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Text File
114 lines
Q¬D - A Quick and Dirty tool to view & manipulate ASCII Text Files
Installation: copy the two Q&D files to any directory, launch them
in any reasonable manner. Note, the two files should reside
in the same directory.
Prerequisites: Q&D requires a fair amount of virtual memory to run.
It runs only in regular or enhanced 386 mode with 1MB or more
of free virtual memory.
Constraints:Q&D reads text files up to about 900K in length; max
record size 15k, max number of records 15k. The file is
loaded entirely into memory, although some operations
use a temporary disk file which is reloaded.
Operation: Choose File/Open and select a text file using the file
dialog box. Once the file is open, use the Next/Prior
buttons to navigate the records of the file. You can use
the slider control to move quickly thru the file.
Various manipulation options are available from the Edit
menu which alter the in-memory image. Your disk file is only
changed if you choose File/Save and save to the same file name
(not recommended!).
Q&D displays one record at a time in the bottom pane of the
main window. The record is displayed 50 characters per line
with a ruler line above. At the left is a displacement number
to calculate where you are in the record. If the record is longer
than will fit in the window, you can scroll it to view the rest.
File/Open: open a new file and load into memory.
Click Next button to see first record.
File/Save: save the memory image to a disk file.
File/PrintRecord: print the current record to the currently
selected printer in the current font. This option presupposes
a monospaced printer font for the output to look right. Sorry folks,
this is rather crude, but hey, this is Quick & Dirty, no?
File/Setup Printer: run the printer driver dialog box, lets you
select various options. Unfortunately, no way to change the
current font.
Edit/UpperCase:convert all records to upper case alphabetics.
Runs a bit slowly for an in-memory operation.
Edit/LowerCase: convert all records to lower case alphabetics.
Edit/Find: enter a string (no surrounding quotes, pls)
you wish to find from the current record forward.
The string is remembered from one request to another
to make multiple searches faster.
Edit/Replace: enter a search for and replace string.
If a column number is specified, only strings starting
in that column number will be replaced; if 0 is entered,
all strings matching the search-for string will be replaced.
Note: searches only in forward direction from the current
record forward.
Edit/PadTruncate: pad or truncate every record in the memory
image to length x. Truncated characters are dropped,
short records are padded with spaces.
Edit/DeleteRecords: delete a range of records from the
in-memory image.
Edit/SubsetRecords: specify a starting column & target string.
Keep only those records which match both criteria.
Edit/DivideRecords: divide the in memory records into
n records of m length each. Pad or truncate each current
record as needed.
Edit/JoinRecords: concatenate n records sequentially to form one
record m characters long. Pad or truncate as needed.
Display/Hex: change the display to a hex display with the ruler
on top, the ANSI characters on line two, and the two
hex characters that describe each byte on lines three & four.
If you choose File/Print with hex display enabled,
you will get a hex print out of your record.
This can consume a number of pages to display a long record.
Status: puts up a message box with two kinds of info
Dynamic Free: the amount of free memory available to Q&D to
hold file objects. Must have about 20k over file size.
Static Free: code space available. You can ignore this.
Windows free: total free memory reported by Windows system.
Max free block: the largest free block available to Windows
apps. as reported by the Windows kernel.
Help: a poor joke of a help file.
Notes: Q&D was written in Actor 3.0, an object oriented programming
environment for Windows 3.0. The .exe file is the basic
Actor kernel and primitives, while the .ima file contains
the compiled methods of the application.
Author: Doug Overmyer
CIS 71021,2535
Disclaimer: You use this program entirely at your own risk.
Problems, Bug Reports: please drop me a line on Compuserve. This is
my first real effort with Actor and I would appreciate feedback.