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Print Engine for Visual Basic
Printing utilities for hardcopy output
Written by Barry Nolte
06-28-92 File Created
11-12-92 Added Graphics Functions
01-17-93 General Cleanup of Sources
02-03-93 Simple Bug Fixes
// (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1993. All rights reserved.
// You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
// distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in
// any way you find useful, provided that you agree that
// Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any
// Sample Application Files which are modified.
#include <windows.h>
#include <drivinit.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vbprint.h"
// DLL Version Numbers
#define BORDER_WIDTH 2 // Default border in points
static HANDLE hInst; // Handle to calling app
static HWND hWndApp; // Handle ot calling apps main window
static PRINTDLG ppPrinter; // Structure of printer properties
// Misc Procs
static FARPROC lpfnPrintDlgProc; // Printing dialog proc
static FARPROC lpfnAbortProc; // Printing about proc
static BOOL fAbort;
static struct tagPrinterInfo // Information on printer needed to place objects correctly
POINT ptPageSize; // Size of the page
RECT rcUnprintable; // Unprintable regions of the printer
RECT rcMargins; // Margins that are set in the Page Layout Function
POINT ptResolution; // Printer Resolution in device DPI
} PrinterInfo;
static struct tagPageInfo // Information on where I'm printing on the page
POINT ptCurrentPos; // Current Print Position
DWORD dwCurLineWidth; // Current Line Width, good for multiple calls to ParagraphText
int nTabStop; // Current Tab Stop value
BOOL bPageDirty; // Is the page dirty?
} PageInfo;
static struct tagParagraphInfo // Information on paragraph attributes
HFONT hFont; // Handle to paragraphs default font
HFONT hOldFont; // Handle to previous font
TEXTMETRIC tm; // Text metric struct that has info on the font
DWORD dwWidth; // Width of column to print into
int nStyle; // Border and Font Attributes
WORD wBorderWidth; // Border Width in device units (HIBYTE = Horizontal, LOBYTE = Vertical)
int nWidth[LAST_CHAR - FIRST_CHAR + 1]; // Widths of all the fonts characters
int nSpaceBefore; // Space before Paragraph in Points
int nSpaceAfter; // Space After Paragraph in Points
int nLeftIndent; // Paragraph Left Indent size, good for check box justification
} ParagraphInfo;
static struct tagColumnInfo // Information on printing columns
HFONT hFont; // Handle to paragraphs default font
HFONT hOldFont; // Handle to previous font
TEXTMETRIC tm; // Text Metric struct that has info on the font
WORD wBorderWidth; // Border Width in device units (HIBYTE = Horizontal, LOBYTE = Vertical)
int nNumColumns; // Number of vertical Columns
int nCellHeight; // Height of Cells
int rgColumnWidths[MAX_COLUMNS]; // Widths of Columns
int nWidth[LAST_CHAR - FIRST_CHAR + 1]; // Widths of all the fonts characters
int nStyle; // Border and Font attributes
} ColumnInfo;
int FAR PASCAL PrinterSetup(HWND hWnd);
int FAR PASCAL InitializePrinter(HWND hWnd);
int FAR PASCAL PageLayoutSetup(int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom, int nLeft);
BOOL DoCommDlgError(HWND hWnd, DWORD dError);
int FAR PASCAL DonePrinting(void);
int FAR PASCAL StartParagraph(LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle);
int FAR PASCAL FinishParagraph(void);
int FAR PASCAL PrintHeadline(LPSTR szHeadLine, LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle);
int FAR PASCAL ParagraphText(LPSTR szText);
int FAR PASCAL EjectPage (void);
int TextOutAtCurPos(LPSTR szText);
int GetColumnOffset(int nColumn);
int CellDrawText(HDC hDC, LPSTR szText, LPRECT rc);
BOOL GetUnprintableRegion(HDC hDCPrn);
BOOL GetPrinterResolution(HDC hDCPrn);
BOOL FAR PASCAL PrnAbortProc(HDC hDCPrn, short nCode);
BOOL FAR PASCAL PrintDlgProc(HWND hDlg, WORD message, WORD wParam, LONG lParam);
int FAR PASCAL PrintDLLVersion(VOID);
BOOL FAR PASCAL SetParagraphSpacing(int nSpaceBefore, int nSpaceAfter);
BOOL FAR PASCAL SetBorderWidth(int nWidth);
int FAR PASCAL SetUpColumns(int nNumColumns, LPINT nC, LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle);
int FAR PASCAL PrintColumnText(LPSTR szText);
int FAR PASCAL EndColumnPrinting(VOID);
int FAR PASCAL PrintColumnHeaders(LPSTR szHeader, int nNumColumns, LPINT nC, LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle);
HDC GetPrinterDC(void);
BOOL FAR PASCAL KillJob(void);
BOOL FAR PASCAL PrinterName(LPSTR szPrinterName);
BOOL FAR PASCAL PrinterPort(LPSTR szPortName);
BOOL FAR PASCAL IsPageDirty(void);
int FAR PASCAL PagePosY(void);
int FAR PASCAL PagePosX(void);
int FAR PASCAL PageSizeY(void);
int FAR PASCAL PageSizeX(void);
int FDrawLine(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY);
int FDrawRectangle(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY);
int FDrawRndRectangle(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY, int nElpX, int nElpY);
int FDrawEllipse(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY);
