would need to spend time figuring out,
| different doors, wall textures, steps, lifts
| and more. It's meant to replace Episode 1,
| Map 1, so there ain't no Cacodemons, rocket
| launchers or instant death traps, if you're
| into that stuff
AMBIENT.ZIP 177036 02-02-95 All weapons but BFG. Spider Demon. Barneys,
| mean Barons. This WAD has a distinct
| anti-Barney theme. For maximum enjoyment
| please use the Barney or Barney and Clinton
| patch. I have reached the exit in
| Ultra-Violent without cheating
AMBUSH.ZIP 31439 02-02-95 This is another homemade DOOM level, created
| using DEU 5.0. Enjoy!
AMBUSH_U.ZIP 12881 02-02-95 You need a medikit. Bad. You know its
| location, but can you get to it without
| gittin' ambushed? This wad was designed for
| or 3 player deathmatch. Lots of ways to snea
| up on your opponent
AMOK10T.ZIP 167467 02-02-95 AMOK v1.0 - "DOOMED to Run Amok" a
| brand-spanking new Pwad file from scratch
| using DEU v5.21, BSP 1.2x; New Music, some Ne
| Sound Affects, a couple of New Walls (TekDOOM
| Door, TekCude Wall), a New Mable Status Bar,
| and a Preview of a few DOOM II's villians
| within a hidden room (Wall Textures). This i
| a gotta have PWAD file that everyone must
| Download!! But DON'T FORGET your "BFG9000",
| 'cause an Army from Hell will be there too!!!
| 'Nuff said. (Req. DOOM v1.2 Registered)
AMOK11T.ZIP 167518 02-02-95 Waste the "BAD GUYS", what else?
ANDY.ZIP 45684 02-02-95 Deathmatch WAD for DOOM
ANDYTRIG.ZIP 511292 02-02-95 E2M1 :- Trigger Happy !! This level is a
| semi-hard, very brain tasking level, it is th
| sort of level that you rip your hair out
| trying to find the secret doors/rooms, keys,
| etc., very bloodthirsty, if you like kick'n
| DEMON BUTT, this level is for you !!!!
ANGUISH.ZIP 60327 02-02-95 After a weekend of R&R, you return to your ba
| to find your unit has not returned from
| routine maneuvers on Mars. Upon checking in
| with your CO, you find him a changed person.
| He only moans, "Despair, Despair, Why did it
| have to be Despair." Your comrades had been
| sent to pay a routine visit to UAC's genetics
| and physics lab knicknamed "Despair" because
| of its remote location. Grabbing your
| sidearm, you head for the hanger some call th
| "Gates of Anguish" to begin your search for
| the fate of your comrades. Your journey begin
| with a quick flight to the remote landing pad
| cut into the red rock. Your shuttle deserts
| you as the first shots are fired, leaving you
| no easy way back. From here on, its just you
| against the denizens of the hellish place
ANNEX.ZIP 8150 02-02-95 Ah...Help!! I'm stuck in Hell and you gotta g
| me out!
ANOTHER.ZIP 96642 02-02-95 A great level for Deathmatch games!!! Very
| difficult in single player games, but it can
| be beaten
ANRRTI.ZIP 59758 02-02-95 Ahhhh... Earth. After that last mission, you
| deserve a little time off by golly. So you
| cringe when the vidphone sounds. But...
| but... my vacation... you try to explain.
| They promise that you'll have your vacation
| after you check out the reports of "something
| strange" going on at the nuclear power
| plant... probably just a glitch... most likel
| a routine communication breakdown. Yeah
| that's it. Better take your rod... you've
| heard that there's some good fishing in the
| river that runs through it. Boy were you
| wrong!!!
ANTEROOM.ZIP 50936 02-02-95 This is a somewhat large level, so named for
| its central room with the large spiral
| staircase, replete with divers* weapons and
| sundry monsters. All secret doors have slight
| texture offsets, and there's a computer map
| behind one of them. I included every weapon
| at least once, and you'll find each kind of
| monster save the Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon
| somewhere in the level
ANTHILL.ZIP 37673 02-02-95 This wad is based on the student center and
| campus pub at the Univ. of California, Irvine
| (U.C.I). This is the anthill pub that went
| $235,000 dollars in debt selling beer on a
| college campus? How? Unknown
ANYNCE11.ZIP 76254 02-02-95 A huge wad (200K) with new E1M1 music (a
| distorted version of the original) and lots o
| weird stuff. A few secrets, some of which ar
| very helpful, and well, you'll find out for
| yourself
APOCALYP.ZIP 558523 02-02-95 The Apocalypse Project
APOCLPSE.ZIP 109795 02-02-95 This level is best suited for single player
| play, but does support multiplayer and
| deathmatch
AREA8.ZIP 27729 02-02-95 Cool deathmatch level in an arena with 2 main
| areas in the middle and walkways going round
| the outsides. Best deathmatch level ever!
ARENA.ZIP 18216 02-02-95 Somebody requested a deathmatch arena of huge
| proportions with a catwalk. Well is is a clos
| as I could get. This is huge! Each player
| starts (deathmatch or cooperative) in a hall
| at each of the four corners. Every weapon is
| present and a ton of monsters. Since this wa
| designed specifically to be a deathmatch game
| there is no exit
ARENA11A.ZIP 39496 02-02-95 Okay, I first started out to add a couple of
| Halls to the Original Game 1, Level 1. This
| escalated as we continued to play the level a
| work. My kids (who are way to young to be
| allowed to play DOOM) suggested I put a bunch
| of the Red Balloons, Minotaurs (Barons), a
| Spider and a Rocket Man (Cyborg) in the
| "Arena" to see who would win!! I did as they
| asked (temporarily, I thought) and all the
| Doomers at work liked it! Sometimes the
| Spider wins, at other times the Cyborg wins,
| and sometimes a Minotaur or two will survive,
| although somewhat weakened
ARENA13.ZIP 10995 02-02-95 This WAD contains no monsters since this was
| designed as a deathmatch level. You COULD
| play it regularly, obviously, but its not as
| much fun when the only person you can blow up
| is yourself. There are four different
| deathmatch start positions
ARENA14.ZIP 10048 02-02-95 This WAD contains no monsters since this was
| designed as a deathmatch level. You COULD
| play it regularly, obviously, but its not as
| much fun when the only person you can blow up
| is yourself. There are four different
| deathmatch start positions
ARENA2.ZIP 15533 02-02-95 Deathmatch heaven. Basically it's a large
| central arena with various sub areas scattere
| arround the edge for good measure. There are
| a few monsters in there to provide a source o
| ammo and to create some traps *grin*. The
| level is designed to be played with respawn,
| it will be lame without it
ARENA9.ZIP 10503 02-02-95 Ok, so this map is set up for deathmatch play
| You can play it alone, I guess, but it's not
| really much fun for that. I haven't actually
| played this map with anyone else deathmatch,
| but I think it should be a hell of a lot of
| fun. *shrug* Ok, the real purpose behind thi
| map is to prove that you can make maps with
| DMapEdit registered. This map was made
| completely with DMapEdit, and didn't use DEU
| or BSP at any time. It's not huge or
| anything, that's just because I'm not going t
| spend a lot of time making maps. I'll devote
| that time to improving DMapEdit instead. This
| little map was what I used for beta testing
| it, really. Ok, so that's about it. Go play
| it and tell me what you think. And if anyone
| else makes a map completely with DMapEdit too
| let me know all about it
ARENAVEX.ZIP 19475 02-02-95 An awesome deathmatch level with the best exi
| imaginable! It also posses a secret for the
| person god-like enough to get out of the aren
| under the fire of his pals! Total skill fest
| Are you good enough??? Not much fun alone or
| with multi
ARGH!_1.ZIP 19201 02-02-95 Argh! Level 1. This level was created as a
| simple demonstration of the capabilities of
| Renegade Graphics Doom Editor. It was create
| with version 1.0b. I suggest you play throug
| it once without looking at the map. See if
| you can figure out what original level it is
| based on. You will find it difficult. This
| level was designed for single or cooperative
| play, not deathmatch, though it could be used
| It is not really suitable as there are a
| number of traps which are one-way. This will
| work with the registered version of Doom 1.2
| only
ARMORY.ZIP 64823 02-02-95 The armory! What a perfect place to end up.
| So damn many hell spawn around, now you can
| mop them up! Be careful, security is tight
| and there are measures to keep the weapons
| safe. With some skill you can get to them an
| take care of business
ARMORY1.ZIP 18216 02-02-95 The setting: UAC Weapons Armory, New York,
| Earth. A large arsenal. A cut-off distress
| call. Tons of alien invaders. And the only
| force to stop them: YOU!
ARTIFACT.ZIP 96021 02-02-95 You've been to hell and back, now it's MILLER
| time! fortunately the officer you pounded
| earlier is now your new CO. Guess who gets
| the next S**T detail? While boarding the dro
| ship, you find out some strange goings on are
| happening at a UAC facility in the ANDES
| mountains. It appears that what recently
| happened on Mars is happening here. People
| rising from the dead, demons and monsters
| gnawing the living. Not good! You are to mee
| some undercover investigators at the facility
| who will lead you to a secret base nearby.
| Something about having to climb a waterfall.
| You here a rumor about the discovery of an
| alien artifact that started this whole mess.
| You also hear a story about a UAC backed raid
| by a company of storm troopers that failed
| miserably
ASDOOM.ZIP 299792 02-02-95 DOOM - the entire ASDOOM series, replacing
| levels E1M1 to E1M9. A whole new episode -
| FREE! Contains all the levels found in the
| files ASDOOM1 to 4. These linked levels
| include: multiplayer support, different skil
| levels, lots of weapons, lots of things to
| fire them at. Possibly nine of the very best
| levels that you will EVER play! No
| modification to your existing DOOM files.
| Only works with the registered version of
| DOOM. Fast CPU and 8 Mb RAM recommended.
| This time, it's WAR!
