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- NJPL1I00PDS100000000 = SFDU_LABEL
- NOTE = "Introduction to this CD-ROM volume."
- Voyagers to the Outer Planets
- Volume 1 - Uranus
- Images 24476.54 to 26439.58 in Compressed Format
- This compact read-only optical disk (CD-ROM) is the first of three CD-ROM
- volumes containing the images returned by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft
- during its encounter with the planet Uranus. The images on this first
- volume were taken during Voyager 2's approach to Uranus starting in
- November 1985 and running through January 1986. They are the full
- resolution (800 pixels by 800 scan lines) digital images returned by
- the Voyager cameras. No additional processing has been performed to
- enhance the images. The images are compressed to permit us to pack more
- data onto each volume but the images can be restored to their full
- resolution using algorithms described in documentation on this disk.
- Image decompression software in several programming languages is also
- included on the disk.
- When completed, the "Voyagers to the Outer Planets" CD-ROM set will contain
- images from all the planets visited by the two Voyager spacecraft. This is
- the first volume in the set. The second and third volumes will complete the
- collection of Voyager Uranus images. The second volume will pick up in time
- where this volume leaves off and continue up through the closest approach
- to Uranus. The third volume will contain post-encounter images plus a
- complete set of Uranus images in 'browse' format. Browse images consist
- of every fourth pixel of every fourth scan line, producing an image of 200
- pixels by 200 scan lines. You can use browse images to quickly locate an
- image of interest to you and then go back to the compressed version of the
- image to get the full 800 pixel by 800 scan line resolution.
- As you may have noticed, the file that you are reading now is one of only
- two files located in the main directory (the other file, VOLDESC.SFD,
- contains general information similar to what you reading now but in a
- format that is easier for computer programs to access). All other files
- are located in directories below the main directory. The directory named
- DOCUMENT contains a document file named VOLINFO.TXT that describes in
- detail the organization of this disk and the format and content of the
- Voyager Uranus images. It is highly recommended that you read the VOLINFO
- document before trying to process image files.
- The directory named INDEX contains a file IMGINDEX.TAB which is an index
- to all of the Uranus images. The index table is human and machine readable.
- While you can locate images by simply searching through the index yourself,
- the table has been designed so that it can be easily loaded into most
- database managers for fast and efficient searching. The file named
- INDXINFO.TXT in the INDEX directory describes the index table in detail.
- The directory named SOFTWARE contains source and executable versions of
- image decompression software written in Fortran, C and VAX Macro assembly
- language. There is one executable decompression program for IBM PCs and
- another for VAX VMS systems. The file named SOFTINFO.TXT in the SOFTWARE
- directory describes the software in detail.
- The image files themselves are contained in directories named after the
- principal target of the image. In alphabetical order the image
- directories for the Uranus volumes are:
- ARIEL - Images of satellite Ariel
- MIRANDA - Images of satellite Miranda
- OBERON - Images of satellite Oberon
- TITANIA - Images of satellite Titania
- UMBRIEL - Images of satellite Umbriel
- URANUS - Images of Uranus
- U_RINGS - Images of the rings of Uranus
- In addition there are two catch-all directories containing images:
- CALIB - Calibration images
- OTHER - Images that don't fit in any other category
- If there are no images of a target on a particular volume then the target's
- directory is omitted. If there are more than about 100 images of a target
- on a volume, the images are further divided into subdirectories based upon
- their image number. Each image subdirectory has a name of the form CnnnnXXX,
- where nnnn is the first four digits of the seven-digit image number. All
- images of the target with image numbers that have those first four digits
- will appear in the subdirectory.
- Most files on this disk have a label encoded in the Object Description
- Language (ODL). A file's ODL label is readable by both humans and
- computers and it provides a formal description of the format and
- content of the file. For most files the ODL label appears at the
- beginning of the file (this is the case for the file that you are
- currently reading). All image files have such an embedded ODL label
- preceding the data in the file. For files where labels can't be easily
- included, a separate label file is provided that contains the ODL label
- and a pointer to the file that the label describes. These external
- label files all have a .LBL file extension. An example of an external
- label is the file IMGINDX.LBL in the INDEX directory which contains
- the ODL label for the index file IMGINDEX.TAB. The LABEL directory
- contains two files with external ODL labels that describe the format
- and content of the engineering information that is contained within
- each image file. For a description of the Object Description Language,
- see the document file VOLINFO.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory.