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BASIC Source File
452 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "basMinimize"
'MINIMIZE.BAS by Frank Font 1995
'This VB 4 file contains functions and definitions that carry out a
'branch and bound minimization algorithm for the MakeTeam program.
'NOTE: These program procedures are for entertainment purposes ONLY.
Option Explicit
Private AssignmentCost() As Integer 'Set in the init routine.
Private minsTable() As Integer 'Set in the init routine.
Private candidateMap() 'Map candidate records from 0 to max.
Private jobtitleMap() 'Map job records from 0 to max.
'Add all the children of node pointer (np) to the heap.
Private Function Expand(np As Long) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
ReDim LocalAssignmentCost(EmpsInPool + 1) As Integer 'Array of employees on team.
Dim se As Long 'Pointer to a node.
'Store for later use.
se = np
'Initialize "all" nodes as available for this job.
For i = 1 To EmpsInPool
If gExactSkills And AssignmentCost(memPool(np).job, i - 1) = 0 Then
'Mark as unavailable.
LocalAssignmentCost(i) = 0
'Mark it as available.
LocalAssignmentCost(i) = 1
End If
Next i
'Travel back the chain to ignore members in further chain building.
While memPool(se).Parent >= 0
LocalAssignmentCost(memPool(se).emp) = 0
se = memPool(se).Parent
For i = 1 To EmpsInPool
If LocalAssignmentCost(i) > 0 Then
'Zero assignment cost indicates no assignment is possible.
se = Mem_alloc()
memPool(se).job = memPool(np).job + 1
memPool(se).emp = i
memPool(se).Parent = np
memPool(se).cost = TotalCostGuess(se)
AddHeap se
End If
Next i
Expand = -1 'Okay.
End Function
'Calculate cost of candidate (emp) filling jobtitle (job).
'This is where the program checks the skills of the emp against
'the needs of a job. If the emp has every skill defined by the
'job, the cost returned is a function of the emp's skill ratings.
'If one or more required skills is missing the value returned
'depends as follows:
' Return 0 if gExactSkills = TRUE because the emp is not exact match.
' ...OR...
' Return COST with MAX_Bad factored in if gExactSkills = FALSE
'A value of ZERO is interpretted elsewhere in the program
'to mean that the emp should not be considered for
'the job.
'Ratings are mapped as follows: (11 - data)
'Input System
'----- ------
'1 becomes 10 Worst
'5 becomes 6 Adequate
'10 becomes 1 Best
'Smaller numbers are better in this implementation of the branch and
'bound algorithm. However, 0 is treated as a flag within the program
'to mean that there should be no consideration given to that emp
'doing that job. This is determined by the program when it checks
'the gExactSkills flag and should never be forced by setting the
'database value to 11 so that the mapping produces 0.
'Note: Maximum rating in the database is 10 due to inversion method.
Private Function CalcCost(job As Integer, emp As Integer) As Integer
Dim MyTable As Recordset, SQL$
Dim SkillSet As Recordset
Dim CostTotal As Integer
CostTotal = 0
'Get the skill set for the given title key.
SQL$ = "Select SkillKey FROM tblSkillJob WHERE JobtitleKey = " + _
Set SkillSet = gMainDB.OpenRecordset(SQL$, dbOpenDynaset)
' SkillSet.MoveFirst
Do Until SkillSet.EOF ' Begin loop.
'Lookup the skill rating for the given skill key.
SQL$ = "Select Rating from tblCandidateSkill where ((SkillKey=" + _
Str$(SkillSet!SkillKey) + ")) AND ((CandidateKey=" + _
Str$(candidateMap(emp)) + "))"
Set MyTable = gMainDB.OpenRecordset(SQL$, dbOpenDynaset)
If MyTable.RecordCount = 0 Then
'This candidate does not have this skill.
If gExactSkills Then
'When exact is on, even missing one skill means ineligability.
MyTable.Close ' Close table.
CalcCost = 0
Exit Function
'Consider for the job but handicap very heavily.
