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- HDSleep v1.1
- ============
- by
- Tomasz Muszynski (THOM/UNION)
- e-mail: muszynsk@ipeneuro.ipe.pw.edu.pl
- Disclaimer
- ==========
- Introduction
- ============
- This utility turns HD motor off if it is not used for given period of
- time. Copy it to the WBStartup drawer on your hard disk. Program installs
- itself as a commodity. There is also hotkey avaiable for turning off motor
- immediately. Any access to your hard disk turns motor on again. If you
- execute this commodity again it is deactivated. Of course you can use
- Exchange for activating/deactivating HDSleep.
- I have tested it on:
- Amiga 1200 + Vipper 68030 turbo card and IDE 420MB Caviar 2420 hard drive,
- Amiga 1200 + Blizzard III 68030 turbo card and IDE 540MB Caviar hard drive,
- Amiga 1200 + Blizzard II 68030 turbo card and IDE 420MB Conner hard drive,
- Amiga 1200 + FastRAM and IDE 420MB Conner hard drive.
- Program also tested with Enforcer running.
- HDSleep does not work on Quantum (45MB) hard drive installed in A1200
- with FastRAM, but I hope you should not have any problems with newer
- drives.
- Important
- =========
- To install HDSleep you can put it to WBStartup drawer, but there can be
- some problems with no time reset on disk activity. You should put it to
- startup-sequence before IPrefs - it should work properly.
- ...
- Run >NIL: HDSleep <parameters>
- C:IPrefs
- ...
- Requirements
- ============
- This program works only on A1200 and A4000 (AGA chipset), cause of using
- low level access to not documented IDE bus registers (although I send
- standard ATA command this way, so you should not have any problems with
- different drives which have implemented full set of ATA commands). Also be
- sure you have both commodities.library and icon.library installed.
- Parameters
- ==========
- Parameter may be included to Tool Types in the icon or in command line, if
- you use it from Shell.
- CX_PRIORITY=<0> - hotkey priority.
- CX_POPKEY=<ctrl alt h> - hotkey to open window.
- CX_POPUP=<YES> - opens window at start.
- HDSLEEPKEY=<control h> - hotkey.
- MASTERTIME=<360> - turn off time since last access to Master HD
- (in seconds), 0 means no turning off.
- SLAVETIME=<360> - turn off time since last access to Slave HD
- (in seconds), 0 means no turning off.
- WARNING=<NO> - warns you about HD off. Window is opened on
- default public screen.
- WARNINGTIMEOUT=<5> - time when you will be warned before HD off.
- Window
- ======
- Sleep - Sleep HD now and close window.
- Abort - Reset timer and close window.
- History
- =======
- v1.0 - First release.
- v1.1 - Removed bug with command line.
- Removed bug when removing HDSleep from memory via second run.
- Now supports second HD unit.
- Optimized code.
- Added new options (WARNING, WARNINGTIMEOUT) and information window.
- Credits
- =======
- Kamil Iskra - for reporting me some bugs.
- Marius Sundbakken - for bugs report and some requests
- So, at last I can leave my computer working for night and sleep in silence!!!
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