28827 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"
28828 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s%2s".
28829 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please check its location.
28830 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please choose correct location.
28831 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s".
28832 Error opening file.There are no fields in the file: "%1s".
28833 Warning - Dictionary file "%1s" not found. Please give location of dictionary used to create this report.
28834 Error - Dictionary file "%1s" could not be opened.
28835 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"
28836 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28837 Database file error.File could not be read due to memory error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28838 Database file error.File could not be read: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28839 Configuration Error.File could not be opened because the library "%1s" cannot be found.
28840 Configuration Error.Library "%1s" cannot be opened. Please check its configuration.
28841 Configuration Error.No database DLLs found ("PD*.DLL"). Please ensure that the application is installed in the same directory as the database DLLs.
28842 Configuration Error.Error loading "%1s" - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application.