The WinSite Windows Explosion! 1996 Summer
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File List
146 lines
4asrv261.zip 9/12/95 Foray PPP Server 2.61
a16-99e.zip 5/9/96
adweb11.zip 4/16/96 Adr_Html is a World Wide Web Address Book
aimp16b2.zip 1/13/96 Web Agent add-on for Netscape Navigator
anchors.zip 4/6/96 Anchors Aweigh! point and click HTML editor
atisml05.zip 10/11/95 Mail Agent for sending and receiving E-mail (1.7M)
atisml06.zip 11/17/95 Mail User Agent for sending and receiving E-mail
autown20.zip 4/10/96 Automated Internet for Windows (SLIP/PPP)
avw_421.zip 11/24/95 AvPlay is a MUD playing client
biff4win.zip 10/5/95 Compakt (30k) but smart Email-Checker
bkmkntro.zip 2/1/96 Bookmark.htm file with over HUNDRED of URL's
bodytag.zip 2/23/96 BodyTag control panel to select colors for <BODY> tags
btebm096.exe 3/17/96 Category/List based Internet bulk e-mail manager
bwfd041b.zip 1/28/96 Finger Daemon for Windows 3.1x/95/NT
cfing13b.zip 12/9/95 Finger/echo client/daemon
ciakole.zip 4/23/96 Internet Chat Program v1.5
clftp094.zip 4/30/96 Command Line Driven GUI FTP Application
cmnet21d.zip 10/12/95 "Comm/Telnet;Zmodem,VT100/ANSI on both (1M)"
color23.zip 2/3/96 "Finds HTML Color Code, Decimal (0 - 16.8mil), and RGB"
comt200.zip 9/12/95 COMt: the Telnet Modem for Windows
ctftp13.zip 12/27/95 CuteFTP: Windows FTP client
ctswap11.zip 3/3/96 Winsock File Swapper / Web Browser Launcher
cw03.exe 2/27/96 Bookmark Editor and Graphical Navigator
dmail12b.zip 3/29/96 "dMail 1.2b1. MIME, SMTP, POP3, NNTP, UUCP"
dns.zip 11/22/95 "Search,convert IP Adresses->names;stores in database"
echat21u.zip 2/18/96 A multi-user telnet/web chat server.(IRC-like)
esig1_0.zip 1/6/96 Designed to randomly change signatures for e-mail
ewiz103.zip 1/12/96 Generates Internet Mail-Server Messages
fflip200.zip 4/6/96 Util. to change net connection from online to offline
fing16de.zip 10/6/95 "FINGER 16bit client with,support,sound"
flatrat2.exe 3/20/96 FLATRATE.ZIP>Internet-On-A-Disk only $15./mo [1.3M]
frrd12w.zip 4/18/96 Web HTML form mailto e-mail decoder. No cgi required
ftday.exe 12/3/95 Offline Internet training for Windows
gecosin.zip 3/11/96 Internet Real Cost view & calculation (Italian Version)
gifweb15.zip 3/27/96 TRANSPARENT backgrounds for GIF images. For Web pages
gomer.zip 4/2/96 GOMER HTML Editor v.1.23 - Win3.1/Win95
here10.zip 1/2/96 Automatically posts dynamic PPP/SLIP address to finger
histopic.zip 3/29/96 Track names of graphics files d/led from 'net
host100b.zip 11/26/95 Resolves TCP/IP host name and address information
ht16v12.zip 3/4/96 Easy to use HTML editor
htmlpa11.zip 4/22/96 HTML Pad 1.1b: HTML editor
hw9b4all.zip 11/28/95 "A powerful, yet easy to use, HTML editor"
hznet.zip 12/19/95 'HZ' Coding System for Chinese E-Mail
icc121.zip 11/5/95 INTERNET CONTROL CENTER
ichat10b.zip 2/3/96 A multiple user telnet chat server. (IRC - like)
id001.zip 11/25/95 Single user identification and finger server
idc103.zip 4/1/96 Point-to-Point Internet Direct Chat Utility
identd.zip 10/31/95 Winsock ident services/user configurable name
