128 Remote didn't like out ctl address. This means you can not see this message.
129 Tea For Two
130 Remote talk daemon seems to be talking different language..
131 Failed to page remote user.
132 Failed to leave an invitation on local talk daemon.
133 Failed to accept remote connection: %s
134 Ringing your party..
135 Failed to clean up invitation on local machine.
136 Failed to clean up invitation on remote machine.
137 Error on conversation socket: %s
138 Connection established.
139 Connection closed.
140 Tea with %s
141 Tea For Two
142 T42 Options
143 (tea-drop)
144 (boiling-teapot)
145 (teapot-whistle)
146 Select Sound..
147 Sound Files (*.wav)|*.wav||
148 Local\nFont used for local user pane in Tea For Two conversation window.
149 Remote\nFont used for remote user pane in Tea For Two conversation window.
150 System\nFont used for system messages. Background color is taken from appropriate window format.
151 (Auto)
152 Hello, I'm just a secretary, but feel free to have a tea with me - I have my pencil ready and I'll write down what you say, unless it will take longer than %t minutes and this small piece of paper can hold only %c characters, so drink fast and wisely!\n