CostTotal = CostTotal + MAX_Bad
End If
'We have the skill -- invert the rating so we have 1 to 10.
CostTotal = CostTotal + 11 - MyTable!Rating
End If
MyTable.Close ' Close table.
SkillSet.MoveNext ' Locate next record.
Loop ' End of loop.
CalcCost = CostTotal
End Function
'Main branch and bound routine looks for lowest cost team.
'Returns cost of team. If no team is found, cost is -1.
Public Function BB() As Double
Dim RootNode As Long
Dim res As Integer
Dim tmp$
'Do some initializations and show information.
res = InitMinsTable()
If Not res Then
tmp$ = SQLResultStr(gMainDB, "Name", "tblJobtitle", "JobtitleKey=" + _
Screen.MousePointer = 0
MsgBox "Cannot continue. No one is qualified to be '" + _
tmp$ + "' in this project. Add or modify candidates" + _
" or do not require Exact Skill matching.", 48, gProgramTitle
BB = -1
Exit Function
End If
'Create the root node.
RootNode = Mem_alloc
memPool(RootNode).emp = 0
memPool(RootNode).job = 0
memPool(RootNode).cost = 0
memPool(RootNode).Parent = -1
While True
If AnswerNode(RootNode) Then
BB = PrintSolution(RootNode)
Exit Function
res = Expand(RootNode)
If EmptyHeap Then
'There are no more combinations to try.
Screen.MousePointer = 0
MsgBox "No teams using the specified criteria and candidate list can be made.", 64, gProgramTitle
BB = -1
Exit Function
'Get the smallest cost node of the tries so far.
RootNode = DeleteMin()
End If
End If
If gCancelMessage > 0 Then
gCancelMessage = -1
MsgBox "Cancel Detected!", 16, gProgramTitle
BB = -1
Exit Function
End If
End Function
'Pass in node pointer (np) of node to check. A node is an answer
'node if its job attribute indicates it is for the last job in the
Private Function AnswerNode(np As Long) As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean
If memPool(np).job = JobsInProject Then
result = True
result = False
End If
AnswerNode = result
End Function
'Map the jobtitles records to job numbers of array.
'This enables mapping of titles to the job assignment matrix.
Private Sub MapJobtitles()
Dim i As Integer
ReDim jobtitleMap(JobsInProject)
Dim MyDB As DATABASE, MyTable As Recordset, SQL As String
SQL$ = "Select JobtitleKey FROM tblJobProject WHERE ProjectKey = " + _
i = 0
Set MyTable = gMainDB.OpenRecordset(SQL$, dbOpenDynaset)
Do Until MyTable.EOF ' Begin loop.
jobtitleMap(i) = MyTable!JobtitleKey
MyTable.MoveNext ' Locate next record.
i = i + 1
Loop ' End of loop.
MyTable.Close ' Close table.
End Sub
'Map the candidate primary keys to employee numbers of array for.
Private Sub MapCandidates()
Dim i As Integer
ReDim candidateMap(EmpsInPool)
Dim MyDB As DATABASE, MyTable As Recordset, SQL As String
SQL$ = "Select CandidateKey FROM tblCandidate WHERE Available = -1"
' Open recordset.
i = 0
Set MyTable = gMainDB.OpenRecordset(SQL$, dbOpenDynaset)
Do Until MyTable.EOF ' Begin loop.
candidateMap(i) = MyTable!CandidateKey
MyTable.MoveNext ' Locate next record.
i = i + 1
Loop ' End of loop.
MyTable.Close ' Close table.
End Sub
'Print the solution to the database from node pointed to by np. Also
'returns the absolute cost of the solution.
Private Function PrintSolution(np As Long) As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim SQL$
Dim totalcost As Double
totalcost = memPool(np).cost
While memPool(np).Parent >= 0
SQL$ = "INSERT INTO tblCandidateProject(" + _
"CandidateKey, ProjectKey, JobtitleKey) " + _
"VALUES (" + Str$(candidateMap(memPool(np).emp - 1)) + _
"," + frmMain.cboProjectTeam.BoundText + _
"," + Str$(jobtitleMap(memPool(np).job - 1)) + ");"
gMainDB.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError
np = memPool(np).Parent
'Return the cost of this team.
