home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define VERSION "2.1 "
- #define EARLIEST_LIB 37 /* 2.04 and above */
- /* *INDENT-OFF* */
- /**
- * ClockTool.c
- *
- * Displays/adjusts/sets times of battery clock and/or system clock
- * from one or the other.
- *
- * Options:
- *
- * -b ; battery clock
- * -s ; system clock
- * -d<str> ; set selected clock to str (dd-MMM-yy)
- * -t<str> ; set selected clock to str (hh:mm[:ss])
- * (use either or both d/t options)
- * -annnn ; adjust selected clock time by -nnnn millisecs",
- * +annnn ; adjust selected clock time by +nnnn millisecs",
- * -l<file> ; log system time to <file> , reset clock from other
- * (default LOG_CLOCKTOOL:)
- * -L<file> ; log system time to <file> , Dont reset clock from other
- * (default LOG_CLOCKTOOL:)
- * -n<str> ; append the <str> to log file entry, e.g. "reboot"
- *
- * (see Usage () )
- *
- * Runs under AmigaDOS 2.04+, and only machines containing
- * a battery clock.
- *
- *
- *
- ***** Written by Gary Duncan
- *
- * 57 Melbourne Hill Rd
- * Warrandyte
- * Vic 3113
- * Australia
- *
- * E-mail: gduncan@werple.net.au
- *
- *
- ***** Freely distributable for non-commercial purposes.
- * Please keep this header intact.
- *
- *
- * Compiles under SAS 6.2
- *
- * Formatted with 'indent -gnu' ; a big time-saving program.
- *
- * Functions:-
- main
- tv2dss
- tv2str
- dss2tv
- dss2str
- str2dss
- Init_Timer
- hexit
- DeleteTimer
- usage
- scan_args
- tv_diff
- tv_diff_str
- format_diff_str
- set_system_time
- get_system_time
- get_battclock_time
- set_battclock_time
- tv_update
- check4battclock
- get_syncd_battclock_time
- get_syncd_system_time
- print_clock
- display_clocks
- adjust_clock
- set_system_time_to_syncd_battclock
- set_battclock_time_to_syncd_system_time
- wait_for_timer
- pause
- Version Date Changes
- ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- 1.0 27Oct93 Original release
- 1.1 04Apr94 Changes :-
- 1) use __AMIGADATE__
- 2) added L option, reorganised logic.
- 3) added d,t options (set date/time).
- 4) corrected clocktool -b output for big difference
- 1.1a Comments added
- 2.0 18Apr95 Exit with good/bad (0/1) values
- 2.1 26Oct95 trivial changes to help
- **/
- /* *INDENT-ON* */
- #include "ClockTool.h"
- /*
- * string for AmigaDOS Version Command
- */
- char A_vers[] = "\0$VER: clocktool\t" VERSION __AMIGADATE__;
- LIBRARY *UtilityBase = NULL;
- LIBRARY *BattClockBase;
- TIMEVAL tv_sysclock;
- TIMEVAL tv_battclock;
- TIMEVAL tv_tmp;
- DATESTAMP dss_sysclock;
- DATESTAMP dss_battclock;
- DATETIME datetime;
- char *date_ptr;
- char *time_ptr;
- LONG adjust;
- LONG temp;
- BOOL a_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL b_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL d_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL l_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL L_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL n_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL s_flag = FALSE;
- BOOL t_flag = FALSE;
- char buf[80];
- char *xstr = "";
- int opt_count = 0;
- char *logfile;
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- char log_buf[80];
- /*
- * used by date conversion functions
- */
- DM days_month[] =
- {
- 31, "Jan",
- 28, "Feb",
- 31, "Mar",
- 30, "Apr",
- 31, "May",
- 30, "Jun",
- 31, "Jul",
- 31, "Aug",
- 30, "Sep",
- 31, "Oct",
- 30, "Nov",
- 31, "Dec",
- };
- /*
- *********************************************************************
- */
- main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- /*
- * abort if no battclock and not AmigaDos 2.xx
- */
- if (check4battclock () == FALSE)
- {
- hexit (1);
- }
- scan_args (argc, argv);
- if (Init_Timer () == FALSE)
- {
- hexit (1);
- }
- /*
- ***** Mode (1) ? - just display both clocks ?
