home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994
- _sdRECT
- right
- bottom
- szInstallPath
- lDescription
- _sdSIZE
- SelectObject
- GetTextExtentPoint
- EnableWindow
- GetClassName
- GetDC
- GetDlgItem
- GetFocus
- GetWindowLong
- GetWindowRect
- GetWindowWord
- IsIconic
- IsWindow
- IsWindowEnabled
- MoveWindow
- ReleaseDC
- SetFocus
- SetWindowText
- ShowWindow
- LoadString
- GetModuleHandle
- GetClientRect
- SetWindowPos
- PostMessage
- ShowCursor
- SystemParametersInfo
- SQLInstallDriver
- SQLConfigDataSource
- SQLConfigDriver
- SQLInstallTranslator
- SQLInstallDriverManager
- Odbccp32
- SQLGetInstalledDrivers
- You Don't have an Odbc driver on your computer , (or you a$
- have an old version). In order for $
- SurfinCheck$
- to run, it $
- needs a newer version of an Odbc. Do you want to install $
- an Odbc ? (Selecting NO will end setup, selecting YES will $
- execute Odbc installation.
- SurfinChecka
- Components Information
- SurfinCheck$
- comprises two main components :
- SurfinCheck$
- Server - This component provides protection $
- as per the Corporate Security Policy. It should be installed on $
- a gateway machine since it will serve as proxy for client browsers $
- (after the installation, all client browsers should be configured $
- to use $
- SurfinCheck$
- Server as an HTTP proxy). $
- Note: Depending on your license, Several $
- SurfinCheck$
- Servers may $
- be installed, all operating as per the same Corporate Security $
- Policy and each servicing a different set of users.
- 2) SurfinConsole - This is your Security Management Console. It is $
- preferable to install SurfinConsole on a separate machine (so as not$
- to reduce performance due to $
- SurfinCheck$
- Server load). SurfinConsole$
- is the user interface component, and it is here that the Corporate $
- Security Policy is set, users and groups of users are defined, $
- reports are generated, and more.
- It is possible to install all the components on the same computer. a=
- However it is highly recommended to separate the components $
- for better performance.
- Server uses a central Database that is installed with the primarya
- SurfinCheck$
- Server. Is this your primary Server ?
- SurfinChecka.
- Server and SurfinConsole communicate through $
- port number 1024 by default. If this port is$
- used by another device, please specify a different port $
- for $
- SurfinCheck$
- components.
- Setup has found an existing a
- SurfinCheck$
- central Database on this host.$
- This Database contains the corporate security policy including user$
- definitions and applet security profiles.$
- Do you want to replace this Database with a new one?
- Your a
- SurfinCheck$
- Database folder, which contains the corporate $
- security policy including user definitions and applet $
- security profiles, is shared. Please provide a password so as $
- to restrict users access to this folder.
- Setup has found an older version of a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server already $
- installed on your system. Do you want to replace this older version$
- with a new $
- SurfinCheck$
- Server installation?$
- Selecting NO will end setup.
- Setup has found an older version of SurfinConsole installeda;
- on your system. Do you want to replace this older version$
- with a new $
- SurfinCheck$
- Server installation? $
- Selecting NO will end setup.
- You didn't choose any component!a
- Do you want to try again ?
- This is not the primary a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server folder$
- Would you like to try again ?
- Please provide your Database login parameters.$
- Please specify the Database server engine to be used by a
- SurfinCheck$
- Please enter the Database alias as defined in the a
- SQL Net configuration.
- Please enter the full path and filename for the a
- SurfinCheck$
- Database (the Oracle Database server needs to have the $
- creation rights in this folder.)
- Please record the following Path to the Database a
- folder for future installation.$
- The Path :
- Please enter the host name of the Primary a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server. $
- Then enter the $
- SurfinCheck$
- Database directory password (the same $
- one you designated during the primary installation of
- SurfinCheck$
- ERROR 263 : Not enough memory on the target disk.A
- Finjan a
- SurfinCheck
- license.txt
- license.txtR
- The file 'license.txt'was not found.A
- Finjana
- SurfinChecka
- SurfinCheck
- Welcome to SurfinCheck SetupA
- License Agreement$
- Please read the following license agreement. a4
- Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this license.
