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INI File
264 lines
; This file must be in the same directory as APPSETUP.EXE when it is run.
; It may be either on a diskette, on a hard disk, or on a network. You may
; change the name of APPSETUP.EXE and APPSETUP.INF, as long as only the
; extension is different.
; It is divided into sections, identified by an alphanumeric name
; enclosed in square brackets.
; Comments begin with semicolon, and may follow other text.
; Long lines may be split up between fields of a statement.
; Spaces are ignored, except when between double quotes.
; Blank lines are also ignored.
; In the section which lists the location of various files, each
; filename is preceded by integers describing the location
; of the files. The Setup program will prompt the user to insert
; these diskettes when the files are needed.
; Dialog
; Dynamic strings for the Setup dialog. They will appear in the first
; dialog that Setup displays. You should leave their general contents
; as is, as they contain useful information for the user. However, if
; you want to change them, this is the place to do that. If you do
; change them, make sure they fit in the dialog boxes.
caption = "ToolBook 1.5 Demo Setup"
line0 = "Installing 1.5 Demo"
line1 = "Setup installs the demo in the following directory, which it creates on your hard disk."
line2 = "To install this demo in a different directory or drive, type the name of the directory you want."
line3 = "Click Continue to begin installation."
; String to tell user that Setup is complete, and any other final info.
; This is displayed in the very last dialog box the user sees, with an
; "OK" button.
complete= "Installation is complete."
; What we are setting up:
; ToolBook = 1
; Runtime = 2
; Generic = 3
setuptype = 3
; Default directory for installing ToolBook, MUST include a drive letter.
defdir = C:\TBK15
; Short name of the app, used in the exit line.
shortname = "the demo"
; listbox: bring up a listbox of section choices?
; If setuptype is Generic, and this is "yes", the user will see a listbox
; containing the strings in the [sections] section. Any sections that are
; selected when the user clicks "OK" will be installed.
; If this is no, all sections that are in the [sections] section will be
; installed. In this case, you will want to change line3 of the [dialog]
; section above to prompt the user to click Continue to begin installing,
; rather than referencing selected objects.
listbox = no
; Executable file section and name, so that we can prepend its pathname to
; pathnames in progman item lines. We do not prepend this file's pathname
; to filenames in progman items that come the same section as this file.
: Rather, we prepend to those that come from other sections, such as [pim].
executable = exes, tbook.exe
; Readme file name, so that we can open Notepad on the file, after it's been
; installed.
readme = readme.txt
; Sections
; The [sections] section contains a list of the sections which can be
; installed.
; The format is:
; [sections]
; section, [, "Description String"] [, "Select"] [, "Protect"]
; The first field is the section name, which specifies a section to be
; copied, and must match a section lower in this file.
; The second field, the Description String is displayed next to the
; Setup dialog's checkbox for this section.
; The third field, the Select field, indicates whether the checkbox for
; this section is selected by default.
; The fourth field, the Protect field, indicates whether this section
; is protected against overwriting existing files. User will be warned.
; Example:
; exes, "ToolBook executables", select
; This specifies that the exes section exists, that the descriptive
; string to be used in the listbox is "ToolBook executables", and
; that it will be selected in this listbox by default.
exes, "ToolBook Demo Files", select, protect
pim, "ToolBook Applications", select
; Disks
; Here are the names of the disks Setup can prompt for.
; There must be a disk name for each disk number used.
; The disk number '0' is reserved to represent the setup directory.
; The directory may be relative to the directory SETUP was run from.
; The format is:
; [disks]
; n = path, "Name"
; The first field, n is the number of the disk: 1-9,A-Z (single char only!).
; The second field, path, is the path of disk n.
; The third field, Name, is the name of disk n.
; Example:
; 1 = ., "Disk #1"
; This specifies that the disk numbered 1 will be expected in the current
; directory, and will be requested with the string "Disk #1".
1 = ., "ToolBook 1.5 Demo Disk"
; Needed Space
; The needed.space section lists hard disk requirements for the app, in bytes.
; If this amount of room is not available, installation will fail,
; notifying the user that more disk space is necessary.
exes = 1000000
pim = 200000
; Destinations
; The destinations section indicates the directory on the user's hard disk
; where setup will copy all the files comprising a given section. The
; format of entries in this section is
; <section name>, "<destination directory>" [, <prompt string> ]
; Destination directory can be "0:", which indicates the default
; destination directory, specified by the user in the Setup Dialog's
; edit control. It may also be of the form "0:\subdir" to indicate a
; subdirectory of the default destination directory.
; Prompt String should be specified when the destination dir is anything
; other than "0:", or if the section is marked "protect" in [sections]
; above. Setup will use it to prompt the user to accept or edit this
; destination directory. It's a good idea to include this for all sections.
exes, "0:", "ToolBook 1.5 Demo"
pim, "0:", "ToolBook 1.5 Demo"
; The following sections contain the lists of files that will be copied.
; All the files in a section are copied to the section's destination
; directory which is indicated above in the destinations section.
; The format is:
; [section]
; n:filename [, "Description String"] [, "Save"] [, append target]
; Later options may be provided even if earlier ones are omitted by using
; consecutive commas with nothing between them.
; The first field (n:filename) contains the disk number (single char only!),
; followed by a colon, then the file name. There must be a disk number for
; each file name.
; The second (optional) field may be used to indicate the type of files being
; copied. It must be enclosed within double-quotes. This string will be
; displayed in the Progress dialog, under the "Setup is copying files..."
; line.
; The third (optional) field is used to determine if the existing file with
; the same name should be saved to a backup. If this field string is "Save"
; and the file exists in the target directory, the user will be given the
; option to save the file under another name.
; The fourth (optional) field is used to specify that this file should be
; appended to another file that already exists. Useful when a file needs
; to be broken up into smaller files to fit on a floppy. The other file
; must be part of the same section; setup therefore looks for it in that
; sections destination directory.
; Example:
; 1:FILE.TBK, "ToolBook File", Save
; This will install file.tbk from disk 1.
; The description "ToolBook File" will be placed in the Progress dialog.
; If the destination file exists, the user will be given the option to
; save a copy of it.
; This will append file2.tbk to file1.tbk in the destination directory.
1:TBOOK.EXE, "ToolBook 1.5 Demo"
; Program Manager Groups
; The [progman.groups] section lists the group names, and file names
; for Program Manager groups. For each group name, there must be an
; accompanying section that states what items to load in that group.
"TB 1.5 Demo", TOOLBK15.GRP
; Program Manager Items
; Here are the sections that are required for every group name listed
; in the [progman.groups] section above. The section names below must
; exactly match the group names in [progman.groups]. Within each
; section, the lines have the following syntax:
; <item name>, <source section>, <item file>, <icon file>
; -<Item Name> is the name that is assigned to the progman item.
; -<Source Section> is the name of a section where the item file should be
; looked for. E.g. "pim" means look in the directory where the pim files
; are being stored (note: user can choose this directory at setup time).
; -<Item File> is the name of the file to use for the progman item.
; -<Icon File> is the name of a file from which to get the icon for this
; item. It is optional.
["TB 1.5 Demo"]
"TB 1.5 Demo", pim, tbk15.tbk, tbook.exe