Visual Basic 4 Unleashed
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Text File
775 lines
Begin Form Section
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "Section Formats"
ClientHeight = 4230
ClientLeft = 1140
ClientTop = 1575
ClientWidth = 7215
Height = 4635
Left = 1080
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 4230
ScaleWidth = 7215
Top = 1230
Width = 7335
Begin SSCheck LineHCheck
Caption = "Set Line Height for a Line #"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 285
Left = 4140
TabIndex = 4
Top = 1800
Width = 2625
Begin TextBox SectionText3
Height = 375
Left = 5580
TabIndex = 5
Top = 2205
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1185
Begin CommandButton SectionHelp
Caption = "Help"
Height = 375
Left = 5190
TabIndex = 9
Top = 3465
Width = 1275
Begin CommonDialog CMDialog1
Left = 6240
Top = 120
Begin TextBox SectionText2
Height = 375
Left = 5580
TabIndex = 3
Top = 1350
Width = 1215
Begin TextBox SectionText1
Height = 375
Left = 5580
TabIndex = 2
Top = 810
Width = 1215
Begin CommandButton SetFont
Caption = "Set Font..."
Enabled = 0 'False
Height = 375
Left = 3780
TabIndex = 6
Top = 2925
Width = 1215
Begin ComboBox SectionCombo
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
ForeColor = &H00404000&
Height = 300
Left = 990
Style = 2 'Dropdown List
TabIndex = 1
Top = 225
Width = 2775
Begin CommandButton SectionDone
Caption = "Done"
Height = 375
Left = 3780
TabIndex = 8
Top = 3465
Width = 1185
Begin CommandButton SetFormat
Caption = "Set Formats"
Enabled = 0 'False
Height = 375
Left = 5190
TabIndex = 7
Top = 2925
Width = 1275
Begin SSCheck SectionCheck7
Caption = "Print at Bottom of Page"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 17
Top = 3240
Width = 2415
Begin SSCheck SectionCheck6
Caption = "Reset Page # After"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 16
Top = 2880
Width = 2295
Begin SSCheck SectionCheck5
Caption = "Suppress Blank Lines"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 15
Top = 2520
Width = 2295
Begin SSCheck SectionCheck4
Caption = "Keep Sections Together"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 14
Top = 2160
Width = 2415
Begin SSCheck SectionCheck3
Caption = "New Page After"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 13
Top = 1800
Width = 1815
Begin SSCheck SectionCheck2
Caption = "New Page Before"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 12
Top = 1440
Width = 1815
Begin SSCheck SectionCheck1
Caption = "Show Section"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 11
Top = 1080
Width = 1815
Begin SSPanel Panel3D2
Alignment = 1 'Left Justify - MIDDLE
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 1 'Inset
BevelWidth = 2
BorderWidth = 1
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 4695
Left = 8280
TabIndex = 0
Top = 4275
Width = 3255
Begin SSFrame Frame3D2
Font3D = 0 'None
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 3165
Left = 270
TabIndex = 10
Top = 360
Width = 2715
Begin SSOption Option3D1
Caption = "Grand Total"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 285
Index = 6
Left = 180
TabIndex = 24
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 2655
Width = 1275
Begin SSOption Option3D1
Caption = "Page Footer"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 240
Index = 5
Left = 180
TabIndex = 23
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 2250
Width = 1455
Begin SSOption Option3D1
Caption = "Group Footer"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 285
Index = 4
Left = 180
TabIndex = 22
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 1845
Width = 1455
Begin SSOption Option3D1
Caption = "Details"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 285
Index = 3
Left = 180
TabIndex = 21
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 1440
Width = 1635
Begin SSOption Option3D1
Caption = "Group Header"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 240
Index = 2
Left = 180
TabIndex = 20
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 1080
Width = 1635
Begin SSOption Option3D1
Caption = "Page Header"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 240
Index = 1
Left = 180
TabIndex = 19
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 675
Width = 1455
Begin SSOption Option3D1
Caption = "All Sections"
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 285
Index = 0
Left = 180
TabIndex = 18
Top = 270
Value = -1 'True
Width = 1725
Begin SSFrame Frame3D1
Caption = "Format"
Font3D = 0 'None
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 3135
Left = 240
TabIndex = 26
Top = 720
Width = 2775
Begin Label Label4
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Specify Line #:"
Height = 240
Left = 4140
TabIndex = 29
Top = 2250
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1365
Begin Label Label3
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Line Height(Twips):"
Height = 255
Left = 3780
TabIndex = 28
Top = 1395
Width = 1725
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Min Section Height(Twips):"
Height = 390
Left = 3240
TabIndex = 27
Top = 840
Width = 2355
Begin Label Label2
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Section:"
Height = 255
Left = 240
TabIndex = 25
Top = 270
Width = 855
Sub Command1_Click ()
'Set the formatting options depending for various sections
If Jobnum = 0 Then
MsgBox "No job open."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim SectionOptions As PESectionOptions
SectionOptions.StructSize = Len(SectionOptions)
'SectionOptions.Visible = -(Check3D1.Value)
'SectionOptions.newPageBefore = -(Check3D2.Value)
'SectionOptions.newPageAfter = -(Check3D3.Value)
'SectionOptions.keepTogether = -(Check3D4.Value)
'SectionOptions.suppressBlankLines = -(Check3D5.Value)
'SectionOptions.resetPageNAfter = -(Check3D6.Value)
'SectionOptions.printAtBottomOfPage = -(Check3D7.Value)
If PESetSectionFormat(Jobnum, SectionCode, SectionOptions) = False Then
RCode = GetErrorString(Jobnum)
MsgBox "PESetSectionFormat Error #: " + Str(ErrorCode) + " - " + RCode
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub Command2_Click ()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub Command3_Click ()
RCode = Shell("Winhelp c:\crw\crw.hlp", 3)
If RCode = False Then
MsgBox ("RedPoint cannot find the Crystal Help file in C:\CRW directory")
