home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; This template file should be used when creating new Search Engine
- ; definitins for import into SubmitWolf.
- ;
- ; To make your definitions available to other users, please upload the
- ; completed and tested definitions file to our FTP site.
- ; Refer to the SubmitWolf's home page for more information.
- ;
- ;
- ; By which name is the search engine Known?
- ; eg: NAME=My New Search Engine
- ;
- ; URL of the Engine's main Submit Page
- ; eg: SUBMIT=http://myengine.com.au/submit.html
- ;
- ; URL of the Engines mail Search or Home Page
- ; eg: HOME=http://www.myurl.com.au/search.html
- ;
- ; The REQUEST= string is how SubmitWolf sends a request to the Engine for
- ; registration. There are two formats depending on whether the POST or GET
- ; form submission method is expected.
- ;
- ; For POST method:
- ;
- ; eg: REQUEST=http://[host_address]/POST /[cgi] $HTTP[request_string]
- ;
- ;
- ; For GET method:
- ;
- ; eg: REQUEST=http://[host_address]/[cgi]?[request_string]
- ;
- ;
- ; Everything from this point is optional. Uncomment only if required.
- ;
- ;
- ; If this is a LINKs List and not a True Search Engine.
- ;
- ;
- ; To prevent SubmitWolf upgrading this definition to a newer version.
- ;
- ;
- ; Restrict Submissions to a specific Domain(s)
- ; eg: DOMAIN=au,nz (Limits submissions if URL is in Australia or New Zealand)
- ;
- ; Restrict $DESCRIPTION length to n characters.
- ; eg: CHARS=n
- ;
- ; Restrict $DESCRIPTION to a maximum of n words.
- ; eg: WORDS=n
- ;
- ; Do not Submit if Company Name Specified
- ;
- ;
- ; Submit only if Company Name Specified
- ;
- ;
- ; Do not Submit if URL has Adult Content
- ;
- ;
- ; Submit only if URL is Adult Related
- ;
- ;
- ; Prevent Multiple Submission of a single URL
- ;
- ;
- ;-------------------------- Category Mapping Data ---------------------------
- ;
- ;
- ; If the engine, needs Class, Category and or Type Information, The
- ; following MAP file template must be completed.
- ;
- ; You may also complete a map if you wish to restrict submissions to sites
- ; with specific content. This can be done by replacing the '***' with 'xxx'
- ; next to the undesired categories.
- ;
- ;
- ; The name of the MAP file must be specified if the map is to be used.
- ; eg: MAP=mymap.map
- ;
- ; Note: The specified file will be generated automatically.
- ;MAP=filename
- ;
- ; Class MAP
- ; =========
- ; IF the $CLASS and/or $CLASSCATA substitution variables have been used
- ; in the REQUEST= string, complete ALL.
- ; ELSE IF the $CATCLASS substition variable has been used, complete
- ; the first line (*101) only.
- ;
- ; For each Class, replace '***' with the string that is expected by the
- ; Engine. If an exact match can not be made, use the closest approximation.
- ;
- *101 ,*** ;Personal Home page
- *102 ,*** ;Commercial/Business
- *103 ,*** ;Educational Institution
- *104 ,*** ;Non Profit organization
- *105 ,*** ;Government Site
- *106 ,*** ;Shopping Site
- ;
- ; Category MAP
- ; ============
- ;
- ; IF $CATEGORY and/or $CATCLASS substitution variables have been used in
- ; the REQUEST= string, complete ALL.
- ; ELSE if $CLASSCATA has been used, complete the Adult (#107) entry only.
- ; ELSE ignore the Category mappings.
- ;
- ; For each Category below, replace '***' with the string that is expected by
- ; the Engine to place the URL in a similar Category.
- ; If an exact match can not be made, use the closest approximation.
- ;
- #107 ,*** ;Adult
- #90 ,*** ;Automotive
- #91 ,*** ;Business
- #92 ,*** ;Computing
- #93 ,*** ;Consumer Products
- #94 ,*** ;Entertainment
- #95 ,*** ;Finance
- #96 ,*** ;Internet
- #97 ,*** ;Employment
- #98 ,*** ;Real Estate
- #111 ,*** ;Recreation
- #99 ,*** ;Services
- #100 ,*** ;Travel
- #112 ,*** ;Science & Technology
- #113 ,*** ;Reference
- #118 ,*** ;Politics
- #123 ,*** ;Media
- #128 ,*** ;Education
- ;
- ; Type MAP
- ; ========
- ;
- ; IF the $TYPE substitution variable has been used in the REQUEST= string,
- ; complete ALL of following.
- ; ELSE ignore the Type mappings.
- ;
- ; For each Type below, replace '***' with the string that is expected by
- ; the Engine to place the URL in a similar Type Category.
- ; If an exact match can not be made, use the closest approximation.