ASDOOM1.ZIP 68391 02-02-95 Welcome to three more levels of danger and
| destruction! These levels are part of a
| sequence of nine levels (effectively a whole
| new episode) which I will upload in batches o
| three, as soon as I get them finished. If yo
| enjoy these three levels keep an eye out for
| the others. For the sake of consistency I
| will call the other files ASDOOM2 and ASDOOM3
ASMO1_1.ZIP 28758 02-02-95 Revenge of Asmodeous. Play DOOM D&D style!
| This is Episode One - Mission One of a whole
| new DOOM Adventure
ASMO1_2.ZIP 32909 02-02-95 This is the second level of "Revenge Of
| Asmodeous". Unlike the First level this one
| was designed as a Single Player Only. Due to
| the sequential order in which the rooms must
| be investigated, it would be difficult to hav
| different starting places. Enjoy, this is a
| tough one, unless, of course, you use GOD MOD
ASNE1M1.ZIP 21010 02-02-95 Deathmatch from Hell
ASSENT.ZIP 26293 02-02-95 This is the first level in a new 7 level
| episode, assent to heaven straight out of hel
ATAC1.ZIP 1002939 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC10.ZIP 816723 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC2.ZIP 1050846 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC3.ZIP 957735 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC4.ZIP 1175239 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC5.ZIP 1074563 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC6.ZIP 776292 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC7.ZIP 1094934 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC8.ZIP 1014083 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATAC9.ZIP 1040503 02-02-95 Collection of Levels for DOOM 1
ATICA.ZIP 37669 02-02-95 Man, you've done it now. You not only hit yo
| commanding officer, you blew his friggin' hea
| off! Your sentence: Death, by gas chamber.
| You will be held at Atica maximium security
| prison. You have 1 hour before that sentence
| is carried out. Alone, you contemplate what
| you might have been. But wait! Here comes
| the guard! Thinking quick, you grab his gun
| and shoot him with it. Sorry man, but there'
| no turning back now. Can you make it? It
| won't be easy (better not be)
ATM-FEST.ZIP 9340 02-02-95 A new DOOM Add-On level! "BloodFest!"
ATRIUM.ZIP 17034 02-02-95 A DOOM pwad file with a really sneaky barrel
| puzzle. Atrium.wad is a fairly short DOOM
| level (completion times on the order of 5 to
| 10 minutes). The level is stored as E1M1. In
| particular, it contains a barrel puzzle which
| I think you may find quite challenging.
| You'll know what part I mean when you get to
| it. The rest of the level involves some
| tricky monster confrontations. It is not set
| up for multi-player currently. The "atrium"
| part of the level involves lots of tree
| decorations and may slow down the game
| unacceptably on anything but a fast 486. If
| you're having problems just cheat to get past
| it
AT_WORK.ZIP 102255 02-02-95 This level is based on a work place. Its
| pretty accurate except for the northern part
| of the building. I took an artistic detour
| here, there would have been too many 2 sided
| linedefs in this area with all the machinery.
| This level is huge! Really Big! If you take
| your time you can get through no problem.
| There is plenty of ammo and health kicking
| around. Even for Multi Player. I like killin
| Barons so ... there are a few
AVRAX.ZIP 28342 02-02-95 Deathmatch. Need I say more?
AW111294.ZIP 37066 02-02-95 I just started making sectors one day, having
| no idea what it would become. Once one sector
| was finished, I'd get another idea. I like
| what it became. Intense battles and innovativ
| secrets. Almost Episode One compatible, but
| cheated and put in some Cacodemons, grey
| trees, and Gateway textures, not to mention
| lava and berserk packs
AWAYTEAM.ZIP 38218 02-02-95 This is my first and only wad. The theme is
| evident in the title
AWP11.ZIP 34140 02-02-95 A Warm Place is for E1M1 as the filename
| suggests. It contiains some designs and
| techniques I haven't seen in any other
| wadfile, along with borrowing some styles fro
| my favorites. It is a somewhat difficult
| level, no great puzzles or brainteasers, just
| a fun level. On skill 1, while knowing where
| everything is, going everywhere and getting
| 100% on everything, it took me 5:07 to beat
AWP11F.ZIP 34745 02-02-95 The original version of this PWAD (AWP11.WAD)
| had several bugs, and was not quite as
| complete as it should have been. There was a
| intermediate version (AWP11E.WAD) which shoul
| never have been released. This is the FINAL
| version (as the name says) and i will not red
| this one again, even if there is some big hug
| bug that makes it not work on anyone else's
| computer. (i assure you it works fine on
| mine.) so, i hope you like it. I enjoyed
| making it, because i finished learning DEU
| while making this level. NOTE ; per id's
| request (and out of common decency) this leve
| WILL NOT work on the shareware version
AWSOPALE.ZIP 61430 02-02-95 The level is named after the song "A Whiter
| Shade of Pale." It has some huge rooms with
| varying number of monsters determined by the
| difficulty setting
AYRTON.ZIP 34755 02-02-95 This is a DEATHMATCH 2.0 pwad. Please play
| this wad with -altdeath only. There are all
| weapons and an exit. Monsters: one Trooper.
| (try to keep the Trooper alive while playing
| deathmatch)
AYRTON_2.ZIP 34168 02-02-95 This is a DEATHMATCH 2.0 pwad. Please play
| this wad with the -altdeath rules only (Doom
| 1.666). Old deathmatch is no fun with this
| pwad - you need respawning items!
B21.ZIP 76956 02-02-95 EPISODE 2 Mission 1, setup to play deathmatch
| with alot of ways back to the same point.
| Enough creatures to get in practice to be the
BABYLON6.ZIP 26804 02-02-95 Babylon 6 is not just filled with tons of
| monsters. The installation itself wants to
| have you for breakfast. Crushing ceilings,
| platforms, and deceptive transporters attack
| you viciously, and trap you for imps to
| devour! This is a very challenging level,
| with a lot of secrets, and all of the weapons
| except the chainsaw
BADBLU.ZIP 14069 02-02-95 New DOOM level, Registered Version Episode 3,
| Level 5. Not too complex in architecture, bu
| lots of ammo and tons of badboys to kill!!
BADBLU35.ZIP 12248 02-02-95 New DOOM level, Registered Version Episode 3,
| Level 5. Not too complex in architecture, bu
| lots of ammo and tons of badboys to kill!!
BADDREAM.ZIP 42642 02-02-95 Blood, Blood, and watch your back. You wake
| up, or at least think you're awake after a
| falling asleep at your desk. You were playin
| DOOM death matches till the wee hours last
| night. Fight your way to the exit, what ever
| you do, don't die in your sleep, you know wha
| happens if you do
BALLLOCK.ZIP 25364 02-02-95 A short trip through E2M1. This is definitel
| nothing wild or exciting, but I figured that
| as long as I went through the trouble of
| making this, I might as well share it. It's
| actually kind of easy, even on ultra violence
| but hey, what the hell
BARFIGHT.ZIP 22093 02-02-95 Barfight WAD
BARONBBQ.ZIP 32736 02-02-95 Welcome to the Weenie Roast
BARONHSE.ZIP 17070 02-02-95 This is a mission built on the DOOMED Beta Ve
| 2.50. It is a first for me. It took me abou
| 8 hours to put it together. If you try to
| alter it be warned that the platform
| references are a little strange. The extra
| platform definition, ELEV1 seems to be
| attached to ELE. Any changes I make alter th
| LINEDEF actions
BARREL.ZIP 54158 02-02-95 "No.... please. Not the Barrel! Anything bu
| the Barrel.. No! Not the Barrel! Not the
| Barrellllllll!" Welcome to Barrel - I hope i
| gives you nightmares. Certainly, if you have
| a machine slower than a 486 then you take you
| chances with this WAD as a few areas have
| quite complex detail. I certainly had fun
| making this one (and playing it). You'll fin
| a couple of references to Scream.Wad - so if
| you've played that, it might help. Then again
| it might not
BARREL2.ZIP 56453 02-02-95 Barrel Version 2.0 "No.... please. Not the
| Barrel! Anything but the Barrel.. No! Not
| the Barrel! Not the Barrellllllll!" Welcome
| to Barrel - I hope it gives you nightmares.
| Certainly, if you have a machine slower than
| 486 then you take your chances with this WAD
| as a few areas have quite complex detail
BART.ZIP 21060 02-02-95 This DOOM patch wad makes 4 changes to E1M1
| designed to enhance multi player DEATHMATCH
| games: 1) adds chainsaw upstairs. 2) adds
| plasma gun to second room. 3) allows you to
| walk between windows from room 1 to missle
| patio. 4) extends secret shotgun room and
| connects it to the chaingun room. Run this
| PWAD by typing "DOOM -file bart.wad". This
| PWAD was created using NEWDEU 4.3 and by
| manually hex-editing the BLOCKMAP resource
| (not easy). It was tested using the registere
| 1.1 version of DOOM. The addition of the
| plasma gun makes this PWAD unusable with the
| shareware versions of DOOM
BASE.ZIP 109764 02-02-95 This my idea of what the military base should
| have been on E1M9. However, backup firepower
| is recomended. Deathmatch should be a litera
| blast, but its untested
BASE1.ZIP 31775 02-02-95 You have just entered the secret BASE of the
| enemy. Your mission is to steal the heavily
| guarded backpack of jewels and reach the exit
| alive. This level is supposed to be as close
| to the real DOOM levels as possible. This
| level does support different difficulty
| levels. The main difference's between the
| skill levels comes at the end of the level.
| There are 3 different scenarios of Bosses you
| can fight. ALL of which are managable even i
| Ultra Violence. If you can't out-smart the
| Cyber-Demon without codes, then just play an
| easier skill level
BASE12.ZIP 196825 02-02-95 You and 3 fellow marines have been choosen fo
| a rescue operation. SCENARIO: Communications
| between Earth and UAC Base 12 have been cut
| off for unknown reasons. Base 12 is a crucia
| research and manufacturing facility. YOUR
| MISSION: Beam down to Base 12 and secure the
| area. Beam survivors off surface. Eradicate
| any hostile activity. If aliens are
| encountered, you are ordered to locate the
| alien origin and destroy it, then after
| dustoff nuke the site from orbit
BASEWAD.ZIP 14985 02-02-95 This is a wad file you can build on. It's
| fairly small, so add what you want
BASTARD1.ZIP 43211 02-02-95 First in a series of nine maps which together
| will comprise the "It's a Bastardly Day in th
| Neighborhood" episode. Level 1: Well, you
| made it out of Hell all right, but the second
| you get home, you hear teleport sizzles all
| around you, those bastards have followed you!
