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- BOBtracker v1.0
- (Advanced MODfile Player)
- by
- Neil Stewart
- (C)1994 Black Scorpion
- Shareware Notice
- ----------------
- BOBtracker is shareware. If you use it, then you really should be sending
- me some money for a full version and a clear conscience.
- See the shareware details at the end of this document.
- Introduction
- ------------
- BOBtracker is an advanced desktop module player for the Falcon. It
- provides unparalleled sound quality and takes very little processor time.
- Features (some may not be present in the non-registered version & a few
- are still under development):
- - 50Khz, 16-Bit stereo sound
- - DSP multiplexer takes very little CPU time
- - Handles most 4/6/8 channel modules
- - Advanced DSP sound enhancement (VIBRANCE,ANTI-ALIAS,AMBIENCE)
- - Real BASS and TREBLE control/boosting
- - SURROUND SOUND support !
- - Spectrum Analyser and Ocilloscope displays
- - Full volume/balance control
- - Powerful PLAYLIST system with timed shuffle
- and random song picking.
- - GEM interface with Falcon AES enhancements, keyboard macros
- and context sensitive help.
- - Works as a stand alone program or intelligent accessory
- - MultiTOS compatible
- - Enhanced MultiTOS features (Drag & Drop, Iconify, App Terminate)
- - Extended command line & runtime command support from
- external programs.
- Obviously, this version has certain features removed/curtailed, so you
- will need to register to get the full ensemble. But don't be disheartened,
- because this version has more then enough features to keep you going for
- the moment.
- Installation
- ------------
- Installation is very easy. Simply copy BOBTRACK.PRG and BOBTRACK.RSC into
- the same directory and run BOBTRACK.PRG.
- You can, if you wish, put them into the root directory of your boot drive
- and rename BOBTRACK.PRG to BOBTRACK.ACC, and BOBtracker will automatically
- run as an accessory. (There are certain problems with Accessory module
- players, which I will address later).
- BOBtracker will run quite happily under MultiTOS, but do not use it as an
- Accessory in the normal fashion (there is no point anyway).
- Also, there is an extra file called BOBICON.RSC, which contains a simple
- icon that you may wish to use with your desktop. Use a resource editor to
- add it to your DESKICON.RSC file. It should also work with NEODESK/EASE.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- Although BOBtracker seems to be perfectly safe, I will not be held
- responsible for anything 'nutty' that might happen when you use it. Please
- make me aware of any bugs, but don't harp on about any damage you might
- think it could have caused. It was probably your fault anyway.
- Instructions
- ------------
- Load it and play. That's the only way to learn. But I have compiled some
- instructions for challenged individuals, so here we go.
- BOBtracker consists of a set of windows, each of which lets you control
- certain aspects of the player. I will now give a brief overview of each of
- the windows used and mention a few concepts that may be of help.
- Falcon AES/MultiTOS features & other important bits
- ---------------------------------------------------
- BOBtracker has a few enhancements that take advantage of AES/GEM features
- added since the Falcon was introduced and in the more recent versions of
- MultiTOS.
- For example, you should note that none of the BOBtracker windows need to
- be topped in order to interact with the buttons & sliders. This is a new
- AES feature and I think it makes programs a lot easier to use, because you
- do not have to top a window to use its contents (one click less & faster
- execution). If you click/start dragging an object in any BOBtracker
- window, it will interact as if it were on top, except that sliders and
- buttons may only be partially visible. You can even drag a slider out of
- your field of view.
- Also, under MultiTOS, such wonders as iconified windows, drag & drop and
- auto shutdown are supported. The latest version of MultiTOS lets you
- iconify a window, and all such windows are aligned along the bottom of the
- screen (great for keeping things tidy). Although BOBtracker has its own
- built-in iconify system, if this version of MultiTOS is present, then its
- iconify system will be used. Drag and drop lets you drag files to
- BObtracker to tell it to load modules or create playlists. MultiTOS also
- has an auto shutdown system which tells programs to exit when it wants to
- do something like a res change. This is so the user does not have to do
- this himself. BOBtracker supports this, although not all programs do yet.
- If you get a 'shut down applications yourself'-type message, then it was
- not BOBtracker's fault.
- Another important point is that of the difference between BOBtracker
- running as a normal program and as an accessory. Memory management is
- difficult when using accessories, especially when loading or exiting
- programs while a module is running. None of the modplayer accessories that
- I have seen address this problem, and most tend to crash when you jump in
- and out of programs a lot. My solution is to remove the module from memory
- when you run/exit a program, but BOBtracker keeps a record of various
- things such as the song position & tempo and when you next call BOBtracker
- from the Desk menu, the module will automatically be reloaded and will
- continue from where it left off. This does not cause any problems and you
- can go in and out of programs many times without any hassle. Try doing
- this with lesser modplayers and watch your machine die.
