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Statline Version 2.1 August 1991
Additions (since version 2.0)
1. The original display bitmap was dropped for the current one.
2. The percentage of "system resources" can now be displayed instead
of the current Windows mode. The percentage is the same (give or
take a point) as the "system resources" given by Program Manager.
3. The right mouse button now does things when clicked on the buttons:
A RIGHT button click on... Does...
-------------------------- ---------------------------------
The "question mark" button Turns Statline into an icon
that shows the "system resources"
The "notepad" button Launches whatever you have
defined as your text editor.
(Windows Notepad is the default).
The Quick Run button Launches a DOS window
The Quick Menu button Brings up Program Manager
The Exit button Re-starts Windows
LEFT button clicks still work the same. The HELP display explains
what both left and right buttons do.
4. "Day and night" (sun and moon drawings) can now be used instead of
"a" and "p" (for AM and PM). "Day" is defined as 7 in the morning
to 7 in the evening. "Night" is 7 pm to 7 am.
5. The "About" dialog box was dropped, the "Help" box serves as both
Additions (since version 1.5)
1. Statline remembers where it was moved to and saves its position.
2. A new background bitmap was added, the original can still be used
for Statline (see the "Configure" box in Statline).
3. Quick Run is improved, the drives and directories are in a seperate
box from the files. A "delete file" button was added.
4. A "License Information" scheme now identifies registered users.
Non-registered versions have a pop-up reminder every eight uses.
5. Statline does a "Global Compact" (to reclaim unused memory) every
60 seconds.
6. Thanks to some reworked routines and better compilation techniques,
this version's EXE file is only slightly larger than the previous one.
7. Statline can now install itself to load when Windows starts.
8. You can specify the initial directory for Quick Run in the
"Configure" box.
9. You can optionally display the memory used with a bar-graph, see
the "Configure" box.
10. An "Arrange Icons" button was added to the system box to neatly
arrange your desktop's icons.
11. Statline can now keep itself visible even when covered by other
windows (see the "Configure" box).
12. You can select and edit a file from Quick Run. The editor to use
is specified in the "Configure" box ("Notepad.exe" is the default).
Additions: (since version 1.0)
1. Quick Menu is also available from the Quick Run box. Up to five
programs can be listed and ready to run with a single click.
2. The Quick Run box now has a "Delete file" option (from its system box),
for deleting the selected file.
3. Quick Run also has a "DOS Window" button to open a DOS window.
4. Statline now has an (optional) hourly chime.
5. A Configure box now turns on/off the following:
a. The hourly chime.
b. The confirmation prompt before exiting Windows.
c. Whether to close Quick Menu after running a program or not.
6. Quick Run can now change drives to run/delete files.
7. Configurable options and Quick Menu command lines are stored in the
WIN.INI file under the heading of "[Statline]".
8. Quick Exit Windows is now a button choice.
9. MiniPad now handles text wider than its window.
10. More configurable options were added.
The following may be placed in the "[Statline]" section of the WIN.INI
a. "ModeColor=x" Where "x" is the color of the Windows mode display.
b. "DateColor=x" Where "x" is the color of the date and time.
c. "MemColor=x" Where "x" is the color of the memory free display.
Note that each color value "x" ranges from 0 to 15.
1. The HELP display is considerably less taxing on the system.
2. Quick Run's "non-EXE file" warning was toned down a bit.
3. Statline's update time has been changed to every 12 seconds.
4. A minor timing bug was fixed.
5. The Minipad no longer chooses "OK" when you press <Enter>.
6. A memory problem with the Graphic Memory-free bar was fixed
(This is the reason for version 2.1a).
1. The hourly chime was at a user's suggestion, thanks to Mr. Robert
2. A right button click on the "?" button turns Statline into an icon,
perfect for when the Statline display is running over your work.
3. Quick Run's "DOS Window" attempts to run whatever is defined for
the COMSPEC environment variable. If there is no COMSPEC defined,
it will try to run "command.com".
4. Statline will not display a registration-reminder if you exit
Windows via Statline's EXIT button (or if you're registered).
5. Thanks to Morrie Wilson for help with overlapping windows.
6. Thanks to Dr. Dobb's for some "undocumented" features of Windows.
James Bell August 1991