- Please click the 'YES' button to accept the terms of the a9
- above agreement or click 'NO' to cancel the installation
- evalLicense.txt
- prodLicense.txt
- SurfinChecka
- Components;
- SurfinChecka
- &Server
- Surfin&Console26
- \Program files\Finjan
- Setup is going to install a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server to the destination listed $
- below.
- Setup is going to install SurfinConsole to the destination listeda
- below.
- To install in another folder, click the Browse button $
- and select another destination folder.
- Click Next to continue.
- To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel.
- Destination Folderb(
- SurfinChecka
- Server;
- SFGDatabase
- Primary a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server Host Name And Password
- Host name:a
- Password:R'
- System\CurrentControlSet\control\ComputerName\ComputerName
- ComputerName2-
- Unable to read local host name. A
- LocalHost(
- Database Folder Password
- SFGDatabase
- Database Configuration
- User Name:a
- Password:RW
- Database Alias
- 1024$
- SurfinChecka
- Components Communication Port;
- netscape.exeRC
- Iexplore.exeRC
- jre.za
- jre.z!
- Error 196 : copying SurfinConsole files.A
- setup.inia
- setup.ini!
- Error 197 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- _setup.liba
- _setup.lib!
- Error 198 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- _setup.dlla
- _setup.dll!
- Error 199 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- set_sgDB.insa
- set_sgDB.ins!
- Error 200 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- set_sg.insa
- set_sg.ins!
- Error 201 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- Scheck.za
- Scheck.z!
- Error 202 : copying SurfinCheck Server files.A
- DBase.za
- Dbase.z!
- Error 203 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- \set_sgDB.ins
- Error 204 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- \set_sg.ins
- Error 205 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- set_sg.ins!
- Error 206 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- set_sgDB.ins!
- Error 207 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- Scheck.z!
- Error 208 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- DBase.z!
- Error 209 : copying a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server files.*
- SurfinCheck$
- \config
- SurfinChecka
- .cfg$
- Error 210 :Can't open a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server configuration file*
- Error 211 :Unable to write port number to configuration file.A
- SurfinCheck$
- \Misc
- params.sfg!
- Error 212 :Can't open a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server parameters file*
- Error 213 :Unable to write folder PathA
- set_sc.insa
- set_sc.ins!
- Error 214 : copying SurfinConsole files.A
- Sconsole.za
- Sconsole.z!
- Error 215 : copying SurfinConsole files.A
- \set_sc.ins
- Error 216 : copying SurfinConsole files.A
- set_sc.ins!
- Error 217 : copying SurfinConsole files.A
- Sconsole.z!
- Error 218 : copying SurfinConsole files.A
- \SurfinConsole
- params.sfc!
- Error 219 :Can't open Console parameters file.A
- \SurfinConsole\help\w2wfrm.htm
- Error 220 :Unable to write browser path to parameres file.A
- \SurfinConsole\config
- SurfinConsole.cfg!
- Error 221 :Can't open SurfinConsole configuration file.A
- Error 222 :Unable to write port number to SurfinConsole configuration file.A
- _setup.lib!
- Error 223 : copying Setup files.A
- _setup.dll!
- Error 224 : copying Setup files.A
- setup.ini!
- Error 195 : copying Setup files.A
- jre.z!