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawLine(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2);
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawRectangle(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2);
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawRndRectangle(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2, int nX3, int nY3);
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawEllipse(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2);
DLL initialization, called once when loaded
int FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hInstance, WORD wDataSeg, WORD wHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine)
hInst = hInstance; // Save this for later, we may need it
/* Set all structure members to zero. */
_fmemset(&ppPrinter, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLG));
return TRUE;
Initialize Printer Driver and set defaults
int FAR PASCAL InitializePrinter(HWND hWnd)
char szQueueName[80]={""};
hWndApp = hWnd; // Save the calling apps window handle so we can put up dialogs
fAbort = FALSE;
PageInfo.bPageDirty = FALSE;
ppPrinter.hDC = GetPrinterDC();
if (ppPrinter.hDC)
// Do stuff for AbortProc and Printing Dialog
lpfnAbortProc = MakeProcInstance(PrnAbortProc, hInst);
Escape(ppPrinter.hDC, SETABORTPROC, NULL, (LPSTR)(long)lpfnAbortProc, (LPSTR)NULL);
LoadString(hInst, IDS_QUEUE_NAME, (LPSTR)szQueueName, 80);
Escape(ppPrinter.hDC, STARTDOC,lstrlen((LPSTR)szQueueName) ,(LPSTR)szQueueName, NULL);
// Temp Defaults
// Setup defaults
// Set Margins to 1" all around
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.top =
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom =
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left =
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right = (int)(INCH * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01));
// Start at upper left hand corner
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left;
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.top;
// Default Tab Stops = 1/2"
PageInfo.nTabStop = (int)(HALF_INCH * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01));
// Default Paragraph Spacing
ParagraphInfo.nSpaceBefore = (int)(QUARTER_INCH * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * 0.01));
// No Indent By Default
ParagraphInfo.nLeftIndent = 0;
return TRUE;
DoCommDlgError(hWnd, CommDlgExtendedError());
return FALSE;
Setup for the start of a paragraph, set text attributes
int FAR PASCAL StartParagraph(LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle)
int nFontWeight; // Weight of the font
BYTE bFontItalic; // Italic flag
// Check for bogus font size values
nFontSize = min(nFontSize, MAX_FONT_SIZE); // No bigger than
nFontSize = max(nFontSize, MIN_FONT_SIZE); // No smaller than
// Get weight of font
if(nStyle & BOLD_FONT) nFontWeight = FW_BOLD;
else nFontWeight = FW_NORMAL;
// Get font slant
if(nStyle & ITALIC_FONT) bFontItalic = 1;
else bFontItalic = 0;
// Remember Border Style and Size
ParagraphInfo.nStyle = nStyle;
ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth = (WORD)(((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * BORDER_WIDTH) / 72) << 8);
ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth += (WORD)((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * BORDER_WIDTH) / 72);
// Setup Text Attributes
SetBkMode(ppPrinter.hDC, TRANSPARENT); // Show whatever was there before through the text
SetTextColor(ppPrinter.hDC, 0); // Black Text
SetBkColor(ppPrinter.hDC, 0x00FFFFFF); // White Background
SetTextAlign(ppPrinter.hDC, TA_TOP|TA_LEFT); // Text aligned at top, left of bounding box
ParagraphInfo.hFont = CreateFont((int)((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * nFontSize) / 72),
0, 0, 0,
0, 0,
if(ParagraphInfo.hFont) // If we get the font, selected and get the metrics and width
ParagraphInfo.hOldFont = SelectObject(ppPrinter.hDC, ParagraphInfo.hFont);
GetTextMetrics(ppPrinter.hDC, (LPTEXTMETRIC)&ParagraphInfo.tm);
GetCharWidth(ppPrinter.hDC, FIRST_CHAR, LAST_CHAR, (LPINT)&ParagraphInfo.nWidth);
// Set Current Line Width to Zero
PageInfo.dwCurLineWidth = 0;
// See if first line will fit on page
if((PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y += ParagraphInfo.nSpaceBefore) > (PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading))
EjectPage(); // Sets current positon too
// Get Indent/Check Box Info
if(nStyle & CHECK_BOX)
WORD wBorderWidth;
wBorderWidth = ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth; // Save the current Border width
// Set Indent Value
ParagraphInfo.nLeftIndent = (int)(QUARTER_INCH * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01)); // Default Paragraph Indent
// Draw Check Box
FDrawRectangle( ppPrinter.hDC,
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading,
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left + (int)(EIGHTH_INCH * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + (int)(EIGHTH_INCH * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * 0.01)) + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading);
ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth = wBorderWidth; // Restore Border width
ParagraphInfo.nLeftIndent = 0;
if(ParagraphInfo.nStyle & TOP_BORDER) // Top Border Line
FDrawLine( ppPrinter.hDC,
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left - (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2),
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right + (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - (int)(LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)/2));
// Width of column to print into
ParagraphInfo.dwWidth = PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x -
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left -
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right -
// Start at left margin
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left + ParagraphInfo.nLeftIndent;
if(ParagraphInfo.hFont) // If the font was generated, then we're cool
return TRUE;
else // Otherwise we're not
return FALSE;
Print the actual paragraph taking in to consideration tab's
returns, etc...
int FAR PASCAL ParagraphText(LPSTR szText)
char far *cpStart; // Pointer in string to print
char far *cpCurrent;
char far *cpEnd;
LPSTR lpText;
PageInfo.bPageDirty = TRUE;
// Get our own private copy of the text
hText = GlobalAlloc(GHND, lstrlen((LPSTR)szText)+1);
if(!hText) return FALSE;
lpText = GlobalLock(hText);
if(!lpText) return FALSE;
lstrcpy((LPSTR)lpText, (LPSTR) szText);
cpStart = cpCurrent = cpEnd = (LPSTR)lpText; // All pointers to the start of the text string
if(cpStart == NULL) return TRUE; // If the string is NULL, thats alright, just don't do anything
while(*cpCurrent != NULL)
/* TAB */ case '\t' : cpEnd = cpCurrent;
*cpEnd = 0; // Set end of string to null
TextOutAtCurPos((LPSTR)cpStart); // Print text up to tab
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x += LOWORD(GetTextExtent(ppPrinter.hDC, (LPSTR)cpStart, lstrlen((LPSTR)cpStart)));
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = (PageInfo.nTabStop * ((PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x / PageInfo.nTabStop)+1));
PageInfo.dwCurLineWidth = PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left;
cpStart = cpCurrent = cpEnd+1;
/* CR */ case '\r' : cpEnd = cpCurrent;
*cpEnd = 0; // Set end of string to null
TextOutAtCurPos((LPSTR)cpStart); // Print the text
// Next Line Down
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y += ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading;
if(PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y > PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading)
// Start at left margin
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left + ParagraphInfo.nLeftIndent;
cpStart = cpCurrent = cpEnd+1; // Set everything to start of next line
if(*cpStart == '\n') // Get rid of those dang line feeds
cpStart = cpEnd = ++cpCurrent;
// Clear Width
PageInfo.dwCurLineWidth = 0;
/* NULL */ case NULL : cpEnd = cpCurrent; goto showline;
default : if(*cpCurrent < FIRST_CHAR) *cpCurrent = ' '; // Set any control chars to space
PageInfo.dwCurLineWidth += ParagraphInfo.nWidth[(int)(*cpCurrent) - FIRST_CHAR]; // Width of character
if(*cpCurrent == ' ') cpEnd = cpCurrent; // Space is always an excuse to break a line
cpCurrent++; // Goto next character
if( PageInfo.dwCurLineWidth > ParagraphInfo.dwWidth && (cpStart != cpEnd)) // Wrap Line
*cpEnd = 0; // Set end of string to null
// Next Line Down
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y += ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading;
if(PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y > PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading)
// Start at left margin
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left + ParagraphInfo.nLeftIndent;
cpStart = cpCurrent = cpEnd+1; // Set everything to start of next line
PageInfo.dwCurLineWidth = 0; // Clear Width
if(*cpStart) // No Text, so don't print it
TextOutAtCurPos((LPSTR) cpStart);
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x += (int)PageInfo.dwCurLineWidth; // Set current X position
else // We still have to put the border around the current line
if(ParagraphInfo.nStyle & LEFT_BORDER) // Left border
FDrawLine( ppPrinter.hDC,
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left - (int)((HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2),
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left - (int)((HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading + (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2));
if(ParagraphInfo.nStyle & RIGHT_BORDER) // Right border
FDrawLine( ppPrinter.hDC,
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right + (int)((HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2),
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right + (int)((HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading + (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2));
return TRUE;
Clean up after printing a paragraph of text