- */
- if (opt_count == 0)
- {
- get_syncd_battclock_time (&tv_battclock);
- get_system_time (&tv_sysclock);
- display_clocks (&tv_battclock, &tv_sysclock);
- hexit (0);
- }
- /*
- ***** Mode (2) - just a s or b option ?
- */
- if (opt_count == 1)
- {
- /*
- * just set one clock from the other
- */
- if (s_flag == TRUE)
- {
- (void) set_system_time_to_syncd_battclock ();
- print_old_new ("system", &tv_sysclock, &tv_battclock);
- }
- else
- /* set battclock from system time */
- {
- (void) set_battclock_time_to_syncd_system_time ();
- print_old_new ("battery", &tv_battclock, &tv_sysclock);
- }
- hexit (0);
- }
- /*
- ***** Mode (3) - set date/time from command line ?
- */
- if ((d_flag == TRUE) || (t_flag == TRUE))
- {
- TIMEVAL t_val;
- DateStamp (&datetime.dat_Stamp);
- datetime.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
- datetime.dat_Flags = 0;
- if (d_flag)
- {
- datetime.dat_StrDate = date_ptr;
- datetime.dat_StrTime = NULL;
- if (StrToDate (&datetime) == FALSE)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "invalid date string\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- if (t_flag)
- {
- datetime.dat_StrTime = time_ptr;
- datetime.dat_StrDate = NULL;
- if (StrToDate (&datetime) == FALSE)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "invalid time string\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * now change date/time of selected clock
- */
- dss2tv (&datetime.dat_Stamp, &t_val);
- b_flag ? set_battclock_time (&t_val) : set_system_time (&t_val);
- /*
- * now display both clocks
- */
- get_syncd_battclock_time (&tv_battclock);
- get_system_time (&tv_sysclock);
- display_clocks (&tv_battclock, &tv_sysclock);
- hexit (0);
- }
- /*
- ***** Mode (4) - adjust a clock (no logging) ?
- */
- if ((a_flag == TRUE) && (opt_count == 2))
- {
- adjust_clock (adjust, &tv_tmp);
- if (s_flag == TRUE)
- {
- print_old_new ("system", &tv_sysclock, &tv_tmp);
- }
- else
- {
- print_old_new ("battery", &tv_battclock, &tv_tmp);
- }
- hexit (0);
- }
- /*
- ***** Mode (5) - log selected clock time with reset ?
- */
- if (l_flag == TRUE)
- {
- if (s_flag == TRUE)
- {
- temp = set_system_time_to_syncd_battclock ();
- sprintf (log_buf, "\nS: %s %s",
- tv2str (&tv_sysclock),
- format_diff_str (temp, "(%s secs) "));
- }
- else if (b_flag == TRUE)
- {
- temp = set_battclock_time_to_syncd_system_time ();
- sprintf (log_buf, "\nB: %s %s",
- tv2str (&tv_battclock),
- format_diff_str (temp, "(%s secs) "));
- }
- if (n_flag == TRUE)
- {
- strcat (log_buf, xstr);
- }
- printf ("%s\n", log_buf);
- }
- /*
- ***** Mode (6) - log selected clock time with NO reset ?