| Looking out the window, you can see they've
| got the building surrounded and you can hear
| the grunts of mutant soldiers coming from
| inside your door. You've fought those
| bastards on their own turf and won. Now
| they're back to even the score. Fortunately,
| you've got a few tricks up your sleeve, not t
| mention your general issue pistol
BASTARD3.ZIP 138160 02-02-95 First three in a series of nine maps which
| together will comprise the "It's a Bastardly
| Day in the Neighborhood" episode. Level 1:
| Well, you made it out of Hell all right, but
| the second you get home, you hear teleport
| sizzles all around you...those bastards have
| followed you! Looking out the window, you can
| see they've got the building surrounded... an
| you can hear the grunts of mutant soldiers
| coming from inside your door... You've fough
| those bastards on their own turf and won. No
| they're back to even the score. Fortunately,
| you've got a few tricks up your sleeve... not
| to mention your general issue pistol... Level
| 2: Sewer Level. Level 3: Waste Treatment
| Plant
BATMAN.ZIP 32172 02-02-95 A Deathmatch level, but fully implemented for
| the weak or cooperative. It has 2 ways to
| exit, one of them being cooperative. The
| other one is blocked off during multi-player
| games. (Just try and get by those candles!)
| Good stalking and good sniper points
BATMUS.ZIP 4120 02-02-95 Danny Elfman's Batman theme for DOOM
BCDEATH1.ZIP 34323 02-02-95 A medium sized level with windows looking
| outside into open areas that are perfect for
| sniping your buddies from. Dark Brown is the
| theme. A few dangerous catwalks are around
| but worth the hidden armor. Be careful of th
| caged imps on your way to the transporter.
| This level gives a good feel for the look of
| the rest of the series. Good luck. They are
| all challenging in that Hurt Me Plenty is
| challenging enough and Ultra Violence is what
| it should be, very hard
BCDEATH2.ZIP 45969 02-02-95 A medium to large sized level with windows
| looking outside into open areas that are
| perfect for sniping your buddies from with th
| rocket launcher. There is a neat chasm that
| needs a catwalk to be raised before you can
| cross. There is a set of cascading patios
| with lifts that lower you down into a large
| outside courtyard that is full of ammo.
| Transporters are scattered about
BCDEATH3.ZIP 40266 02-02-95 A small to medium sized level. The main
| building is a neat looking church that my
| brother designed (Brian). A secret passage
| lead out to the rest of the level. After som
| effort and a few wrong turns you find you way
| through a set of curved trough like rooms to
| transporter and set of tricky jumps. Play it
| right and you should have some cool weapons
| and good health to beat up on the rest of you
| friends with.Good luck. They are all
| challenging in that Hurt Me Plenty is
| challenging enough and Ultra Violence is what
| it should be, very hard
BCDEATH4.ZIP 57313 02-02-95 My favorite level! The entire level looks li
| a house. It is complete with bedrooms,
| bathrooms, showers, toilets, sinks, a billiar
| room, a pool complete with patio furniture, a
| library, etc. It even has some secret closet
| and passages and of course a dungeon basement
| I have played this level many times in four
| player Deathmatch and it is continuously a
| blast. Hint look for secret stuff in the
| billiard room
BCDEATH5.ZIP 63609 02-02-95 My favorite level! The entire level looks li
| a house. It is complete with bedrooms,
| bathrooms, showers, toilets, sinks, a billiar
| room, a pool complete with patio furniture, a
| library, etc. It even has some secret closet
| and passages and of course a dungeon basement
BCDEATH6.ZIP 40839 02-02-95 Another favorite of mine for both Deathmatch
| and single player. There is a seemingly
| impossible room with filled with barons and
| some blue armor. Its not that hard though,
| there are several ways to get it. Once you
| figure it out you should be the first to get
| it in Deathmatch. Tons of ammo located in a
| huge indoor (what's behind this door) room.
| And of course in keeping with the theme of th
| other levels there is a snipers window lookin
| down into this room. There are some long
| running secret passages. There is a large
| vertical differential in this level that lead
| to a very long elevator ride
BCOMPLEX.ZIP 63117 02-02-95 This was supposed to be a small wad but someh
| it got to be 180k for one level. This is a
| great deathmatch & multiplayer level, but it
| is also possible to win solo. All weapons ca
| be found on this level + extra health etc.
| The Cyberdemon also exists on this level, but
| only comes out if you push a certain marked
| button. Distribute and modify this level to
| your hearts content
BDMWAD.ZIP 267603 02-02-95 Brent't DeathMatch Wad! BDMWad is basically
| the top 9 best Netdoom levels from DOOM,
| reorganized so that you can play them one
| after another. This cuts out the pain of
| plowing through the stupid levels to get to
| the good ones. The order is 2-1, 2-8, 2-4,
| 3-1, 2-2, 3-3, 1-1, 3-5, 3-8
BEAN.ZIP 15016 02-02-95 This wad was designed solely for DEATHMATCH.
| No bloodbath arenas here! If you like a wad
| with a lot of ambush points and stalking
| positions, this is the one for you (I enjoy
| it, anyway). I've never played this Wad in a
| 3 or 4 person DEATHMATCH, so if you do, I'd
| like to hear how it fared. I'd also be
| interested in seeing any LMP's made in this
| Wad. I'd also be interested in hearing any
| comments of what you thought (This is my firs
| Wad, so please be merciful!)
BEHOLDER.ZIP 17123 02-02-95 This WAD was created by using DE_250B4. This
| level is complete, but I was planning on
| adding a hell of a lot more! It's level E2M1
BERSERK.ZIP 21288 02-02-95 Total Chaos, Lots of weapons hidden everywher
BERZERK.ZIP 93349 02-02-95 Starting weapon: Berzerk. This was originall
| written at the time of DOOM 1.2 as a
| deathmatch level. However, as it was hard to
| test the deathmatch capabilities, I ended up
| expanding the level. It still plays well on
| three or four player deathmatch if the player
| know the level marginally well. And the level
| though large, is set up so that one can get
| from any one location to any other location i
| 45 seconds or less. So the level hasn't lost
| its edge. Much of the size goes to detail
| work. You'll know what I mean when you reach
| the octagon room. I suppose this is more of
| history than a description... Well, there is
| a somewhat large arena in the beginning with
| tower
BEST.ZIP 2946 02-02-95 Okay, you have played doom wads for a long ti
| and you still have not found on you just love
| Now you have. This doom wad has several
| aspects to it and for many it be a quick leve
| and for others it can be hell, seriously.
| This wad took four engineers about six
| straight weeks to complete working almost
| non-stop 12 hours a day to bring this to you.
| The scenery is new and scary as there are
| dramatic canyons and never before seen
| monsters. Also in this level there is
| graphics that only a top notch engineer could
| create. Go ahead and take this wad and your
| life will change. From here on out you will
| be happy and doomed... Are they KIDDING?
BETA6.ZIP 45776 02-02-95 You look around and see signs of destruction
| everywhere. Your heart sinks as you see what
| has happened to Earth. But, just as you star
| to reload your Shotgun, it vanishes along wit
| all your other weapons, leaving you with only
| a pistol and fifty rounds of ammo. To your
| surprise, the scene of Earth vanishes and you
| find you are standing in a marble palace
BETA7_8.ZIP 65826 02-02-95 You look around and see signs of destruction
| everywhere. Your heart sinks as you see what
| has happened to Earth. But, just as you star
| to reload your Shotgun, it vanishes along wit
| all your other weapons, leaving you with only
| a pistol and some ammo. To your surprise, th
| scene of Earth vanishes and you find you are
| standing in a marble palace
BEWARE26.ZIP 89080 02-02-95 You can hear only your breath. This suit isn
| much, but it's better than sucking on the
| simple nothing that space is made of. A lump
| in your throat forms as you recall the silenc
| just before... this. The silence in Grainer'
| realization that things were no longer in
| control... yours, his, or even McCarter's...
| maybe not even God's
BEWARNED.ZIP 22039 02-02-95 Title says all. This was my first wad and I
| got a little carried away the monsters. If
| you are a novice be warned. The secrets will
| provide all that is needed to win
BEYOND.ZIP 109393 02-02-95 A few months ago a sect of devil worshippers
| settled down in your town. There are rumors
| that they celebrate horrible rituals and even
| human sacrifices in their castle-like house.
| But you have not cared much about these
| rumors, until one day your girl-friend
| disappears without a trace. You start
| investigating and find out that the sect had
| been in need for a virgin sacrifice in order
| to summon two horrible demon lords straight
| out of hell. You grab your father's pistol
| and leave towards the castle to rescue your
| girl. You enter the house through the
| ventilation shaft. Just when you start
| looking around, you hear an unearthly howling
| You are too late! Your girl-friend has taken
| her last breath on the sacrificing altar. The
| creatures of hell have already arrived in thi
| world. You swear bloody revenge, hoping the
| two demon lords are late
BIGBRO.ZIP 47217 02-02-95 This pwad was based on the Big Brother theme;
| when you're walking around, you'll always
| remember that Big Brother is watching you. Th
| big brother will be informed in his 'workroom
| about the other players' whereabouts with the
| help of secret lines. Those lines indicate
| the position of the other players. This
| knowledge is of great help when being in
| DEATHMATCH mode. This idea is implemented by
| a series of nasty secrets; it is intended for
| multi-player, with only one player knowing th
| way to what we call the "Big Brother Area"
| (ok, sounds stupid, but who cares). If you
| don't know the place: it's still playable,
| although it might be a bit too large; you
| don't meet the other player too often. If
| however you aren't able to find the area
| described, feel free to mail 1 of us for more
| details
BIGEMPTY.ZIP 12927 02-02-95 Wherehouse, nice big and empty
BIGJUICY.ZIP 87504 02-02-95 Big rooms, lots of monsters on higher
| difficulty. Hopefully a couple of new Ideas
BIGMAC.ZIP 51386 02-02-95 You get to work in the morning, come out of t
| parking garage, and find the office is
| infested with mutant monsters from Mars. Tim
| to kick some alien butt!