int FAR PASCAL FinishParagraph(void)
SelectObject(ppPrinter.hDC, ParagraphInfo.hOldFont);
// Next Line Down
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y += ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading;
// Bottom Border Line
if(ParagraphInfo.nStyle & BOTTOM_BORDER)
FDrawLine( ppPrinter.hDC,
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left - (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2),
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right + (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + (int)(LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)/2));
if((PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y += ParagraphInfo.nSpaceAfter) > (PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom))
EjectPage(); // Sets current positon too
if(PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y > PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight - ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading)
// Start at left margin
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left + ParagraphInfo.nLeftIndent;
return TRUE;
Internal function to print a line of text at a specific position.
int TextOutAtCurPos(LPSTR szText)
RECT rc;
int nRetVal;
if(ParagraphInfo.nStyle & LEFT_BORDER) // Left border
FDrawLine( ppPrinter.hDC,
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left - (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2),
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left - (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading + (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2));
if(ParagraphInfo.nStyle & RIGHT_BORDER) // Right border
FDrawLine( ppPrinter.hDC,
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right + (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2),
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right + (int)(HIBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading + (int)((LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth))/2));
(int)PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
(int)PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top,
(int)PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
(int)PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmHeight + ParagraphInfo.tm.tmExternalLeading);
nRetVal = ExtTextOut( ppPrinter.hDC,
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top,
return nRetVal;
Draw an Ellipse
int FDrawEllipse(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY)
int nRet=FALSE;
HPEN hPen, hOldPen;
// Black Pen
hPen = CreatePen(0,LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth),0);
hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
nRet = Ellipse( hDC,
nStartX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
nStartY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top,
nEndX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
nEndY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top);
SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);
return nRet;
Draw a Rectangele with Rounded Corners
int FDrawRndRectangle(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY, int nElpX, int nElpY)
int nRet=FALSE;
HPEN hPen, hOldPen;
// Black Pen
hPen = CreatePen(0,LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth),0);
hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
nRet = RoundRect( hDC,
nStartX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
nStartY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top,
nEndX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
nEndY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top,
SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);
return nRet;
Draw a Rectangle with Square Corners
int FDrawRectangle(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY)
int nRet=FALSE;
HPEN hPen, hOldPen;
// Black Pen
hPen = CreatePen(0,LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth),0);
hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
nRet = Rectangle( hDC,
nStartX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
nStartY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top,
nEndX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
nEndY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top);
SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);
return nRet;
Draw a line
int FDrawLine(HDC hDC, int nStartX, int nStartY, int nEndX, int nEndY)
int nRet=FALSE;
HPEN hPen, hOldPen;
hPen = CreatePen(0,LOBYTE(ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth),0);
hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
MoveTo( hDC,
nStartX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
nStartY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top);
nRet = LineTo( hDC,
(int)nEndX - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left,
(int)nEndY - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top);
SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);
return nRet;
Print a Headline which is just a special case of a paragraph,
makes all setup and clean up calls for you.