PrintSolution = totalcost
End Function
'Print the Minumum Table contents.
Private Sub PrintMinsTable()
Dim E As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim line As String
Debug.Print "*** Min table ***"
For j = 0 To JobsInProject - 1
line = ""
For E = 0 To EmpsInPool - 1
line = line + ", " + Str$(minsTable(j, E))
Next E
Debug.Print line + " : " + Str$(minsTable(j, E))
Next j
End Sub
'Print the Assignment Table contents.
Private Sub PrintAssignmentTable()
Dim E As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim line As String
Debug.Print "*** Assignment table ***"
For j = 0 To JobsInProject - 1
line = ""
For E = 0 To EmpsInPool - 1
line = line + ", " + Str$(AssignmentCost(j, E))
Next E
Debug.Print line
Next j
End Sub
'Initialize the table used to compute the estimated costs.
'Returns -1 if okay. On error, returns number of job that triggered it.
'Note: Assingment cost of 0 means employee cannot do that job so that
' assignment cost is not considered in the row minimum calculation.
'Special Note: Sort this table with higher costs first and you will get
' better performance by inducing smarter pathing early on.
Private Function InitMinsTable() As Integer
Dim E As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim et As Integer
Dim rowmin As Double
Dim realmin As Double
ReDim minsTable(JobsInProject, EmpsInPool + 1)
For j = JobsInProject - 1 To 0 Step -1
realmin = MAX_Double
For E = 0 To EmpsInPool - 1
rowmin = MAX_Double
For et = 0 To EmpsInPool - 1
'Zero is not considered a cost -- it is a flag.
If AssignmentCost(j, et) <= rowmin And AssignmentCost(j, et) > 0 Then
realmin = AssignmentCost(j, et)
If et <> E Then
rowmin = realmin
End If
End If
Next et
'Set minimum value at right of row.
minsTable(j, E) = rowmin
Next E
'Set value at right of row.
minsTable(j, E) = realmin
If realmin = MAX_Double Then 'Was the value changed?
'Fail because no one can do job j.
InitMinsTable = j
Exit Function
End If
Next j
'Signal that everything is okay so far.
InitMinsTable = -1
End Function
'Estimate the total cost from this node down. (Educated guess.)
'The only requirement for this function is that it return a value
'that is NEVER higher than the actual cost of going down the path
'that starts with node np. (Otherwise the algorithm might ignore a
'good combination becuase it looks too expensive.)
Private Function TotalCostGuess(np As Long) As Double
Dim hc As Double
If memPool(memPool(np).Parent).cost > 0 Then
hc = ((memPool(memPool(np).Parent).cost) - _
minsTable(memPool(np).job - 1, EmpsInPool) + _
AssignmentCost(memPool(np).job - 1, memPool(np).emp - 1))
hc = AssignmentCost(memPool(np).job - 1, memPool(np).emp - 1) + _
End If
TotalCostGuess = hc
End Function
'Returns the estimated future cost from this node on. Cost is sum of
'row minimums excluding the current column.
Private Function FutureCostTerm(np As Long) As Double
Dim ft As Double
Dim j As Integer
ft = 0
For j = memPool(np).job To JobsInProject - 1
ft = ft + minsTable(j, memPool(np).emp - 1)
Next j
FutureCostTerm = ft
End Function
'Initialize the assignement table by filling in cost of an employee
'for each job in the project. Higher value means less capable except
'for zero, which means impossible job for the candidate.
Private Sub InitAssignmentTable()
'Assignment format = AssignmentCost(job, emp)
Dim job As Integer
Dim emp As Integer
ReDim AssignmentCost(JobsInProject, EmpsInPool)
For job = 0 To JobsInProject
For emp = 0 To EmpsInPool
AssignmentCost(job, emp) = CalcCost(job, emp)
Next emp
Next job
End Sub