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- ;
- ; $VER: port.asm 1.4 (30 Dec 1995)
- ;
- ; magplip.device - Parallel Line Internet Protocol
- ;
- ; Assembler routines for efficient port handling.
- ;
- ; Original code written by Oliver Wagner and Michael Balzer.
- ;
- ; This version has been completely reworked by Marius Gröger, introducing
- ; slight protocol changes. The new source is a lot better organized and
- ; maintainable.
- ;
- ; Additional changes and code cleanup by Jan Kratochvil and Martin Mares.
- ; The new source is significantly faster and yet better maintainable.
- ;
- ; (C) Copyright 1993-1994 Oliver Wagner & Michael Balzer
- ; (C) Copyright 1995 Jan Kratochvil & Martin Mares
- ; (C) Copyright 1995 Marius Gröger
- ; All Rights Reserved
- ;
- ;
- ; 30 Dec 1995 : 001.004 : support for single frame buffer
- ; 05 Dec 1995 : 001.003 : + short branches explicitly coded as such
- ; + some condition jumps which were effectively
- ; unconditional changed to bra's
- ; 30 Aug 1995 : 001.002 : support for timer-timed timeout :-)
- ; 20 Aug 1995 : 001.001 : + removed need for conditional compiling, as we
- ; we want a generic, symmetrical code
- ; + in interrupt handlers, A6 points already to
- ; SysBase
- ; + using JSRLIB/JMPLIB macros
- ; + removed implicit some assumptions on the values
- ; behind symbolic names
- ; 13 Feb 1995 : 001.000 : created (in fact manually compiled from 'C'-
- ; original) (jk/mm)
- ;
- section "text",code
- include "hardware/cia.i"
- include "exec/macros.i"
- include "magplip.i"
- ciaa equ $bfe001
- ciab equ $bfd000
- BaseA5 equ ciab+ciapra
- xref _CRC16
- xdef _interrupt
- xdef _hwsend
- xdef _hwrecv
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; NAME
- ; interrupt() - ICR FLG interrupt handler
- ;
- ; void interrupt(struct PLIPBase *)
- ; A1
- ;
- ; This is called from CIA resource on the receipt of an parallel port
- ; FLG line interrupt. This is the case if the other side starts
- ; transmission and writes the first byte to our port.
- ;
- ; We recognise this here and propagate the information to the server
- ; task by Signal()ing it and by setting the PLIPB_RECEIVING bit
- ; in the flags field.
- ;
- _interrupt:
- btst #PLIPB_RECEIVING,pb_Flags(a1)
- bne.s skipint
- move.b pb_HandshakeBit+HS_LINE(a1),d0
- btst d0,ciab+ciapra
- beq.s skipint
- bset #PLIPB_RECEIVING,pb_Flags(a1)
- move.l pb_IntSigMask(a1),d0
- move.l pb_Server(a1),a1
- JMPLIB Signal
- skipint rts
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; NAME
- ; hwsend() - low level send routine
- ;
- ; void hwsend(struct PLIPBase *)
- ; A0
- ;
- ; This routine sends the PLIPBase->pb_Frame to the other side. It
- ; cares for CRC encoding, if wanted. The frame header will be
- ; set up except of the pf_Size field, which must be pre-initialized.
- ;
- _hwsend:
- movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a2 ; a2 = PLIPBase
- moveq #FALSE,d2 ; d2 = return value
- moveq #0,d3
- move.l d3,d4
- move.b pb_HandshakeBit+HS_REQUEST(a2),d3 ; d3 = HS_REQUEST
- move.b pb_HandshakeBit+HS_LINE(a2),d4 ; d4 = HS_LINE
- move.l pb_Frame(a2),a4 ; a4 = Frame
- ;
- ; CRC wanted ?
- ;
- btst #PLIPB_SENDCRC,pb_Flags(a2)
- beq.s hww_NoCRC
- ; yes
- move.w #SYNCWORD_CRC,pf_Sync(a4)
- lea PLIPFrame_SIZE(a4),a0
- move.w pf_Size(a4),d0
- subq.w #PKTFRAMESIZE_2,d0
- jsr _CRC16(pc)
- move.w d0,pf_CRC(a4)
- bra.s hww_CRC
- hww_NoCRC:
- move.w #SYNCWORD_NOCRC,pf_Sync(a4)
- hww_CRC move.l pb_CIAABase(a2),a6
- moveq #CIAICRF_FLG,d0
- lea BaseA5,a5
- st ciaa+ciaddrb-BaseA5(a5) ; SETCIAOUTPUT
- move.b (a5),d7 ; SAMPLEINPUT, d7 = State
- move.l a4,a3
- move.w pf_Size(a4),d6
- addq.w #PKTFRAMESIZE_1-2,d6
- move.b (a3)+,ciaa+ciaprb-BaseA5(a5) ; WRITECIA *p++
- hww_LoopShake1:
- move.b (a5),d0 ; ciab+ciapra
- eor.b d7,d0
- btst d4,d0 ; WAITINPUTTOGGLE
- bne.s hww_cont1
- tst.b pb_TimeoutSet(a2)
- beq.s hww_LoopShake1
- bra.s hww_TimedOut
- hww_cont1:
- eor.b d0,d7
- hww_MainLoop:
- move.b (a3)+,ciaa+ciaprb-BaseA5(a5) ; WRITECIA *p++
- bchg d3,(a5) ; OUTPUTTOGGLE
- hww_LoopShake2:
- move.b (a5),d0 ; ciab+ciapra
- eor.b d7,d0
- btst d4,d0 ; WAITINPUTTOGGLE
- bne.s hww_cont2
- tst.b pb_TimeoutSet(a2)
- beq.s hww_LoopShake2
- bra.s hww_TimedOut
- hww_cont2:
- eor.b d0,d7
- dbra d6,hww_MainLoop
- moveq #TRUE,d2 ; rc = TRUE
- hww_TimedOut:
- sf ciaa+ciaddrb-BaseA5(a5) ; SETCIAINPUT
- bclr d3,(a5) ; CLEARREQUEST ciab+ciapra
- moveq #CIAICRF_FLG,d0
- move.l d2,d0 ; return rc
- movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- Return rts
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; NAME
- ; hwrecv() - low level receive routine
- ;
- ; void hwrecv(struct PLIPBase *)
- ; A0
- ;
- ; This routine receives a magPLIP frame and stores it into
- ; PLIPBase->pb_Frame. It cares for CRC decoding, if the incoming
- ; packet is encoded. The pf_Size field will indicate the length
- ; of the received data.
