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* * * W E B - N E T * * *
Thank you for your interest in Web-Net! This document will give you an
overview of Web-Net, describe the various conferences carried by Web-Net,
provide you with details on how to join, and list the rules for participation
in this network. Virtually everything you need to know is included here.
[ 1 ] Overview of Web-Net
You might be asking yourself "Why would a standalone BBS be interested in
carrying a network based around the World Wide Web?" Good question.
The answer lies in the fact that BBS's cater to the desires and interests of
the users. And users are BIG on the World Wide Web right now, regardless of
whether or not they are using standalone BBS's. Anything you can do to
attract users to your BBS will be worth your time. And the web is one of the
biggest draws right now. Web-Net will be an exciting addition to your BBS.
Web-Net carries conferences with two major focuses: Technical and User.
The Technical side of Web-Net addresses issues that users have with how to
create a home page, how to advertise effectively, how to design and lay out
a home page, how to program in HTML, VRML and Java, and a multitude of other
more advanced topics. But it doesn't stop there. It also provides two forums
for web SITE administrators to share information. It gives users a place to
find out how to create a web site and run it, how to administer it on an
on-going basis, and how to attract users. Security issues will be discussed.
Source code will be passed around, and examples of home pages will be shared.
The User side of Web-Net is oriented towards users of the WWW. Users will
have a forum to ask questions about web browsers and web editors. Find
out what the hot sites are. To ask questions about how to contact certain
sites and use search engines. How to find their way around the morass of
information floating in cyberspace. One of the biggest issues facing new
users of the web is how to get ON the web. With Web-Net, they can start on
a BBS and make their launch onto the web from your BBS. Far from leaving
the BBS world, they'll find Web-Net a resource they will return to again and
again, for information and assistance. An "Ask the Experts" column will give
them technical guidance when Internet sources fail.
With this two-point approach, you can't miss. Both technical and non-technical
users will be attracted to this network. As message traffic grows, we fully
envision Web-Net as being a mecca for the power user -- a place where the
advanced WWW users (and web authors) can go for assistance, or to share an
idea with fellow techies. And yet it will still be a comfortable place for
a novice user to start out. You will be able to keep your users on your BBS
as an ADJUNCT to the web, not a replacement, and certainly not vice-versa.
The goal of Web-Net is to help users explore by providing a comprehensive,
useful medium where participants can share their knowledge, experience and
questions with others who share the same interests. Web-Net is a FREE
network, with no membership dues, no excessive requirements to join, and is
offered equally to all interested bulletin board systems.
Web-Net carries a collection of "conferences" or discussion groups that
allow for conversations to be transferred around the network. Each node in
this network is responsible for any costs incurred in receiving the network.
No additional administrative or membership fees are required. The file
WN_NODES.TXT lists all the currently active nodes in Web-Net.
Currently Web-Net is QWK-based, however a FTSC (Fido-based) gateway will be
offered if the demand is sufficiently high. Contact the Network Master Node
if you are interested in a FTSC feed of this network. The Network Master
Node is currently the only gateway between QWK and FTSC for Web-Net.
[ 2 ] Conferences carried on Web-Net
Below is a short description of the conferences carried on Web-Net. For
a comprehensive list, please refer to the WN_CONFS.TXT file included with
this application kit. New conferences can (and WILL) be added as message
traffic, or the readership, warrants it. The goal is to keep Web-Net as
dynamic as the the Web, especially where emerging technologies are concerned.
Conference : Sysops / Net Admin
Description: Network administration conference. Sysops must carry and read
this conference to keep abrest of changes, votes and so on.
Conference : Web Browsers
Description: For any discussion relating to Web Browsers. How to use them,
how to enable certain options, which is best, where to find them,
questions from novice users about browsing, etc.
Conference : Hot Web Sites
Description: This conference is be used to talk about popular web sites,
features or characteristics that make certain sites popular,
URL's of places to visit, announcement of Web-Net user sites.
Conference : Home Page Design and Layout
Description: More on the generic mechanics of creating a home page and less
on the source code required to achieve a result. This would
include topics such as where to place graphics, how to link to
other sites, questions about security features, ways to offer
multiple home pages from one URL and so on.
Conference : Ask the Experts
Description: A general-purpose conference where questions of any nature can
be presented to a panel of experts. This is where the sticky
questions get answered, and where the experts can debate the
merits of particular web problems. This is for the power user.
Conference : Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
Description: Considered a staple of Web-Net, this conference will host all
questions and discussions about HTML. This includes how to
achieve certain results in HTML, discussions about HTML Editors,
HTML syntax and usage, HTML applets and more.
Conference : Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
Description: Anything related to VRML. Very similar to the HTML conference,
with the obvious exception of focusing on VRML, how it can be
used to build "super" Web sites and more.
Conference : Java / JavaScript
Description: Anything related to Java and/or JavaScript. Very similar to the
HTML conference, with the obvious exception of focusing on Java.
This includes Java development environments, Java P-code, how to
incorporate Java into home pages and more.
Conference : Miscellaneous Executable Content
Description: All other forms of executable content which do not fit into the
previous three categories. Programming questions, syntax, usage
and discussion about other executable content should be held here.
Conference : Web Site Administration
Description: How to administer your own web site, including startup, connecting
to the Internet, security, on-going maintenance and more.
