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Visual Basic Form  |  1995-02-01  |  5KB  |  118 lines

  1. frmNumProp
  2. CodeControls 2.0
  3. Form15
  4. cmdOK
  5. txtNumProps
  6. Edit4
  7. txtNumProps
  8. txtNumProps
  9. Edit4
  10. txtNumProps
  11. txtNumProps
  12. Edit4
  13. txtNumProps
  14. txtNumProps
  15. Edit4
  16. txtNumProps
  17. txtNumProps
  18. Edit4
  19. txtNumProps
  20. txtNumProps
  21. Edit4
  22. txtNumProps
  23. txtNumProps
  24. Edit4
  25. txtNumProps
  26. txtNumProps
  27. Edit4
  28. txtNumProps
  29. txtNumProps
  30. Edit4
  31. txtNumProps
  32. txtNumProps
  33. Edit4
  34. txtNumProps
  35. lblProps
  36. #Thousands Separator Character (T/F)
  37. lblProps
  38. !Display Thousands Separator (T/F)
  39. lblProps
  40. Positive Numbers Only
  41. lblProps
  42. Positive Trailer
  43. lblProps
  44. Positive Leader
  45. lblProps
  46. Negative Trailer
  47. lblProps
  48. Negative Leader
  49. lblProps
  50. Negative Number Color
  51. lblProps
  52. No. of Decimals
  53. lblProps
  54.  Decimal Character
  55. lbProperties
  56. Numeric Masking Properties
  57. MS Sans Serif
  58. Command1_Click
  59. frmNumProp
  60. @    Form_Load
  61. txtNumProps,
  62. Index
  63. NumPropName
  64. NumPropNames
  65. lblProps_Click
  66. frmMask1
  67. Edit1
  68. NumDecChar
  69. CbEdit1
  70. NumDecimals)
  71. NumNegColor9
  72. NumNegLeaderQ
  73. NumNegTrailer
  74. NumPosLeader
  75. NumPosTrailerD
  76. NumPosOnly
  77. NumThouSep
  78. NumThouSeparator
  79. NumThouSepChar
  80. Form_Unload
  81. Cancel
  82. Width[
  83. Screen
  84. Height
  85. CenterForm
  86. cmdOK_Click
  87. txtNumProps_Changeh
  88. txtNumProps_GotFocusO
  89. seltext
  90. SelStart
  91.     SelLength
  92. txtNumProps_KeyPress
  93. KeyAscii
  94. abort
  95. lbProperties_Click
  96. xtNumProps
  97. cmdOK_Click
  98. Command1_Click
  99. Form_Load
  100. Form_Unload
  101. txtNumProps_GotFocus
  102. txtNumProps_KeyPress
  103.    Dim abort%
  104.    If KeyAscii = 8 Then Exit Sub
  105.  'Backspace keys
  106.    Select Case Index
  107.    Case 1, 2
  108.  If KeyAscii < Asc("0") Or KeyAscii > Asc("9") Then abort = True
  109.    Case 7, 8
  110.  abort = True<
  111.  If UCase(Chr$(KeyAscii)) = "Y" Or UCase$(Chr$(KeyAscii)) = "N" Then abort = False
  112.    End Selecth
  113.    If Index <> 1 And Index <> 2 And Len(txtNumProps(Index).Text) = 1 And txtNumProps(Index).SelLength = 0 Then abort = True)
  114.    If abort Then
  115.  Beepb
  116.  KeyAscii = 0n
  117.   End If