int FAR PASCAL PrintHeadline(LPSTR szHeadLine, LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle)
StartParagraph(szFontName, nFontSize, nStyle);
return TRUE;
End of printing function, cleans up memory and ejects the last page
int FAR PASCAL DonePrinting(void)
int nRet=FALSE;
Escape(ppPrinter.hDC,NEWFRAME, 0, 0L, 0L); // Kick out last page
Escape(ppPrinter.hDC,ENDDOC, 0, 0L, 0L);
nRet = DeleteDC(ppPrinter.hDC);
if (ppPrinter.hDevMode != NULL)
ppPrinter.hDevMode = NULL;
if (ppPrinter.hDevNames != NULL)
ppPrinter.hDevNames = NULL;
return nRet;
Unconditionally ejects page from printer, then sets the current page
position to upper left corner, this also restores the currently
selected font.
int FAR PASCAL EjectPage(void)
int nRet;
HFONT hFont;
// Save Currently selected Font
hFont = SelectObject(ppPrinter.hDC, GetStockObject(DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT));
nRet = Escape(ppPrinter.hDC,NEWFRAME, 0, 0L, 0L); // Kick out page
// Restore Currently select Font
SelectObject(ppPrinter.hDC, hFont);
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left; // Start at upper left hand corner
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.top;
PageInfo.bPageDirty = FALSE; // Page is no longer dirty
return nRet;
Sets margins for pages printed after this function is called.
int FAR PASCAL PageLayoutSetup(int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom, int nLeft)
nTop = min(nTop, 2 * INCH); // No bigger than
nTop = max(nTop, 0); // No smaller than
nBottom = min(nBottom, 2 * INCH); // No bigger than
nBottom = max(nBottom, 0); // No smaller than
nLeft = min(nLeft, 2 * INCH); // No bigger than
nLeft = max(nLeft, 0); // No smaller than
nRight = min(nRight, 2 * INCH); // No bigger than
nRight = max(nRight, 0); // No smaller than
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.top = (int)(nTop * (int)(PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * 0.01));
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom = (int)(nBottom * (int)(PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * 0.01));
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left = (int)(nLeft * (int)(PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01));
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.right = (int)(nRight * (int)(PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01));
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left; // Start at upper left hand corner
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y = PrinterInfo.rcMargins.top;
return TRUE;
This procedure brings up a message box with Common Dialog error text
BOOL DoCommDlgError(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwError)
char sz1[80];
char sz2[32];
if(dwError != 0)
LoadString(hInst, (WORD)dwError, sz2, 32);
wsprintf(sz1," Error: %s ",(LPSTR)sz2);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Fills the PrinterInfo structure with the printers current
unprintable region
BOOL GetUnprintableRegion(HDC hDCPrn)
RECT rcTemp;
POINT ptPhysPageSize;
POINT ptOffset;
GetClipBox(hDCPrn,&rcTemp); // Size of Printable region
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x = ptPhysPageSize.x;
PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y = ptPhysPageSize.y;
PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top = ptOffset.y;
PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left = ptOffset.x;
PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.right = ptPhysPageSize.x - ptOffset.x;
PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.bottom = ptPhysPageSize.y - ptOffset.y;
return TRUE;
Sticks the printers current resolution in the PrinterInfo Structure
BOOL GetPrinterResolution(HDC hDCPrn)
PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x = GetDeviceCaps(hDCPrn, LOGPIXELSX);
PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y = GetDeviceCaps(hDCPrn, LOGPIXELSY);
return TRUE;
Abort Proc for printing, this is where control is returned to the
system during printing. Gets called by the printer driver
periocically for control release purposes.