BIGMAZE.ZIP 33258 02-02-95 Another Great Deathmatch Level. Larger and
| More Fun Than the Original Maze Wad. Perfect
| for A Four Player Match
BIGTRAP.ZIP 67119 02-02-95 We had information from a 'highly regarded'
| source deep inside enemy forces that their
| main system could finally be penetrated by
| using a secret maintenance password. You and
| Dora were selected for this mission. You wer
| to penetrate the computer and transfer of all
| of their data into the Suckulator 2000 hybrid
| bio-silicon storage box. You made it deep
| into the city and found a personal study
| terminal. Dora hooked up the S2000 to her
| head and the dark one's personal PC and began
| transferring data. Almost instantaneously,
| she began to screaming, then dying in two
| minutes. Before her eyes blew out of her
| sockets, she screamed, "HELP ME!!! RUN!!!
| Remember, the barrels and computers are your
| friends. HELP ME!!" Quick, back down the
| secret tunnel! LOOK OUT!! For registered
| 1.666 only. This level is for serious player
| only. Full effect
BILBO11.ZIP 50260 02-02-95 So you killed everything in sight, got a meda
| and think you're cool now. Well to bad,
| soldier, because Space Marines never retire!
| The captian said something about an old
| industrial area being taken over by Satan, bu
| you were rebuilding your BFG at the time so
| you didn't catch it all. All you know is tha
| once that teleport is activated by the dinky
| little private standing across the room,
| you're in for some for a monster of a
| drycleaning bill. As you walk across the
| teleport departure room to grab your trusty
| Bag O' Guns (TM), you trip over a energy pack
| and your weapons go flying thorugh the air.
| Lacking the experience of a battle-hardened
| killer, the private at the controls decided
| this would be an opportune time to activate
| the teleport system. As a result, your atoms
| are beaming though space at near-light speed
| -- your weapons are doing the same, only in
| different directions
BILLY.ZIP 29580 02-02-95 What can I say? Another Doom PWAD
BIOMECH.ZIP 77669 02-02-95 A DOOM External WAD File. 4 Episodes
BIOSCI.ZIP 58268 02-02-95 E1M1 solo, deathmatch, cooperative. This WAD
| is based on the biological sciences 2 buildin
| at the Univ of California, Irvine (UCI). Thi
| WAD is a deathmatch dream come true. We
| killed each other for hours and hours running
| around the very building we work in daily.
| The admin people promptly deleted DOOM from
| the network and now we are very sad
BIP.ZIP 63085 02-02-95 Brown and Gray, lots of monsters. My fourth
| wad, and the first one where I paid very clos
| attention to textures and texture alignment.
| COOL level. Very hard, but is just fun to run
| through. Spends a lot of time outside, and
| has a stairway to the basement of DOOM. Has
| demo, so just sit and watch if you get stuck
BITEDUST.ZIP 34661 02-02-95 Includes a jail, a pit, a cage, and bridges
BLACKWID.ZIP 62683 02-02-95 This is mostly a 1-player level, but it`s so
| nice DM and co-level. You start with a not s
| powerful weapon and you have to fight your wa
| through a few guys before you get even a
| shotgun. But don`t let this scare you. It`s
| not so far away. The level itself isn`t that
| big, but it`s way enough action all the way.
| Most of you experienced DOOM player-guys will
| take it down after a few tries. I didn`t wan
| it to be impossible getting to the exit, but
| those who haven`t played DOOM that much, will
| have quite fun, finding secret doors, heavy
| weapons and all that stuff. I`m not saying
| that the masters will find this level boring,
| so don`t turn around, you people!!
BLADE13.ZIP 93618 02-02-95 Well, you've done it again. After successful
| escaping from Hell, you've stumbled into yet
| another hole filled with bad guys. At least
| this one has some light in it, after all that
| cavern crawling. Good luck. Always keep at
| least five rockets in reserve
BLAST.ZIP 40385 02-02-95 Lots of bad guys to BLAST in this one! All t
| ammo you need and more. No tricky puzzles to
| solve, just lots of interesting rooms with
| long halls. This is a big map, though it ran
| fine on my 486/25 w/5 meg
BLASTEM.ZIP 74707 02-02-95 Blast'em! How cool. This is clearly my firs
| WAD (ignoring the stains on the wall). You'l
| find that while it may be a good play, it's
| not the professional piece of work one prefer
| in a WAD. I'm tired of this level and I'm
| ready to move on. Well! I'll do a better job
| on the next one, promise
BLAZE1.ZIP 92335 02-02-95 You must work your way through an onslaught o
| demonic creatures which have invaded a nuclea
| testing facility. Your goal is to enter the
| mysterious subterranean caverns from whence
| the demons came (E2M9) and destroy all the
| Barons who oversee the invasion force. Of
| course, you could always just waltz out the
| normal way... But what fun is that?
BLDGIII.ZIP 50459 02-02-95 Building III -- Southern Illinois University
| Edwardsville, three hundred years into the
| future. Primarily a plasma rifle level. Bes
| if played using the cheat code "idclevXX" to
| ward directly to level in single player mode.
| Cooperative and Deathmatch are also pretty
| cool
BLEW.ZIP 23136 02-02-95 A small level, with most weapons, great for
| deathmatch, lotsa hiding places, etc
BLITZ.ZIP 62016 02-02-95 Get ready to move once you leave the first
| room. Lots of action. Good luck on the fina
| blitz. This level is best with single player
| but is set up to be played with multiple
| players. Tough to play on less than 486
BLOB.ZIP 490605 02-02-95 A DEATHMATCH wad with THREE different play
| styles, a ranDOOMizer room, with a random (32
| point) teleporter, spot sound effects, and
| more (I won't spoil the suprise) Story? "We
| don't need no steenkin story" - get out there
| and kill each other!
BLOB2.ZIP 490543 02-02-95 Slightly different version of Blob?
BLOOD.ZIP 19339 02-02-95 Level with a 400 Foot Staircase
BLOODFST.ZIP 83487 02-02-95 We begin outside the Marble walls of Sin
| City.Nothing special here, just a chance to
| get a little warmed up by wasting some
| trooper/imp a&%. Once inside be sure to find
| the yellow key, it will let you get the cell
| gun, which will make the rest of your journey
| much easier, especially toward the end.
| Enough hints. The rest of the level is prett
| straight forward, with an awesome visual trea
| at the end
BLOODKEY.ZIP 13067 02-02-95 New design, great space, full of ammo and man
| monsters. Yes it's difficult but not
| impossible
BLOODREV.ZIP 46400 02-02-95 A normal wad with 2 levels, with no dumb plot
BLOTWALZ.ZIP 357662 02-02-95 This is the first release of a few levels tha
| I have done for Doom. They take place in
| levels 1 through 5 on mission 1. They were
| created in the order that they are played in,
| so the first level seems less well rounded bu
| level 4 has some excellent design. These
| levels took me a long time to create (learnin
| Deu and thinking of new mechanics.) I plan t
| release newer versions later with more levels
| better graphics, and I'll brush up the early
| levels even more. There are some graphics
| included in this version (mostly textures for
| my house) but most of the stuff is the same
BLOTWLZ3.ZIP 434023 02-02-95 These take place in levels 1 through 5 on
| mission 1. They were created in the order
| that they are played in, so the first level
| seems less well rounded but level 4 has some
| excellent design. These levels took me a lon
| time to create (learning Deu and thinking of
| new mechanics.) I plan to release newer
| versions later with more levels, better
| graphics, and I'll brush up the early levels
| even more. There are some graphics included
| in this version (mostly textures for my house
| but most of the stuff is the same. The level
| are set so that if you choose medium
| difficulty, it should be perfect for those wh
| need a challange. Easy is well ... pretty
| easy. And Hard is not impossible (I've
| completed it often, but I know where
| everything is) but it is difficult. In order
| to get the best value out of these levels I
| suggest you DO NOT USE ANY CHEAT CODES. If i
| seems to difficult at first, change the
| difficulty level, and don't spoil the secrets
| I have worked hard to get the difficulty
| where I wanted it for these levels
BLT.ZIP 34019 02-02-95 Medium-sized level with a mixture of differen
| monsters and decors. This is only my second
| PWad. Anyway, there are plenty of secret
| areas and doors and lifts and such
BLTWLZ31.ZIP 437850 02-02-95 Blood on the Walz v3.1
BLUDFEST.ZIP 80832 02-02-95 Basically you run around shooting at monsters
| and picking up stuff while the monsters are
| shooting at you
BLUDLST2.ZIP 63616 02-02-95 This level was originally designed as a death
| match level. I threw in some monsters and
| changed the layout to make it a playable leve
| too. Its a pretty quick level to clear
| though, due to its simple design. As a Death
| Match level, its a pretty fun romp. Its
| designed to give the feel of having three
| floors on the same level. The bottom floor,
| The Sewers, has the basic weapons. The middl
| floor offers some beefier fire-power. The
| top, tech-level floor has the big-mommas. So
| the flow of battle is upward. It tends to be
| pretty fast-paced kill fest. There are plent
| of places to commit suicide for those so
| inclined
BLUDLUST.ZIP 33002 02-02-95 This level was originally designed as a death
| match level. For 2 players the deathmatches
| tend to be more stealthy with lots of hunting
| With four players, it is a wild romp of
| death, destruction, and well, BLOODLUST!!!! I
| is relatively difficult. If you try to get
| 100% kills, you WILL need to conserve ammo.
| I've seen it beaten with one shell and zero
| shells left!!! This is my first from scratch
| level (ooh!! a disclaimer!!)
BME1.ZIP 62398 02-02-95 This level was designed for the above average
| Doom player(s). It is not too hard, but
| nevertheless, not that easy. Hopefully, you
| will have as much fun playing it as I had
| making it
BNBEYOND.ZIP 93988 02-02-95 A rather LARGE level with some nifty tricks &
| traps scattered through out
BOA.ZIP 61652 02-02-95 Dark and Stoney, lots of marble all around To
| of enemies to kill, and you must use strategy
| or you'll get your ass kicked really bad.
| Running into rooms with a flaming gun will
| make you dead real fast. Has some stairwells
| and a spiral staircase that I think is a firs
| in wads
BOBWORLD.ZIP 19969 02-02-95 This is another E2M1 for you. It was made wi
| Deu5.0b
BODY.ZIP 147306 02-02-95 You like episode 1, level 5? I sure do, it i
| THE best Deathmatch level I have ever found.
| Even supposed "made for DM" levels by others
| can't stack up. It had problems, though. I
| fixed those, plus spiced up the graphics by
| adding many new textures from the registered
| IWAD. It is okay 1-player, too. A little
| easy, but how else are you going to practice?
| It is pretty fun on Nightmare, though. This
| PWAD will replace the first 4 levels of
| episode 1 with Let The Bodies Fall. So if th
| level is running low on health, or you want a
| true frag count, just end the level. The nex
| level will be Let The Bodies Fall again, just
| refreshed! Check out BODY.GIF for a complete
| map of the level, with some labels so you can
| communicate with
BODYBAGG.ZIP 25950 02-02-95 Teleported into a frenzy of violence your
| mission, should you choose to accept it, is t
| waste as many mutants that you can and escape
| alive!
