Welcome String Welcome to the Microsoft Works 3.0 Setup. Setup will install Microsoft Works 3.0 for Windows on your computer by copying files and modifying your system configuration according to the options you select.
Usage String Type SETUP to install on your local computer. \nType SETUP /A to install on a network server.
About Box String Microsoft Works 3.0 for Windows\n\nCopyright (C) 1987-1993 Microsoft Corp.
Check Modules "msworks,Microsoft Works,msspell,applications in which you used the Spell Checker,mssphm3,applications in which you used the Spell Checker,artgalry,ClipArt Gallery,msdraw,Microsoft Draw,noteit,Note-It,wordart2,WordArt,winoldap,MS-DOS Window or Application"
Source Directory
MSAPPS Location
MSAPPS Mode local
Inf File Name setup.inf
Maximum Object ID 768
Admin Mode Root Object ID 14: 5
Floppy Mode Root Object ID 15: 5
Network Mode Root Object ID 16: 5
Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 17: 5
Batch Mode Root Object ID 16: 5
Setup Version
ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Descr Type Data Bmp Id Vital Shared Dir Chang Dest Dir Check Directory Installed by Us
5 Microsoft Works AppSearch """c:\msworks"",""msworks.exe"",""2.0"",2,no,yes,6 7 8 9"
19 yes &Complete Installation Choose this button to install Microsoft Works version 3.0 with all options. This is the recommended installation. You will get full functionality with the complete installation. Group 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "works_bb.dll, 111"
20 &Minimum Installation (Laptop) Choose this button if you have a laptop or little hard disk space to install only the minimum files required to run Works. You can add more options later by running Setup again. Group 25 31 "works_bb.dll,113"
21 C&ustom Installation Choose this button if you want to conserve space on your hard disk to specify which Works options to install. You can add more options later by running Setup again. OptionDlg 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "works_bb.dll,112"
22 &Workstation Installation Choose this button to set up your workstation to run Works as a shared application on a network server. Group 23 24 "works_bb.dll,114" %s
25 yes Program and Setup files "Choose this option to install all the program files necessary to run Works. In addition, this option installs Setup on your hard disk to make it easy to modify your installation later on." Group 53 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 Vital private yes
26 yes Accessories "Choose this option to install Microsoft ClipArt Gallery, clip art files, Microsoft WordArt, Microsoft Note-It, Microsoft Draw and graphics filters." OptionDlg 35 36 37 38 39 40 not vital no
27 yes Proofing Tools "Choose this option to install the Spell Checker, Thesaurus, and Hyphenation tools. " OptionDlg 45 46 47 not vital no
28 yes Text Converters "Choose this option to install converters to work with Microsoft Works for Macintosh, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft Write for Windows and WordPerfect files." OptionDlg 695 711 703 699 716 not vital no
29 yes Online Help and Cue Cards "Choose this option to install the Works online help file, which you can refer to when using Works, and the Works Cue Cards, which give you tips on how to do basic Works tasks." OptionDlg 50 51 not vital private no
30 yes Works Tutorial Choose this option to install the Tutorial which will guide you through hands-on lessons to learn Works. You will get a chance to practice what you learn in each lesson. Depend 22 ? : 91 not vital private no
31 yes WorksWizards "Choose this option to install the WorksWizards which automatically create common documents such as address books, letterhead, form letters, and footnotes. Also helps you find and organize your files." Depend 22 ? : 90 not vital private no
32 yes AutoStart Templates "Choose this option to install the AutoStart Templates which are ready made documents that have the basic layout, formatting and formulas you need already in place. " Group 196 not vital private no
33 yes
34 yes ACCESSORIES Group 35 36 37 38 39 40 no
35 yes Microsoft ClipArt Gallery Microsoft ClipArt Gallery allows you to preview clip art pictures and quickly add pictures to a Works Word Processor document or a Database Form. Group 609 not vital shared no