- ;
- _hwrecv:
- movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a2 ; a2 = PLIPBase
- moveq #FALSE,d5 ; d5 = return value
- move.l pb_CIAABase(a2),a6 ; a6 = CIABase
- moveq #0,d3
- move.l d3,d2
- move.b pb_HandshakeBit+HS_REQUEST(a2),d3 ; d3 = HS_REQUEST
- move.b pb_HandshakeBit+HS_LINE(a2),d2 ; d2 = HS_LINE
- lea BaseA5,a5 ; a5 = ciab+ciapra
- move.l pb_Frame(a2),a4 ; a4 = Frame
- moveq #CIAICRF_FLG,d0
- move.b (a5),d7 ; SAMPLEINPUT
- cmp.b #SYNCBYTE_HEAD,ciaa+ciaprb-BaseA5(a5) ; READCIABYTE
- bne hwr_TimedOut
- bchg d3,(a5) ; OUTPUTTOGGLE
- hwr_LoopShake1:
- move.b (a5),d0 ; ciab+ciapra
- eor.b d7,d0
- btst d2,d0 ; WAITINPUTTOGGLE
- bne.s hwr_cont1
- tst.b pb_TimeoutSet(a2)
- beq.s hwr_LoopShake1
- bra hwr_TimedOut
- hwr_cont1:
- eor.b d0,d7
- move.b ciaa+ciaprb-BaseA5(a5),d4 ; READCIABYTE
- bchg d3,(a5) ; OUTPUTTOGGLE
- move.b d4,d0
- subq.b #SYNCBYTE_CRC,d0
- bcs.s hwr_TimedOut
- subq.b #SYNCBYTE_NOCRC,d0
- bcc.s hwr_TimedOut
- lea pf_Size(a4),a3
- ; Read 1st length byte
- ;
- hwr_LoopShake2
- move.b (a5),d0 ; ciab+ciapra
- eor.b d7,d0
- btst d2,d0 ; WAITINPUTTOGGLE
- bne.s hwr_cont2
- tst.b pb_TimeoutSet(a2)
- beq.s hwr_LoopShake2
- bra.s hwr_TimedOut
- hwr_cont2:
- eor.b d0,d7
- move.b ciaa+ciaprb-BaseA5(a5),(a3)+ ; READCIABYTE
- bchg d3,(a5) ; OUTPUTTOGGLE
- ; Read 2nd length byte
- ;
- hwr_LoopShake3:
- move.b (a5),d0 ; ciab+ciapra
- eor.b d7,d0
- btst d2,d0 ; WAITINPUTTOGGLE
- bne.s hwr_cont3
- tst.b pb_TimeoutSet(a2)
- beq.s hwr_LoopShake3
- bra.s hwr_TimedOut
- hwr_cont3:
- eor.b d0,d7
- move.b ciaa+ciaprb-BaseA5(a5),(a3)+ ; READCIABYTE
- bchg d3,(a5) ; OUTPUTTOGGLE ciab+ciapra
- move.w -2(a3),d6 ; = length
- subq.w #PKTFRAMESIZE_2,d6
- bcs.s hwr_TimedOut
- cmp.w pb_MTU+2(a2),d6
- bhi.s hwr_TimedOut
- addq.w #PKTFRAMESIZE_2-1,d6
- ; Read main packet body
- ;
- hwr_MainLoop:
- hwr_LoopShake4:
- move.b (a5),d0 ; ciab+ciapra
- eor.b d7,d0
- btst d2,d0
- bne.s hwr_cont4
- tst.b pb_TimeoutSet(a2)
- beq.s hwr_LoopShake4
- bra.s hwr_TimedOut
- hwr_cont4:
- eor.b d0,d7
- move.b ciaa+ciaprb-BaseA5(a5),(a3)+ ; READCIABYTE
- bchg d3,(a5) ; OUTPUTTOGGLE ciab+ciapra
- dbra d6,hwr_MainLoop
- hwr_DoneRead:
- subq.b #SYNCBYTE_CRC,d4
- bne.s hwr_ReadOkay
- lea PLIPFrame_SIZE(a4),a0
- move.w pf_Size(a4),d0
- subq.w #PKTFRAMESIZE_2,d0
- jsr _CRC16(pc)
- cmp.w pf_CRC(a4),d0
- bne.s hwr_TimedOut
- hwr_ReadOkay:
- moveq #TRUE,d5
- hwr_TimedOut:
- bclr #PLIPB_RECEIVING,pb_Flags(a2)
- sf ciaa+ciaddrb-BaseA5(a5) ; SETCIAINPUT
- bclr d3,(a5) ; CLEARREQUEST ciab+ciapra
- moveq #CIAICRF_FLG,d0
- move.l d5,d0 ; return value
- movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- end