Labels:antiaircraft | giraffe | grass | long tom | mountain | plant | sky | tree OCR: WITH DIN WILI THE WHOLE Dinosaut ma ISST Hunt Explore pre-historic interactive landscapes An archaeological ex cavation has revea lec Adec ser and See dinosaurs hunting flying grazing colleccion dinosaur fossils. Use your Get pre historic on your PC With dinosat and running natural habitats Lush new found knowledge palaeontology te spunos wallpapers screensavers animated forests broad plains pue search out the missing pieces and rebuild cursors and icons. Plus browse through iscas provide the dinosaur your favourite clips from the television ALKING WITH DINOSAURS the build plants Collect carnivores iecimen chain te paoj life plarts, the you'll As glass from most ctior you gather dinosaurs different anc ranging dangerous complete and Jards history from life the of ather ap simple links Use ...