BOOL FAR PASCAL PrnAbortProc(HDC hDCPrn, short nCode)
MSG msg;
while(!fAbort && PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
return !fAbort;
Returns version number of the Print DLL
int FAR PASCAL PrintDLLVersion(VOID)
return ((MAJOR_VERSION) | (MINOR_VERSION << 8));
Sets the space before and after a paragraph
BOOL FAR PASCAL SetParagraphSpacing(int nSpaceBefore, int nSpaceAfter)
// Check for bogus Spacing size values
nSpaceBefore = min(nSpaceBefore, MAX_FONT_SIZE); // No bigger than
nSpaceBefore = max(nSpaceBefore, MIN_FONT_SIZE); // No smaller than
ParagraphInfo.nSpaceBefore = (int)((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * nSpaceBefore) / 72);
// Check for bogus Spacing size values
nSpaceAfter = min(nSpaceAfter, MAX_FONT_SIZE); // No bigger than
nSpaceAfter = max(nSpaceAfter, MIN_FONT_SIZE); // No smaller than
ParagraphInfo.nSpaceAfter = (int)((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * nSpaceAfter) / 72);
return TRUE;
Sets Line Weight for borders
BOOL FAR PASCAL SetBorderWidth(int nWidth)
if(nWidth !=0)
// Check for bogus Width values
nWidth = min(nWidth, MAX_WIDTH_SIZE); // No bigger than
nWidth = max(nWidth, MIN_WIDTH_SIZE); // No smaller than
ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth = (WORD)(((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * nWidth) / 72) << 8);
ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth += (WORD)((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * nWidth) / 72);
else // Gaurentee 1 pixel width
ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth = (WORD)((1) << 8);
ParagraphInfo.wBorderWidth += (WORD)(1);
return TRUE;
Prints headers for a set of columns
int FAR PASCAL PrintColumnHeaders(LPSTR szHeader, int nNumColumns, LPINT nC, LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle)
SetUpColumns(nNumColumns, nC, szFontName, nFontSize, nStyle);
return TRUE;
Sets up the number and widths of columns to be printed
int FAR PASCAL SetUpColumns(int nNumColumns, LPINT nC, LPSTR szFontName, int nFontSize, int nStyle)
int nFontWeight; // Weight of the font
BYTE bFontItalic; // Italic flag
// Remember these
ColumnInfo.nNumColumns = nNumColumns;
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[0] = nC[0];
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[1] = nC[1];
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[2] = nC[2];
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[3] = nC[3];
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[4] = nC[4];
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[5] = nC[5];
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[6] = nC[6];
ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[7] = nC[7];
// Check for bogus font size values
nFontSize = min(nFontSize, MAX_FONT_SIZE); // No bigger than
nFontSize = max(nFontSize, MIN_FONT_SIZE); // No smaller than
// Get weight of font
if(nStyle & BOLD_FONT) nFontWeight = FW_BOLD;
else nFontWeight = FW_NORMAL;
// Get font slant
if(nStyle & ITALIC_FONT) bFontItalic = 1;
else bFontItalic = 0;
// Remember Border Style and Size
ColumnInfo.nStyle = nStyle;
ColumnInfo.wBorderWidth = (WORD)(((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * BORDER_WIDTH) / 72) << 8);
ColumnInfo.wBorderWidth += (WORD)((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * BORDER_WIDTH) / 72);
// Setup Text Attributes
SetBkMode(ppPrinter.hDC, TRANSPARENT); // Show whatever was there before through the text
SetTextColor(ppPrinter.hDC, 0); // Black Text
SetBkColor(ppPrinter.hDC, 0x00FFFFFF); // White Background
SetTextAlign(ppPrinter.hDC, TA_TOP|TA_LEFT); // Text aligned at top, left of bounding box
ColumnInfo.hFont = CreateFont((int)((PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y * nFontSize) / 72),
0, 0, 0,
0, 0,
if(ColumnInfo.hFont) // If we get the font, selected and get the metrics and width
ColumnInfo.hOldFont = SelectObject(ppPrinter.hDC, ColumnInfo.hFont);
GetTextMetrics(ppPrinter.hDC, (LPTEXTMETRIC)&ColumnInfo.tm);
GetCharWidth(ppPrinter.hDC, FIRST_CHAR, LAST_CHAR, (LPINT)&ColumnInfo.nWidth);
return TRUE;
Printed text in columns, the text is seperated by
tab (0x09) characters
int FAR PASCAL PrintColumnText(LPSTR szText)
int nColumnCount;
int nMaxRowHeight;
int nLineCount;
int nSpaceCount;
int nOffset;
RECT rc;
char FAR *cpColText;
char FAR *cpBegin;
char FAR *cpCurrent;
char FAR *rgcpColText[MAX_COLUMNS];
int nColCount;
DWORD dwWidth, dwColumnWidth;
LPSTR lpText;
PageInfo.bPageDirty = TRUE;
// Get our own private copy of the text
hText = GlobalAlloc(GHND, lstrlen((LPSTR)szText)+1);
if(!hText) return FALSE;
lpText = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(hText);
if(!lpText) return FALSE;
lstrcpy((LPSTR)lpText, (LPSTR)szText);
// Calculate where all the strings are
cpColText = (LPSTR)lpText;
nColCount = 0;