36 yes Microsoft Draw Microsoft Draw is a drawing application that you can use to create pictures in your Works documents. Group 622 not vital shared no
37 yes Graphics Filters "Graphics Filters allow Microsoft Draw and Clipart Gallery to work with pictures saved in file formats such as Tagged Image Format, PC PaintBrush and Computer Graphics Metafile format." OptionDlg 738 742 746 not vital no
38 yes Microsoft Note-It "Use Microsoft Note-It to annotate your documents with pop-up notes that serve as reminders, notes to colleagues or instructions about how to use a particular document." Group 637 not vital shared no
39 yes Microsoft WordArt "Use Microsoft WordArt to add special text effects to your documents. For example, use WordArt to add distinctive headlines, titles, fancy first letters and logos." Group 648 not vital shared no
40 yes Clip art files "Clip art files are pictures that you can use to create letterheads, draw attention to specific facts or make a document look better." Depend 22 ? 85 : 83 not vital private no
41 yes
42 yes
43 yes
44 yes PROOFING TOOLS Group 45 46 47 no
45 yes Spell Checker "Use the Spell Checker to scan your document for words that are spelled, capitalized or hyphenated incorrectly." Group 578 not vital shared no
46 yes Thesaurus Use the Thesaurus to find synonyms (words with the same or similar meanings) to help you find the right word and avoid repetition. Depend 22 ? 95 : 93 not vital private no
47 yes Hyphenation Use Hyphenation to automatically hyphenate words in your Word Processor document. Depend 22 ? 101 : 99 not vital private no
48 yes
49 yes ONLINE HELP Group 50 51 not vital private no
50 yes Works Help The Works Help will give you information on how to use Works. Depend 22 ? : 87 not vital private no
51 yes Cue Cards The Cue Cards will give you useful tips on how to do basic Works tasks. Cue Cards stay open so that you can refer to them easily as you work. Depend 22 ? : 88 89 not vital private no
52 yes
53 yes PROGRAM Install Works Program Files Group 60
54 yes Works 2.0 and 2.0a in dir? DetectOlderFile """msworks.exe"","""""
55 yes "If Works 2 detected, then remove files" Depend 54 ? 56 57
56 yes Remove Works Program Files RemoveSection """Remove"""
57 yes Remove Works CBT Files RemoveSection """CBTRemove""" %d\msworks.cbt
701 yes AddIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""MS Text Converters"", ""MSWord6"", ""Microsoft Word 6.0, %smsword6.cnv,doc""" %700
702 yes
703 yes "WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1 converter" This converter allows you to open and save WordPerfect version 5.0 and 5.1 files in Works. Group 704 705 706 707 708 709 shared no
716 yes Works 3.0 for Macintosh converter This converter will allow you to open and save Works 3.0 for Macintosh files in Works for Windows. Group 717 718 %25
717 yes CopySection """Mac Works""" no %25
718 yes AddIniLine """msworks3.ini"", ""MS Text Converters"", ""MSWorksMacWP"", ""Works 3.0 for Macintosh WP,%sWK3MCNV.CNV,wp""" %717
719 yes
720 yes Word for Dos 5.0 and 6.0 converter This converter allows you to open and save Word for Dos version 5.0 and 6.0 files in Works. Group 721 722 723 shared no
722 yes AddIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""MS Text Converters"", ""MSWordDos"", ""Word for MS-DOS 5.x, %sworddos.cnv,doc""" %721
723 yes AddIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""MS Text Converters"", ""MSWordDos6"", ""Word for MS-DOS 6.0, %sworddos.cnv,doc""" %721
729 yes
730 yes
731 yes
732 yes
733 yes
734 yes
735 yes
736 yes
737 yes GRAPHICS FILTERS Install Graphics Filters Group 738 742 746 no
738 yes Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) filter This filter converts graphics saved in the Computer Graphics Metafile Filter (CGM File extension). Group 739 740 not vital shared no
742 yes PC Paintbrush (PCX) filter This filter converts graphics saved in the PC Paintbrush format (PCX file extension). Group 743 744 not vital shared no
746 yes Tagged Image Format (TIF) filter This filter converts graphics saved in the Tagged Image Format (TIF file extension). Group 747 748 749 not vital shared no