Conference : Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Scripting
Description: One of the most important tools for web site administrators,
CGI scripts can be discussed, examined and shared between pro's.
Conference : Web Magic
Description: Show your knowledge of the web with pearls of wisdom, tricks and
traps, hints and kinks, and your best slight of hand. How to
put objects on your home page that will amaze and astound.
[ 3 ] How to join Web-Net
Getting up on Web-Net is simple! The initial steps required to join are
detailed below. Specifics about how to set up the CONFERENCES can be found
in the WN_CONFS.TXT file. Here are the steps you need to follow to join:
1) Read the Rules below, COMPLETELY, and agree to their terms.
2) Complete WN_APP.TXT and return it to the Network Master Node.
You can send it to the Network Master Node via these means:
- Direct dial to : Fat City BBS at 619/538-5030
- Via FidoNet to : Bruce Bergman @1:202/504 (currently down!)
- Via Internet to: bruceb@fatcity.com
- Via QWK mail to: Bruce Bergman @VERT/FATCITY
You can also contact any of the nodes in the nodelist and ask
them to forward your application on to the Network Master Node.
3) Wait for approval from the Network Master Node. Generally this will
be via a response using the same medium that you applied through. Feel
free to set up the conferences on your own machine in anticipation of
having your application accepted. Disclaimers below apply here.
4) Once accepted, arrange to pull from an existing node of your choice,
taken from the nodelist. Rule #1 below is important for this step.
5) Post a message to the Sysops / Net Admin conference to announce that
you are connected to the network. Then sit back and enjoy!
Once your application has been received at the Network Master Node, it will
be reviewed and either accepted or rejected. In general, applications rarely
get rejected, but we reserve the right to deny applications at any time and
for any reason. You know, the typical CYA stuff... Don't fret about it.
Once you have been accepted to the network, you must obtain a network feed
by contacting the node you wish to feed from and asking permission to pull
the network. Follow the directions in WN_CONFS.TXT to set up your side of
the network and test out your connection with your feed. The rest is up to
you and your users. Basically, have a good time and don't get bogged down
in politics or legalese. We're trying to make this enjoyable, not annoying.
[ 4 ] The Web-Net Rules
If you wish to join Web-Net, you MUST agree to these Rules:
1) By joining the network, you agree to provide a feed to any site who is
approved and who requests it from you. Until Web-Net grows up to be a
bigger network, this is the way the network will be administered. This
makes it easier for new nodes to join and helps to enlarge the network.
If you're reading this paragraph, then this mode of operation is still
in effect and applies to all nodes at this time.
Once there are 3 nodes in the same area code, the Network Master Node
will ask one or more of the nodes to take on the role of Area Hub. If
a node agrees to become the Area Hub, the other nodes in that area code
can request to become Leaf Nodes and, if approved, would not be bound
by Rule #1 any longer. If none of the nodes volunteer to become the area
hub, all nodes in that area code will still be required to follow Rule #1.
Any node can volunteer to be an Area Hub at any time.
Until a node becomes an accepted Leaf Node, it is required to carry
ALL of the conferences. A Leaf Node must carry only the REQUIRED
conferences. All other nodes must carry ALL conferences.
2) You agree to carry the REQUIRED group of conferences and to actively
solicit participation from your users. This can be done through a note in
your logon bulletins about Web-Net or some other mechanism. The intent
here is to make sure the network doesn't grow stagnant by lack of user
participation. Additionally, you should at LEAST read the Sysops / Net
Admin conference on a regular basis to make sure you know of any changes.
3) You agree to put the complete application kit (WN_mmyy.ZIP) up in your
file transfer area for download by Sysops. If you don't have a download
area, you agree to make it CLEAR that you can provide the application kit
for anyone on your system who wants it. How you do this is up to you.
4) In your application, include the phrase "I've read and agree to the
Web-Net Rules" at the bottom of your application. This is put here
to ensure you've read these Rules. If it's missing, it'll be rejected.
The best place for this is the "Comments" section.
5) You agree to hold your users responsible for any action, messages or
inaction that causes havoc on the network. Basically, this Rule is
intended to make it clear that, if requested, you must be able to deny
access to the network to specific users. Generally these will be users
who have caused trouble or are not exercising maturity.
6) You agree to provide two-way transfer of data with your feed. That is,
you cannot simply pull a feed and not allow data to flow back the other
direction. Users MUST be able to post messages, and those messages MUST
be sent back to your feed for transfer elsewhere in the network.
7) You agree to make a successful connection with your feed at least twice
every seven days. Other than this minimum, you can arrange to pick up
network traffic at whatever frequency you and your feed agree to. Area
hubs must attempt a successful connection once a day with their feed.
8) You agree to make the Network Master Node aware of any changes to your
system that could affect connectivity. This includes phone number and
address changes, intent to drop off the net, and anticipated and
UN-anticipated downtime. In other words, be a nice neighbor.
9) You agree that you are subject to the scrutiny and decisions made by
the Network Master Node, even if it results in your removal from the
network. Appeals are always allowed. All such discussions must be
kept STRICTLY to the Sysops / Net Admin conference. Fair play, maturity
and common sense are the key tenets here, so abide by these Rules and you
won't have any problems, we promise you.
[End of Document] [Last updated: 08-Nov-94 by Fat City BBS] [Rev 1]