rgcpColText[nColCount++] = (LPSTR)cpColText; // First Column;
// Setup pointers to each column of text
while(*cpColText != NULL)
if(*cpColText == '\t')
*cpColText = NULL; // NULL Terminate
rgcpColText[nColCount++] = (LPSTR)cpColText;
// Calculate the Max Height of the cells
nMaxRowHeight = 1;
for(nColumnCount = 0; nColumnCount < ColumnInfo.nNumColumns; nColumnCount++)
cpBegin = cpCurrent = rgcpColText[nColumnCount];
dwColumnWidth = (DWORD)(ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[nColumnCount] * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01));
dwWidth = 0;
nSpaceCount = -1;
nLineCount = 1;
while(*cpCurrent != NULL)
dwWidth += ColumnInfo.nWidth[(int)(*cpCurrent) - FIRST_CHAR]; // Width of Character
case ' ' : if(dwWidth > dwColumnWidth)
if(nSpaceCount >= 0)
cpCurrent = cpBegin;
nSpaceCount = -1;
dwWidth = 0;
cpBegin = ++cpCurrent;
case '\r': cpBegin = ++cpCurrent;
default : cpCurrent++;
if(dwWidth > dwColumnWidth) nLineCount++; // In case of any left overs
nMaxRowHeight = max(nMaxRowHeight, nLineCount);
nMaxRowHeight *= ColumnInfo.tm.tmHeight;
// See if first line will fit on page
if((PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + nMaxRowHeight) > (PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.top - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom))
EjectPage(); // Sets current positon too
for(nColumnCount = 0; nColumnCount < ColumnInfo.nNumColumns; nColumnCount++)
nOffset = GetColumnOffset(nColumnCount);
SetRect( &rc,
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left + nOffset,
PrinterInfo.rcMargins.left + nOffset + (int)(ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[nColumnCount] * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01)),
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y + nMaxRowHeight);
if(ColumnInfo.nStyle & TOP_BORDER)
// Draw Top Border
FDrawLine(ppPrinter.hDC, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.top);
if(ColumnInfo.nStyle & LEFT_BORDER)
// Draw Left Border
FDrawLine(ppPrinter.hDC, rc.left, rc.top, rc.left, rc.bottom);
if(ColumnInfo.nStyle & RIGHT_BORDER)
// Draw Right Border
FDrawLine(ppPrinter.hDC, rc.right, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom);
if(ColumnInfo.nStyle & BOTTOM_BORDER)
// Draw Bottom Border
FDrawLine(ppPrinter.hDC, rc.left, rc.bottom, rc.right, rc.bottom);
rc.left += 1; // Get Text Within Borders
rc.top += 1;
rc.right -= 1;
rc.bottom -= 1;
CellDrawText(ppPrinter.hDC, (LPSTR)rgcpColText[nColumnCount], (LPRECT)&rc);
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y += nMaxRowHeight;
return TRUE;
Ends column printing and does cleanup
int FAR PASCAL EndColumnPrinting(VOID)
SelectObject(ppPrinter.hDC, ColumnInfo.hOldFont);
return TRUE;
Calculates the Left Offset of the given column from the left
edge of the first column
int GetColumnOffset(int nColumn)
int nOffset=0;
int nTemp;
if(nColumn == 0) return nOffset;
for(nTemp=0; nTemp < nColumn; nTemp++)
nOffset += (int)(ColumnInfo.rgColumnWidths[nTemp] * (PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x * 0.01));
return nOffset;
Prints Text on Physical page given logical co-ordinates
int CellDrawText(HDC hDC, LPSTR szText, LPRECT rc)
RECT rcTemp;
rcTemp.top = rc->top - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top;
rcTemp.bottom = rc->bottom - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.top;
rcTemp.left = rc->left - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left;
rcTemp.right = rc->right - PrinterInfo.rcUnprintable.left;
DrawText(hDC, (LPSTR)szText, lstrlen((LPSTR)szText), (LPRECT)&rcTemp, DT_TOP | DT_WORDBREAK);
return TRUE;
Internal function to retrieve the Device Context of the current
Printer Driver
HDC GetPrinterDC(void)
static char szPrinter[80];
char *szDevice, *szDriver, *szOutput;
GetProfileString("windows", "device",",,,",szPrinter, 80);
if( (szDevice = strtok(szPrinter,"," )) &&
(szDriver = strtok(NULL, ", ")) &&
(szOutput = strtok(NULL, ", ")))
return CreateDC(szDriver, szDevice, szOutput, NULL);
return FALSE;
Unconditionally kills the current print job
fAbort = TRUE;
return fAbort;
Returns the name of the current Printer
BOOL FAR PASCAL PrinterName(LPSTR szDevName)
DEVMODE FAR *lpDevmode;
/* Initialize the necessary PRINTDLG structure members. */
ppPrinter.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
ppPrinter.Flags = PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
lpDevmode = (DEVMODE FAR *)GlobalLock(ppPrinter.hDevMode);
return TRUE;
if (PrintDlg(&ppPrinter) != 0)
lpDevmode = (DEVMODE FAR *)GlobalLock(ppPrinter.hDevMode);
return TRUE;
DoCommDlgError(hWndApp, CommDlgExtendedError());
return FALSE;
Returns the port to which the current printer is connected
BOOL FAR PASCAL PrinterPort(LPSTR szPortName)
DEVNAMES FAR *lpDevnames;
// Initialize the necessary PRINTDLG structure members.
