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Text File | 1996-03-02 | 20.5 KB | 1,318 lines
;************************************************************************* ;* ;* Xtruder catalog description file $VER 2.4 (2.3.96) ;* ;************************************************************************* ; ; MSG_XTRUDER_INFO (1//) Xtruder %s\n\nCopyright © 1994-1996 Martin Wulffeld\nAll Rights Reserved\n\nPublic screen: %s\n ARexx port: XTRUDER\n\n%s ; MSG_AUTHOR_INFO (//) To contact me write to one\nof the following:\n\n%s ; MSG_XTRUDER_UNREGINFO (//) This is an unregistered evaluation\nversion of Xtruder. If you use it for\nmore than 2 weeks you should register!\n\nPlease refer to documentation\nfor registration matters. ; MSG_REGISTEREDTO (//) Registered to ; MSG_UNREGISTERED (//) Unregistered evaluation version ; MSG_NOCANDO (//) This function is not available in the\nunregistered version of Xtruder.\n\nPlease refer to documention\nfor registration matters ; MSG_REQ_INFO (10//) Xtruder Information ; MSG_REQ_WARNING (//) Xtruder Warning ; MSG_REQ_ERROR (//) Xtruder Error ; MSG_GF_OKAY (20//) _Okay ; MSG_GF_CANCEL (//) _Cancel ; MSG_GF_SELECT (//) _Select ; MSG_GF_YESNO (//) _Yes|_No ; MSG_GF_OKAYCANCEL (//) _Okay|_Cancel ; MSG_GF_CONTINUEABORT (//) _Continue|_Abort ; MSG_GF_LOAD (//) _Load ; MSG_GF_SAVE (//) _Save ; MSG_GF_CONTINUE (//) _Continue ; MSG_COULDNOTOPENFONT (50//) Could not open '%s' font, size %ld. ; MSG_COULDNOTOPENSCREEN (//) Could not open screen. ; MSG_COULDNOTOPENWINDOW (//) Could not open window. ; MSG_COULDNOTCREATEGUI (//) Could not create GUI. ; MSG_NOTENOUGHMEMORY (//) Not enough memory ; MSG_YOUNEEDTHESELIBS (100//) You need the following libraries:\n ; MSG_INFOLIBVERSION (//) \n %s version %ld ; MSG_COULDNOTCREATECOMMODITY (//) Could not create commodity. ; MSG_COULDNOTCREATEAPPICON (//) Could not create AppIcon. ; MSG_PATHDOESNOTEXIST (//) The path '%s' does not exist.\nShould it be created ? ; MSG_COULDNOTCREATEPATH (//) Could not create the path '%s'. ; MSG_XTRUDERALREADYRUNNING (//) Another copy of Xtruder is already running.\nPop to front ? ; MSG_INIT_NOTFOUNDPLEASECONFIG (//) Not found. Please configure. ; MSG_INIT_INSTALLEDXTRUDER (//) Installed (XTRUDER) ; MSG_INIT_NOTINSTALLED (//) Not installed ; MSG_INITTITLE (//) Everything initialized. ; MSG_INIT1 (//) Xtruder real uncrunched executable size: %ld bytes ; MSG_INIT2 (//) ARexx port: %s ; MSG_INIT3 (//) Popkey: %s ; MSG_INIT4 (//) Archive extract path: %s ; MSG_INIT5 (//) File decrunch path: %s ; MSG_INIT6 (//) Corrupt files path: %s ; MSG_INIT7 (//) Bootblock.library: %2ld.