Windows 3.0 (Multimedia Edition)
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This on-line document describes some specific problems you
might encounter when running non-Windows 3270 emulation
products with Windows 3.0.
Starting 3270 Applications
You can start most 3270 emulator products as memory-
resident applications (also known as terminate-and-stay-
resident, or TSRs). Most memory-resident applications
are incompatible with a multitasking environment such as
Windows, and should not be started before you start
Windows, especially when running Windows 386 enhanced mode.
However, some other applications can be started before you
start Windows. Only attempt this if the documentation you
received with the application specifies that it will work.
In all other cases, start Windows first, and then run your
emulator from a DOS Prompt, or directly from Windows
Program Manager.
Getting Optimal Performance with 3270 Applications
High-speed communications programs like 3270 emulators run
successfully when you run Windows 3.0 in 386 enhanced mode.
However, when running in real or standard mode, you must
select the Prevent Program Switch option in the 3270
emulator's PIF to ensure against accidental loss of your
mainframe connection.
Note: You will be unable to use the Multimedia extensions when
running Windows in real mode.
When running in 386 enhanced mode, you will achieve the best
results by using the following recommendations:
* Start all 3270 emulation utilities from the DOS prompt.
* Make sure the virtual machine can run in the background
by setting the background bit in the virtual machine's
Settings dialog box or in the PIF you use to start the
machine. This should prevent your mainframe session
from being disconnected when you run other applications.
* For the best results, run all 3270 emulation
applications full screen.
* If you do run your 3270 emulator in a window, do not
use your mouse to select text. Selecting text in this
way will temporarily suspend your application and
might cause your mainframe session to be disconnected.
* To use file send and file receive utilities, you must
set the Memory Required parameter for COMMAND.PIF
so that enough memory is available to load both the
emulator and the utilities at the same time. See the
3270 emulator's documentation for memory requirements
and recommendations for system settings.
If you are running Windows in standard or real mode, and
cannot use Windows hotkeys to switch away from your 3270
emulator or to copy the emulator's screen to the Clipboard,
the emulator is probably intercepting the hotkeys before
Windows receives them.
* Try using a hotkey to switch from the host session to
the DOS session being maintained by the emulator. This
usually causes the emulator to pass the keystrokes on
to Windows, thereby allowing you to switch tasks.
See the PIF Editor section in the HyperGuide for more information
about using PIF files. The PIF Editor is part of the Accessories
IBM Personal Communications/3270 (PCS)
* PCS reserves specific keys for switching between the host
and the MS-DOS sessions. These "hot keys" conflict with the
following keys reserved for use by Windows 3.0:
To redefine these key combinations, use a keyboard
definition file. You can find the proper procedure in your
PCS product documentation.
* If you want your 286-based PS/2 computer configured to use
expanded memory, you must add the following line to your
When you ran Setup to install Windows and chose to let
Windows modify your CONFIG.SYS, this line was removed.
Check the backup, CONFIG.OLD for the exact entry you must
See your PCS documentation for further information on
* Make sure you always unload PCS before exiting the MS-DOS
session where PCS was initialized.
* If your computer is configured so that no EMS page frame
is available, you must prevent PCS from using expanded
memory. Create a program information file (PIF) for
PCS and include these settings:
EMS Memory KB Required 0
EMS Memory KB Limit 0
For information about creating a PIF, see the PIF Editor
procedure "Creating New PIFs from Scratch," in HyperGuide.
The PIF Editor is part of the Accessories Group.
* If you access PCS via a gateway on PCLP or Token Ring
networks, you must prevent other applications from trying
to run while PCS is running. Select the Exclusive option
in the PIF for PCS to ensure safe operation.
DCA IRMAX or IrmaLan
* Make sure the DCA keyboard is loaded before you start
Windows by including the following line in your CONFIG.SYS
device=kybddrv.sys -1b
If you are running Windows in real or standard mode,
you must toggle to the DOS session before using Windows
hotkeys to switch tasks. If you do not, the driver might
intercept keystrokes meant for another non-Windows
application and send them to the host.
Note: You will be unable to use the Multimedia extensions when
running Windows in real mode.
* If you are running Windows in 386 enhanced mode, add the
following line to the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI
See the on-line document SYSINI3.TXT for information about
the procedure.
* If you want to paste information from the Windows Clipboard
to IRMAX, clear the Allow Fast Paste check box in the
Advanced Options of the DCA's PIF.
You will not be able to terminate IRMA Plus as usual. If you
press Shift+Shift to switch to the Host, and then press Shift+F6
to exit the emulator, you will return to the DOS prompt, not to
the IRMA Pop-up program box. At this point, you can press
ALT+TAB and return to Windows, but you cannot exit the emulator.
To terminate properly, create the following batch file:
echo off
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
echo Your pop-up program has been loaded and you may activate
it as echo you would normally. When you have finished using
this pop-up echo program, exit it or press any key to return
to Windows.
command /c echo Done
Name the batch file E7.BAT. Create a PIF for IRMA Plus. Enter
e7.bat as the Program Name, and e7.com as an optional parameter.
NOTE: This batch file and its associated PIF file can be used
for other programs that terminate abnormally. Be sure
that you enter the appropriate application name as the
optional parameter.
Attachmate Extra or Extra Gateway
* If you have problems switching away from Extra Gateway,
answer Yes to the question "Will you be using Windows 386?"
in the Extra Gateway configuration program. Answering Yes
enables the -CQ option in your EXTRA.BAT file.
* To ensure proper termination of Extra, clear the Close
Window on Exit option (remove the X) in PIF for Extra.
Alternately, you can use the E7.BAT file as explained in
the previous topic, "DCA IRMA Plus+."
The following are other on-line documents that contain important
information not included in the on-line Help or HyperGuide:
NETWORKS.TXT Information about running Windows with specific
network configurations.
PRINTERS.TXT Information about particular printers and fonts
that help you configure them to run in the
Windows environment.
README.TXT General information about using the Windows graphical
environment, with and without multimedia extensions
SYSINI.TXT Procedures for modifying SYSTEM.INI settings
SYSINI2.TXT (for advanced users only).
WININI.TXT Procedures for modifying WIN.INI settings
WININI2.TXT (for advanced users only).