"This concludes the installation of Norton Desktop."
" "
"Thank You for Choosing the Leader in Utilities Software."
" "
"Select one of the exit options below."
caption = "Norton Desktop - Install Complete"
"This concludes the installation of Norton Desktop."
" "
"Thank You for Choosing the Leader in Utilities Software."
" "
"Select one of the exit options below."
"If you elected not to allow Install to modify your"
"startup files, please note that Norton Desktop must"
"be in your DOS PATH in order to run properly."
caption = "Norton Desktop - Install Complete"
"This concludes the installation of Norton Desktop."
"Thank You for Choosing the Leader in Utilities Software."
" "
"Select one of the exit options below."
"Rebooting is highly recommended so that the changes"
"to your startup files can take effect. Please remove"
"all floppy disks from the drives. If you choose to"
"exit to DOS, please note that you should reboot your"
"machine before starting Windows."
caption = "Norton Desktop - Change Shell"
"Do you want to make Norton Desktop"
"your Windows shell?"
"Normally, Program Manager is the"
"shell -- the interface between you"
"and Windows. Norton Desktop provides"
"greater functionality, yet retains"
"all of your existing Program Manager"
caption = "Norton Desktop - Default Editor"
"Would you like the Norton Desktop"
"Editor as your default text editor?"
caption = "Scan For Viruses"
"Would you like to scan your hard"
"disk for viruses before copying the"
"Norton Desktop files?"
caption = "Insufficient Disk Space"
text = idstext
radio1 = "&Change Drive"
radio2 = "&Deselect Components"
radio3 = "C&ontinue Installation"
descrip1 = "Choose this option to change the installation drive to another with more space available."
descrip2 = "Choose this option to deselect product components so that less disk space will be required."
descrip3 = "This option may result in an incomplete installation. We recommend that you choose one of the above options or exit the install and delete files."
"There is insufficient disk space on the current target drive (%c:). "
"Currently, there is %u KB of space on the drive and the installation"
"will require approximately %u KB. Please choose one of the options"
"below or exit installation and delete files to free more space."
caption = "Norton Desktop - Registration"
text1 = regtext
text2 = "&Name:"
text3 = "&Company:"
Cancel = "Cancel"
Help = "&Help"
appname = nwin2.dll
prevappname = nwin2.dll
string = "Symantec Install for Windows"
active = yes
"Welcome to Norton Desktop 3.0!"
"Norton Desktop will be installed on your hard"
"drive and will take between 5.7 and 16.5 MB depending"
"on the options you choose in the following screens."
"Please register your name and company below:"
caption = "Searching for Newer Version"
text1 = "Searching for a newer version"
text2 = "of Norton Backup."
appname = nbwin.exe
apppath = C:\NDW
existslist = NBkpExists
DateCheck = nbx.dll
nbwfd.dll, target
nbwres.dll, target
nbwtd.dll, target
nbx.dll, target
caption = "Searching for Previous Version"
text1 = "Searching for a previously"
text2 = "installed version of Norton Desktop."
appname = "nwin2.dll"
apppath = C:\NDW
caption = "Searching for Shared Directory"
text1 = "Searching for the Symantec shared"
text2 = "files subdirectory."
appname = "symcfg.bin"
apppath = C:\SYMANTEC
caption = "Install Norton Desktop Files"
defpath = C:\NDW
text = "Please select the drive/directory where you want to install Norton Desktop."
reqspace= "Approximate additional disk space required"
noprev = "Symantec Install for Windows is already running!"
copycaption = "Installing Norton Desktop for Windows"