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- <<< WELCOME TO AFS >>>
- Using the Ami-FileSafe on your harddisk
- =======================================
- Features of Ami-FileSafe
- ========================
- - AFS has much faster disk access than FFS.
- - AFS will store (On average) more data than FFS on the same disk.
- - AFS gives vastly improved directory scanning.
- - AFS is SAFE - If you crash your machine whilst writing Ami-FileSafe
- partitions will not (unlike OFS & FFS) become invalidated
- or corrupt.
- Restrictions and requirements
- =============================
- The demonstration version of Ami-FileSafe will not handle partitions of
- more than 10MB. It can be installed and automouted in the RidgidBootBlock.
- Standard mountlists are also supported. Autobooting is supported. Memory
- usage depends on the number of buffers selected.
- The full version of Ami-FileSafe is available from Fourth Level
- Developments (See the end of this file for details).
- Warning to Hackers
- ==================
- This version of AFS does not contain the code to handle large partitions.
- If you try to remove the 10MB limit AFS will seem to work but the partition
- will become unstable and you _will_ lose your data. Do not risk it, if you
- want to use AFS then buy the full version.
- Preparing installation
- ======================
- Select or make a suitable partition. All the data in the selected
- partition will be destroyed when installing Ami-FileSafe, so make sure you
- make a backup. Ami-FileSafe must be installed in the l: directory. You
- can do this by double clicking on the Install or Install020 (For 68020+
- machines) icon.
- Installing Ami-FileSafe on the partition
- ========================================
- Now you can install Ami-FileSafe on the RidgidDiskBlock. You can use
- Commodore's HDToolbox, which is supplied with the Workbench software, for
- this purpose. With the same tool you can install AFS on a partition. We
- assume here that you will use HDToolbox. If you use another tool you
- should refer to its documentation.
- Select 'advanced options' in the the partitioning window. A number of
- extra buttons appear. Click on 'add/update...' and then click 'Add New
- File System...'. Type in 'L:HardDiskAFS' for the name of the file system.
- Set the dostype field to '0x41465301' and then select ok. Go back to
- the partitioning window, select the desired partition and select the
- 'change...' button. Select the just added Ami-FileSafe (AFS\1). Use all
- the default options: automount on, block size 512, 2 reservered blocks.
- If you are using an older version of HDToolBox and the is not a
- 'change' button then click on 'Custom File System' and then type
- '0x41465301' into the dostype field.
- Change the 'buffers' field to a value between 50-200 depending on how
- much memory you have free (1 Buffer = 1K).
- If you are using an IDE drive then set the maxtransfer value to 0x1ffff
- Now select ok and the partioning menu will appear again. Fill in the
- name you want the device to have in the 'Partition Device Name' field, e.g.
- 'DH1'. If you want to boot from the disk you have to set the the bootable
- flag. Go back to the main screen and save the changes.
- If HDToolBox reports that there is not enough space in the RDB then you
- can either:
- a) Get a program called RDBPrep (aminet: disk/misc/rdp391.lha) and use
- that instead.
- b) Install Ami-FileSafe using mountlists (See the AmigaDos manual for
- details).
- Ami-FileSafe should be installed on the partition now. Reboot and
- format the partition from workbench. If you have done something wrong then
- go back and start again.
- Un-delete
- =========
- AFS now includes an un-delete feature. Located off the root is a
- subdirectory called ".deldir". It stores the last 31 deleted files. To
- list the currently valid deleted files (from cli) type:
- list :.deldir
- You will notice the filenames have a number called a "slot number" appended
- after them to prevent duplicate file names.
- To undelete a file simply copy it from the .deldir onto another drive e.g:-
- copy :.deldir/NewsBatch@022 ram:
- Will un-delete the NewBatch@022 file and store it in ram disk.
- N.B. While it is possible to un-delete files onto the same volume, if you
- do this you may overwrite the file you are trying to un-delete.
- Misc Notes
- ==========
- - Do not try to use Gigamem/VMM swap _files_ on an AFS partition.
- - If you are using a cache program disable write cache for any AFS
- partitions.
- - If you are having problems with AFS please email:
- afssupport@flevel.demon.co.uk
- Differences with FFS/OFS
- ========================
- When you use the c:list command the 'blocks used' information will be
- too high. The list command assumes every file consumes a block of free
- space to use as headerblock. AFS uses blocks much more efficiently.
- Usually the real number of blocks used is the given amount minus the number
- of files listed. You can check this with the "info" command, which will
- report the correct amount.
- Directory tools like Directory Opus have the same problem with their
- spaceleft figure during a copy session. You'll notice that after copying
- is finished the figure will go up to the correct figure.
- This means that an AFS disk stores more data than an FFS disk.
- Ami-FileSafe uses a larger proportion of blocks for data storage.
- There is a feature of AFS which tells programs asking the filesystem
- information about a Ami-FileSafe disk that it is an FFS disk. This is done
- to prevent those programs from saying it's not a dos disk without giving
- the information requested to the user (e.g. the "info" command).
- AmigaDos compatibility
- ======================
- All Amiga-Dos features are implemented and you shouldn't have any
- problems with OS-Legal programs. Some programs such as games and disk
- utilities which are not OS-legal will not work with Ami-FileSafe.
- N.B. If you use Directory Opus 4 then we suggest you disable the progress
- indicator to speed up file operations.