- */
- if (L_flag == TRUE)
- {
- get_syncd_battclock_time (&tv_battclock);
- get_system_time (&tv_sysclock);
- temp = tv_diff (&tv_sysclock, &tv_battclock);
- if (s_flag == TRUE)
- {
- sprintf (log_buf, "\nS: %s %s", tv2str (&tv_sysclock),
- format_diff_str (temp, "(%s secs) "));
- }
- else if (b_flag == TRUE)
- {
- sprintf (log_buf, "\nB: %s %s", tv2str (&tv_battclock),
- format_diff_str (temp, "(%s secs) "));
- }
- if (n_flag == TRUE)
- {
- strcat (log_buf, xstr);
- }
- #if 1
- printf ("%s\n", log_buf);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * now log message , maybe
- */
- if (fp)
- {
- int rote;
- int len = strlen (log_buf);
- if ((rote = fwrite (log_buf, 1, len, fp)) != len)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "fwrite error (wanted=%d),(actual=%d)\n",
- len, rote);
- hexit (99);
- }
- }
- hexit (0);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : tv2dss
- Purpose: given a Timeval structure , returns Datestamp
- Entry : ptr to Timeval
- ptr to Datestamp
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- tv2dss (TIMEVAL * tv, DATESTAMP * dss)
- {
- long rem;
- dss->ds_Days = tv->tv_secs / (24 * 60 * 60);
- rem = tv->tv_secs % (24 * 60 * 60); /* secs in last day */
- dss->ds_Minute = rem / 60;
- rem = rem % 60; /* secs in last minute */
- rem = (rem * 1000) + (tv->tv_micro / 1000); /* msecs in last minute */
- dss->ds_Tick = rem / (1000 / TICKS_PER_SECOND); /* ticks in last minute */
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : tv2str
- Purpose: given a Timeval structure , returns date string
- Entry : ptr to Timeval
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- char *
- tv2str (TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- static char tbuf[40];
- tv2dss (tv, &dss);
- dss2str (&dss, tbuf);
- return tbuf;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : dss2tv
- Purpose: given a DateStamp structure , returns an updated TIMEVAL
- Entry : ptr to DateStamp structure
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- dss2tv (DATESTAMP * t1, TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- ULONG secs;
- secs = t1->ds_Days * 24 * 60 * 60;
- secs += t1->ds_Minute * 60;
- secs += t1->ds_Tick / TICKS_PER_SECOND;
- tv->tv_secs = secs;
- tv->tv_micro = (t1->ds_Tick % TICKS_PER_SECOND) * (1000000 / TICKS_PER_SECOND);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : dss2str
- Purpose: generates a date string given a DateStamp
- Entry : ptr to Datestamp
- Returns : ptr to date string
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- dss2str (DATESTAMP * dss, char *str)
- {
- static TIMEVAL tv;
- struct tm Time;
- int j;
- long time, ago;
- dss2tv (dss, &tv); /* date to secs/usecs since 01 Jan 78 */
- time = tv.tv_secs;
- Time.tm_sec = time % 60;
- time /= 60;
- Time.tm_min = time % 60;
- time /= 60;
- Time.tm_hour = time % 24;
- time /= 24;
- Time.tm_wday = time % 7;
- Time.tm_year = 78 + (time / (4 * 365 + 1)) * 4;
- time %= 4 * 365 + 1;
- while (time)
- {
- ago = 365;
- if ((Time.tm_year & 3) == 0) /* leap year */
- ago++;
- if (time < ago)
- break;
- time -= ago;
- Time.tm_year++;
- }
- Time.tm_yday = ++time;
- for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
- {
- ago = days_month[j].days;
- if (j == 1 && (Time.tm_year & 3) == 0) /* Feb , and leap year ? */
- ago++;
- if (time <= ago)
- break;
- time -= ago;
- }
- Time.tm_mon = j;
- Time.tm_mday = time;
- /* date format : 23-dec-88 22:33:01 */
- sprintf (str, "%02d-%s-%2d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d",
- Time.tm_mday,
- days_month[Time.tm_mon].months,
- Time.tm_year,
- Time.tm_hour,
- Time.tm_min,
- Time.tm_sec,
- tv.tv_micro / 1000
- );
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : str2dss
- Purpose : converts a truncated Amiga date string to a Datestamp
- e.g. "22-Dec-92 08:10:26" , no leading day
- Entry :
- Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
- ****************************************************************************/
- str2dss (char *str, DATESTAMP * ds)
- {