BONUS.ZIP 5760 02-02-95 This is a VERY small level, designed for use
| a bonus level like E?M9. Whoever needs more
| time than 14 seconds might be too slow
BOOGERS.ZIP 101202 02-02-95 You start off aboard your UAC Marine transpor
| Out of a crew of 4, 2 have already gone down
| to the surface and failed to report in at the
| predetermined time. You third crewmate has
| just left the brigde when the ship suddenly
| goes on Red Alert. You try to hail him, but
| you can't. You fear he's dead. Somehow the
| Hell-Spawn have boarded the ship. Your only
| hope is to get down to the planet's surface
| and destroy the generator room! You take a
| deep breath, pull out your pistol, and prepar
| for the worst
BOOMER5.ZIP 40770 02-02-95 You are the last surviving member on a gutted
| out 640 class SSBN (Submarine) somehow mutant
| Aliens are trying to take control. DOOM I
| 1.666 wadfile
BOOTCAMP.ZIP 14308 02-02-95 BootCamp - Combat Training. This PWAD was
| designed for basic combat training in DOOM.
| It covers all the essentials. Marksmanship,
| hand to hand combat and agility. PLUS blowin
| up the barrels is a BLAST! There is NO exit.
| Push any of the walls for a fresh supply of
| barrels, ammo and weapons (You advance to the
| next level but the map is the same as the
| previous level [E1M1-8, E2M1-9])
BOP.ZIP 43508 02-02-95 Dark and Forboding, a trip into the dark side
| of Diemos. Has numerous teleporters, and a
| few stair cases, just to keep up with my firs
| wad. Their not huge, but very interesting.
| Didn't implement and secret doors or sectors.
| There are many Barons of Hell, and one
| guarding the blue key on a platform (hence th
| title)
BREAKIN.ZIP 30963 02-02-95 Break In. Simply put, you've been sent on a
| mission to Break into Monster HQ. Your goal?
| Get out alive! Slugfest galore!
BREED.ZIP 21340 02-02-95 My first attempt at creating a WAD for Doom.
| Actually, finished this about 2 months ago an
| never got around to putting it on line. You
| enter this mission to try to destroy a group
| of madmen who are breeding imps and other
| "nasties". This level is not difficult, but
| does have a few surprises. A few secret room
| are scattered about, with a few "goodies" in
| them. I learned much while creating this
| level, and this will be seen when I finish my
| second level
BRET2AWE.ZIP 365673 02-02-95 A visit back to the shores of hell discovers
| new time and place for you. A whole new serie
| of new and playable (by both the novice and
| the expert player) levels. As doors suddenly
| open around you, a feeling of sheer terror an
| excitement envelopes you. Discover what is
| waiting in the bowels of Brett's Hell
BRETT1.ZIP 142908 02-02-95 My first set of four patch files (more levels
| in the works). I really love the action
| packed levels on Doom, so I have tried to
| really take my favorite monster moods and put
| them into a full action series of increasingl
| more complex levels
BRETT2.ZIP 351389 02-02-95 A visit back to the shores of hell discovers
| new time and place for you. A whole new serie
| of new and playable (by both the novice and
| the expert player) levels. As doors suddenly
| open around you, a feeling of sheer terror an
| excitement envelopes you. Discover what is
| waiting in the bowels of Brett's Hell
BREVIL.ZIP 19332 02-02-95 My first set of four patch files (more levels
| in the works). I really love the action
| packed levels on Doom, so I have tried to
| really take my favorite monster moods and put
| them into a full action series of increasingl
| more complex levels
BRIAN3L1.ZIP 11468 02-02-95 A decent alternative to E3L1
BRIDGE.ZIP 5042 02-02-95 A simple little bridge (sorta). It works lik
| one I kinda put in a few neat things, at the
| beginning, which you'll probably find fun. I
| doesn't really take a lot of work to make a
| level this small, but it DOES function as a
| bridge, and that's why I made it. It's not
| really a level you play, more a level you pla
| once, and then use in your own levels. I hop
| you enjoy it, I know I enjoyed making it
BRKILLER.ZIP 65423 02-02-95 My first set of four patch files (more levels
| in the works). I really love the action
| packed levels on Doom, so I have tried to
| really take my favorite monster moods and put
| them into a full action series of increasingl
| more complex levels
BRNASTY.ZIP 52812 02-02-95 My first set of four patch files (more levels
| in the works). I really love the action
| packed levels on Doom, so I have tried to
| really take my favorite monster moods and put
| them into a full action series of increasingl
| more complex levels
BRUNDLE.ZIP 84998 02-02-95 After the brilliant scientist was blown away
| his gorgeous squeeze he went to HELL and set
| up shop in an area with a fitting floor plan.
| Enter his realm if you dare. Brundle's
| Revenge is at hand! No, but seriously, this
| is a challenging level for all. If you can
| make it through on UV you are a real DOOMER.
| The map MAY reveal some clues
BS_L21.ZIP 32470 02-02-95 This level bs_l21 is for shores of hell level
| 1. The theme includes many outdoor areas and
| transporters. The difficulty levels should b
| considered higher than the normal game as I
| have become bored with the lack of carnage in
| regular doom. This level is set up to be
| played in death match as well as there is
| plenty of ammo. If you like it say so becuas
| there are more created and ready to post
BS_L22.ZIP 44922 02-02-95 This level bs_l22 is for shores of hell level
| 2. The theme includes many outdoor areas
| including a very interesting patio area with
| multiple levels and transporters. The
| difficulty levels should be considered higher
| than the normal game as I have become bored
| with the lack of carnage in regular doom.
| This level is set up to be played for death
| match as well as there is plenty of ammo
| available If you like it say so because ther
| are more created and ready to post
BUILDING.ZIP 23711 02-02-95 You must infiltrate and secure the building.
| Excellent for network deathmatch
BUNKA.ZIP 258046 02-02-95 This level is best for a three or four player
| deathmatch game. One player defends the
| bunker, the other players have to cooperate i
| attacking the bunker. All players start in
| the same room, but the first player into the
| teleport ends up inside the bunker ready to
| defend against the others. The defender has
| lots of health and ammo inside the bunker, bu
| only one life (once dead, you start back
| outside the bunker again). The attackers hav
| as many lifes as they need, but only limited
| weapons and health. To 'break' into the
| bunker and kill the defender you have to get
| past several rooms and time locked doors
BUNKER.ZIP 61652 02-02-95 Trapped in the enemy bunker, your only goal i
| to get out alive. Such a simple plan, such a
| impossible feat
BUTT.ZIP 64831 02-02-95 This PWAD is for E1M1. It was designed
| primarily for deathmatch, which is apparent i
| the design
BUTT1.ZIP 63054 02-02-95 Mother of All Doom Levels. VESA or PCI Bus
| needed!
BUTTV2.ZIP 72016 02-02-95 This PWAD is for E1M1. It was designed
| primarily for deathmatch, which is apparent i
| the design
BW1.ZIP 92266 02-02-95 Included in this file are 2 wad files for use
| with Doom 1.2 The first one dark.wad) is
| already online. This new one contains a few
| minor changes, most notably the inclusion of
| the BFG9000 to make fighting the CyberDemon a
| little bit easier. There is also an Ultra
| violence level, although its even harder than
| the original. The second one is called
| Sequel.wad for want of a better name. This
| one has more traps and surprises and also has
| anothe CyberDemon towards the end. As you
| might have guessed I like a challenge and the
| Cyber Demon is the hardest villian in Doom
| this one seems to be easier than my first
| level although not too easy
CANTRUN.ZIP 29632 02-02-95 Instant Party, just add meat
CANYON.ZIP 13084 02-02-95 A level pretty much suited for Deathmatch pla
| only. A single winding sector with four
| player and four deathmatch starts, various
| pesky little monsters, and various weapons
| ranging in strength from chainsaw to plasma
| gun. (Beware launching missiles at a dead run
| in a twisty canyon or it really will be a dea
| run
CANYON2.ZIP 100344 02-02-95 This level may be played all by itself as the
| first level of the second game, but is
| intended immediately before playing "HQ.WAD".
| This is the first level I've tried to
| construct, and it shows in such things as
| mapping of wall patterns. It's a fun level,
| though
CARDIAC.ZIP 53836 02-02-95 Fairly mean level. A few nasty surprises.
| Generally fun. A few big rooms. A tall
| tower. Lots of monsters. Lots of weapons.
| Thrills. Chills. Darkness
CARE.ZIP 17658 02-02-95 This is a first time try at building a level
| from scratch. It was mainly built for
| deathmatch play but found that it is great fo
| a 1 player game. The name is "CAREFUL" for a
| very good reason. There are alot of secret
| passages, so keep hunting - all is not what i
| seems
CARNAG22.ZIP 64129 02-02-95 Ultimate Carnage 2-2 This Doom Pwad Replaces
| Episode 2, Level 2, Into A Level of Total
| Death and Destruction. For Those Who Love to
| Waste A Few Thousand Imps
CARNAGE1.ZIP 54547 02-02-95 Carnage DOOM PWAD add on file. Very detailed
| Runs better on a DX machine. Replaces E2L1
CARNAGE2.ZIP 19120 02-02-95 High intensity, fast-paced deathmatch level!
| Don't worry about not finding rocket
| launchers, ammo, health, and armor. The
| simple floor plan encourages quick deaths and
| lots of carnage!
