home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* Compiler: SAS/C V6.51 ORHAN */
- /***************************************************************************/
- #define __USE_SYSBASE
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/filehandler.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <dos/rdargs.h>
- #include <devices/trackdisk.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/utility.h>
- long SetBoot(UBYTE *bootblock, ULONG length, LONG key);
- void ClrBoot(UBYTE *bootblock, ULONG length);
- long BootChkSum(UBYTE *bootblock, ULONG length);
- void PutDosType(ULONG *bootblock);
- void GetLenBoot(void);
- struct DeviceNode *findentry(struct DeviceNode *dn, UBYTE *name, LONG type);
- long readsector(UBYTE *buf, ULONG offset, ULONG length);
- long writesector(UBYTE *buf, ULONG offset, ULONG length);
- long update(void),motoron(void),motoroff(void);
- struct DosInfo *di;
- struct DeviceNode *dn;
- struct DosEnvec *de;
- struct FileSysStartupMsg *fssm;
- struct IOStdReq *devreq=NULL;
- struct MsgPort *devport=NULL;
- struct RDArgs *rdargs=NULL;
- struct InfoData *infodata=NULL;
- struct FileLock *flock;
- UBYTE version[] ="$VER: InstallGen 1.0 (12.01.95) © by OR\r\n";
- LONG myarray[ARGCOUNT];
- UBYTE *devname;
- UWORD openstatus=NULL;
- UBYTE *buffer=NULL;
- ULONG lenbuf,offset;
- ULONG lenboot=NULL;
- BPTR lock=NULL;
- LONG rc=NULL,rcio=NULL;
- UBYTE *str0 = "there is no bootblock\n";
- UBYTE *str1 = "not bootable";
- UBYTE *str2 = "bootblock ok";
- UBYTE *str3 = "bootblock size invalid\n";
- long installgen(void)
- {
- SysBase = (*((struct ExecBase **)0x4));
- DOSBase = (struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary("dos.library",36);
- if (DOSBase==NULL) goto cleanexit;
- UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library",NULL);
- if (UtilityBase==NULL) goto cleanexit;
- rdargs = ReadArgs("DRIVE/A,"
- "CHECK/S",&myarray[0],NULL);
- if (!rdargs) {rc=IoErr(); goto cleanexit;}
- Forbid();
- di=(struct DosInfo *)BADDR(DOSBase->dl_Root->rn_Info);
- dn = findentry((struct DeviceNode *)&di->di_DevInfo,(UBYTE *)myarray[ARG_DRIVE],DLT_DEVICE);
- Permit();
- if (dn==DOSFALSE) {rc=ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; goto cleanexit;}
- fssm=(struct FileSysStartupMsg *)BADDR(dn->dn_Startup);
- if ((ULONG)fssm<0x400 || dn->dn_Task==NULL)
- {rc=ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE; goto cleanexit;}
- de = (struct DosEnvec *)BADDR(fssm->fssm_Environ);
- if (de->de_TableSize<9) {rc=ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE; goto cleanexit;}
- offset = de->de_SizeBlock*4 *
- de->de_BlocksPerTrack *
- de->de_Surfaces *
- de->de_LowCyl;
- lenbuf = de->de_SizeBlock*4*de->de_Reserved;
- if (lenbuf==0) {rc=ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE; goto cleanexit;}
- buffer=AllocVec(lenbuf,de->de_BufMemType);
- infodata=AllocVec(sizeof(struct InfoData),MEMF_PUBLIC);
- devport = CreateMsgPort();
- devreq = CreateIORequest(devport,sizeof(struct IOStdReq));
- if (buffer==NULL || devport==NULL || devreq==NULL || infodata==NULL)
- {rc=ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE; goto cleanexit;}
- devname=(UBYTE *)BADDR(fssm->fssm_Device); devname++;
- rcio = OpenDevice(devname,fssm->fssm_Unit,(struct IORequest *)devreq,fssm->fssm_Flags);
- if (rcio) goto cleanexit; openstatus=1;
- if (myarray[ARG_CHECK]==NULL) {
- lock=Lock((UBYTE *)myarray[ARG_DRIVE],ACCESS_READ);
- if (lock==NULL) {rc=IoErr(); goto cleanexit;}
- if (Info(lock,infodata)==DOSFALSE) {rc=IoErr(); goto cleanexit;}
