Edit an existing piece of music in the Score Book?
Scroll to find the page of music you want, then select the Edit button.
1) Click on icon to generate staves, note, etc.
2) Drag object with left button down
3) Erase object by pressing Shift-Left Mouse Button
4) Lines that connect notes - click Right button over note, drag mouse
until line is correct size and slant, then click Left button.
5) Copy lines - Ctrl-Right button click while cursor is over line. This is useful for 16th notes.
6) Clicking on the Edit button will bring you to the Windows Music Editor - Score Book.
Select the page of music you want to edit, after you have found it by scrolling through the
pages. A future feature will be to name pages, from which you can make your selection.
In this version, the selected page is deleted in the Score Book, and copied into the
Editor. If you don't Save it, your work will be lost - the Editor does not save backup copies.
7) You can print from either the Editor or the Score Book.
This is just the first Beta version of this program. I am adding many bells and whistles to it to make
it more comprehensive, while trying to keep it small, so it will run quickly. As future versions of Toolbook are created, I expect to increase the resolution, page size and export capabilities as I am able.