CASLOTR.ZIP 216389 02-02-95 Well, here it is and only 3 months in the
| making. Maybe now I can reclaim my life. At
| least until I start my first Doom II level.
| already have some ideas for that. This one
| should keep you death matchers busy for a
| while. It's got sniper points overlooked by
| sniper points over looked by sniper points!
| I've also set it up to prevent early exits
| from deathmatches. To see what I mean, try
| going through that yellow door before you hav
| lowered all the key pedestals. I've included
| separate .txt files explaining the plot (such
| as it is) and some interesting technical
| points that I encountered in the making of
CASTLE.ZIP 57412 02-02-95 Imagine that you walk up to a castle. It's
| big, and very dark. You look up. Somebody i
| shooting at you from the turrets! Better
| start moving, or you'll never escape. You ru
| around the outside. The castle is surrounded
| by a moat, and there's no back door. Just a
| small window high up on one wall. Darn,
| you'll have to go in the front door
CASTLE1.ZIP 77300 02-02-95 Open Castle, with wall, moat, well, you'll se
CASTLE2.ZIP 18862 02-02-95 Outside level with a small castle.. fun for
| deathmatchs and a sercet sniper stuff and a
| secret room FULL of stuff
CASTLE3.ZIP 10860 02-02-95 An old English castle in the countryside with
| dungeons (no dragons) to explore and towers t
| shoot from
CASTLEM.ZIP 67635 02-02-95 You find yourself in a dark cave facing a lar
| castle. Don't stare too long, though, or you
| will die. Once inside the castle, you must
| fight your way from room to room and find the
| switches that will let you escape. This is
| the second level I have done, but the first
| was rather basic. This level was designed
| mainly for a single player. I have not tried
| this level in cooperative or deathmatch modes
| but it should work
CATACOMB.ZIP 55803 02-02-95 It is an evil level
CATWALKS.ZIP 19747 02-02-95 Dark, scary, not for acrophobes. (or
| agoraphobes, for that matter). Watch yer ste
| on the catwalks, and ALWAYS watch yer back!
CAVE.ZIP 29843 02-02-95 Under ground complex with a few interesting
| puzzles and great lighting effects
CAVE2A.ZIP 29820 02-02-95 Under ground complex with a few interesting
| puzzles and great lighting effects
CAVE3.ZIP 53157 02-02-95 A cave area and other strange rooms
CAVERN.ZIP 93535 02-02-95 Upon your return to earth, you think that you
| are finally done with seeing creatures of
| Hell. You were wrong. The caverns of Hell
| await you. No one knows what lurks in the
| darkness around the next corner. Enter at
| your own risk
CAVERNS.ZIP 121948 02-02-95 Your on Mars ... the enemy's stronghold! You
| just escaped from inside the prison level of
| the fortress. Unfortunately you landed right
| in the caverns underneath the enemy
| stronghold. Your mission is to recover the
| new weapon from the enemy boss and somehow
| escape back to earth. The weapon was stolen
| from a military research and development
| facility back on earth right when it was
| perfected. Retrieve it and escape. All you
| were told about the new weapon is that it is
| one BIG F@#$%& GUN! Good Luck!!
CAVERNS2.ZIP 136502 02-02-95 Your on Mars, the enemy's stronghold! You ju
| escaped from inside the prison level of the
| fortress. Unfortunately you landed right in
| the caverns underneath the enemy stronghold.
| Your mission is to recover the new weapon fro
| the enemy boss and somehow escape back to
| earth. The weapon was stolen from a military
| research and development facility back on
| earth right when it was perfected. Retrieve
| it and escape. All you were told about the
| new weapon is that it is one BIG F@#$%& GUN!
| Release 2
CAVLAB11.ZIP 51877 02-02-95 My first WAD. Designed for single player mod
| with some nice surprises in it. Up until you
| get the red key it has a strange resemblance
| to where I work. In fact that Baron seems to
| be in my bosses office
CEMENT.ZIP 61014 02-02-95 Dark, you'll feel foreboding DOOM after
| starting this level. This level is pretty
| linear, so you don't have to worry about
| getting the keys in the right order, because
| you get the keys when you need them. Not
| easy. Trust me, I created this level and it
| takes me at least 15 minutes to get through,
| and sometimes I get my ass kicked
CHALLENG.ZIP 66848 02-02-95 This is a pretty challenging WAD that I
| attempted to make tough for people who like t
| abuse the cheat codes. It has no doors that
| need keys so you are stuck with finding the
| correct switches to open doors. It is also
| great for playing multi-player and Deathmatch
| modes. I know that there are some Linedef
| problems which creates a "hall of mirror"
| effect at certain points, but I did the best
| could at fixing them
CHALLENJ.ZIP 37296 02-02-95 Basic Doom Scenario. I experimented with
| things to try to make a Star Wars level
CHASE.ZIP 63666 02-02-95 Originally designed as a fairly simple WAD wi
| deathmatch in mind, gradually grew to a fairl
| large level suitable for good one player
| action. Basically, prepare to chase and be
| chased in deathmatch mode, and run like hell
| in UV single player mode. Have included my
| favorite items from id's original levels,
| namely teleporters, certain textures and a fe
| secrets with some attention to lights and
| lighting. Hope you find it enjoyable
CHASE2.ZIP 16039 02-02-95 I designed this level specifically for
| deathmatch. It is small enough so that won't
| have trouble finding your opponent, but it is
| complex enough to provide some variety. Ther
| are no easy suicides, and the weapons are
| spread around so a player can't monopolize
| them. I had a blast playtesting this one.
| There's nowhere to hide, so get ready to run!
CHASE21A.ZIP 45720 02-02-95 This is a big and somewhat simple deathmatch
| wad (only a few tricks and traps). It is mad
| up of all the things I value in a deathmatch
| wad. All the weapons are present, and they
| are spread out. The more powerful the weapon
| the harder it is to aquire. I strategically
| placed each item for the new "altdeath" optio
| with Doom 1.4 and above. If you play without
| this option, you will have nothing but weapon
| to pick up after the first few minutes of
| play. In honor of one of my favorite wads
| (halls1-9), I have included a cage. However,
| the person in the cage is able to see out and
| defend himself... at least until he runs out
| of ammo or gets fragged. The lmp was recorded
| from my (indigo) point of view. We made it
| before I added the exit, so the ending is a
| little abrupt. Nonetheless, it's a fairly
| long show. Enjoy!
CHASM.ZIP 11982 02-02-95 Primarily a DEATHMATCH - you fight off around
| chasm filled with lava. There are thin bridge
| to cross in various places, allowing you and
| your adversary access to the awesome arsenal
| of automated armaments that DOOM has to offer
| (Whew! What alliteration!) All the weapons
| are available, and one CAN commit suicide
CHEESE.ZIP 322112 02-02-95 This is my third and what I think is my best
| Wad. Plenty of graphics changes as well as a
| nice layout for all modes. Single or Multi
| Player. The other Wads I've done were made
| with only single players in mind. I've taken
| the time to add all the things I like in a
| good Deathmatch Wad as well as keeping it
| interesting for single players. You'll find
| lots of windows, hiding places, and fair
| deathmatch starts. I recommend Deathmatch
| with no monsters. When I first tested it in
| Deathmatch mode I feared the size(Huge) would
| make Deathmatch frustrating but it worked out
| fine. We averaged about a Frag every 1.5 min
| to 2 mins which isn't bad
CHEQUERS.ZIP 37363 02-02-95 This level has a BFG but if you want it witho
| cheating, you will need to first find the
| yellow key, then the secret area in which you
| will find the red key to give you access to
| the BFG. In the Chequer board room try and
| visit all areas. GOOD LUCK!
CHESTER.ZIP 57293 02-02-95 The level is based around the streets of the
| City of Chester in North West England.
| Landmarks of note include the city walls, the
| Rows, the Grovesnor Precinct and the Canal
| Bank towards the Levels end
CHICKEN.ZIP 14593 02-02-95 Just a little tiny .WAD for testing you're
| friends who's chicken! Good luck too the lam
| boy who can't stay one the track! Made for 2
| players deathmatch mode, but one can find it
| kewl to try his skill alone!
CHOICES.ZIP 21194 02-02-95 External wad for Doom
CHOPPAS.ZIP 8605 02-02-95 Its the annual buzzsaw festival, need I say
| more. A great way to relieve stress. Can be
| used as single player with monsters or as a
| deathmatch. For best results either ban the
| use of the pistol or use a hack to give the
| players no bullets. This wad probably works
| better in deathmatch2. Happy checking,
| slashing, cutting, chopping
CHRIS.ZIP 29623 02-02-95 It's quite the challenge on ultraviolent leve
| I've played extensively on the modem. It's
| great if I do say so myself. I haven't tried
| it with -respawn yet or in NIGHTMARE mode
| either cause I don't think I can beat it. It
| might be interesting to put it on Hurt me
| Plenty or something and try it with netdoom
| with -respawn
CHRISK11.ZIP 15007 02-02-95 Yet another DOOM Level
CHRISK12.ZIP 50379 02-02-95 Yet another DOOM Level
CHURCH.ZIP 20623 02-02-95 You've found the unknown altar to the
| CyberLord. It looks just like a church... I
| wonder why? The level is pretty easy, I just
| created it to stir up trouble! Then I added
| some bad dudes
CIRCLE.ZIP 6194 02-02-95 A Deathmatch only Wad file. A big circle wit
| some partitions and 4 doors that access the
| shotgun, the chaingun, the plasma gun and the
| rocket launcher. I also put the chainsaw in
| the middle of the circle. This Wad is a high
| frag count wad file. Be prepared to flip you
| frag counter. This is a pretty simple wad fil
| so it may work well over modem lines although
| it has not been tested
CIRCLE1B.ZIP 60929 02-02-95 Circle 1b - DEATHMATCH WAD FILE. Bug fix for
| original Circle.wad, including SKY1.GIF in on
| PWAD. Walking under rightmost crushing
| ceiling doesn't cause the entire level to cra
| up
CIRCUS.ZIP 18546 02-02-95 In the spirit of SHOWDWN2.WAD, I'd like to
| introduce CIRCUS for the truly spirited DOOM
| player. As with Showdown II, Circus will fill
| the screen with a mass of monsters, leaving
| you on the run in this seemingly never ending
| three ring circus!
CITADEL.ZIP 94935 02-02-95 Long and complex wad in the classic castle
| scenario, with severe violence. You may have
| to look carefully to get in, not to mention
| get your feet wet. Save often and conserve
| health and ammo
CJDE1L1.ZIP 78806 02-02-95 Completely new version of Episode 1 Level 1
CJME2M1.ZIP 17961 02-02-95 This is just one of the rooms that I have bee
| trying to build into my new level. This is
| the only room that I am having problems with.
| The main source of my problem is the center
| piece in the large room. When I have it in
| there I get some major clipping effects. I
| have tried to isolate the problem by putting
| wall around the center structure and this
| seems to make the problem go away. I need
| help determining if this type of setup just
| cannot be done, as I want to get my level up
| an running for all to share. Please check
| this out and let me know if you have any
| suggestions
CLAFLIN.ZIP 65577 02-02-95 This level is a take-off of my Dorm (Claflin
| Hall) at Boston University. There have been
| many elements added to make it interesting.
| This is my first Wad, yet it doesn't suck!