ppPrinter.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
ppPrinter.Flags = PD_RETURNDEFAULT;
lpDevnames = (DEVNAMES FAR *)GlobalLock(ppPrinter.hDevNames);
lstrcpy(szPortName,(LPSTR)lpDevnames + lpDevnames->wOutputOffset);
return TRUE;
if (PrintDlg(&ppPrinter) != 0)
lpDevnames = (DEVNAMES FAR *)GlobalLock(ppPrinter.hDevNames);
lstrcpy(szPortName,(LPSTR)lpDevnames + lpDevnames->wOutputOffset);
return TRUE;
DoCommDlgError(hWndApp, CommDlgExtendedError());
return FALSE;
Returns TRUE if there are objects on the page, FALSE if the page is
BOOL FAR PASCAL IsPageDirty(void)
return PageInfo.bPageDirty;
Returns the current Vertical cursor location in TWIPS
int FAR PASCAL PagePosY(void)
return ((PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y/PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y)*72*20);
Returns the current Horizontal cursor location in TWIPS
int FAR PASCAL PagePosX(void)
return ((PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.x/PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x)*72*20);
Returns the vertical page size is TWIPS
int FAR PASCAL PageSizeY(void)
return ((PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y/PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y)*72*20);
Returns the horizontal page size in TWIPS
int FAR PASCAL PageSizeX(void)
return ((PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.x/PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x)*72*20);
Exported Draw Line Function, takes it parameters in TWIPS
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawLine(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2)
nX1 = MulDiv(nX1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY1 = MulDiv(nY1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
nX2 = MulDiv(nX2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY2 = MulDiv(nY2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
return FDrawLine(ppPrinter.hDC, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2);
Exported Draw Rectangle Function, takes it parameters in TWIPS
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawRectangle(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2)
nX1 = MulDiv(nX1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY1 = MulDiv(nY1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
nX2 = MulDiv(nX2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY2 = MulDiv(nY2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
return FDrawRectangle(ppPrinter.hDC, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2);
Exported Draw Rounded Rectangle Function, takes it
parameters in TWIPS
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawRndRectangle(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2, int nX3, int nY3)
nX1 = MulDiv(nX1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY1 = MulDiv(nY1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
nX2 = MulDiv(nX2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY2 = MulDiv(nY2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
nX3 = MulDiv(nX3, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY3 = MulDiv(nY3, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
return FDrawRndRectangle(ppPrinter.hDC, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2, nX3, nY3);
Exported Draw Ellipse Function, takes it parameters in TWIPS
BOOL FAR PASCAL DrawEllipse(int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2)
nX1 = MulDiv(nX1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY1 = MulDiv(nY1, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
nX2 = MulDiv(nX2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.x, (72 * 20));
nY2 = MulDiv(nY2, PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y, (72 * 20));
return FDrawEllipse( ppPrinter.hDC, nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2);
Unconditionally moves the current cursor position
in the Y direction, takes its parameters in 100th's
of an inch.
PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y += (int)((nY * PrinterInfo.ptResolution.y)/100);
if(PageInfo.ptCurrentPos.y > (PrinterInfo.ptPageSize.y - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.top - PrinterInfo.rcMargins.bottom))
EjectPage(); // Sets current positon too
return TRUE;