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- Welcome to DLDiz v1.7 ©Copyright 1995 by Rasmus K. Ursem, Dreamline Designs.
- Release Date: 08-Apr-95
- Introduction:
- DLDiz is a small utility to extract and show "file_id.diz" from Textfiles,
- LHA and DMS-archives. It can also create filelists from the file_id.diz, this
- version can supports 2 BBS types (Daydream and AmiExpress). Using this option
- you have the fastest local upload tool. More about this later.
- DLDiz now supports LZX.
- This is BUNGYJUMPWARE. If you like it you should go bungyjumping.
- Disclaimer:
- I take no responsibility for any lack of data or currupted archives.
- (or any bungycrashes...) DLDiz is checked in everyday use and has shown no
- errors.
- Needed programs:
- LHA placed in the path.
- LZX placed in the path.
- Reason to code: I used Whadiz 1.2 from nocTurne deSign/RefLeX, but this
- utility has a major bug. It dosn't unlock files when there isn't any
- "file_Id.diz" file in the archive. On top of that it dosn't unlock dirs.
- Very annoying because you cannot delete these files and dirs.
- Sometimes a list of the file_id.diz's is also very useful, so DLDiz can
- now create such a list.
- Usage:
- NAME is the name of the archive.
- FILELIST is used to enable the create filelist. A file called
- "Filelist_created_by_DLDiz" is placed in ram:
- QUIET will disable all output but errormessages from DLDiz.
- NOHEADER will disable the header output. Only the File_ID.Diz will be
- displayed.
- LISTTYPE is the type of the list you want to generate.
- Currently supported listtypes is:
- N This result in a standard list with no sizes, dates ect.
- A Generates a list for AmiExpress BBS.
- D Generates a list for Daydream BBS.
- If this is not found in the commandline, DLDiz will generate a
- standard filelist like version 1.5 Did.
- LISTNAME An optional listname. The File_ID.DIZ from the file, will be added
- to this list specified here.
- If this is not found in the commandline, DLDiz will add to the
- standard filelist in ram:
- EDITOR Editor to use if no File_ID.Diz is found. For the moment this dosn't
- work in DMS-Archives because DMS can't add a File_ID.Diz without
- repacking the whole file. :(
- History
- V1.0 -First working version.
- V1.1 -Improved: DMS extraction replaced with own search routines.
- -Added: Search in textfiles. (Or any other file where the
- file_id.diz is between a begin and end file_id.diz line.
- -Added: Buffermode so you can get the file_id.diz even if you
- havn't enough memory free to load the whole file.
- V1.2 -Bugfix: V1.1 had a minor bug. (Colorflash when no file_id.diz was
- found.) A friend of mine uploaded v1.1 without asking me. :-(
- V1.3 -Bugfix: Major fuckup in the DMS-searching.
- V1.4 -Added: Option to create filelist.
- -Added: Quietmode.
- V1.5 -Bugfix: DLDiz didn't delete the t:File_ID.Diz when a corrupted
- archive was processed.
- -Added: If a lha fails (corrupted data) DLDiz print a message on
- the screen or in the filelist.
- V1.6 -Added: LZX support.
- -Added: Special list generating for AmiExpress and Daydream BBS.
- -Improved: DLDiz can add to a userselected list instead of
- ram:Filelist_created_by_DLDiz.
- V1.7 -Bugfix: V1.6 would crash on textfiles greater than 65535 bytes.(Ups!)
- -Bugfix: DMS search-routine couldn't find the Diz if it was placed
- as the last "hunk".
- -Bugfix: The listgenerator for Daydream and AmiExpress would create
- "funny" lists if the Diz wasn't ending on a CR. ($0a)
- -Added: If no file_ID.Diz is found DLDiz can open a userselected
- editor and add the File_ID.Diz to the archive. NOTE: This dosn't
- work on DMS-archives because DMS cannot just add File_ID.Diz-info.
- You have to unpack the file and repack it with the Diztext option.
- (Crap?)
- -Added: NoHeader option, this will prevent the usual header text from
- being displayed. Now you can use DLDiz in connection with upload on
- Diz-supporting BBS-systems.