- BOBtracker uses a preferences file (called BOBTRACK.INI), which will be
- created whenever you save preferences. It does not depend on this file,
- and you do not need to give it to people when you give them a copy of the
- program. If you ever encounter strange problems with BOBtracker, then try
- deleting/moving the INI file so that it is not used when you boot the
- program and see if this helps - corrupt INI/INF files are a little known
- cause of hassle with many popular programs, and this technique can be of
- use with other programs as well, including the desktop (try corrupting
- your NEWDESK.INF).
- Main Window
- -----------
- The main window is the only window you really need for basic use. It lets
- you load and play modules and perform other basic functions like
- fast-forward, rewind, stop and pause.
- The main controls resemble that of a CD player. If you have used other
- desktop module players, then these will be familiar to you.
- To load a module, you may click on the EJECT button. You may also use the
- PLAY button, but this only works if there is no module in memory. A file
- selector will appear and you should choose a .MOD file to load.
- If you clicked the PLAY button to load the module, then it will start
- playing when it loads. (If it doesn't, then you should check that you have
- some form of output connected). If you used the EJECT button to load the
- module, then you need to press the PLAY button to start it playing.
- As you can see, it is fairly similar to a normal CD player. The
- FAST-FORWARD and REWIND controls allow you to move forward/back one song
- pattern with each click. The STOP button stops the module and returns it
- to the start, so when you press PLAY again, the song will start from the
- beginning. If you press the PAUSE button, then the module will stop
- playing, but pressing PLAY again will restart the module from the point it
- was paused at.
- When you load a module, you will notice that the module name, and the
- number of channels it uses, will be displayed in the information boxes.
- The 4 buttons down the right hand side call up the other BOBtracker
- windows. More on these windows later.
- The SONGS button gives you an abbreviated version of the SONGLIST window
- inside a popup dialog. If you have just started using BOBtracker, then
- this will contain empty entries. When you have a PLAYLIST in memory, the
- 10 available songs will be displayed in this popup, and selecting one of
- them will load and play that module. You may want to back and investigate
- this button when I have explained how to create songlists.
- The last button on the main panel is an up-right facing arrow, at the top
- right of the window. Pressing this reduces all the current BOBtracker
- windows to a small iconified window. This is for when it is used under
- MultiTOS or as an Accessory, to put the windows out of the way. Pressing
- the OPEN button on the iconified window will open all the windows you
- previously had opened, in their previous positions.
- If you are using AES 4.10 (used in the latest version of TOS/MultiTOS),
- then this iconify button will not appear. This is because AES 4.10 has its
- own iconify system, which provides a small 'delta' button at the top right
- of the window (on the titlebar). If you have this new AES version, then
- you will be aware of how to use it. It has the same effect as the built-in
- iconify, but is AES 4.10 compliant. (The AES tells applications where to
- put the iconified window, so they all align along the bottom of the
- screen).
- The window controls work as expected (ie. moving and closing the window),
- but the close button closes all BOBtracker windows. If you are running
- BOBtracker as a normal program, then closing it will stop the module
- playing and exit the program. If you are using it as an accessory, then
- closing it will simply close all the windows, but BOBtracker will still be
- in memory (with the current module playing) and you can recall it by
- choosing its entry in the desk accessory list.
- The main window has an extra purpose under MultiTOS. You can drag files to
- it from the desktop to make it play the dragged module, or create a
- playlist from a group of dragged modules. This feature is NOT present in
- this unregistered version.
- Control Window
- --------------
- The control window lets you adjust the sound output to suit your own
- particular tastes. It can be opened by pressing the CONTROL button on the
- Main window.
- The VOLUME controls should be obvious. You can control the left and right
- volumes independently, and a seperate main volume. All of these take
- effect together, so setting all 3 sliders to halfway will give you 50% of
- 50% of full volume (ie. 25%). Put simply, if you want to control just the
- main volume, then put the left and right volumes to full and use the main
- volume slider. To control the left and right volumes seperately, put the
- main volume up full and use the left & right sliders. If this doesn't make
- any sense, then play with the sliders and see for yourself.
- The BALANCE control lets you control the relative left and right volumes,
- much as you would expect.
- The last three controls (VIBRANCE, BASS and TREBLE) adjust the appearance
- of the sound. BASS and TREBLE should be obvious - most modules tend to
- lack a bit of bass, so this will normally be better higher than the
- treble. The VIBRANCE slider controls the level of cubic extrapolation
- present in the sound. When increased, the dynamic range of the sound is
- increased and this can provide a great improvement in the quality of the
- sound. Not on a TV speaker or the internal speaker though, because they
- will always sound crap. Use a Hi-Fi, folks.
- And that pretty much sums up the control panel.
- Information Window
- ------------------
- This doesn't do much (or anything) at the moment, except advertise
- BOBtracker (and me). The registration version gives a fuller detailing of
- the current module (ie. module type, sample list, module size, etc.)
- PlayList Window
- ---------------
- The PLAYLIST system lets you create lists of your favorite modules which
- you can then play without hunting through the file selector all the time.
- It also jumps to the next module when the current one is finished or when
- a specified amount of time has elapsed (shuffle system). Playlists can be
- saved and loaded for later use, so you can create different playlists for
- different moods.