- Benchmarks
- ==========
- Test FFS AFS Units
- DirScan 409 1780 Files/Second
- Create 227 1073 K/Second
- Read 244 1363 K/Second
- The DirScan, Create and Read tests were done with DiskSpeed V4.2
- SeekTest (x100) 53.6 4.4 Seconds
- SeekTest was done using a custom program (Source code available on request).
- It performs the following sequence:
- Seek Start of file
- Write 4 Bytes
- Seek to End of file
- Write 4 Bytes
- Repeat
- Reviews
- =======
- A review of Ami-FileSafe is available from Aminet and
- comp.sys.amiga.reviews. If you would like this review sent to you then
- please ask.
- Ami-FileSafe V2.1 Pro - Basic Features
- ======================================
- AFS V2.1 Pro includes:
- Notification
- Hard and soft links
- Support for large disk drives (Upto 4GB)
- Auto-Booting
- Add Buffers
- Sophisticated Cache Routines
- Max transfer and DMA masking
- Very Large Directory Support
- Setowner
- A New FreeBlock Management System
- International Support
- MultiUser FileSystem Support
- On the fly AFS to FFS conversion.
- Hundreds of minor fixes and improvements have been made which amount to a
- major rewrite of the filing system.
- Ami-FileSafe V2.1 User
- ======================
- Ami-FileSafe User is a budget version of AFS and has the follow limitations:-
- - It may only be used on one hard drive of upto 650MB.
- - It does not include the MultiUser FileSystem version of AFS.
- It does however include the FFS to AFS converter.
- Support
- =======
- A new mailing list has been setup for AFS users. If you want to join then
- send an email to:
- emailurl@flevel.demon.co.uk
- With the following lines in the body of the message:
- subscribe afs me@my.domain
- end
- ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Replace me@my.domain with your email address.
- Contacts
- ========
- Fourth Level
- ------------
- Tel: 0117 985 4455 (6 Lines)
- Fax: 0117 955 9157
- Email: support@flevel.demon.co.uk
- Mail: Fourth Level Developments
- 31, Ashley Hill
- Montpelier
- Bristol
- BS6 5JA
- Distributors
- ============
- Germany:
- Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe
- Veronikastr. 33
- 45 131 Essen
- Germany
- Tel: +49 201 788 788
- Fax: +49 201 798 447
- Sweden:
- Orebro Videireklam
- Stottsgatan 12
- 703 91 Orebro
- Sweden
- Tel/Fax: +46 19 123 807
- South Africa:
- ML Systems
- 86 Queen Wilhelmina Avenue
- Bailys
- Muckleneuk
- Pretoria
- South Africa
- Tel: +27 12 346 1160
- Fax: +27 12 346 1334
- Italy:
- DB Line
- V.le Rimembranze 26/c
- 21024 Biandronno VA
- Italy
- Tel: +39 332 767270
- Fax: +39 332 768066
- Belgium:
- Schietboomstraat 7-9
- B-3600 Genk
- Belgium
- BE 638 535 261
- Tel: +32 89354 123
- Spain:
- Info Technologies S.L.
- C/San Augustin
- 15 Nivel 2
- Despacho 2
- 08750 Molina de Rei
- Bracelona
- Tel: +34 3 680 0434
- Fax: +34 3 680 0812
- Finland:
- BroadLine Oy
- Vanha Porvoontic 295
- Vantaa
- Finland
- Tel: +358 0 874 7900
- Fax: +358 0 874 4944
- Denmark:
- Betafon APS
- Glydenlovesgade 2
- 1369 Copenhagen
- Denmark
- +45 33 14 1233
- +45 33 14 1276
- USA:
- Intangible Assets Manufacturing
- 828 Ormond Avenue
- Drexel Hill
- PA 19026-2604
- Tel: +1 610 853 4406
- Fax: +1 610 853 3733
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ami-File Safe Order Form
- ========================
- Please rush me ____ copies of Ami-FileSafe V2.2
- [ ] I wish to buy Ami-FileSafe Pro at the full price of 69.75UKP
- [ ] I wish to buy Ami-FileSafe Pro at the PFS registered users price of 35.00UKP
- [ ] I wish to buy Ami-FileSafe User at the full price of 29.95UKP
- [ ] I am a student (Subtract 20% student discount for PRO version _only_).
- All prices include VAT. If you are outside the EEC you may deduct 17.5%
- Amount £______ (Please add 3.50UKP for P&P).
- Name _________________________________________
- Address _____________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________
- Tel ________________
- Fax ________________
- Email ________________
- [ ] I enclose a cheque for the full amount.
- Cheques should be made payable to Fourth Level Developments and can
- be made out in DM, US Dollars or UKP.
- [ ] I enclose a EuroCheque for the full amount (Made out in UKP).
- [ ] I enclose UKP (in cash) for the full amount.
- [ ] I wish to pay by my Access/Visa credit card:
- Number _____________________________ Expiry Date ________________
- Name _____________________________
- [ ] I enclose evidence of my STUDENT status.
- Signed ________________________
- ****************************************************************************
- Conditions for student discount:
- 1. Some evidence of your student status must be submitted with
- your order form. A copy of your student union card is usual.
- 2. If you decide to sell your copy of Ami-FileSafe to someone who is
- not a student they must pay the difference between the student
- price and the full commercial price. You must advise us of this.
- 3. The student copy may not be used for commercial purposes or for
- any purpose other than the private use of the purchaser.
- ****************************************************************************
- PGP KEY - Should be used for credit card orders
- -----------------------------------------------
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