%-2ld Knows %ld bootblock vira %s ; MSG_INIT8 (//) FileID.library: %2ld.%-2ld Knows %ld file types ; MSG_INIT9 (//) filevirus.library: %2ld.%-2ld Knows %ld file vira ; MSG_INIT10 (//) unpack.library: %2ld.%-2ld Knows %ld decruncher types ; MSG_INIT11 (//) xfdmaster.library: %2ld.%-2ld Knows %ld decruncher types ; MSG_INIT12 (//) xtruder.library: %2ld.%-2ld Knows %ld patches ; MSG_TL_KNOWNBBVIRA (150//) Known bootblock vira ; MSG_TL_KNOWNFLVIRA (//) Known file and link vira ; MSG_TL_KNOWNCRUNCHERS (//) Known decrunchers ; MSG_DECRUNCHERTYPES (//) Decruncher types: %ld ; MSG_TL_KNOWNPATCHES (//) Known patches ; MSG_PATCHES (//) Patches: %ld ; MSG_TL_KNOWNFILETYPES (//) Known file types ; MSG_FILETYPES (//) File types: %ld ; MSG_TL_LIBRARIES (//) Libraries ; MSG_TL_DEVICES (//) Devices ; MSG_TL_RESOURCES (//) Resources ; MSG_TL_PORTS (//) Ports ; MSG_TL_SEMAPHORES (//) Semaphores ; MSG_TL_TASKS (//) Tasks ; MSG_TOTAL (//) Total: %ld ; MSG_NAME (//) Name ; MSG_ADDRESS (//) Address ; MSG_PRIORITY (//) Pri ; MSG_VERSION (//) Version ; MSG_TYPE (//) Type ; MSG_TASK (//) Task ; MSG_PROCESS (//) Process ; MSG_UNKNOWN (//) Unknown ; MSG_TL_VECTORCHECK (200//) Vector check ; MSG_VECTORSTATISTICS (//) Vira: %ld Known patches: %ld Unknown: %ld ; MSG_LIBRARYVECTORSINRAM (//) Library vectors in RAM: ; MSG_UNKNOWNPROGRAM (//) Unknown program ; MSG_VECTORFORMAT (//) Offset LVO Description ; MSG_CHECKINGPRESPECIFIED (250//) Checking prespecified: %s ; MSG_NOPRESPECIFIED (//) No prespecified ; MSG_CHECKINGSPECIFIED (//) Checking specified files and drawers ; MSG_CHECKINFO1 (//) Directories: %6ld Files: %6ld Checked: %6ld ; MSG_CHECKINFO2 (//) Crunched: %6ld Decrunched: %6ld ; MSG_CHECKINFO3 (//) Archived: %6ld Extracted: %6ld ; MSG_CHECKINFO4 (//) Vira found: %6ld Check took: %02ld:%02ld:%02ld ; MSG_READPROTECTIONREMOVED (//) Read protection on '%s' removed ; MSG_COULDNOTREMOVEPROTECTION (//) Could not remove read protection ; MSG_FILEPROTECTED (//) '%s' is protected from reading ; MSG_FILEHASPBCBITS (//) '%s' has PBC bits set ; MSG_FILEALREADYEXISTS (//) '%s' already exists. ; MSG_DELETEALLIN (//) Delete all in '%s' ? ; MSG_DELETEEXTRACTEDFILE (//) Delete extracted file '%s' ? ; MSG_GF_DELETEEXTRACTED (//) Delete _all|_Delete|_Skip|Sk_ip all ; MSG_VIRUSFOUND (//) '%s' is infected with the '%s' virus ; MSG_VIRUSFOUND_Q (//) The file '%s' size %ld is\ninfected with the '%s' virus.\nWhat should be done with it ? ; MSG_VIRUSINARCHIVEFOUND_Q (//) The file '%s' size %ld within the archive\n'%s' size %ld is infected with the '%s' virus.