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BASIC Source File
106 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "libINI"
Option Explicit
Global gblIniFile As String ' name of INI file/registry entry
Function GetWinDir() As String
' get the Windows launch dir
Dim cTemp As String
Dim nTemp As Integer
cTemp = String$(255, 32) ' reserve space
nTemp = OSGetWindowsDirectory(cTemp, 255) ' call API
GetWinDir = Left$(cTemp, nTemp) ' set return value
End Function
Function GetIniStr(cSection As String, ByVal cItem As String, ByVal cDefault As String)
' this routine looks for cItem
' in section cSection. If it
' is not found, the item is
' written using the cDefault
' value.
Dim cTemp As String
' try to get it
cTemp = GetSetting(gblIniFile, cSection, cItem, cDefault)
' returned default? may be missing, write it to be sure
If Trim(UCase(cTemp)) = Trim(UCase(cDefault)) Then
SaveSetting gblIniFile, cSection, cItem, cDefault
End If
GetIniStr = cTemp ' set return value
End Function
'Function GetWinDir() As String
' '
' ' get the windows launch dir
' '
' Dim cTemp As String
' Dim nTemp As Integer
' '
' cTemp = String$(255, 32) ' reserve space
' nTemp = OSGetWindowsDirectory(cTemp, 255) ' call API
' GetWinDir = Left$(cTemp, nTemp) ' set return value
'End Function
Function WriteINIStr(ByVal cSection, ByVal cItem, ByVal cDefault) As Integer
' write cKeyName into cSection
SaveSetting gblIniFile, cSection, cItem, cDefault
WriteINIStr = True ' in case they ask!
End Function
Public Function OpenINI(Optional cININame As Variant)
' For 32-bit
' set gblIniFile name for registry calls
' For 16-bit
' set gblIniFile name for File calls
' if not there, create a new one
OpenINI = True ' assume all goes OK
If IsMissing(cININame) Then ' no parm passed?
cININame = App.EXEName ' set to this app
End If
gblIniFile = Trim(cININame) ' clean up spaces
Dim nFile As Integer ' for file channel
Dim cFile As String ' for file name
' If we're running in 16-bit environment
' we have to get to a file in the Windows
' launch directory. We'll make sure it's
' there and create a new one if needed.
#If Win16 Then
On Error Resume Next ' keep quiet about errors
nFile = FreeFile ' get free file channel
cFile = gblIniFile + ".INI" ' fill out file name
Open cFile For Input As nFile ' try to open it
If Err <> 0 Then ' some error
If Err = 53 Then ' was it 'FileNotFound?'
Open cFile For Output As nFile ' create it
Else ' uh-oh....
MsgBox Error$, vbCritical, "Error opening INI File - " + Str(Err)
OpenINI = False ' we failed!
End If
End If
Close nFile 'close channel
#End If
End Function