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- Short: GUI for archivers LhA,LZX,DMS,xDM v1.3
- Uploader: johnw@kvnet.org (John Wells)
- Author: johnw@kvnet.org (John Wells)
- Type: util/arc
- Compressor Control Box - v1.3
- Jan 20, 1996
- by John Wells
- This program is Copyright 1996 by John Wells. All Rights Reserved.
- This program may not be sold, although a small charge for shipping,
- handling, and media may be charged.
- This program is a convenient interface for using several disk/file
- archivers. Currently, Compressor Control Box (hereafter known as
- CCB) supports the following archivers: LZX, LHA, DMS, and xDM (a
- pleasing combination of PackDev and LZX).
- First, a disclaimer:
- The purpose of this program is to compress the contents of floppy
- disks, hard drives, and other forms of temporary and permanent
- computer storage. The author, John Wells, will not be held
- responsible for any data lost through the (correct or incorrect)
- use of this program, nor will he be held responsible for any
- damages (financial or otherwise) resulting from the use of this
- program.
- Requirements:
- Well, in order to use the supported archivers, it is important that
- CCB be able to find them. A good place for them is your C:
- directory. Of course, anywhere in your command path is sufficient.
- I have included the latest versions of PackDev (v1.7) and DLDiz
- (v1.7), which are needed for certain functions, PackDev for
- (de)compressing xDM files and DLDiz for Viewing/Adding a
- File_id.Diz to a file. The rest of the archivers should be easy
- enough to locate. You will need versions of LhA, LZX, and DMS.
- CCB has been extensively tested using the following: LhA v1.35, LZX
- v1.20, and DMS v1.11. I would think that any newer versions of
- those programs would work just fine as well.
- CCB also requires the cando.library, v2.511+, which is NOT included
- in this distribution, as I am not sure of the distributability (is
- that a word?) of the library.
- To make things a bit easier, just click on the included INSTALL icon
- to put the included programs (PackDev and DLDiz) in your C:
- directory.
- CLI Usage:
- not currently supported (it's an interface. That's the point!)
- Workbench Usage:
- If you want to see what is happening, I would use the CCB icon, but
- if you don't need to see what is going on, just click on the
- CompressorControlBox icon. The only difference is that the CCB
- icon also opens up an output shell, so you can see what is
- happening. I have noticed no noticeable speed increase in NOT
- opening the shell, so it's a matter of personal choice.
- I've tried to make it as easy to use as possible. Just follow the
- 5 steps shown on the interface, and you'll be set. In order, these
- are:
- 1) Select Compressor. LhA, LZX, DMS, xDM, LhA-2-LZX, or DMS-2-xDM
- LhA-2-LZX and DMS-2-xDM perform the conversion process in the
- T: directory. I have found that you will need about 2.5 meg
- free for converting a DMS file to an xDM file, and about 1 1/2
- times the size of the LhA file for converting an archive from
- LhA format to LZX. If you don't have enough memory to
- transform the file, I suggest assigning T: to somewhere on your
- harddrive. It will slow things down somewhat, but unless your
- HD is REALLY cramped, you should have enough room there to
- perform the conversion. Also, when converting from DMS to xDM,
- I strongly recommend using RAD or an FMS-type drive for the
- work drive. It will work using a standard floppy, but it is SO
- SLOW! Do yourself a favor, and install FMSdisk today!
- 2) Select Operation. Compress, DeCompress, Test, View/Add Diz
- View/Add Diz works as follows. If the file you checked doesn't
- have a File_id.diz, CCB will open up a little window for you to
- enter the description into. When you are finished entering
- text, hit 'ESC x' to close the window and save the File_id.diz
- to the file. Except for DMS. It is NOT cooperating at all!
- It seems that in order to add a File_id.diz to a DMS file, it
- must be unpacked and then repacked with the File_id.diz. But
- don't worry. I'll figure out something! If the file DOES have
- a File_id.diz attached to it, it will be displayed in the CCB
- Output window.
- 3) Select Source File/Dir/Device.
- Click on this, a requester comes up, allowing you to select the
- SOURCE F/D/D. When using DMS or xDM, a requester will pop up
- asking for the source (or destination) device, such as DF0 or
- DF1, at the right time. Don't worry, you'll know it when it
- happens! Just make sure there is a disk in the drive BEFORE
- you click on Start!