\n\nWhat should be done with the archive ? ; MSG_VIRUSFOUNDREQUEST (//) _Disable|D_elete|_Rename|_Comment|C_opy|_Nothing ; MSG_WHATTODOWITHCOPIEDFILE (//) What do you want to do with the copied\nfile '%s' size %ld ? ; MSG_VIRUSCOPIEDREQUEST (//) _Disable|_Rename|_Comment|_Nothing ; MSG_COPYINGFILE (//) Copying '%s' to '%s' ; MSG_COULDNOTCOPYFILETO (//) Could not copy '%s' to '%s' ; MSG_FILEDISABLED (//) '%s' disabled ; MSG_COULDNOTDISABLEFILE (//) Could not disable '%s' ; MSG_FILEWILLBEDELETEDLATER (//) '%s' will be deleted after the check ; MSG_FILEDELETED (//) '%s' deleted ; MSG_COULDNOTDELETEFILE (//) Could not delete '%s' ; MSG_FILERENAMED (//) '%s' renamed to '%s' ; MSG_COULDNOTRENAMEFILE (//) Could not rename '%s' to '%s' ; MSG_TL_RENAMEFILE (//) Rename file ; MSG_ENTERNEWNAME (//) Enter new name for '%s' ; MSG_FILECOMMENTED (//) '%s' commented with '%s' ; MSG_COULDNOTCOMMENTFILE (//) Could not comment '%s' with '%s' ; MSG_TL_COMMENTFILE (//) Comment file ; MSG_VIRUSNAMECOMMENT (//) Suggested comment is virusname\n'%s' ; MSG_ENTERCOMMENT (//) Enter comment for '%s' ; MSG_FILECOPIED (//) '%s' copied to '%s' ; MSG_COULDNOTCOPYFILE (//) Could not copy '%s' to '%s' ; MSG_FILEENCRYPTEDCOPYING (//) '%s' encrypted. Copying to '%s' ; MSG_ONEORMOREPATHSNOTPRESENT (//) One or more paths were not found. Cannot start check. ; MSG_FILEISNOTINFECTED (//) '%s' is not infected ; MSG_FILECANONLYBEDELETED (//) '%s' can only be deleted ; MSG_FILECANONLYBERENAMED (//) '%s' can only be renamed ; MSG_INFECTEDHUNKCODEREMOVEDFILE (//) Infected hunk/code removed from file ; MSG_COULDNOTSAVEREPAIREDFILE (//) Could not save repaired file ; MSG_NOACTIONTAKEN (//) No action has been taken ; MSG_FILECRUNCHEDDECRUNCHIT (350//) '%s' size %ld\nis crunched with '%s'. Decrunch it ? ; MSG_DECRUNCHINGFILE (//) Decrunching: '%s' - %ld - %s ; MSG_FILEDECRUNCHED (//) '%s' decrunched - O: %ld D: %ld ; MSG_DECRUNCHERROR (//) Decrunch error: %s ; MSG_EXTRACTTHEARCHIVE (//) Extract the archive '%s' size %ld ? ; MSG_EXTRACTINGARCHIVE (//) Extracting archive '%s' ; MSG_CONTL_EXTRACTING (//) Extracting '%s' size %ld ; MSG_ARCHIVEEXTRACTED (//) Archive '%s' extracted ; MSG_EXTUNPACKLIBERROR (//) Extract error: %s ; MSG_NOTCRUNCHEDWITHSUPPORTED (//) '%s' is not crunched with a supported cruncher ; MSG_TL_ENTERPASSWORD (//) Please enter password ; MSG_TL_BOOTBLOCK (400//) Bootblock ; MSG_TL_DRIVE (//) Drive ; MSG_SELECTDRIVE (//) Select drive ; MSG_SELECTBOOTBLOCK (//) Select bootblock ; MSG_BB_1XOFS (//) 1._x OFS ; MSG_BB_13FFS (//) 1_.3 FFS ; MSG_BB_20OFS (//) 2._0 OFS ; MSG_BB_20FFS (//) _2.0 FFS ; MSG_BB_20OFSINT (//) 2.0 _OFS International ; MSG_BB_20FFSINT (//) 2.0 _FFS International ; MSG_BB_30OFSCACHE (//) 3.0 OFS _Cache ; MSG_BB_30FFSCACHE (//) _3.0 FFS Cache ; MSG_BB_CUSTOM (//) Custom _bootblock ; MSG_BB_CUSTOMSELECT (//) _Select custom bootblock... ; MSG_SELECTBOOTBLOCKTYPE (//) Select bootblock type ; MSG_SURETOINSTALLDISK (//) Really install a bootblock in DF%ld: ? ; MSG_COULDNOTINSTALLBB (//) Could not install bootblock in DF%ld: ; MSG_INSTALLINGBB (//) Installing bootblock in DF%ld: ; MSG_BBINSTALLED (//) Bootblock in DF%ld: installed ; MSG_DISKINFECTED (//) The bootblock in DF%ld: is infected with the\n'%s' virus. What do you want to do with it ? ; MSG_DMSFILEINFECTED (//) The bootblock of the '%s' DMS archive is\ninfected with the '%s' virus.\nWhat do you want to with it ? ; MSG_DMSFILEINFECTED_SHORT (//) '%s' is infected with the '%s' bootblock virus ; MSG_COULDNOTCHECKBOOTBLOCK (//) Could not check bootblock of DMS archive '%s' ; MSG_UNKNOWNBB (//) Unknown bootblock in DF%ld: ; MSG_UNKNOWNBBDMS (//) Unknown bootblock in '%s' ; MSG_NOTBOOTABLEBB (//) Not a bootable bootblock in DF%ld: ; MSG_NOTBOOTABLEBBDMS (//) Not a bootable bootblock in '%s' ; MSG_BBCURECHOICE (//) _Install|_Save as binary|_Nothing ; MSG_DMSCURECHOICE (//) _Delete archive|_Save as binary|_Nothing ; MSG_BBSAVEDASBINARY (//) The bootblock in DF%ld: saved as binary to\n'%s' ; MSG_DMSBBSAVEDASBINARY (//) The bootblock of the DMS archive '%s'\nsaved as binary to '%s' ; MSG_COULDNOTSAVEBBASBINARY (//) Could not save bootblock in DF%ld: as binary to\n'%s' ; MSG_COULDNOTSAVEDMSBBASBINARY (//) Could not save bootblock from the\nDMS archive '%s' as binary to\n'%s' ; MSG_CHECKINGBOOTBLOCK (//) Checking bootblock ; MSG_CHECKINGINSERTEDDISK (//) Checking inserted disks files ; MSG_BOOTBLOCKINDFX (//) Bootblock in DF%ld: ; MSG_BOOTBLOCKFROMDMSARCHIVE (//) Bootblock from DMS archive: '%s' ; MSG_FILEISNOTADMSARCHIVE (//) '%s' is not a DMS archive ; MSG_TL_GENERATEREPORT (500//) Generate report ; MSG_TL_CHECKREPORT (//) Check report ; MSG_RP_GENERATEWITH (//) Generate with ; MSG_RP_FILESIZE (//) _File size ; MSG_RP_PROTECTIONBITS (//) _Protection bits ; MSG_RP_DATE (//) _Date ; MSG_RP_COMMENT (//) Co_mment ; MSG_RP_CRC (//) C_RC ; MSG_GENERATINGREPORT (//) Generating report ; MSG_CHECKINGREPORT (//) Checking report '%s' ; MSG_TL_SELECTREPORTFILE (//) Select report file ; MSG_CHECKINGREPORTFOR (//) Checking report for:\n\n ; MSG_FILESIZE (//) File size ; MSG_PROTECTIONBITS (//) Protection bits ; MSG_DATE (//) Date ; MSG_CRC (//) CRC ; MSG_COMMENT (//) Comment ; MSG_FILEDOESNOTMATCH (//) '%s' from the '%s' report does not\nmatch with current file.