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Text File
192 lines
Author: Michael Fenemore - Celista Software
Text View is a utility for viewing DOS text files (ASCII files) in
* Text View is not an editor, so files can't be accidentally changed
* Reports: Total bytes
Total lines
Total columns
Current line number
Current column number
* Use the toolbar to navigate through files easily
* View up to 80 characters per line without horizontal scrolling (The
Windows Notepad editor limits the view to 76 characters)
* View up to 30 lines of text without vertical scrolling
* Properly display text files that include extended ASCII code graphic
* Double space file for easier reading
* Clean up your own text files by exposing embedded tabs and trailing
* Print files with or without page formatting (title, page numbering, top
and bottom margins)
Hardware and software requirements
Computer: IBM or compatible running Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher (Not
tested with Windows 3.0 or lower)
Video: VGA color or better (Not tested with EGA)
Other: Mouse required
VBRUN200.DLL required (see below)
Installing Text View
If you have a copy of VBRUN200.DLL in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, then
skip this section and continue at the sub-heading "Installation".
Text View requires the file named VBRUN200.DLL to be copied into your
WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory BEFORE running the install program. This file may
not be present with the copy of Text View you have aquired. If it is, use
the DOS COPY command or the Windows File Manager to copy it.
copy a:\vbrun200.dll c:\windows\system
VBRUN200.DLL may instead be present in compressed form as VBRUN200.EXE.
This is a self-extracting file that must be expanded into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory. VBRUN200.DLL is created by running VBRUN200.EXE. The expansion
operation must be executed from DOS. (See instructions below.)
If VBRUN200.DLL is not present in either form, then it will have to be
aquired from another source. Check your usual sources for shareware.
Creating VBRUN200.DLL from DOS
1. Set the current default directory to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
The following is most likely what you need to type:
cd c:\windows\system
2. Specify the location (path) for VBRUN200.EXE followed by the the command
to run it. If VBRUN200.EXE is stored on a diskette in drive A:, in a
sub-directory called TEXTVIEW, type:
These commands assume:
1. That your copy of Windows is on drive C:
2. That you are installing Text View from a diskette in drive A: where
VBRUN200.EXE is stored in a sub-directory called TEXTVIEW.
Text View must be installed from Windows, not DOS. To install Text View
from the Windows File Manager, select the directory where the compressed
Text View files are stored and double click the file called TVSETUP.EXE.
Files before installation:
VBRUN200.DLL (May not be present)
VBRUN200.EXE (May not be present)
Files installed to the Text View directory:
DEMO.TXT Sample text file that is long enough and wide enough to
demonstrate all of Text View's toolbar features.
ORDERFRM.EXE Prints an order form for a registered copy of Text View.
README.TXT This file.
TV.CFG Stores the user selected color scheme.
TV.EXE Text View.
Optional Command Line
After installation, you can change Text View's command line to load a
particular file on start up if you wish. In the Windows Program Manager:
Click (not double click) Text View's icon so its caption is highlighted,
then choose the following:
Command line:
At the end of the command line, add a space, then the drive, path and
Command line syntax: TV [[drive:][path]filename]
Example: c:\textview.110\tv c:\txtfiles\maillist.txt
(This example assumes you have a sub-directory named TXTFILES which
stores a file named MAILLIST.TXT.)
You can "associate" filename extensions with Text View. For example, the
extension "TXT" is usually associated with the Windows Notepad editor. This
means that any time you double-click a filename with a TXT extension in the
Windows File Manager, Notepad automatically starts and loads the file you
clicked. If you spend more time viewing text files than you do editing
them, you may wish to associate the TXT extension with Text View. Run the
File Manager for help on associating.
Software Developers
As a software developer:
1. You MAY distribute an UNREGISTERED copy of Text View with your
2. You MAY call an UNREGISTERED copy of Text View from within your
3. You MAY exclude README.TXT and/or DEMO.TXT to keep your package
smaller. You MAY merge parts of README.TXT into your own documentation
for the purpose of assisting users with Text View.
4. You MAY NOT distribute a REGISTERED copy of Text View.
5. You MAY NOT change any of Text View's files (other than README.TXT) in
any way other than to compress them to save space. You MAY use your
own setup procedure to install Text View with your application.
6. You MUST include the file ORDERFRM.EXE.
7. You MUST include the following statement in your documentation:
Text View is a separate product from <the name of your application>.
Registration fees for Text View should be sent directly to Celista
Software at the address listed on the Text View order form. The order
form may be viewed and printed by running the file called ORDERFRM.EXE.