- Error 273 : copying Setup files.A
- \Database
- SurfinCheck$
- \Misc\sharent.exe$
- Error 225 :The Database directory is not a shared folder !A
- SurfinCheck$
- \Misc\share95.exe$
- Error 226 :The Database directory is not a shared folder !A
- SurfinCheck
- \jre\bin\javaw.exe$
- -classpath .;b"
- \Common\Common.zip;$
- \jre\lib\rt.jar;$
- SurfinCheck$
- SurfinCheck$
- .zip CallIDW
- Error 231 :Can't execute evaluation program.A
- SurfinCheck$
- \config
- sfs.lic
- SurfinChecka
- SurfinCheckb\
- SurfinConsolea
- SurfinConsole.cfg
- SurfinCheck$
- \config\$
- SurfinCheck$
- \SurfinConsole\config\SurfinConsole.cfg
- \SurfinCheck\Misc
- \jre\bin\javaw.exe$
- -classpath .;b"
- \Common\Common.zip;$
- \jre\lib\rt.jar;$
- \SurfinCheck\SurfinCheck.zip FinjanUtil.EmptyDBCreator
- Readme
- Do you want to view the readme.txt now ?(
- notepad.exeRI
- Error 231 :The file 'notepad.exe' was not found.A
- Error 232 :The file 'README.txt' was not found.A
- README.txt
- Error 233 :Can't execute notepad program.A
- Installation complete.(
- Some files could not be installed because they are a3
- currently in use by other programs in the system. $
- To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart$
- your system at this time.
- Restart Windowsb(
- Setup is complete.
- Now you can enjoy $
- SurfinCheck$
- enhanced security features while surfing the Web.
- To find out more about $
- SurfinCheck$
- , please read the Help documents.
- Thank you for choosing Finjan as your Security Solution Provider.
- SurfinCheck$
- is ready to go.
- Some files could not be installed because they are a3
- currently in use by other programs in the system. $
- To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart$
- your system at this time.
- Restart Windowsb(
- Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Finjan $
- SurfinCheckg
- \crystaldlls?
- \Temp
- *.tmp$
- \Temp
- *.tmp
- SFGDatabase
- SurfinChecka
- Setup
- SetupA
- Error 234 :This program requires VGA or better resolution.A
- \systemdlls
- msvcrt.dllRE
- msvcrt.dlla
- msvcrt.dll!
- Error 235 :Error copying the file msvcrt.dll .a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- jdbcodbc.dllRE
- jdbcodbc.dlla
- jdbcodbc.dll!
- Error 236 :Error copying the file jdbcodbc.dll .a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- dbcodbc_g.dllRE
- jdbcodbc_g.dlla
- jdbcodbc_g.dll!
- Error 237 :Error copying the file jdbcodbc_g.dll .a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- \systemdlls?
- \crystaldlls?
- Instexec.dll
- _ntest._
- password.txt
- dummy password
- dummy password#
- dummy password
- net use b
- \password.txt
- InstExec12
- Error 243 :DLL not found A
- Error 244 :DLL error A
- .mdb)
- \systemdlls\winNT
- \systemdlls\win95
- Error 238 :Error copying dll file.a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- \systemdlls
- Error 239 :Error copying dll file.a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- \crystal
- \crystal
- \crystal
- \crystaldlls?
- \systemdlls?
- Uninstall SurfinConsole$
- \SurfinConsole\icon2.ico
- Uninstall a
- SurfinCheck$
- Server
- SurfinCheck$
- \icon2.ico
- Error 255: creating shortcut to uninstFile.bat.A
- evalCheck.sfcR!
- Version 1.0 rev. 1.0,
- Evaluation Version 1.0 rev. 1.0
- uninst.batR!