\n\nMismatch in the following:\n ; MSG_REPORTGENERATEINFO (//) Files reported: %ld ; MSG_REPORTCHECKINFO (//) Files in report: %ld Checked: %ld Mismatches: %ld ; MSG_GF_REPORTMISMATCH (//) _Copy to|C_opy all to|_Delete|_Skip it|S_kip all ; MSG_TL_HISTORY (550//) History ; MSG_ENTRIES (//) Entries: %ld ; MSG_TL_SAVEHISTORY (//) Save history ; MSG_COULDNOTSAVEHISTORY (//) Could not save history ; MSG_HISTORYSAVED (//) History has been saved ; MSG_HISTORYSAVEDANDFLUSHED (//) History has been saved and flushed ; MSG_TL_VIRUSINFOBASE (600//) Virus information base ; MSG_DESCRIPTIONS (//) %ld descriptions ; MSG_SELECTAREA (//) Select area ; MSG_MATCHES (//) Matches ; MSG_MU_SEARCH (//) S\0Search... ; MSG_MU_CASESENSITIVE (//) A\0Case sensitive ; MSG_TL_SEARCH (//) Search ; MSG_SEARCHSTRINGS (//) Search strings ; MSG_TL_SELECTFILESDRAWERS (800//) Select file(s) and drawer(s) ; MSG_TL_SELECTFILES (//) Select file(s) ; MSG_TL_SELECTFILE (//) Select a file ; MSG_TL_SELECTPATH (//) Select a path ; MSG_COULDNOTCREATETIMEREQ (//) Could not create time request ; MSG_PLEASESETTIMEINTERVAL (//) Please set time check interval ; MSG_NOTIMEREQTOREMOVE (//) No time request to remove ; MSG_TIMEREQREMOVED (//) Time request removed ; MSG_TIMEREQSTARTED (//) Time check request started (%ld minutes) ; MSG_CHECKINGICONS (//) Checking icons ; MSG_CHECKINGICON (//) Checking icon '%s' ; MSG_CONTROL (//) Control ; MSG_CONTROL_STOP (//) _Stop ; MSG_CONTROL_PAUSE (//) _Pause... ; MSG_CONTROL_NEXTPRESPECIFIED (//) _Next prespecified ; MSG_CONTROL_OPERATIONPAUSED (//) Operation paused ; MSG_CLOSEVISITORWINDOWS (//) Xtruder is trying to close its screen.\nPlease close all (visitor) windows. ; MSG_DISKWRITEPROTECTED (900//) Disk is write protected ; MSG_NODISKINDRIVE (//) No disk in drive ; MSG_INVALIDDRIVE (//) Invalid drive ; MSG_DRIVEDOESNOTEXIST (//) Drive does not exist ; MSG_DRIVEBUSY (//) Drive is busy ; MSG_GAD_OKAY (1000//) _Okay ; MSG_GAD_CANCEL (//) _Cancel ; MSG_AR_SETTINGS (1010//) ARexx ; MSG_AR_AREXX (//) ARexx ; MSG_AR_ADD (//) _Add ; MSG_AR_REMOVE (//) _Remove ; MSG_AR_UP (//) _Up ; MSG_AR_DOWN (//) _Down ; MSG_AR_SORTALPHABETICALLY (//) _Sort alphabetically ; MSG_AR_ITEMS (//) Items ; MSG_AR_NAME (//) _Name ; MSG_AR_SCRIPT (//) Scr_ipt ; MSG_AR_TL_ADD (//) Add ARexx script ; MSG_AR_ADDTEXT (//) Please enter the name for the menu item ; MSG_AR_GF_ADD (//) _Okay|_Separator|_Cancel ; MSG_ARC_SETTINGS (1030//) Archives ; MSG_ARC_LHA (//) LhA ; MSG_ARC_LZX (//) LZX ; MSG_ARC_TLOUTPUT (//) Output ; MSG_ARC_UNPACKLIBRARY (//) Unpack library ; MSG_ARC_INTERNAL (//) Internal ; MSG_ARC_EXTRACTLHA (//) Extract _LhA ; MSG_ARC_EXTRACTROUTINELHA (//) _Extract routine ; MSG_ARC_LHAMAXSIZE (//) LhA _max size ; MSG_ARC_EXTRACTLZX (//) Extract L_ZX ; MSG_ARC_EXTRACTROUTINELZX (//) E_xtract routine ; MSG_ARC_LZXMAXSIZE (//) LZX m_ax size ; MSG_ARC_OUTPUT (//) O_utput ; MSG_BB_SETTINGS (1070//) Bootblock ; MSG_BB_BOOTBLOCK (//) Bootblock ; MSG_BB_CUSTOMBOOTBLOCK (//) C_ustom bootblock ; MSG_BB_CHECKINSERTEDDISKS (//) C_heck inserted disks ; MSG_BB_SHOWBOOTBLOCK (//) _Show bootblock ; MSG_BB_SELECTCUSTOM (//) Select custom bootblock... ; MSG_CH_SETTINGS (1100//) Check ; MSG_CH_PROTECTIONBITSFOR (//) Protection Bits for Checked files ; MSG_CH_PBCBITS (//) PBC bits ; MSG_CH_WHENDECRUNCHINGUSE (//) Whe_n decrunching use ; MSG_CH_CHECKFILESWITHPBCSET (//) Chec_k files with PBC set ; MSG_CH_SETPBCONEXECUTABLES (//) Set P_BC on executables ; MSG_CH_SETPBCONARCHIVES (//) Set PBC on archi_ves ; MSG_CH_UNPACKING (//) Unpacking ; MSG_CH_EXTRACTARCHIVES (//) E_xtract archives ; MSG_CH_ASKBEFOREEXTRACTING (//) Ask be_fore extracting files ; MSG_CH_ASKBEFOREDELETINGEXT (//) Ask before deleting extracted f_iles ; MSG_CH_DECRUNCHEXECUTABLES (//) Decr_unch executables ; MSG_CH_DECRUNCHDATAFILES (//) Decrunch da_ta files ; MSG_CH_ASKBEFOREDECRUNCHING (//) Ask before decrunchin_g files ; MSG_CH_ASKBEFOREDELETINGDEC (//) Ask before deleting decrunched fi_les ; MSG_CH_DECRUNCHENCRYPTED (//) Decrunch encr_ypted files ; MSG_CH_CHECKDMSBOOTBLOCK (//) Check D_MS bootblock ; MSG_CH_WHEN_UNPACKTHENXFD (//) Unpack then XFD ; MSG_CH_WHEN_XFDTHENUNPACK (//) XFD then Unpack ; MSG_CH_WHEN_ONLYUNPACK (//) Only Unpack ; MSG_CH_WHEN_ONLYXFD (//) Only XFD ; MSG_CH_MISCELLANEOUS (1140//) Miscellaneous ; MSG_CH_INFORMATION (//) Information ; MSG_CH_FILEFILTER (//) _File filter ; MSG_CH_ARCHIVEFILTER (//) _Archive filter ; MSG_CH_DOWITHVIRUSFOUND (//) _Do with virus found ; MSG_CH_DOWITHVIRUSCOPIED (//) Do _with virus copied ; MSG_CH_COMMENTFORVIRUS (//) Co_mment for virus ; MSG_CH_RENAMEEXTENSION (//) Re_name extension ; MSG_CH_SAFEMEMORYLIMIT (//) _Safe memory limit ; MSG_CH_AUTODEPROTECT (//) A_uto deprotect ; MSG_CH_ENTERDIRECTORIES (//) _Enter directories ; MSG_CH_AUTOPATHCHECK (//) Auto _path check ; MSG_CH_SIZE (//) Si_ze ; MSG_CH_FILETYPE (//) F_ile type ; MSG_CH_PROTECTIONBITS (//) Protection _bits ; MSG_CH_DATE (//) Da_te ; MSG_CH_DISABLE (1170//) Disable ; MSG_CH_DELETE (//) Delete ; MSG_CH_RENAME (//) Rename ; MSG_CH_COMMENT (//) Comment ; MSG_CH_COPY (//) Copy ; MSG_CH_REQUEST (//) Request ; MSG_CH_NOTHING (//) Nothing ; MSG_GE_SETTINGS (1200//) General ; MSG_GE_COMMODITY (//) Commodity ; MSG_GE_POPKEY (//) _Popkey ; MSG_GE_PRIORITY (//) Pr_iority ; MSG_GE_POPUPATSTART (//) Pop _up at start ; MSG_GE_MISCELLANEOUS (//) Miscellaneous ; MSG_GE_INDENTION (//) P_ath indention ; MSG_GE_TIMECHECK (//) _Time check ; MSG_GE_PROGRAMPRIORITY (//) Pro_gram priority ; MSG_GE_PRESPECIFIEDPRIORITY (//) P_respecified check priority ; MSG_GE_SPECIFIEDPRIORITY (//) Sp_ecified check priority ; MSG_GE_STAYHIDDEN (//) _Stay hidden during checks ; MSG_GU_SETTINGS (1250//) GUI ; MSG_GU_SCREEN (//) Screen ; MSG_GU_SCREENMODE (//) _Screen mode ; MSG_GU_PUBLICSCREENNAME (//) _Public screen name ; MSG_GU_SCREENFONT (//) Screen _font ; MSG_GU_TEXTFONT (//) Te_xt font ; MSG_GU_REQUESTERFONT (//) _Requester font ; MSG_GU_PALETTE (//) P_alette... ; MSG_GU_SCROLLERWIDTH (//) Scroller wid_th ; MSG_GU_CONTROLWINMINI (//) Control _window minimized ; MSG_GU_HIDEAPPICON (//) _Hide AppIcon ; MSG_GU_SCROLLMODE (//) Scro_ll mode ; MSG_TL_SELECTSCREENMODE (//) Select screen mode ; MSG_TL_SELECTPUBLICSCREEN (//) Select public screen ; MSG_TL_SELECTFONT (//) Select font ; MSG_TL_SETCOLORS (//) Set colors ; MSG_PUBLICSCREENS (//) Public screens ; MSG_HI_SETTINGS (1300//) History ; MSG_HI_MISCELLANEOUS (//) Miscellaneous ; MSG_HI_ACTIONSTORECORD (//) Actions to record ; MSG_HI_HISTORYPATH (//) _History path ; MSG_HI_HISTORYFILE (//) _History file ; MSG_HI_MAXENTRIES (//) _Max entries ; MSG_HI_SAVEMETHOD (//) _Save method ; MSG_HI_USEDATEANDTIME (//) _Use date and time as filename ; MSG_HI_APPEND (//) _Append ; MSG_HI_REQUESTFILENAME (//) _Request filename ; MSG_HI_PATHFILECHECK (//) _Path and file check ; MSG_HI_BOOTBLOCK (//) _Bootblock actions ; MSG_HI_REPORTCHECK (//) Report checkin_g ; MSG_HI_AFTERACTION (//) After action ; MSG_HI_AFTERACTIONTHENFLUSH (//) After action then flush ; MSG_HI_DONOTSAVE (//) Do not save ; MSG_TL_SELECTHISTORYFILE (//) Select history file ; MSG_PA_SETTINGS (1350//) Paths ; MSG_PA_PATHS (//) Paths ; MSG_PA_ARCHIVEEXTRACTPATH (//) _Archive extract path ; MSG_PA_FILEDECRUNCHPATH (//) File _decrunch path ; MSG_PA_VIRUSPATH (//) _Virus path ; MSG_PA_CORRUPTPATH (//) Corr_upt path ; MSG_PA_AUTOCREATEABOVEPATHS (//) Auto create above pat_hs ; MSG_PA_AUTODELETEABOVEPATHS (//) Auto delete above pat_hs ; MSG_PA_GUIDEPATH (//) _Guide path ; MSG_PA_DESCRIPTIONSPATH (//) D_escriptions path ; MSG_PR_SETTINGS (1400//) Prespecified ; MSG_PR_PRESPECIFIEDENTRIES (//) Prespecified entries ; MSG_PR_ADD (//) _Add ; MSG_PR_REMOVE (//) _Remove ; MSG_PR_SORT (//) _Sort ; MSG_ST_SETTINGS (1450//) Startup ; MSG_ST_AREXX (//) ARexx ; MSG_ST_CHECKATSTARTUP (//) Check on startup ; MSG_ST_STARTUPSCRIPT (//) _Startup