Windows Shareware GOLD
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The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) is an organization
dedicated to the promotion of the shareware marketing concept.
Many of the software programs on this CD-ROM are authored by members of
ASP. Programs by ASP authors are so noted in the reviews.
Sherburne Knowledge Systems, Inc. is an approved vendor and associate
member of the ASP. ASP wants to make sure the shareware principle works
for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware related problem with
an ASP member by contacting the member directly, the ASP Ombudsman can
help resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member. They do not provide
technical support for products. Write the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover
Road, Muskegon, MI 49422 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail
to ASP Ombudsman 7
The Shareware concept will only survive to deliver superior, low cost
software if those who use a shareware program register with the author
and pay the registration fee. Please Register Now!
PgUp Key to Return to Information Menu
Press Any Key to Return to program Main Menu
Copy Information
Single programs may be copied while viewing the detailed
description screen. Single or multiple programs may
be copied from the short description list screen.
Optical Drive = The letter designator of your CD-ROM
Target Drive = Enter the letter designator of the drive
to receive data. Note, target drive must
be able to hold all files in the dataset!
Recommend target drive is a hard drive.
Target path
= Enter the path (excluding drive letter)
you wish to copy to. Up to 3 levels of
subdirectories are allowed. If the
directories do not exist they will be
i.e. (drive:\dir\sub1\sub2)
PgUp = Previous Page ENTER = Main Menu
Sherburne Knowledge Systems, Inc. published its first CD-ROM,
"SHAREWARE GOLD" on the premise that the user wanted an EASY-
TO-USE, VIRUS FREE, CD-ROM disk of the best shareware programs
availble. Our premise was correct. "SHAREWARE GOLD" became a
best seller all over the world.
This CD-ROM disk is published with the same premise. This
CD-ROM includes hundreds of Window programs in eight unique
categories. Each program has been reviewed extensively to
provide a detailed description of each application. Additional
information about hardware requirements, registration, and the
the program author is also provided.
This disk will fill your basic software needs with a minimum
of time, money and effort.
Menu Screens
Help Screens
ZIP section for BBS
Single Item or Batch Process Pick Lists
Press PgUp Key to Return to Information Menu
Press ENTER to Return to Program Main Menu
Shareware is a unique system of distribution that allows authors
to place their products in the hands of the end user before the
end user pays for it. This allows the user to determine if the
software meets his or her needs.
The shareware distribution system allows thousands of authors to
bring their products to market inexpensively - saving the user
from having to bear these costs. Implied in this is the premise
and promise that the end user will pay the registration fee if he
or she uses the product.
The Copyright laws apply to shareware products. The author retains
ownership even though the product may be copied.
You may copy programs from this CD-ROM disk, but if you use any,
please register with the authors. Each product description includes
the author, address, phone, and fee. These payments encourage and
sustain the continued availability of new and existing products.
Press Any Key To Continue
Category Lookup List
Use arrow keys (
) to hilite the desired category.
Press the ENTER key to call a list of all programs
within the selected Category.
ENTER or ESC for Program
Use of Menu
Use the arrow keys (
) to move cursor to your choice
and then press the ENTER key.
- OR -
Press first letter of your choice to select your choice
and then press the ENTER key.
The ESC_Key will also cause you to exit from the program.
- - Additional Help - -
for information on printing descriptions and
copying files.
ESC_Key for Main Menu.
You may select a single item by moving the hilite bar with
the arrow keys (
) and pressing proper key as indicated
on the screen to accomplish the desired task.
You may process multiple selections by hiliting several
items and 'marking' them by pressing the SPACE key. To
'unmark' a selected item, hilite it and press the SPACE key
again. All 'marked' items will be processed in the order
they appear on the Picklists.
ENTER = More Info ESC = Program
The retrieval program allows you to select a category and
then presents a list of all programs within that category.
At this point you may look at a program review on the
screen, print a program review on the printer, or copy
the application program to a hard drive in 1 of 2 formats.
1. As files were provided on authors disk.
2. Single zip file format for BBS use.
To process multiple entries you move through the list with
the up and down arrow keys and mark the desired records
with the SPACE key. (You may unmark a marked record by
pressing the SPACE key a second time.)
By pressing the proper key or key combinations noted on
the screen you will either view, print or copy the single
hilited item or all of the marked items.
You may print or copy a single item from the description
PgUp for Information Menu - ENTER for Program Main Menu
Printing Descriptions
You may print a single program report from the report
viewing screen by pressing the ALT_P key combination.
You may print a single program report from the short
description display table by hiliting the desired program
and pressing the ALT_P key combination.
You may batch print a number of reports from the short
description display table by 'marking' those for which
you wish a report (mark and unmark by hiliting and
pressing the SPACE key. Pressing the ALT_P key combination
will print reports for all programs which were 'marked'.
PgUp = Previous Page ENTER = Copy Info
ESC = Main Menu
Select item you wish more information about from the list
below by using arrow keys (
) to highlite item, or press
first letter of your choice on the keyboard; then press
the ENTER key.
Assoc of Shareware Professionals
About This CD-ROM Disk
Retrieval Program Features
ESC to Return to Program Main Menu
Viewing Screen
Not only can you view all information on a given program
from this screen, you may also print this information as
directed on the lower part of the screen.
Instructions are also provided on how you can copy the
program to your hard disk.
ENTER = More Information ESC = Program