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- /*
- **
- ** ©1995 Christopher Landmark Naas
- ** All Rights Reserved Worldwide
- ** Freely distributable as long as you do not change or edit any of
- ** the files in the archive.
- **
- ** If you use this script, you *must* send me either an EMail or a
- ** postcard telling me you are doing so.
- **
- ** EMail: christon@oslonett.no
- ** SMail: Christopher Naas
- ** Solveien 3a
- ** 1533 Moss
- ** Norway
- **
- **
- **
- ** Description:
- **
- ** Opens or closes dopus listers in 4.12 format. Remembers the paths
- ** used before closing and uses them when the listers are opened again.
- **
- */
- address DOPUS.1
- if open(file,"env:DopusListers",R) then do
- open(file2,"env:DopusListersPath",W)
- addressen = readln(file)
- lister query addressen path
- writeln(file2,result)
- lister close addressen
- addressen = readln(file)
- lister query addressen path
- writeln(file2,result)
- lister close addressen
- close(file2)
- close(file)
- address command "run >nil: delete env:DopusListers"
- end
- else
- if open(file,"env:DopusListers",W) then do
- open(file2,"env:DopusListersPath",R)
- pathen = readln(file2)
- lister new '160/1/400/700 'pathen
- writeln(file,result)
- pathen = readln(file2)
- lister new '560/1/400/700 'pathen
- writeln(file,result)
- close(file)
- end