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Text File  |  1992-11-03  |  4KB  |  299 lines

  1. ;
  2. ; Language   : French
  3. ; Description: Text, Chromes for Index Window
  4. ; Format     : <Name>|<Chromes1><Chrome2>....<ChromeN>
  5. Acropolis
  6. Aerials
  7. Aerosol cans
  8. Air cargo
  9. Air traffic control
  10. Air travel
  11. Aircraft
  12. Aircraft carrier
  13. Aircraft manufacturing
  14. Airplane
  15. Airport
  16. Alcoholism
  17. Altanta, GA
  18. American Stock Exchange
  19. Americana
  20. Antiques
  21. Apparel showroom
  22. Apples
  23. Apples & oranges
  24. Applicance buying
  25. Architects
  26. Arlington National Cemetery
  27. Art director
  28. Asian family
  29. Athens, Greece
  30. ATM cash machine
  31. Audlt education
  32. Auto accident
  33. Automobile plant
  34. Autumn
  35. Baby
  36. Back pain
  37. Backgrounds
  38. Baker
  39. Balloons
  40. Bank teller
  41. Bank theft
  42. Banking
  43. Baseball
  44. Battleship
  45. Beach
  46. Beaker
  47. Beauty
  48. Berlin, Germany
  49. Bills
  50. Birdwatching
  51. Birthday party
  52. Black couples
  53. Black families
  54. Black man
  55. Blackboard
  56. Blacksmith
  57. Blood testing
  58. Blueprints
  59. Boats
  60. Bombs
  61. Books
  62. Boston, MA
  63. Bottling
  64. Boxing
  65. Boy
  66. Briefcase
  67. Brussels, Belgium
  68. Bullet train
  69. Burglar
  70. Business executives
  71. Business lunch
  72. Business meeting
  73. Business, still life
  74. Businessmen, Japan
  75. Butcher
  76. Cabin
  77. CAD-CAM
  78. Camping
  79. Candy striper
  80. Car engine
  81. Car phone
  82. Car purchase
  83. Car showroom
  84. Car sports
  85. Car trouble
  86. Cars
  87. Cars, classic
  88. Cash machine
  89. Cash register
  90. Cattle
  91. Caveman
  92. Cellular phone
  93. Cemetery
  94. Chain, weakest link
  95. Champagne
  96. Check writting
  97. Cheerleader
  98. Chef
  99. Chemical warfare
  100. Cherries
  101. Chess game
  102. Chicago Board of Trade
  103. Chicago Mercantile Exchange
  104. Chicago Op[tions Exchange
  105. Chicago, IL
  106. Children
  107. China
  108. Christmas decorations
  109. Christopher Columbus
  110. Circuit board
  111. Classroom
  112. Clocks
  113. Clothing store
  114. Clouds
  115. Coal
  116. Coal miner
  117. Coalmining
  118. Cocaine
  119. Cocktail party
  120. Coin collecting
  121. Commodity Exchange
  122. Commuters
  123. Comnpter mouse
  124. Compact disc
  125. Computer chip
  126. Computer keyboard
  127. Computer learning
  128. Computer network
  129. Computer paper
  130. Computer printout
  131. Computer, laptop
  132. Computer, mainframe
  133. Computers
  134. Computerscape
  135. Conductor
  136. Conference room
  137. Construction workers
  138. Control panel
  139. Cooking
  140. Corn
  141. Cornfield
  142. Corporate aircraft
  143. Costumes
  144. Cotton
  145. Couples
  146. Couples, Asian
  147. Couples, barbeque
  148. Couples, beach
  149. Couples, dining
  150. Couples, Fall
  151. Couples, hispanic
  152. Couples, middle age
  153. Couples, recreation
  154. Couples, teens
  155. Couples, vacation
  156. Courtroom
  157. Cowboy
  158. Crack
  159. Craftsman
  160. Credit cards
  161. Crime
  162. Crop dusting
  163. Crops
  164. Crossing guard
  165. Crowd
  166. Cruise ship
  167. Crystal ball
  168. Currency
  169. Currency, Australian
  170. Currency, Canadian
  171. Currency, French
  172. Currency, German
  173. Currency, internaitonal
  174. Day-care
  175. Daydreaming
  176. Demolition
  177. Dentist
  178. Desktop publlishing
  179. Diamonds
  180. Dieting
  181. Dining
  182. Diskettes
  183. Divorce
  184. Doctor
  185. Doctor/nurse
  186. Dog
  187. Dominoes
  188. Doors
  189. Dove, white
  190. Drop in the bucket
  191. Drug paraphernailia
  192. Drugs
  193. Drunk driving
  194. Duel
  195. Dump truck
  196. Eagle
  197. Earth
  198. EEC, map
  199. EEC, symbol
  200. Eggs
  201. Egypt
  202. Electric power
  203. Electrical cords
  204. Electronics
  205. Elk
  206. Emergency
  207. Ethnic, Black
  208. Executives, business travel
  209. Executives, futuristic
  210. Executives, hands
  211. Executives, humorous
  212. Executives, in meetings
  213. Executives, on car phone
  214. Executives, on site
  215. Executives, on telephone
  216. Executives, silhouettes
  217. Executives, sports
  218. Executives, through window
  219. Executives, with map
  220. Executives, with newspaper
  221. Exploring
  222. Expressions
  223. Fall
  224. Familes, Asian
  225. Families, Hispanic
  226. Family
  227. Family, 3 generations
  228. Family, 3 generations, Black
  229. Family, beach
  230. Family, holiday
  231. Family, meal
  232. Family, recreation
  233. Family, vacation
  234. Farm
  235. Farmer
  236. Father/daughter
  237. Father/son
  238. Fax machine
  239. Feathers
  240. Fertilizing
  241. Fiber optics
  242. Fields
  243. Finance
  244. Finance, Great Britain
  245. Fire
  246. Firemen
  247. Fireworks
  248. Fisherman
  249. Fishing
  250. Flag, Australia
  251. Flag, Canada
  252. Flag, China
  253. Flag, EEC
  254. Flag, France
  255. Flag, Germany
  256. Flag, Great Britain
  257. Flag, Japan
  258. Flag, Russia
  259. Flag, South Korea
  260. Flag, Switzerland
  261. Flag, United Nations
  262. Flag, United States
  263. Flags, international
  264. Flags, military
  265. Flame
  266. Flood
  267. Flowers shop
  268. Fly fishing
  269. Food groups
  270. Food processing
  271. Football
  272. Founding fathers
  273. Four Seasons
  274. Futuristics
  275. Gambling
  276. Gas meters
  277. Gas station
  278. Gas, natural
  279. Gavel
  280. Gears
  281. General store
  282. Gifts
  283. Girls
  284. Girls, Hispanic
  285. Globe
  286. Gold
  287. Gold bullion
  288. Gold nuggests
  289. Golden egg
  290. Golf
  291. Gorilla
  292. Graduation
  293. Grandparent/grandchild
  294. Grapes
  295. Great Britain, Finance
  296. Grid
  297. Groceries
  298. Grocery store