- -Added: Rexxscript for use with DOpus. Thanks goes to Morten K.
- Andersen for being our Arexx-wizard.
- -Changed: In the privious versions you had to type DLDiz Name <File>
- Now added a /M so you just have to type DLDiz <file>.
- -Improved: The listgenerating-routine now adjust the width of the
- file_id.diz.
- Using the editor option.
- Example:
- DLDiz test.lha f ed="ced -keepio"
- This will call DLDiz, and if test.lha dosn't have any File_ID.Diz the editor
- specicified in Ed= will be executed. In the above example, DLDiz will execute
- the following command.
- ced -keepio t:File_ID.Diz
- If you use some wierd editor that must have the filename as the first argument
- you can freely create a script to execute your editor, just remember to set the
- S (Script) bit, and keep in mind that DLDiz tries to load the File_ID.Diz from
- T:File_ID.Diz.
- example of script for use with CygnusEd
- -------------- Cut ---------------
- stack 8000
- Ced t:File_ID.Diz -keepio
- -------------- Cut ---------------
- Using with DOpus.
- *** Normal showing ***
- AmigaDOS c:DLDiz NAME {f}
- Stack: 4000
- Priority: 0
- Close Delay: -1
- Flags:
- Directory Opus to front
- Do all files
- Output window
- *** Generating a list in ram: ***
- AmigaDOS c:DLDiz NAME {f} F Q
- Stack: 4000
- Priority: 0
- Close Delay: -1
- Flags:
- Directory Opus to front
- Do all files
- Output window
- *** Local uploading on Daydream/AmiExpress ***
- AmigaDOS c:DLDiz NAME {f} F Q LN {Rf} LT D
- \/ \__Specifies Listtype.
- \ Here Daydream. Use A for AmiX
- \
- \______Tells Dopus to pop a filereq.
- Here ou select the list you
- want to add to.
- Stack: 4000
- Priority: 0
- Close Delay: -1
- Flags:
- Directory Opus to front
- Do all files
- Output window
- Local upload on Daydream and AmiExpress.
- If you have Dopus do as described just above, else do this:
- c:DLDiz NAME <filename> F Q LN <Listname> LT <Listtype: D = Daydream, A = AmiExpress>
- 1STNOTE: The archive/file MUST have a FILE_ID.Diz, else the Discription will be
- "File_ID.Diz NOT found!"
- 2NDNOTE: You must copy the files to the path according to the selected list.
- 3RDNOTE: Remember these BBS-programs MUST have the names in uppercase and
- the filename MUST support the 8.3 (PeeCee) standard.
- *** Using the arrex script with DOpus ***
- This script is used for local uploading/creation of filelists. Use these
- settings:
- ARexx rexx:dopus/DLDListgenerator.dopus
- Stack: 9000
- Priority: 0
- Close Delay: 0
- Flags:
- Run asynchronously
- How to contact the author.
- Snail mail (@, -mail)
- Rasmus K. Ursem
- Vittenvej 26
- 8382 Hinnerup
- Denmark
- Phone +45 86910058
- FidoNet: 2:238/28.10
- AmigaNet: 39:140/109.10
- HOANet: 10:2/9.10
- Or Call this board:
- Stargate, Dreamline Designs BBS Phone: +4586910058 Hours: 21:00-09:00
- Sysop: Rasmus K. Ursem, Dreamline Designs.
- Some Notes about this BBS:
- All releases from Dreamline Designs is online, even the winner-demo from
- the dealer-demo-competition at TP3 (22MB). Furthermore I am trying to build a
- collection of coding utilities and public sources such as chunkytoplanar-
- routines and other demo-routines/utilities-sources.
- Other Utils coded by me:
- DLDCheck: The *ultimate* stripper, with intelligent killmode to strip
- randomgenerated adds, CRC-Checking(=ANY banner can be deleted).
- latest release is V4.1.
- DLDBoot: HD-Bootprogram to wait for old slow hds.
- DLDInfo: Improvement to CBMs info.
- DLDModRe: Rename (unpacked) Protracker modules to the original name.