inetvoy.zip 2/2/96 Internet Dialup Software Win3.x/Win95
infodisk.zip 4/17/96 "Internet info. US Govt.&Prv.BBS#'s,800#'s & more"
intlog22.zip 1/7/96 "Internet time usage counter, log and stats V2.2"
intrt31c.zip 12/18/95 "Freeware util, records time using a SLIP or PPP account"
ipcid103.zip 4/1/96 Internet IP Address & Domain Name Resolving Utility
iprad104.zip 4/1/96 Automatic Internet IP Address Beacon/Finder Utility
lmb09.zip 3/9/96 Link Master organize URLS/Web pages/generate Link lists
lt100a.zip 5/9/96
mcpdisk1.exe 2/10/96 MCP Test Preparation Package - Disk 1 of 3
mcpdisk2.exe 2/10/96 MCP Test Preparation Package - Disk 2 of 3
mcpdisk3.exe 2/10/96 MCP Test Preparation Package - Disk 3 of 3
mfaq25hp.zip 4/27/96 FAQ about mIRC version: 4.10 (.hlp format)
mirc41.zip 4/27/96 "mIRC v4.1, an Internet Relay Chat Client"
mircfq25.zip 4/27/96 FAQ about mIRC version: 3.40 (.wri format)
mpths110.zip 12/19/95 Image map editor for WWW pages. Freeware
mqmc099.zip 1/27/96 Display costs during net connection (Italian)
mrterm1.zip 8/23/95 MrTerm: Internet terminal program
nbd20i1.zip 2/18/96
nbl16.exe 4/16/96 Free offline Web agent/archiver with built-in spider
nd275e.zip 4/26/96 NetDial Internet Modem Dialer
netast.zip 2/9/96 Windows version of Netware's SYSCON
netchess.zip 1/27/96 Play chess over the Internet
nsnoop1b.zip 12/11/95 Taps into and uses Netscape cache files
nsnoop1c.zip 1/17/96 Gain access to Netscape Cache Files
ntcrt11.zip 2/24/96 "CRT is a terminal emulator, rlogin and telnet protocol"
offload.zip 4/4/96 Auto download Web info that you commonly access
oltime25.zip 4/9/96 "Online Time monitor, track on-line expenses"
popnotes.zip 12/26/95 Send Post-It(tm) notes across the Internet
prsrv11.zip 12/4/95 "Printer (LPD) SERVER for Windows Sockets, v. 1.1"
q3270v25.zip 4/8/96 QWS3270 PLUS TN3270 Telnet version 2.5
qn102.zip 12/21/95 QuickNet: Internet TCP/IP FTP client
radm13e.zip 12/21/95 Web site maintenance utility with lots of features
ranger.zip 10/12/95 "Beta release of Aimnet Ranger, suite of Internet apps"
rdestiny.zip 4/18/96 Internet Radio Receiver
rmd11073.zip 4/8/96 PC & Internet actions reminder + Address Book
robedit.exe 4/23/96 RobEdit: WYSIWYG Web (HTML) Authoring Tool
sblast30.zip 2/20/96 Searchable database of thousands of Internet Sites v3.0
sbnews18.zip 2/27/96 Automatically download & UUDECODE newsgroups
servu11i.zip 9/18/95 FTP Server (Daemon) for WinSock
sg16-100.zip 4/12/96 Signature Generator for newsgroups/email programs
skspy1a0.zip 2/28/96 16-bit Trace/Debugging utility for Winsock 1.1
sl10341.zip 2/14/96 SlipStream Jet 1.0341: Import Usenet into QWK Readers
slink101.zip 4/24/96 Play Magic: The Gathering through winsock-connection
sliptim3.zip 2/8/96 Keep track of the time spent on the Internet
softerm.zip 9/19/95 "Complete Internet kit TCPIP,Browser,Mail,News,Telnet"
sossntr4.zip 9/8/95 winnt3.51/winsock public domain NFS server
sptn1609.zip 9/8/95 SimpTerm Winsock telnet/rlogin client
squrlj.zip 1/9/96 Client-side meta-searcher for searches of the WWW
surfb102.zip 4/1/96 Web Link Extraction/Bookmark Database Program
