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- EmuCPC 0.4B (06-Jan-1996)
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- Distribution Conditions
- -----------------------
- This program is copyright (c) 1994-1996 by Stephane TAVENARD.
- It may be distributed freely under the condition that no profit is
- gained from its distribution, nor from any other program distributed
- in the same package.
- Permission is granted to distribute this package by Bulletin Board
- systems or network sites, under the condition that no fee is charged
- on downloading it.
- All files that are part of this package have to be distributed
- together and none of them may be changed in any way other than
- archiving or crunching. The only exception to this rule are the
- icons, including the tooltypes, which may be changed to accommodate
- them to the rest of the disk it is distributed on.
- This program is distibuted as freeware.
- Disclamer
- ---------
- This package is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
- The author assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever
- for any damage or dataloss caused by using this package.
- History
- -------
- V0.2B 17-Mar-1995 First beta release (not public)
- V0.4B 02-Jan-1996 First aminet beta release
- Description
- -----------
- Requires: Kick 3.0+, MC68EC020+ (accelerator and fastram recommended)
- This is an Amstrad CPC 664 emulator ;-)
- Main features:
- - Full Multitasking (why not...)
- - Emulates sound
- - Emulates the #?@*% CPC floppy disk drive (one file = one 3' disk)
- - Handles snapshot files (A-CPC, CPCEMU and CPE compatible format)
- - Some utilities to handle disk files
- This emulator has been developped on A1200/A1230TurboI/68882/40MHz/4MoFastram,
- the relative speed vs real CPC 664 is 0.85 (a little bit slower)
- Note: This is a beta version of CPC 664 emulator, also some bugs are already
- present. I've noticed that some games don't run at all or seems to be a
- bit strange ... certainly some Z80 emulated instruction errors.
- To do: . Fast ticker interrupt synchronized with screen refresh for multi-
- resolution screens (like Sorcery game)
- . Screen refresh optimization (if you have any crasy idea to optimize
- the CPC 664 screen emulation, contact me !)
- . CPC664 BIOS routines 680x0 coded ? (all of the Z80 rom code is emulated)
- Installation of EmuCPC
- ----------------------
- Copy the files in Libs directory in your LIBS: directory or make an Assign
- Assign CPCDISK: where your CPC Disk files could be found
- That's all ?
- You can now type EmuCPC and enjoy it !
- When started, EmuCPC automatically try to select in current directory
- the CPC Disk file named 'disk'. If not found, then it try to select the CPC
- Disk file 'CPCDISK:disk'.
- If you want to 'connect' expansion roms to it, put your binary rom into a file
- named EXTnn.ROM, where nn is the decimal value of the expansion rom (0 to 15)
- Warning, expansion rom 0 is the basic rom and expansion rom 7 is the disk rom.
- If you create file with one of this number, your rom vill overwrite standard
- roms.
- Notes:
- use -a option if you are an azerty user :-)
- with -0, -1 and -2 options, you can adjust screen mode refresh speed.
- Bonus disk
- ----------
- EmuCPC comes with a CPC Disk file named 'disk'.
- Side A:
- 1942 Game (airplane shot them up)
- INVADERS Game (classic!)
- TMS Music editor (4 songs on disk)
- SPEED Utility (run it to evaluate the emulation speed vs a real CPC 664)
- Side B:
- BATMAN Game (no comment)
- BOULDER Game (boulder dash !)
- FRUITY Game (a CPC classic)
- GRAPH Math utility (one of my CPC programs)
- Utilities
- ---------
- CreateCPCDisk: Create an empty CPC Disk file (data format)
- ListCPCDisk: List the content of a CPC Disk file (like basic CAT)
- ReadCPCFile: Read file(s) from a CPC Disk file and copy them to current dir
- WriteCPCFile: Write file(s) to a CPC Disk file
- Thanks to:
- ----------
- Kevin Thacker for his A-CPC emulator doc about snapshot files formats.
- Nico François for his great reqtools library.
- AMIGA, the best computer ever made.
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- Stéphane TAVENARD (ANGERS/France)