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
'declare variables
Dim NGroups As Integer
'Check if jobnumber is open
If Jobnum = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Job Open"
Exit Sub
End If
'Get the Number of groups in Report
NGroups = PEGetNGroups(Jobnum)
' Populate combo list box depending on the number of groups in the report
If NGroups = 0 Then
SectionCombo.AddItem "Title"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Header"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Details"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Footer"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Grand Total"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Summary"
If NGroups = 1 Then
SectionCombo.AddItem "Title"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Header"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Details"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Footer 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Footer"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Grand Total"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Summary"
If NGroups = 2 Then
SectionCombo.AddItem "Title"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Header"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 2"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Details"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Footer 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 2"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Grand Total"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Footer"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Summary"
If NGroups = 3 Then
SectionCombo.AddItem "Title"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Header"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 2"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 3"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Details"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Footer 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 2"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 3"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Grand Total"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Footer"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Summary"
If NGroups = 4 Then
SectionCombo.AddItem "Title"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Header"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 2"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 3"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 4"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Details"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Footer 1"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 2"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 3"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Group Header 4"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Grand Total"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Page Footer"
SectionCombo.AddItem "Summary"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub LineHCheck_Click (Value As Integer)
If LineHCheck.Value = True Then
Label4.Visible = True
SectionText3.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Sub MenuFileExit_Click ()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub SectionCombo_Change ()
MsgBox "Please Choose from the Drop Down list Provided"
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub SectionCombo_Click ()
'Declare Variables
Dim MinHeight As Integer
Dim LHeight As Integer
Dim NLine As Integer
Dim Ascent As Integer
'Assign Variables
NLine = 0
SectionText3.Text = NLine
'Enable Set format and Set font Buttons
SetFont.Enabled = True
SetFormat.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Title" Then
SectionCode = 1000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Page Header" Then
SectionCode = 2000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = False
SectionCheck3.Enabled = False
SectionCheck4.Enabled = False
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = False
SectionCheck7.Enabled = False
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Header 1" Then
SectionCode = 3000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Header 2" Then
SectionCode = 3001
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Header 3" Then
SectionCode = 3002
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Header 4" Then
SectionCode = 3003
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Details" Then
SectionCode = 4000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Footer 1" Then
SectionCode = 5000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Footer 2" Then
SectionCode = 5001
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Footer 3" Then
SectionCode = 5002
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Group Footer 4" Then
SectionCode = 5003
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Grand Total" Then
SectionCode = 6000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
If SectionCombo.Text = "Page Footer" Then
SectionCode = 7000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = False
SectionCheck3.Enabled = False
SectionCheck4.Enabled = False
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = False
SectionCheck7.Enabled = False
If SectionCombo.Text = "Summary" Then
SectionCode = 8000
SectionCheck1.Enabled = True
SectionCheck2.Enabled = True
SectionCheck3.Enabled = True
SectionCheck4.Enabled = True
SectionCheck5.Enabled = True
SectionCheck6.Enabled = True
SectionCheck7.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Populate Check boxes depending on which section was chosen from Combo list box
Dim SectionOptions As PESectionOptions
SectionOptions.StructSize = Len(SectionOptions)
SectionOptions.Visible = 0
SectionOptions.newpagebefore = 0
SectionOptions.newpageafter = 0
SectionOptions.keeptogether = 0
SectionOptions.suppressblanklines = 0
SectionOptions.resetPageNAfter = 0
SectionOptions.printatBottomOfPage = 0
'Get the Section formats and populate the Check Boxes
If PEGetSectionFormat(Jobnum, SectionCode, SectionOptions) = False Then
RCode = GetErrorString(Jobnum)
MsgBox "PEGetSectionFormat Error #: " + Str(ErrorCode) + " - " + RCode
MsgBox "You may not actually have the chosen section in your report!"