- uninst.bat
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\Console\1.0a
- LocationA
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinCheck Server\1.0a
- LocationA
- config%
- config%
- config$
- setup.ini%
- Databasea
- DbTypea
- access
- setup.ini%
- Databasea
- DbTypea
- oracle
- setup.ini%
- Builda
- BuildNuma
- \SurfinConsole$
- SurfinConsole.bat
- @echo off(
- net use b
- < config
- eadme.txt
- ..\jre\bin\javaw -classpath .;..\Common\Common.zip;a
- ..\jre\lib\rt.jar;$
- \SurfinConsole\SurfinConsole.zip$
- SurfinConsole
- Error 246 :Can't create file SurfinConsole.bat .A
- \SurfinCheck\Misc$
- register.bat
- @echo off
- cd b"
- \SurfinCheck
- \jre\bin\javaw -classpath .;$
- \SurfinCheck\SurfinCheck.zip;$
- \jre\lib\rt.jar SurfinCheck
- Error 227 :Can't open register filea)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- \SurfinCheck
- \SurfinCheck\Misc$
- reg.bat
- @echo off
- cd b"
- \SurfinCheck
- \jre\bin\java -classpath .;$
- \SurfinCheck\SurfinCheck.zip;$
- \jre\lib\rt.jar SurfinCheck $
- \SurfinCheck $
- doNotShow
- Error 228 :Can't open register filea)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- \SurfinCheck\Misc
- IDW.bat!
- Error 230 :Can't open evaluation file.a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- @echo off$
- cd b"
- \SurfinCheck
- \jre\bin\java -classpath .;$
- \SurfinCheck\SurfinCheck.zip;$
- \jre\lib\rt.jar CallIDW
- \SurfinCheck\DBUtil
- DBConvertor.bat!
- Error 261 :Can't open Database Convertor file.a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- @echo off
- cd b"
- \SurfinCheck\DBUtil
- \jre\bin\java -classpath .;$
- \jre\lib\rt.jar;$
- \SurfinCheck\Common\Common.zip;$
- DatabaseConvertor $
- ISConvertor.txt > ConvertionResults.txt
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SurfinCheck Server Uninstalla
- UninstallString2
- ERROR 253 : creating uninstall.exe. for Server.A
- uninstCheck.bat,
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Console Uninstalla
- UninstallString2
- ERROR 254 : creating uninstall.exe. for SurfinConsole.A
- uninstConsole.bat
- -f $
- @echo off
- Error 255 :Can't create file uninstFile.bat .A
- uninst.bat
- @echo off"
- uninstCheck.bat
- uninstConsole.bat
- Database Engine Selection"
- Oracle732
- Installed(
- You do not have an Oracle73 driver ! Do you want to try again ? A
- \Database
- .mdb$
- .ldb$
- \Database
- .mdb$
- .ldb$
- Odbccp32.dll
- Access(
- \MSRD2X32.dll
- Odbccp32.dll
- aaaaaaaa
- PWD=FinjanBabeA
- Can not install ODBC, Error 108.A
- software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\SFGDatabase
- software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources
- DescriptionA
- Oracle73A
- sqo32_73.dllR
- c:\orawin95\odbc\sqo32_73.dll*
- Error 265 : Oracle7 Driver not foundA
- DriverA
- ServerA
- userIDA
- SFGDatabaseA
- Oracle73A
- _odinst.inia
- _odinst.ini!
- Error 241 : copying SurfinCheck Server files.A
- Can not install ODBC, Error 101.A
- Can not install ODBC, Error 102.A
- Can not install ODBC, Error 103.A
- Can not install ODBC, Error 104.b
- Can not install ODBC, Error 105.A
- Can not install ODBC, Error 106.A
- Can not install ODBC, Error 107.b
- _odinst.ini!
- Error 242 : copying Setup files.A
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Console Uninstalla
- UninstallString2
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\Console\1.0a
- Location2
- SurfinConsole)
- SurfinConsole.batR
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\Console\1.0a
- Build2
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\Console\1.0a
- Location2
- \SurfinConsole\config
- SurfinConsole.cfga
- SurfinConsole.cfg
- SurfinConsole.cfga
- SurfinConsole!