- 4) Select Destination.
- Another requester. When using DMS or xDM, a requester will pop
- up asking for the source (or destination) device, such as DF0
- or DF1, at the right time. Don't worry, you'll know it when it
- happens! Just make sure there is a disk in the drive BEFORE
- you click on Start!
- 5) Process Selection. Start or Abort
- If you are DeCompressing an LhA or LZX archive, a requester
- will pop-up, asking if you would like to create a drawer to put
- the contents into. This keeps things from getting scattered
- all over your drive, and makes it easy to get rid of files you
- decide not to keep.
- Want more info? OK, you've got it. If you select the Test
- operation, no need to select a destination. Makes sense, right?
- If using xDM, I strongly suggest assigning T: to somewhere on your
- harddrive, as it can use up to 2 meg of RAM while processing a
- file. Of course, if you have 3 megs or more free, don't worry
- about it. The little memory display in title bar should give you a
- clue as to whether or not you need to re-assign T: to your HD
- That's it! If you have any questions or comments, or just want to
- send a donation (A4000, Corvette, book, game, money, whatever)
- please feel free to get in touch with me at the address below.
- John Wells
- 2595 Vonoa Drive
- Radcliff, KY 40160
- e-mail: johnw@kvnet.org
- Greetings, Thanks, and Other Stuff
- I would like to thank those who have sent me e-mail, for the
- kind words and support (and suggestions!), especially
- ashley@apowell.demon.co.uk, who was the very first to send me a
- message regarding CCB.
- I would also like to extend my thanks to the following:
- Stefan Boberg, author of LhA
- Jonathan Forbes, author of LZX
- SDS Software, author(s?) of DMS
- Rasmus K. Ursem, author of DLDiz
- Christian Wasner, author of PackDev
- Jay Miner for creating a REAL computer!
- Amiga Technologies for resurrecting Amy
- INOVAtronics, Inc., developers of CanDo!
- Adam Chapman, originator of the xDM concept
- and Dirk Vael, who took it several steps further
- v1.0 - 1 Jan 1996
- Initial release
- v1.1 - 9 Jan 1996
- Finally found a way to fix the niggling problem with
- selecting the device to use for DMS and xDM. The user can
- now select ANY floppy-type device for use by CCB.
- Added a 'history' function to the source/destination
- requesters, so that the last directory used will be the
- default (hope that is what you had in mind, Ashley!)
- Fixed the 'View/Add Diz' option, can now view the
- File_id.diz of LZX, LhA, DMS, and xDM archives, and can add
- a File_id.diz to LZX, LhA, and xDM files. Sorry, nothing
- for DMS (yet!).
- Added a Memory display to the title bar, good for keeping
- track of just how much ram you have left after crunching up
- several disks or directories.
- v1.2 - 14 Jan 1996
- Spruced up the appearance of the GUI somewhat, added a
- pop-up requester to the DeCompress option of LhA and LZX,
- to ask the user if a drawer should be created to put the
- contents into. Straightened up some code, got rid of some
- excess, added the 'About' menu item. Just little stuff,
- really. Oh, and I cleaned up this readme, too!
- v1.3 - 20 Jan 1996
- Finally found a way to make LhA and LZX compress a
- directory and include the selected path ONLY, as well as
- the .info for the drawer (if it exists). What this means,
- is that you will no longer have files that un-compress to
- something like: WorkBench:Games/FavoriteOfAllTime/blah
- Instead, if you had elected to compress the drawer
- 'FavoriteOfAllTime/', containing 'blah' and such, it will
- actually only have the path of 'FavoriteOfAllTime/blah',
- just like it should! Also, I finally got around to fixing
- up some of the pull-down menus, take a look at them.
- I decided to make the LhA-2-LZX and DMS-2-xDM options only
- available to registered users, have to give them some kind
- of benny for registering! Since v1.0 - v1.2 did not
- support this repacking option, it looks like v1.3 will be
- the first to give the un-registered users something to
- think about. I find the option VERY handy, since it is SO
- EASY TO USE! So come on, folks, go ahead and register. It
- really is worth it! :)