Exit Sub
SectionCheck1.Value = SectionOptions.Visible
SectionCheck2.Value = SectionOptions.newpagebefore
SectionCheck3.Value = SectionOptions.newpageafter
SectionCheck4.Value = SectionOptions.keeptogether
SectionCheck5.Value = SectionOptions.suppressblanklines
SectionCheck6.Value = SectionOptions.resetPageNAfter
SectionCheck7.Value = SectionOptions.printatBottomOfPage
Main!StatusBar.Caption = "Retrieved the Section Formats"
End If
If PEGetMinimumSectionHeight(Jobnum, SectionCode, MinHeight) = False Then
RCode = GetErrorString(Jobnum)
MsgBox "PEGetMinimumSectionHeight Error #: " + Str(ErrorCode) + " - " + RCode
SectionText1.Text = Str(MinHeight)
End If
If PEGetLineHeight(Jobnum, SectionCode, NLine, LHeight, Ascent) = False Then
RCode = GetErrorString(Jobnum)
MsgBox "PEGetMinimumSectionHeight Error #: " + Str(ErrorCode) + " - " + RCode
SectionText2.Text = Str(LHeight)
End If
End Sub
Sub SectionDone_Click ()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub SectionFileExit_Click ()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub SectionHelp_Click ()
RCode = Shell("Winhelp c:\crw\crw.hlp", 3)
If RCode = False Then
MsgBox ("CRPE Demo cannot find the Crystal Help file in C:\CRW directory")
End If
End Sub
Sub SetFont_Click ()
Font.Show 1
End Sub
Sub SetFormat_Click ()
' Declarations
Dim NLine As Integer
'Set the formatting options depending for various sections
If Jobnum = 0 Then
MsgBox "No job open."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim SectionOptions As PESectionOptions
SectionOptions.StructSize = Len(SectionOptions)
SectionOptions.Visible = -(SectionCheck1.Value)
SectionOptions.newpagebefore = -(SectionCheck2.Value)
SectionOptions.newpageafter = -(SectionCheck3.Value)
SectionOptions.keeptogether = -(SectionCheck4.Value)
SectionOptions.suppressblanklines = -(SectionCheck5.Value)
SectionOptions.resetPageNAfter = -(SectionCheck6.Value)
SectionOptions.printatBottomOfPage = -(SectionCheck7.Value)
If PESetSectionFormat(Jobnum, SectionCode, SectionOptions) = False Then
RCode = GetErrorString(Jobnum)
MsgBox "PESetSectionFormat Error #: " + Str(ErrorCode) + " - " + RCode
Main!StatusBar.Caption = "Section Format has been set!"
End If
If PESetMinimumSectionHeight(Jobnum, SectionCode, SectionText1.Text) = False Then
RCode = GetErrorString(Jobnum)
MsgBox "PESetMinimumSectionHeight Error #: " + Str(ErrorCode) + " - " + RCode
Main!StatusBar.Caption = "Minimum Section Height has been set!"
End If
If LineHCheck.Value = False Then
NLine = -1
NLine = SectionText3.Text
End If
If PESetLineHeight(Jobnum, SectionCode, NLine, SectionText2.Text, SectionText2.Text) = False Then
RCode = GetErrorString(Jobnum)
MsgBox "PESetLineHeight Error #: " + Str(ErrorCode) + " - " + RCode
Main!StatusBar.Caption = "Line Height has been set!"
End If
End Sub