- So, let's go though the buttons and widgets.
- The two buttons at the top-left, SHUFFLE and RANDOM control the shuffle
- system. When SHUFFLE is selected, each module in the list will play for a
- specified period of time and then jump onto the next one. When RANDOM is
- selected, then next one will be chosen at random. The shuffle time can be
- controlled, the control being on the preferences window (details later).
- The buttons at the top-right, PLAY and NEXT SONG are the simplest way of
- setting the whole thing off. Pressing PLAY will start playing the first
- song on the list and pressing NEXT SONG will skip onto the next song
- immediately.
- The playlist itself consists of two columns of buttons. The left column
- buttons bring up the file selector that lets you choose which module
- appears at that position on the list. So, pressing SONG 5 lets you specify
- what song 5 will be. The name will appear on the corresponding right
- column button. Pressing a button on the right column will start playing
- that song immediately, and all playlist control will continue from that
- song position.
- If you press NEXT SONG when the next song is blank, or click on a blank
- song name (right column), then BOBtracker will skip down the list (looping
- to the top if necessary) until it finds a valid song or reaches the
- original position, at which point it will abort the search.
- Under MultiTOS, dragging a file from the desktop to a module name will
- replace that entry with the dragged file. If multiple files are dragged,
- then the subsequent entries will be filled with the other dragged files.
- This feature is NOT present in this unregistered version. It is quite a
- handy feature, as using the file selector for 10 song entries can be a bit
- annoying.
- The buttons at the bottom let you SAVE and LOAD playlists and CLEAR the
- current playlist. Saving and loading are NOT allowed in the unregistered
- version, so you can only play with PlayLists in this version. If you want
- to use them properly, then you will have to send me some dosh.
- Another feature missing from this version is extended command line
- support, which allows you to boot the program with a playlist by passing
- it a playlist or a set of MODfiles on the command line (under DEXtrous,
- EASE & NEODESK4). Under MultiTOS, you can do this when the program is
- already running and it will take the parameters as a runtime command,
- instead of running a second version of the program.
- Preferences Window
- ------------------
- This window lets you customise BOBtracker to a certain extent and save
- these preferences, so that it works the same when you load it next time.
- For a start, the window positions are all saved, so that they all appear
- in the same place next time you load it. Obviously, if you run it in a
- lower resolution, the windows will be moved on-screen if they were
- outside. The name of the current playlist file is also saved, and it will
- be automatically loaded next time (not in the unregistered version
- though).
- The other information saved is that which appears on the preference
- dialog. These thing include default directories, shuffle time and general
- control flags.
- The SHUFFLE TIME control lets you specify (in minutes and seconds) how
- long to wait before automatically moving on to the next module in the
- playlist. This only has an effect if you are using the playlist and have
- the SHUFFLE button selected on the playlist window.
- The AT END OF SONG controls tell the player what to do when a module
- finishes of its own accord. The song can either be REPEATed or the player
- can jump onto the NEXT SONG in the playlist.
- The GENERAL OPTIONS let you choose whether or not there should be a
- flashing PLAY icon in the playlist/mimimised windows. When flash is on,
- the mouse cursor tends to blink, so you may wish to stop this happening.
- You can also choose whether or not to show a dialog when loading a module.
- This can be annoying when you are doing something else like using a word
- processor, and the loading dialog appears while you are typing and the
- player has decided to load another song.
- The SAVE PREFERENCES button should be obvious. The preferences are saved
- in a file called BOBTRACK.INI in the same directory as the player and will
- be used when you load BOBtracker again.
- The last two buttons let you set the default paths for playlists and
- modules, and these tell the player where to start looking for them when
- first loaded. The playlist path is not of much use in the unregistered
- version, as you cannot save/load playlists, but it's there anyway.
- Other Comments
- --------------
- The player used to ask permission to continue when faced with an unknown
- module type or 15 instrument modules, as these have no consistent
- identifier. I was told this was annoying, especially when using playlists
- on automatic, so it has gone. This means that you will get no warning
- about dodgy modules, and the player will probably crash if it hits a
- really nasty one. I am working on a totally solid modfile reader that will
- not crash when it fails miserably to play a module. Coming soon.
- Shareware Details
- -----------------
- If you like BOBtracker and want the most up-to-date full version, then
- the shareware fee is £6 (Six British Pounds). Just send me this and your
- details (an envelope would be nice, and postage if you live outside the
- U.K.) and a copy will be winging its way to you very soon.
- Send it to:
- Neil Stewart
- 51 Cardowan Drive
- Stepps
- Glasgow
- G33 6HQ
- Scotland
- Any comments or bug reports will be gracefully received.
- Hellos
- ------
- Hello to:
- Doug & Andy - The world is not ready for us...
- Dave E - Get me a big hard disk please.
- Ian Paterson - Thanks for testing the beta & helping out.
- Jackie & John - Ta, for the original name, BOB.
- Colin - Do some work !