Java 1.2 How-To
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Text File
111 lines
Kawa Function Keys
F1 Display Help window if editor is not open. If editor is open search for the
keyword at cursor, For example, pressing F1 on word Applet in the editor will
display the help for keyword Applet.
Display help for the current class/variable/method in the package tree.
F2 If Editor is open search for the keyword in the package tree. For example,
pressing F2 on the keyword Applet in the editor will find the class Applet in
the package tree and expand it. This works only for classes and interfaces names.
CTRL+F2 Toogle bookmark at the current line.
SHIFT+F2 Find Next bookmark
F3 Repeat previous find word forward.
SHIFT+F3 Repeat previous find backwards
CTRL+F3 Find Next with the word at cursor.
F4 Run. Please see Kawa documentation on which class file will run.
CTRL+F4 Close the current File.
F5 Start Debug or Continue of already started.
F6 Find Next error in the output window.
SHIFT+F6 Find previous error in the output window.
F7 Compile the current file.
CTRL+F7 Compile Dirty files.
SHIFT+F7 Rebuild All.
F8 Debug Step over.
F9 Toggle breakpoint at the current line in the editor.
F10 Debug Exit.
F11 Debug Continue.
Kawa other keys
ESC Hides output window if visible. Maximizes the current help or editor window if
any open.
ALT+1 Display the Help window.
ALT+2 Display output window.
ALT+3 Display debug window.
ALT+4 Display Search results window.
ALT+5 Bring project window to top when floating.
ALT+F9 Open the Breakpoints dialog
CTRL+J Toggle compilers between Javac and any alternate compiler set in the Projects
compiler option dialog.
CTRL+BREAK Cancel the current Build. This could be compiler, javadoc, rmic, jar etc..
CTRL+TAB Switch between different MDI child windows.
Kawa Editor Keys
HOME First non space character of the line if cursor is after that character. First
character of the line if at the first non space character of the line.
HOME+SHIFT Same as home but select text.
CTRL+HOME Move to beginning of file
CTRL+SHIFT+HOME Select text from cursor to beginning of file
END End of the line
SHIFT+END End of the line and select text
CTRL+END Move to end of file
CTRL+SHIFT+END Select text from cursor to end of file
CTRL+LEFT Jump word left
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT Jump word left and select
CTRL+RIGHT Jump word right
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT Jump word right and select
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN Select current line from cursor and move line down
CTRL+SHIFT+UP Select current line from cursor and move line up
PGUP+SHIFT Page Up and select text
PGDN+SHIFT Page Down and select text
SHIFT+DEL Same as Cut
SHIFT+INS Same as Paste
CTRL+C Copy Selected text
CTRL+X Cut Selected text
CTRL+V Paste text
CTRL+F Edit/Find
CTRL+G Edit/Goto
CTRL+H Edit/Replace
CTRL+N File New
CTRL+O File Open
CTRL+P File Print
CTRL+S Save File
TAB When more than one lines are selected in the editor then it is group indent.
SHIFT+TAB When more than one lines are selected in the editor then it is group unindent.
CTRL+\ Cycles between the open and docked output window, the the open and docked project tree, and the open text file.
CTRL+] Finding matching brace or paranthesis
CTRL+[ When more than one lines are selected comment or uncomment the the lines.
CTRL+W Display a list of Editor Windows in a popup menu for quick switching between
CTRL+UpArrow Scrolls the editor window up one line without moving the cursor location.
CTRL+DownArrow Scrolls the editor window down one line without moving the cursor location.
CTRL+B Performs a browse based on highlighted text, or opens up the Source Browse dialog.
CTRL+K Performs a source browse for a class based on the highlighted text, or opens the Source Browse dialog.
CTRL+M Performs a source browse for a method based on the highlighted text, or opens the Source Browse dialog.