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/ Visual Basic 4 Unleashed / Visual_Basic_4_Unleashed_SAMS_Publishing_1995.iso / european / docdlg.fr_ / docdlg.fr (.txt)
Visual Basic Form  |  1995-10-05  |  5KB  |  107 lines

  1.     frmDocDlg
  2. Document Format
  3. Form15
  4. Frame3
  5. Page Margins:
  6. Label6
  7. &Bottom:
  8. Label5
  9. &Right:
  10. Label4
  11. &Top:
  12. Label3
  13. &Left:
  14. Frame2
  15. Measurement:
  16. Option_Inch
  17. &inch
  18.         Option_cm
  19.     cmdCancel
  20. &Cancel
  21. cmdOK
  22. Frame1
  23. Page Size:
  24. Label2
  25. &Height:
  26. Label1
  27. &Width:
  28. glwMeasure
  29. glbEnabled
  30. glbCheck~
  31. D_WIDTH
  32. D_HEIGHT
  33. D_LEFT
  34. D_TOP
  35. D_RIGHT
  36. D_BOTTOM
  37. gllVal&
  38. glbValid
  39. MIN_SIZE
  41. cmdCancel_Clicko
  42. cmdOK_Click4
  43. frmMdiParent0
  44. ActiveForm
  45. TextControl1
  46. PageMarginL
  47. PageMarginR
  48.     PageWidth
  49. PageMarginT
  50. PageMarginB
  51. PageHeight
  52. TXRuler1
  53. ScaleUnits
  54. @    Form_Load
  55. nCount
  57. SCALE_MM
  58.     frmDocDlg
  59.     Option_cmv
  60. Value
  61. Option_Inch
  62. cmdOK
  63. EnabledN
  64. Option_cm_Click
  65. Option_Inch_Click
  66. SetOK
  67. bValid
  68. Val_Change
  69. Index
  70.     vContents
  71. nTmpL
  72. cm/inch flag
  73. OK button enabled
  74. check values
  75. value index 
  76. current values
  77. value valid flags
  78. minimal widtha
  79. cmdCancel_Click
  80.  Quit dialog box
  81. cmdOK_Click
  82.  Set the values to current documentl
  83.  Quit dialog box
  84. Form_Load
  85.  Get current settings from TextControl
  86.  Set values in cm
  87. ##0.0#
  88. ##0.0#
  89. Option_cm_Click
  90.    Convert inch values to cm
  91. value index 
  92. ##0.0#
  93. Option_Inch_Click
  94.  Convert cm values to inch
  95. value indexh
  96. ##0.0#
  97. SetOK
  98.  Update the OK button state
  99. new statet
  100. indext
  101.  Check value flags
  102.  Switch state if neccessary
  103. Val_Change
  104. item contents
  105. temporary item value
  106. update state of OK button