Labels:book | bottle | bulletin board | daily | door | person | plant | plaything | poster | shelf | sky | slick OCR: T The EVENT shaped the last generation! WARNER INTERACTIVE This CD -ROM will rock Woodstock 25th the next Anniversary CD one! -ROM brings to life the ME WARNER INTERACTIV WO0DSTOCK: 25TH ANNIVERSARY CD-ROM DO your own WOOUSI thing! The and your greatest paint Revelations own magic sounds rock scene psychedelic from about Blistering festival Svstem PC man 8 MB NGA MPC 5 MB Mouse 60s Wirdowis with minimum interactive of of MPC-compatible RAM 386 After artwork graphics hard all compatible Requirements 300 DX/ disc compatible performances all. time KB 25 counterculture (640 menus Play or sound X space sec this 480 The double-speed higher : pointer card transfer Use 256 Rare bonus music a Pick CD processor rate colors) Woodstock ROM video game The mystical sights drive with Create memories inte ...