surfr120.zip 11/29/95 Internet Address Manager & Winsock Toolbar
swag1b.zip 3/4/96 HTML Editor with in-built previewing facilities
tacacs20.zip 4/11/96 Universal Tacacs Plus Server for Windows v.2.0
tardisv3.zip 11/29/95 Windows time synchronization utility that uses winsock
telftp16.zip 5/1/96 New combination Internet Telnet and ftp client
timer01.zip 12/20/95 Keeps track of charges for on-line services
tpwins32.zip 4/11/96 TracePlus32/Winsock 2.04
trnfs15.zip 10/26/95 Tropic NFS server for Windows 3.x (Winsock 1.1 API)
twsk21f.zip 1/11/96 Trumpet Winsocket.DLL Version 2.1f
urlmgr1a.zip 9/7/95 URL Manager 1.0a
va16.exe 4/3/96 Offline Mail/News Reader for Internet and CompuServe
vanet16.exe 4/3/96 Offline Mail/News Reader for NNTP/SMTP/POP3
vizion.zip 2/18/96 Windows Internet Bookmark Manager
w3rite.zip 3/21/96 WSKA HTML WWWrite - Powerful HTML Editor
wanvas12.zip 10/16/95 Multi-user Network Whiteboard (Winsock)
wbfrm21a.zip 2/27/96 WWW forms generator and response reader - NO CGI
wc200.zip 12/18/95 Download weather forecasts for Canadian cities
wcrt10.zip 12/13/95 CRT is a 32-bit winsock compliant telnet
weather.zip 2/12/96 Get Weather Forecasts off the Net
webf10k.zip 4/29/96 D/L's webpages and graphics to hard disk.
webidx_2.zip 3/2/96 Store Internet Web/FTP addresses and descriptions
webmate.zip 10/13/95 Webmate is an add-on utility for Netscape
webpar15.zip 1/13/96 Web Mailto Form Parser creates comma-delimited ASCII
webpen25.zip 5/7/96 HTML Web Editor and Authoring Tool
webpnp30.zip 5/7/96 HTML Web Editor and Authoring Tool. PRO Edition
webtick.zip 4/7/96 Transparently display news/sports/scores/stock prices
webwev50.zip 3/18/96 HTML Editor
wfinger.zip 3/25/96 WFinger: windows finger client - needs WINSOCK.DLL
wfngr10.zip 12/4/95 "Finger SERVER/CLIENT for Windows Sockets, v. 1.0"
winbox10.zip 1/30/96 "POP3 and SMPT client for Windows 3.x, Win 95 and NT"
wirc10.zip 11/17/95 User Friendly Windows IRC Client
wlogin.zip 2/9/96 Windows 3.x replacement for LOGIN.EXE
wlprs41.zip 2/22/96 Windows print spooler for LPR/JetDirect based printers
wmaster3.zip 5/5/96 WebMaster v3.0: Web/Email Address Book + Power Tool
wmnia15.zip 4/24/96 HTML editor and forms generator v1.5
wnbff34.zip 4/26/96 mail notify - Pegasus/Eudora/MSMail/cc:Mail/POP3/IMAP
wnmai260.zip 10/30/95 Internet software & service with TCP/IP (1.1M)
woisu101.zip 2/6/96 Windows on the Internet Setup-1M
wpc.zip 1/6/96 "HTML editor for WIN3X,95,NT"
ws_ftp.zip 2/2/96 Windows Sockets FTP Client Application v95.04.24
ws_ftp32.zip 2/2/96 Windows Sockets FTP Client Application v95.04.24
wsplug20.zip 2/22/96 "An http client/server, a protocol analyser, and more.."
wssrv16n.zip 5/6/96 Surveys Network Status on Graphical Map (50 hosts)
wssurvey.zip 4/12/96 Surveys Network Status on Graphical Map(50 hosts)
wstbar26.zip 9/1/95 Toolbar for Internet winsock apps
xtaca122.zip 2/20/96 Universal XTACACS Server Ver 1.22 for Windows
zdfing30.zip 1/15/96 Finger 3.0: a Windows Sockets Finger Client by Z. Dukic
zin001a.zip 1/2/96 Simple WINSOCK Interface for programmers