- ;
- ;Automotive
- 1 ,*** ;Accessories/Spares
- 2 ,*** ;Aviation
- 3 ,*** ;Bikes/Vans/Trucks
- 4 ,*** ;Boats
- 5 ,*** ;Cars
- 6 ,*** ;Dealers
- 7 ,*** ;General
- 8 ,*** ;Services
- ;Business
- 9 ,*** ;Advertising/Marketing
- 10 ,*** ;Agriculture
- 11 ,*** ;Communications
- 165 ,*** ;Conferences and Meetings
- 12 ,*** ;Consultants
- 13 ,*** ;General
- 14 ,*** ;Import Export
- 15 ,*** ;Industrial Goods
- 163 ,*** ;Mail Order
- 16 ,*** ;Office Equipment
- 17 ,*** ;Opportunities
- 18 ,*** ;Resources
- 19 ,*** ;Services
- 164 ,*** ;Stock Market
- 20 ,*** ;Wholesale
- ;Computing
- 21 ,*** ;Consultants
- 22 ,*** ;Games
- 23 ,*** ;General
- 110 ,*** ;Hacking Phreaking
- 24 ,*** ;Hardware
- 25 ,*** ;Services
- 26 ,*** ;Software
- 171 ,*** ;Dealers
- 172 ,*** ;Training
- 173 ,*** ;Multimedia
- ;
- ;Consumer Products
- 27 ,*** ;Arts/Crafts
- 28 ,*** ;Beauty
- 29 ,*** ;Clothing
- 30 ,*** ;Electrical
- 31 ,*** ;Food
- 32 ,*** ;Furnishings
- 33 ,*** ;Gardening
- 34 ,*** ;General
- 35 ,*** ;Gifts/Flowers
- 36 ,*** ;Health
- 37 ,*** ;Jewelry
- 38 ,*** ;Toys/Novelties
- 174 ,*** ;Antiques
- 175 ,*** ;Electronics
- 176 ,*** ;Music
- ;
- ;Entertainment
- 39 ,*** ;Art
- 40 ,*** ;Cinema
- 41 ,*** ;Games
- 42 ,*** ;General
- 43 ,*** ;Music
- 44 ,*** ;Sports
- 45 ,*** ;Television/Radio
- 156 ,*** ;Amusement Parks
- 158 ,*** ;Theatre
- 159 ,*** ;Museums
- ;
- ;Finance
- 120 ,*** ;Accounting
- 122 ,*** ;Banking
- 46 ,*** ;General
- 47 ,*** ;Insurance
- 48 ,*** ;Investments
- 49 ,*** ;Loans/Credit
- 50 ,*** ;Mortgages
- ;Internet
- 51 ,*** ;Access Providers
- 52 ,*** ;Consultants
- 53 ,*** ;General
- 54 ,*** ;Resources
- 55 ,*** ;Web Site Providers
- ;Employment
- 56 ,*** ;Agencies
- 57 ,*** ;General
- 58 ,*** ;Vacancies
- ;Real Estate
- 62 ,*** ;Agents
- 59 ,*** ;General
- 144 ,*** ;Mortgages
- 61 ,*** ;Properties
- 145 ,*** ;Services
- ;Recreation
- 63 ,*** ;Books/Videos
- 64 ,*** ;Clubs/Hobbies
- 65 ,*** ;Dating
- 66 ,*** ;Eating/Drinking
- 67 ,*** ;General
- 68 ,*** ;Magazines
- 69 ,*** ;Music
- 157 ,*** ;Outdoors
- 70 ,*** ;Pets/Animals
- 71 ,*** ;Sports
- ;Services
- 72 ,*** ;Announcements
- 73 ,*** ;Building
- 74 ,*** ;Charities
- 75 ,*** ;General
- 76 ,*** ;Health
- 77 ,*** ;Legal
- 78 ,*** ;Organizations
- 79 ,*** ;Photography
- 80 ,*** ;Printing/Graphic Design
- 81 ,*** ;Security
- 82 ,*** ;Spiritual
- ;
- ;Travel
- 84 ,*** ;Activities
- 109 ,*** ;Airlines
- 137 ,*** ;Car Rentals
- 85 ,*** ;General
- 86 ,*** ;Holidays
- 87 ,*** ;Hotels/Accommodation
- 138 ,*** ;Services
- 88 ,*** ;Tourist Info
- 89 ,*** ;Transport
- 136 ,*** ;Travel Agencies
- ;
- ;Adult
- 186 ,*** ;Adult BBS
- 178 ,*** ;Film & Video
- 179 ,*** ;CD Roms
- 108 ,*** ;General
- 180 ,*** ;Literature
- 181 ,*** ;Live Sex Video Conferencing
- 182 ,*** ;Magazines
- 183 ,*** ;Merchandise & Equipment
- 184 ,*** ;Phone Sex
- 185 ,*** ;Services
- ;Science & Technology
- 114 ,*** ;General
- 139 ,*** ;Engineering
- 140 ,*** ;Research
- 141 ,*** ;Biotechnology
- 142 ,*** ;Consultants
- 143 ,*** ;Science
- ;
- ;Reference
- 115 ,*** ;History
- 121 ,*** ;Libraries
- 116 ,*** ;Search Engine
- 117 ,*** ;Other
- ;
- ;Politics
- 119 ,*** ;General
- 146 ,*** ;City
- 147 ,*** ;Federal
- 148 ,*** ;Regulatory
- 149 ,*** ;Other
- 150 ,*** ;Consultants
- 151 ,*** ;Legislative
- 152 ,*** ;Services
- 153 ,*** ;County
- 154 ,*** ;Provincial
- 155 ,*** ;State
- ;
- ;Media
- 134 ,*** ;Advertising/Agencies
- 124 ,*** ;Film
- 125 ,*** ;Radio
- 126 ,*** ;Television
- 83 ,*** ;Video
- 127 ,*** ;Newspapers/Magazines
- 135 ,*** ;Publishing
- 166 ,*** ;Consultants
- 167 ,*** ;Telecommunications
- 168 ,*** ;Public Relations
- 169 ,*** ;Services
- 170 ,*** ;Productions
- ;Education
- 129 ,*** ;Adult Education
- 130 ,*** ;Schools
- 131 ,*** ;Services
- 132 ,*** ;Universities/Colleges
- 133 ,*** ;Other
- 160 ,*** ;Preschool
- 161 ,*** ;Distance
- 162 ,*** ;Supplies