- flock=BADDR(lock);
- GetLenBoot(); if (lenboot==0) goto cleanexit;
- if (infodata->id_DiskState==ID_WRITE_PROTECTED)
- {rc=ERROR_DISK_WRITE_PROTECTED; goto cleanexit;}
- rcio = motoron(); if (rcio) goto cleanexit;
- }
- rcio = readsector(buffer,offset,lenbuf); if (rcio) goto cleanexit;
- if (myarray[ARG_CHECK]) {
- PutStr("Appears to be "); PutDosType((ULONG *)buffer); PutStr(" disk, ");
- GetLenBoot(); if (lenboot==0) goto cleanexit;
- if (BootChkSum(buffer,lenboot)) PutStr(str1); else PutStr(str2);
- VPrintf(", its size %ld bytes\n",&lenboot);
- }
- else if (myarray[ARG_NOBOOT]) {
- ClrBoot(buffer,lenboot);
- rcio = writesector(buffer,offset,lenboot); if (rcio) goto cleanexit;
- rcio = update(); if (rcio) goto cleanexit;
- PutStr("Bootblock cleared\n");
- }
- else if (myarray[ARG_DRIVE]) {
- rcio = SetBoot(buffer,lenboot,flock->fl_Key); if (rcio) goto cleanexit;
- rcio = writesector(buffer,offset,lenboot); if (rcio) goto cleanexit;
- rcio = update(); if (rcio) goto cleanexit;
- PutStr("Bootblock installed\n");
- }
- cleanexit:
- if (openstatus) {motoroff(); CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)devreq);}
- if (devreq) DeleteIORequest(devreq);
- if (devport) DeleteMsgPort(devport);
- if (lock) UnLock(lock);
- if (rdargs) FreeArgs(rdargs);
- if (rc==0 && rcio==TDERR_DiskChanged) {rc=ERROR_NO_DISK; rcio=0;}
- if (rc) PrintFault(rc,NULL); else if (rcio>0) rc=rcio;
- if (rcio<0) PutStr("Bootblock is very small\n");
- if (rcio>0) PutStr("Unable to read from or write to volume\n");
- if (UtilityBase) CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- if (DOSBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *)DOSBase);
- if (buffer) FreeVec(buffer);
- if (infodata) FreeVec(infodata);
- return(rc);
- }
- void GetLenBoot(void)
- {
- if (de->de_TableSize<19) PutStr(str0);
- else {lenboot = de->de_SizeBlock*4*de->de_BootBlocks;
- if (lenboot==0 || de->de_BootBlocks > de->de_Reserved)
- PutStr(str3);
- }
- }
- struct DeviceNode *findentry(struct DeviceNode *dn, UBYTE *name, LONG type)
- {
- UBYTE *name2;
- ULONG len;
- /* first node is initial ptr to DosList !*/
- while(dn=(struct DeviceNode *)BADDR(dn->dn_Next)) {
- name2 = BADDR(dn->dn_Name); len=*name2++;
- if (dn->dn_Type == type &&
- Strnicmp(name,name2,len)==0 &&
- *(name+len)==':') break;
- }
- return(dn);
- }
- void PutDosType(ULONG *buf)
- {
- switch(*buf) {
- case ID_DOS_DISK: PutStr("OFS"); break;
- case ID_FFS_DISK: PutStr("FFS"); break;
- case ID_INTER_DOS_DISK: PutStr("OFS-INT"); break;
- case ID_INTER_FFS_DISK: PutStr("FFS-INT"); break;
- case ID_FASTDIR_DOS_DISK: PutStr("OFS-DC"); break;
- case ID_FASTDIR_FFS_DISK: PutStr("FFS-DC"); break;
- default: PutStr("unknown"); break;
- }
- }
- long motoron(void)
- {
- devreq->io_Command = TD_MOTOR;
- devreq->io_Length = 1;
- return(DoIO((struct IORequest *)devreq));
- }
- long motoroff(void)
- {
- devreq->io_Command = TD_MOTOR;
- devreq->io_Length = 0;
- return(DoIO((struct IORequest *)devreq));
- }
- long update(void)
- {
- devreq->io_Command = CMD_UPDATE;
- return(DoIO((struct IORequest *)devreq));
- }
- long readsector(UBYTE *buf, ULONG offset, ULONG length)
- {
- devreq->io_Length = length;
- devreq->io_Data = (APTR)buf;
- devreq->io_Command = CMD_READ;
- devreq->io_Offset = offset;
- return(DoIO((struct IORequest *)devreq));
- }
- long writesector(UBYTE *buf, ULONG offset, ULONG length)
- {
- devreq->io_Length = length;
- devreq->io_Data = (APTR)buf;
- devreq->io_Command = CMD_WRITE;
- devreq->io_Offset = offset;
- return(DoIO((struct IORequest *)devreq));
- }
- /*
- */