CLASH.ZIP 19940 02-02-95 This is a very small wad, but it▌s extremely
| hectic with three or four players. No extra
| ammo, just pick up your weapons and kill your
| friends. You are bound to get hit yourself, s
| you may have to commit suicide in the two
| suicide pits. Hint: play the wad until one of
| the players has, say, 10 or 15 kills. (That
| should take about 10 mins.) Then exit and
| restart
CLASMUS.ZIP 99441 02-02-95 A new collection of classical music for Doom.
| Information on the various compositions
| included is inside the .ZIP file. This .WAD
| replaces the music in Episode 2, missions 1 t
| 9, so if you're still running shareware,
| you'll have to register to use this. This
| music should sound great on any General MIDI
| device!
CLASSIC1.ZIP 96825 02-02-95 Classical Music .WAD (pwad) for Doom v1.2
CLASSIC2.ZIP 274807 02-02-95 Version 2 of the finest collection of Classic
| music for Doom!! Complete replacement of ALL
| Doom music!!
CLAUS_01.ZIP 154286 02-02-95 The basic idea was to create a warehouse /
| office-like building with 4 floors, combined
| through a staircase centered around an open
| area, where it should be possible to see from
| one floor to another. Well, I've got the
| staircase and a storeroom, but the rest is no
| something you're likely to find in any normal
| buildings. But nevertheless have I tried to
| keep some kind of "realistic design"
CLAUS_02.ZIP 138343 02-02-95 Well, it's actually not that hard to get to t
| exit, but can you do it with 3 x 100% -
| without cheating?!
CLAUS_03.ZIP 129671 02-02-95 This is quite a huge level. Not very tricky,
| or difficult for that matter. It's just plain
| fun "dooming". Oh, and by the way; your
| monitor shouldn't be too bright when playing
| this level - that would spoil the effect of
| the dark areas
CLEIM10.ZIP 668894 9-level eplacement for Episode 2.
| You're "Nuts" Kelton,
| ft as hell and twice as
| ice and you get the jobs.
| of the scorched spots on
| areups on the Jupiter
| de of Kladskar. You've
| trol of every situation,
| at the moment, you're Nut
| ary, floundering on a
| e in the dark Caribbean
| storm
CLIFFS.ZIP 30569 02-02-95 This is a tall, somewhat narrow view of the
| fighting world. My inspirations for this wad
| started with the STARWARS wads, and I
| recommend having some of the SWGFX patches
| installed, as they look really great in this
| situation
CNFUSION.ZIP 61039 02-02-95 I made this wad file right after I discovered
| DEU, the almighty doom level editor. This is
| an experimental level for me. I made it as I
| was learning DEU and its how to. This is why
| there is no general theme to this wad ( Hence
| the name confusion). I will make my future
| pwad files with a general theme in mind. I
| would hope that you enjoy this level
COBRA1.ZIP 1312014 02-02-95 Replaces all maps (27) in Doom. New Music &
| Special Effects
COBRA2.ZIP 1184655 02-02-95 Replaces all (27) Maps in Doom. Some Great Ne
| Tricks & Scenery Innovations
COBRA3.ZIP 1029536 02-02-95 Replaces all (27) Maps in Doom. Some Really
| Great New Levels in This .WAD
COD2.ZIP 20447 02-02-95 Ooooh Madam.....It's Fishy!
COFFIN1.ZIP 17001 02-02-95 This level would have had more, but I had
| problems with the texture I used (Redwall1,
| beware), so I gave up and decided to make
| another level with the remaining ideas (and
| another texture). Well, basically, this leve
| is another Deathmatch joy, with not too many
| secrets, but plenty of weapons and a few
| tricks to getting them. Some of the switches
| on the columns aren't aligned, but in the
| interest of time, and a new level in the
| works, I said "Screw It"! So, enjoy the leve
| and like the name says, it will become a
| coffin with a lot of bodies in it before long
| hehe. Oh, yeah, if you play it co-op you
| might have a chance at UV setting
COLONY.ZIP 47474 02-02-95 The Union Aerospace Corporation has heard abo
| your one-man killing spree in the previous
| Doom adventures, so they have asked you to
| handle a serious situation on Europa (a moon
| of Jupiter). Recently we lost all
| communication with a colony of space settlers
| there. A entire platoon of space marines sen
| in was decimated almost instantly by
| something. Siting budget cuts as an excuse,
| you are given only a pistol and ordered in to
| "stabilize" the situation. Upon entering fro
| the transporter you are horrified to find tha
| the Marines appear to have been ambushed righ
| at the entrance. Fortunately, you find that
| you are able to retrieve a fair share of thei
| weapons amongst the gruesome remains. One of
| the marines managed to scrawl a message on a
| nearby wall just before dying. This act of
| cold-blooded murder deserves some sort of
| retribution
COLONY_1.ZIP 178153 02-02-95 This is a DEATHMATCH 2.0 pwad. Please play
| this wad with -altdeath only. You will lack
| the necessary ammo with origional deathmatch
| rules. All weapons are accessable and a
| marked exit is included. Monsters: CYBE! Jus
| to keep you on the move. For BEST results,
| Play a four player net, ultra violence, with
| respawn switched ON! Complete with its own
| SkyLight Dome Ceilings!
COLOSEUM.ZIP 23138 02-02-95 This has been designed with deathmatch in min
| There's PLENTY of opportunity for suicides,
| and absolutely NO ambush points! Rather, thi
| is a "Keep moving and watch your back" WAD.
| There are rooms outside the main arena, but
| the nature of these forces the player to spen
| very little time in them (or eternity) so its
| unlikely that you'd have trouble finding the
| other player(s). And yes, since this is my
| first WAD, the Cyberdude makes an appearance.
| (By the way, I've managed to kill him twice,
| accidentally, without firing a shot at him.
| Dontcha just love teleporters). For those of
| you who hate the pistol, extra weaponry is
| provided at the start. Just watch out for th
| pink things. All the weapons are available i
| various places, you just gotta go look!
COMBAT.ZIP 23107 02-02-95 Combat.wad is a package of 3 wads a created a
| while ago when deu5.0 first came out. They'r
| all pretty simple wads - basically the
| standard, "You're in a big room with a lot of
| monsters. Go kill." Nonetheless, I think
| they can be a lot of fun. Also, they're very
| good for developing and practicing good DOOM
| combat skills. I'd advise starting on 'Hurt
| Me Plenty' or even 'Not Too Rough'. Ultra
| Violence is pretty nasty, and I don't even
| want to imagine what playing these on
| 'Nightmare' would be like
COMCON.ZIP 109271 02-02-95 Command Control, normally where big decisions
| are made. The only thing you'll need to
| decide is which target deserves your attentio
| first. Play starts out slowly but quickly
| turns into a DOOM-fest with few parts that
| allow for breathing
COMMAND.ZIP 7035 02-02-95 Command Centre by Stephan "Instinkt" Whelan.
| Overview - You are a commando sent on a
| suicide mission into a command base of a rebe
| faction in your government. It is know that
| in the small complex there is an army of
| demons from hell being trained. Your job is
| to eradicate the centre of all life. Most of
| the doors are key locked and the keys are
| bound to be well hidden. There are guards al
| over the complex so be careful. Good Luck
COMPBASE.ZIP 33353 02-02-95 You are sent to infiltrate a secret computer
| base in the depths of a gigantic forest. You
| commander gave you instructions to wipe out
| the new breed of mutant that is being bred
| there. Spectres! But, it seems that when yo
| arrive, you realize that the enemy has let th
| Spectres get out of hand. They are rampaging
| everywhere along with their cousins, the
| Demons! So many, in fact, that all of the
| enemy soldiers have evacuated and are waiting
| out landing area for assistance, hundreds of
| enemy soldiers, Spectres, and Demons, but tha
| is not all! To top it all off, there is a
| hellish maze of wiring that powers the base,
| and the mutants have invaded that also. Good
| luck!
COMRADES.ZIP 48769 02-02-95 This Single level .WAD will (hopefully) supri
| some of the expert players. And wait until yo
| find out who your "Comrades" turn out to be.
| My Beta tester always loves to used the cheat
| codes, so my levels will always try to have
| some sort of trap that will "get-cha" even
| with the codes. (Not counting the no-clippin
| code). This one is no exception. There IS
| one (or two) certain spot(s) in which there i
| no way out other than starting over. I sure
| hope you didn't save in there?
CONQUEST.ZIP 94056 02-02-95 Make your way through the building, facing a
| few different challenges. Watch your step, yo
| may end up in prison for life! This level is
| designed to be easy on level 1 and 2,
| manageable on level 3, challenging on level 4
| and completely impossible on level 5. There
| is enough ammo to score 100% kill ratio on al
| levels
CONTAM.ZIP 44309 02-02-95 You're fears are confirmed when you open the
| door to one of your buddies cells. You find
| him gutted and pale as if some wild beast has
| decided to make him into a lunch. Examining
| the corpse you judge he has been dead for
| about 5 hours. Then, out of the corner of
| your eye, you catch a pulsing red light. It
| says... Security Breech! Evacuate premises!
| But, the only way to exit is through the main
| teleporter and that is all the way through th
| compound. It looks like you're gonna have to
| face whatever alien scum lurk inside the now
| contaminated facility. So Slap in those
| shotgun shells and kick some ASS!!!
CONV.ZIP 2306 02-02-95 A whole bunch of monsters are having a
| convention. How long can you survive this
| Rambo-like shoot-em up program? It's a prett
| simple game. However, try it on nightmare
| level for a REAL challenge!!
CONVERTM.ZIP 21183 02-02-95 Visit the Demons Human Conversion Lab and Hel
| save your friends. If you think you're bad,
| try this one out in NIGHTMARE!!! This is an
| EXCELLENT external .WAD file for DOOM. It
| uses Episode 1 Mission 1 to run. Difficulty i
| varied by choice in DOOM, Allows multiplayer
| and Excellent for DeathMatch. Hope you
| enjoy!!
COOL.ZIP 7099 02-02-95 This is a demo .WAD file which is supplied wi
| Doom Shell. The WAD was created completely
| from scratch, and demonstrates some of the
| features of Doom (different floor heights,
| light sourcing, texture mapping etc.)