script ; MSG_ST_REPORTFILE (//) _Report file ; MSG_ST_EXECUTESTARTUPSCRIPT (//) _Execute startup script ; MSG_ST_PRESPECIFIED (//) _Prespecified ; MSG_ST_VECTORS (//) _Vectors ; MSG_TL_SELECTSCRIPT (//) Select script ; MSG_TL_SELECTREPORT (//) Select report ; MSG_SAVESETTINGS (1600//) Save settings ? ; MSG_MU_TL_PROJECT (2000//) Project ; MSG_MU_HIDE (//) H\0Hide ; MSG_MU_ABOUT (//) \0About ; MSG_MU_XTRUDER (//) ?\0Xtruder... ; MSG_MU_AUTHOR (//) \0Author... ; MSG_MU_QUIT (//) Q\0Quit ; MSG_MU_TL_CHECK (//) Check ; MSG_MU_PRESPECIFIED (//) P\0Prespecified... ; MSG_MU_SPECIFIED (//) C\0Specified... ; MSG_MU_BOOTBLOCK (//) B\0Bootblock... ; MSG_MU_VECTORS (//) V\0Vectors... ; MSG_MU_TL_FILES (//) Files ; MSG_MU_UNPACKFILEUP (//) U\0Unpack to unpack path... ; MSG_MU_UNPACKFILETO (//) O\0Unpack to... ; MSG_MU_SHOWCRC (//) \0Show CRC... ; MSG_MU_REPAIR (//) \0Repair... ; MSG_MU_TL_BOOTBLOCK (//) Bootblock ; MSG_MU_INSTALL (//) I\0Install... ; MSG_MU_SAVEASBINARY (//) S\0Save as binary... ; MSG_MU_TL_LIST (//) List ; MSG_MU_LISTKNOWNBBVIRA (//) \0Known bootblock vira... ; MSG_MU_LISTKNOWNFLVIRA (//) \0Known file and link vira... ; MSG_MU_LISTKNOWNCRUNCHERS (//) \0Known decrunchers... ; MSG_MU_LISTKNOWNPATCHES (//) \0Known patches... ; MSG_MU_LISTKNOWNFILETYPES (//) \0Known file types... ; MSG_MU_LIBRARIES (//) E\0Libraries... ; MSG_MU_DEVICES (//) \0Devices... ; MSG_MU_RESOURCES (//) \0Resources... ; MSG_MU_PORTS (//) N\0Ports... ; MSG_MU_SEMAPHORES (//) \0Semaphores... ; MSG_MU_TASKS (//) M\0Tasks... ; MSG_MU_TL_MISCELLANEOUS (//) Miscellaneous ; MSG_MU_HISTORY (//) \0History ; MSG_MU_FLUSH (//) F\0Flush... ; MSG_MU_SHOWHISTORY (//) W\0Show... ; MSG_MU_SAVE (//) J\0Save... ; MSG_MU_REPORT (//) \0Report ; MSG_MU_GENERATE (//) G\0Generate... ; MSG_MU_CHECK (//) R\0Check... ; MSG_MU_TIMECHECKREQUEST (//) \0Time check request ; MSG_MU_INITIALIZE (//) Z\0Initialize... ; MSG_MU_REMOVE (//) T\0Remove... ; MSG_MU_VIRUSINFO (//) D\0Virus info... ; MSG_MU_TL_SETTINGS (//) Settings ; MSG_MU_PFGUI (//) !\0GUI... ; MSG_MU_PFSTARTUP (//) @\0Startup... ; MSG_MU_PFGENERAL (//) #\0General... ; MSG_MU_PFPATHS (//) $\0Paths... ; MSG_MU_PFPRESPECIFIED (//) %\0Prespecified... ; MSG_MU_PFCHECK1 (//) ^\0Check I... ; MSG_MU_PFCHECK2 (//) &\0Check II... ; MSG_MU_PFARCHIVES (//) )\0Archives... ; MSG_MU_PFBOOTBLOCK (//) *\0Bootblock... ; MSG_MU_PFHISTORY (//) (\0History... ; MSG_MU_PFAREXX (//) .\0ARexx... ; MSG_MU_LOADSETTINGS (//) \0Load... ; MSG_MU_SAVESETTINGS (//) Y\0Save... ; MSG_MU_SAVEASSETTINGS (//) \0Save as... ; MSG_MU_TL_AREXX (//) ARexx ; MSG_MU_EXECUTEAREXXSCRIPT (//) X\0Execute script...