- /* 012345678901234567 */
- /* 22-Dec-92 08:10:26 */
- char *p = str;
- ULONG dss_days;
- int day, month, year, hour, min, sec, diy, j, k, rem;
- p[2] = '\0';
- p[6] = '\0';
- p[9] = '\0';
- p[12] = '\0';
- p[15] = '\0';
- day = atoi (&p[0]);
- year = atoi (&p[7]) + 1900;
- hour = atoi (&p[10]);
- min = atoi (&p[13]);
- sec = atoi (&p[16]);
- /*
- * compute days-in-year from month
- * - may be incremented later if a leap year
- */
- for (p = str + 3, j = 0, diy = 0;; ++j)
- {
- if (j == 12)
- return FALSE;
- if (strcmp (p, days_month[j].months) == 0)
- {
- month = j + 1;
- break;
- }
- diy += days_month[j].days;
- }
- /*
- * tricky bit ; adjust for leap years
- */
- dss_days = diy + day - 1;
- dss_days += 2 * 365; /* 1978, 1979 */
- for (j = 1980, k = 0;;)
- {
- dss_days += 365;
- if ((rem = (k++ % 4)) == 0)
- dss_days += 1; /* leap year */
- if (++j == year)
- {
- if (((rem = (k++ % 4)) == 0) && (month > 2))
- {
- dss_days += 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- ds->ds_Days = dss_days;
- /*
- * now fill in mins, ticks in min
- */
- ds->ds_Minute = (60 * hour) + min;
- ds->ds_Tick = sec * TICKS_PER_SECOND;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : Init_Timer
- Purpose: Inits timer
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- Init_Timer (void)
- {
- int error;
- TimeP = CreatePort (0, 0);
- if (TimeP == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- Timermsg = (TIMERREQUEST *) CreateExtIO (TimeP, sizeof (TIMERREQUEST));
- if (Timermsg == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- error = OpenDevice (TIMERNAME, UNIT_MICROHZ, (IOREQUEST *) Timermsg, 0);
- if (error != 0)
- {
- DeleteExtIO ((IOREQUEST *) Timermsg);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : hexit
- Purpose : cleans up and exits
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- hexit (int exit_val)
- {
- if (UtilityBase)
- {
- CloseLibrary (UtilityBase);
- }
- if (Timermsg != NULL)
- {
- DeleteTimer (Timermsg);
- }
- /*
- * close log file if open
- */
- if (fp)
- fclose (fp);
- exit (exit_val);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : DeleteTimer
- Purpose: Deletes Timer
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- DeleteTimer (TIMERREQUEST * tr)
- {
- MSGPORT *tp;
- tp = tr->tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort;
- if (tr != 0)
- {
- CloseDevice ((IOREQUEST *) tr);
- DeleteExtIO ((IOREQUEST *) tr);
- }
- if (tp != 0)
- DeletePort (tp);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : tv_diff
- Purpose : returns difference in msecs between two TIMEVALS,
- or -1 if overflow
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- tv_diff (TIMEVAL * tv1, TIMEVAL * tv2)
- {
- LONG val;
- val = (LONG) tv2->tv_secs - (LONG) tv1->tv_secs;
- /*
- * quick and nasty range check
- */
- if (labs (val) > 4294966L)
- return -1;
- val *= 1000;
- val += (((LONG) tv2->tv_micro) - ((LONG) tv1->tv_micro)) / 1000;
- return val;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : tv_diff_str
- Purpose : returns difference in msecs between two TIMEVALS
- expressed as secs.msecs string
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- char *
- tv_diff_str (TIMEVAL * tv1, TIMEVAL * tv2)
- {
- LONG val;
- val = tv_diff (tv1, tv2);
- return (format_diff_str (val, " (%s)"));
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : format_diff_str
- Purpose : formats diff string
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- char *
- format_diff_str (LONG val, char *form)
- {
- static char mbuf[80];
- char tmp[80];
- tmp[0] = ' ';
- if (val == -1)
- {
- return " ( >999.999 ) ";
- }
- if (val < 0)
- {
- tmp[0] = '-';
- val = -val;
- }
- else if (val > 0)
- {
- tmp[0] = '+';
- }
- if (val > 999999)
- {
- return " ( >999.999 ) ";
- }
- sprintf (&tmp[1], " %3d.%03d", val / 1000, val % 1000);
- sprintf (mbuf, form, tmp);
- return mbuf;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : set_system_time
- Purpose: sets system date/time
- Entry : TIMEVAL
- Returns : void