COOLDOOM.ZIP 12374 02-02-95 You are stuck in the basement from hell and y
| don't know how to pass the time? Try killing
| a few demons, after all, what else are you
| gonna do? Be sure to check every room, wall,
| and switch. The beasts love to put things in
| hidden places so others can't find them
COOLMUS3.ZIP 93377 02-02-95 I, W.Sharrow, being of semi-sound mind made
| this PWAD file because I think the music from
| doom sucks. Not that I don't think it's
| interesting, just a bit melodramatic for my
| taste. This music should lighten things up a
| little. I used MIDI2MUS.ZIP and MUS2PWAD.ZIP
| to do it and DEU 5.3 to merge them all into
| one big (Semi-Big) file. These musical clips
| are from miscellaneous MIDI's I had in my
| windows directory. Don't even ask me where
| their from
COOLWAD.ZIP 32586 02-02-95 This is my first attempt at creating a level
| from scratch. I included a little bit of all
| the things I like in DOOM. This level is
| extremely hard, and should be played by
| experts only. It is constructed for Single
| Player, Cooperative, and Death Match play
COOPERS.ZIP 84200 02-02-95 This is a very large wad (about 230k), mainly
| because of all the detail I put in. I would
| have released it a lot earlier, but I had to
| wait for the GCC version of DEU when it got
| too big. Then, I had to wait for Doom 1.4
| when it got too complex. But now I have got
| everthing finished, and if you run it as
| described should be no HOMs, etc., unlike
| some. It will probably run slow in places on
| less than a DX2, but I had to comprimise for
| quality. I hope that I have made this level
| fun to play as well as good to look at, but
| only you can decide that
COR81.ZIP 13213 02-02-95 Corridor 81. Made for 3 or 4 player games.
| Its small so the level should run quickly.
| Probably best for 2 vs 2 games
CORE.ZIP 75702 02-02-95 Mutants have invaded the computer core area!
| Clean them out, and don't forget to check the
| ventilation ducts. This level was originally
| designed for deathmatch play (if you have
| three or more players, chainsaw jousting is a
| sure bet on startup but it works quite well
| for single player use also. I've included my
| favourite bits from a number of different
| levels
CORR2.ZIP 6574 02-02-95 Corr2 is a very small deathmatch level. being
| smaller makes it run much smoother via modem
| connections. it still works very well for two
| player deathmatch
CORSKY.ZIP 19233 02-02-95 Corsky is a pure deathmatch level that
| incorporates a few original puzzles and ideas
| The level consists of a central Outdoor arena
| surrounded by 4 main rooms, all of which are
| interconnected by wide Corridors (hence the
| name Cor-Sky). The rooms are quick and easy
| to access and you'll find that each one serve
| a particular purpose, be it weapon, ammo or
| vantage point. You will also notice that
| getting the main weapons and health will leav
| you temporarily open to attack (so watch out
| all you weapon horders!)
CORTYARD.ZIP 21902 02-02-95 A tough basement, a fun maze, and a couple of
| teleports. Nothing too hard
CORTYR_B.ZIP 78971 02-02-95 A new level for Registered Doom. Replaces
| Episode 3 Mission 1
COURT.ZIP 4046 02-02-95 A tennis match from hell, watch out for the
| net. Singles or doubles
CPHOBOS.ZIP 255167 02-02-95 Your wandering around the martian moon
| landscape when you stumble across an odd
| structure built into the side of a mountain.
| A closer look reveals the entrance of a castl
| with two watch towers. "What in Hell is
| this?" you ask yourself. It would appear as
| if some architect had too much time on his
| hands. Anyway, it seemed quiet now, maybe to
CRATER.ZIP 122036 02-02-95 Huge. Structured. Kinda cool
CRAZY.ZIP 25079 02-02-95 Crazy.wad is the second wad I've created, the
| first being Freddoom.wad. It's not that big
| it's difficult and fun. I'm getting better a
| it. I think you'll see an improvement over
| the last one, however, It's not as good as
| some on the market
CRESCENT.ZIP 101966 02-02-95 The idea for the layout is borrowed from
| STARWAR1.WAD by Matt Falk. In no way is this
| wad connected to any of the tremendous wads i
| the starwars series by Matt Falk. If his nex
| ones are as good as STARWAR1, then I will hav
| to buy some more floppy disks to store them.
| The name of the wad is obtained from the shap
| of the map. The story: As humanity reaches
| out into the unexplored regions of space they
| may encounter some less than friendly races.
| One such incidence occurred a few years ago o
| Pluto. The base, a sector of the Specialized
| Planetary Defence (SPD) ring was overrun by
| some nasty semi-humanoids with a bad attitude
| An unsuspecting marine on an inspection tour
| landed and was suprised to find the base
| crawling with "things" he had never seen
| before. He had bad receptions before, but no
| like this one
CRING666.ZIP 791076 02-02-95 CRINGE! is a full replacement for the entire
| 2nd episode of id Software's DOOM. All modes
| of play and all difficulty levels are
| available in CRINGE! For DOOM v1.666
CRINGE!1.ZIP 791682 02-02-95 Cringe DOOM Pwad Episode 2 Replacement. This
| is IT! This is THE external WAD file for DOO
| lovers! All NEW music! All NEW levels!
| Contains complete episode 2, levels 1 through
| 8 and secret level! Superb levels for
| Multiplayer network, Deathmatch, or Single
| play. Totally external; never touches any of
| your original DOOM files. This ARJ file
| contains the new levels and music. Get the
| other two files and experience the entire
| ensemble of erradication. Disk 1/3
CRINGE!2.ZIP 1342388 02-02-95 DOOM Pwad Episode 2 Replacement. New Xtra
| BLOODY graphics! Check out the new
| Double-bladed Chainsaw, or the gold Chaingun
| and Rocket Launcher. Beware of the new
| character-The Son of the CyberDemon. Check
| out that death scene! Blue Demons, hanging
| chains with meat on it's hooks, plus a whole
| lot more. No more wondering who those guys
| hanging from the ceilings are; they're easily
| disinguished as your fellow Space Marine
| Officers who just weren't as good as you.
| This is the graphics patch for CRINGE! Totall
| external; never touches any of your original
| DOOM files. Disk 2/3
CRINGE!3.ZIP 346125 02-02-95 DOOM Pwad Episode 2 Replacement. New sounds
| for CRINGE! This file will make CRINGE!
| complete if you've got the first 2 already.
| It doesn't replace all of the originals, but
| makes it a little better for your playing
| enjoyment. This is the sounds patch for
| CRINGE! Totally external; never touches any
| of your original DOOM files. Disk 3/3
CROSFR01.ZIP 63550 02-02-95 Crossfire. A new 'From-Scratch' game level f
| Doom. Works with REGISTERED DOOM only!
CROSS.ZIP 103331 02-02-95 Cross.wad is a new Doom level to replace E3M5
| It was designed mostly to be a single player
| level in the style of House of Pain, but it
| does support deathmatch and co-op play. It
| has two difficulty levels (3 kind of on the
| easiest level there are a few more items to
| make it a little easier)
CROSS1.ZIP 56840 02-02-95 Large sized wad that keeps you looking over
| your shoulder, you have enough ammo - barely.
| This wad it tough on UV but the other levels
| are easy
CROSS2.ZIP 2287 02-02-95 CROSS.WAD - An example of a new level. This
| a very simple level; square room with four
| small corridors leading off it. Designed for
| deathmatch (the more players the better).
| It's small because it was designed by hand.
| (And building node trees really isn't that
| much fun). After I made it I realised that
| there wasn't any way to leave the level so I
| made a wall with switches in that end the
| level
CROSST.ZIP 103806 02-02-95 Crosst.wad is a new Doom level to replace E3M
| It was designed mostly to be a single player
| level in the style of House of Pain, but it
| does support deathmatch and co-op play. It
| has three difficulty levels: skill level 2
| and 1 are the same, skill 3 is fairly tough,
| and skill 4 should have you hurtin' and
| scraping for health and ammo
CRUG.ZIP 4502 02-02-95 This is an example of your worst nightmare co
| true. It seems to be the impossible,
| frightening and just damned difficult. But
| wait, look at the map take a minute to
| consider the plan of action and see if you ca
| end the level
CRUSHER.ZIP 78034 02-02-95 There is a large maze which can be solved usi
| the "stay to the left" method. All secrets
| are hinted at so you won't have to push every
| bit of wall to get 100% secrets. Difficulty
| levels are implemented but it is easy on
| skills 1-2 and I wouldn't recommend playing
| it. Skill 4 is tough even for me, but it is
| the most fun to play. Also, take a look at
| the overpass
CRUSHER2.ZIP 20265 02-02-95 Lots'o crushing ceilings.. lots of blood.. fu
| for the whole family
CSRE1M1.ZIP 856435 02-02-95 First in a series to make a complete Episode
| replacement this is Oblivion Part 1. All
| skill levels are supported, made for best pla
| in single, co-op and deathmatch. Well rounde
| WAD for Registered DOOM, excellent in all
| modes of play. New Sounds and Music for E2M1
| Sound file is seperaate to allow use with
| other WADS!
CURVE14.ZIP 35638 02-02-95 You are set down in a twisting hallway with
| monsters around every corner. You're only hop
| is the weapons you get and finding the door
CWWAD.ZIP 13646 02-02-95 This wad is made for deathmatch only. Warm u
| on the monsters, then toast some friends.
| Co-op sucks, so play deathmatch. Oh. It's
| e1m1
CYBER11.ZIP 25667 02-02-95 CyberNation Doom Level Episode 1, Map 1. Thi
| is the first in a set of CyberNation Doom
| levels. These are all made from scratch to
| produce even more exciting Doom experiences!
| Look for a complete release of CyberNation
| levels in the future!
CYBLAIR1.ZIP 30497 02-02-95 Moderate Difficulty. Little of everything
| included finding secrets essential for
| completion
CYBRDETH.ZIP 50848 02-02-95 "Cyber Death [CYBRDETH.WAD]" is an outdoor
| "arena" style DeathMatch PWAD; DeathMatch on
| this level is intended to be played with the
| -NOMONSTERS switch. The level has hidden
| teleporters & bonuses placed specifically for
| DeathMatch, tons of large pillars scattered
| randomly about, four weapon depots, and an
| open area in the middle (where most of the
| fighting will probably occur)
CYKE.ZIP 40393 02-02-95 This wad takes you through all aspects of DOO
| It contains most of the weapons, and almost
| all of the monsters. It is has a lot of
| different types of rooms, textures, and
| settings. For my first wad, I combined a lot
| of the ideas that I had