yooohooooooo! ---->>> freeakz!!! <<<<------ ********************* thiz tune was tracked on the 9/6 '96 by >>> ===>>> xenon -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- thiz tune is inspired by the title-tune from the c-64 game >> ***escape from the*** *planet of the robot* ***monsters*** (whew! the longest title in memory of man!!! :) ) >>>>>> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ contact me 4 anything u could cum up with on: **christian moeller** ****kvongvej 196**** ***lydum**** **dk-6830 nr.nebel** e-mail adresses: xenon@vip.cybercity .dk or i10cm@ehs.dk +++++++++++++++++++++ playing time: 02:06 >>>i'm outta here!