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- set_system_time (TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- Timermsg->tr_node.io_Command = TR_SETSYSTIME;
- Timermsg->tr_time.tv_secs = tv->tv_secs;
- Timermsg->tr_time.tv_micro = tv->tv_micro;
- if (DoIO ((IOREQUEST *) Timermsg))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "set_system_time() - DoIO fail\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : get_system_time
- Purpose: gets system date/time
- Entry : ptr to TIMEVAL
- Returns : void
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- get_system_time (TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- Timermsg->tr_node.io_Command = TR_GETSYSTIME;
- if (DoIO ((IOREQUEST *) Timermsg))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "get_time() - DoIO fail\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- tv->tv_secs = Timermsg->tr_time.tv_secs;
- tv->tv_micro = Timermsg->tr_time.tv_micro;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : get_battclock_time
- Purpose: Get Battery Backed-up Clock time
- Entry : ptr to TIMEVAL structure
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- get_battclock_time (TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- tv->tv_secs = ReadBattClock ();
- tv->tv_micro = 0;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : set_battclock_time
- Purpose: Set Battery Backed-up Clock time
- Entry : ptr to TIMEVAL structure
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- set_battclock_time (TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- WriteBattClock (tv->tv_secs);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : tv_update
- Purpose : updates a TIMEVAL with nnn msecs
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- tv_update (TIMEVAL * tv, LONG msecs)
- {
- LONG t_secs, t_msecs;
- TIMEVAL tv_tmp = *tv;
- BOOL flag = TRUE;
- if (msecs < 0)
- {
- flag = FALSE;
- msecs = -msecs;
- }
- t_secs = msecs / 1000;
- t_msecs = msecs % 1000;
- /*
- * conv microsecs field to msecs
- */
- tv_tmp.tv_micro %= 1000;
- if (flag == TRUE)
- {
- /* add */
- tv_tmp.tv_micro += t_msecs;
- if (tv_tmp.tv_micro >= 1000)
- {
- tv_tmp.tv_micro %= 1000;
- tv_tmp.tv_secs += 1;
- }
- tv_tmp.tv_secs += t_secs;
- }
- else
- {
- /* subtract */
- if (tv_tmp.tv_micro < t_msecs)
- {
- tv_tmp.tv_micro += 1000 - t_msecs;
- tv_tmp.tv_secs -= 1;
- }
- tv_tmp.tv_secs -= t_secs;
- }
- /*
- * conv msecs back to microsecs
- */
- tv_tmp.tv_micro *= 1000;
- /*
- * update given TIMEVAL
- */
- *tv = tv_tmp;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : check4battclock
- Purpose: Inits other stuff
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- check4battclock (void)
- {
- UtilityBase = (LIBRARY *) OpenLibrary ("diskfont.library", 0L);
- if (UtilityBase == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Can't open diskfont.library\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- UtilityBase = (LIBRARY *) OpenLibrary ("utility.library", EARLIEST_LIB);
- if (UtilityBase == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Abort: only runs under AmigaDOS 2.04 and above\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * see if Battery Clock there
- */
- BattClockBase = OpenResource (BATTCLOCKNAME);
- if (BattClockBase == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Abort: can't find a Battery Clock\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : get_syncd_battclock_time
- Purpose: reads battclock and returns when sec just ticked over
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- get_syncd_battclock_time (TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- TIMEVAL tv_tmp;
- get_battclock_time (&tv_tmp);
- do
- {
- get_battclock_time (tv);
- }
- while (tv_tmp.tv_secs == tv->tv_secs);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : get_syncd_system_time
- Purpose: reads sysclock and returns when sec just ticked over
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- get_syncd_system_time (TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- TIMEVAL tv_tmp;