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SurfinCheck Server Uninstalla
- UninstallString2
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinCheck Server\1.0a
- Location2
- SurfinCheck)
- SurfinCheck.batR
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinCheck Server\1.0a
- Build2
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinCheck Server\1.0a
- Location2
- \SurfinCheck\config
- sfs.lica
- sfs.lic
- SurfinCheck.cfga
- SurfinCheck.cfg
- SurfinCheck.cfga
- SurfinCheck
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\Database\1.0a
- Build2
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinCheck Server\1.0a
- Location2
- Database)
- *.mdbR
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinCheck Server\1.0a
- Location2
- SOFTWARE\Finjan\Database\1.0a
- Build2
- \Database
- .ldb$
- .mdb$
- \Database
- \SurfinCheck\config
- sfs.lica
- sfs.lic
- SurfinCheck.cfga
- SurfinCheck.cfg
- \SurfinConsole\config
- SurfinConsole.cfga
- SurfinConsole.cfg
- flag.sfg
- ERROR 248 : Can't execute Uninstall of the old vertion.A
- -y -fb
- ERROR 249 : Can't execute Uninstall of the old vertion.A
- flag.sfg
- \config
- 32bit ODBC
- 32bit ODBCa
- *.*BD
- Copying Manager Files$
- Odbcb
- \manager\*.*
- DATA.Zb]
- \MANAGER\WIN31\*.*
- DATA.Zb]
- \MANAGER\WIN95\*.*
- DATA.Zb]
- DATA.Zb]
- DATA.Zb_
- ODBC Removea
- Managera
- Unable to find a
- ODBC TranslatorsP
- ODBC TranslatorsQ
- MS Code Page TranslatorA
- InstalledA
- MS Code Page TranslatorP
- MS Code Page TranslatorQ
- MS Code Page TranslatorQ
- MS Code Page TranslatorR
- UsageCount2
- MS Code Page TranslatorQ
- UsageCountA
- ODBC Removea
- Translator1a
- MS Code Page Translator!
- Unable to find a
- _2532.INI
- DescriptionR
- Driver=!
- Driver=b
- _2532.INI%
- Driverb
- Setup=!
- Setup=b
- _2532.INI%
- Setupb
- Driverb
- ODBC Removeb]
- Unable to find a
- _2532.INI
- DescriptionR
- DBQ=b
- DefaultDir=b
- DSN=b
- DriverR
- Driver=b
- UninstallString2
- UninstallStringB
- unInstallShieldR
- unInstallShieldb
- SurfinCheck
- register.exe
- Error 262 :execute register failed .A
- SurfinCheck
- \jre\bin\java
- -classpath .;b"
- \jre\lib\rt.jar;$
- \SurfinCheck;$
- \jre\lib\rt.jar FinjanUtil.CallIDW
- Error 263 :Can't open evaluation file.a)
- Please try installing SurfinCheck again.*
- SurfinCheck\DBUtil
- \jre\bin\javaw
- -classpath .;b"
- \jre\lib\rt.jar;$
- \SurfinCheck\FinjanUtil$
- EmptyDBCreator Check
- Error 264 :Database Creator failed .A
- b4 CsvImport szParameters b>
- szCommandLine= $
- Error 264 :Database Creator failed .A
- after CsvImportA
- edit(
- Disk Space0
- temp.txt
- temp.txt
- In function '%s':
- Unable to create dialog.
- Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
- Errorb]
- _sdSIZEa
- %s-%ldb
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
- RegisteredOwner2
- RegisteredOrganization2
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- ResultA
- SdRegisterUser!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- SdRegisterUser!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdAskDestPath!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdAskDestPath!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdSelectFolder!
- ResultA
- szFolderA
- SdSelectFolder!
- szFolderA
- ResultA
- SdSetupType!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdSetupType!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdShowMsg!
- SdShowMsg/
- _sdRECTa
- _sdRECTa
- bottom2
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdShowFileMods!
- ResultA
- nSelectionA
- SdShowFileMods!
- nSelectionA
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit1!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- SdShowEdit1!
- szEdit1A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit2!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- SdShowEdit2!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit3!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- SdShowEdit3!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- ResultA
- SdAskOptions!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptions!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentMult!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentMult!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogEx
- SdComponentDialogEx!
- SdComponentDialog!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialog!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdLicense!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdStartCopy!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdFinishReboot!
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- SdFinish!
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- 3.00.077