- get_system_time (&tv_tmp);
- do
- {
- get_system_time (tv);
- }
- while (tv_tmp.tv_secs == tv->tv_secs);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : print_clock
- Purpose: prints clock time surrounded by given strings
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- print_clock (char *pre, TIMEVAL * tv, char *post)
- {
- /*
- * print results
- */
- printf ("%s%s%s", pre, tv2str (tv), post);
- fflush (stdout);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : display both clocks
- Purpose: as the name suggests
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- display_clocks (TIMEVAL * tv_b, TIMEVAL * tv_s)
- {
- print_clock ("Battery clock time = ", tv_b, "\n");
- print_clock ("System clock time = ", tv_s, tv_diff_str (tv_b, tv_s));
- printf ("\n");
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : adjust a clock
- Purpose: adjusts either system clock or battclock by given
- number of millisecs
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- adjust_clock (LONG msecs, TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- static TIMEVAL tv_tmpx;
- /*
- * wait until given clock wraps over a second
- */
- if (s_flag == TRUE)
- {
- get_syncd_system_time (&tv_sysclock);
- tv_tmpx = tv_sysclock;
- tv_update (&tv_tmpx, msecs);
- set_system_time (&tv_tmpx);
- }
- else
- {
- LONG res;
- /*
- * battclock here
- */
- get_syncd_battclock_time (&tv_battclock);
- tv_tmpx = tv_battclock;
- tv_update (&tv_tmpx, msecs);
- res = 1000 - (tv_tmpx.tv_micro / 1000);
- tv_update (&tv_battclock, 1000);
- ++tv_tmpx.tv_secs;
- /*
- * - wait a bit to account for fraction of a sec
- */
- pause (res);
- set_battclock_time (&tv_tmpx);
- }
- *tv = tv_tmpx;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : print_old_new
- Purpose: as the name suggests
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ***************************************************************************/
- void
- print_old_new (char *ptr, TIMEVAL * tv_old, TIMEVAL * tv_new)
- {
- printf ("Old %s clock time = ", ptr);
- print_clock ("", tv_old, "\n");
- printf ("New %s clock time = ", ptr);
- print_clock ("", tv_new, tv_diff_str (tv_old, tv_new));
- printf ("\n");
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : set_system_time_to_syncd_battclock
- Purpose: sets system clock to battclock time when it ticks
- over a second.
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ***************************************************************************/
- set_system_time_to_syncd_battclock ()
- {
- get_syncd_battclock_time (&tv_battclock);
- get_system_time (&tv_sysclock);
- set_system_time (&tv_battclock);
- return (tv_diff (&tv_battclock, &tv_sysclock));
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : set_battclock_time_to_syncd_system_time
- Purpose: sets battery clock to system time when it ticks
- over a second.
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- set_battclock_time_to_syncd_system_time ()
- {
- TIMEVAL tv_tmp;
- LONG diff;
- /*
- * we need to mess around a bit to get diff
- * between batt and system clock because batt clock
- * is only accurate to 1 sec
- */
- get_syncd_battclock_time (&tv_battclock);
- get_system_time (&tv_tmp);
- diff = tv_diff (&tv_battclock, &tv_tmp);
- get_syncd_system_time (&tv_sysclock);
- set_battclock_time (&tv_sysclock);
- /*
- * now correct battclock time to give msecs precision
- * PROVIDED that diff was in range (<999 secs) else ignore
- * trying to be precise.
- */
- if (diff != -1)
- {
- tv_battclock = tv_sysclock;
- tv_update (&tv_battclock, diff);
- }
- return (-diff);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : wait_for_timer
- Purpose: Waits until given time expires
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- wait_for_timer (TIMERREQUEST * tr, TIMEVAL * tv)
- {
- MSGPORT *tp;
- ULONG flags;
- tp = tr->tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort;
- tr->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- tr->tr_time.tv_secs = tv->tv_secs;
- tr->tr_time.tv_micro = tv->tv_micro;
- SendIO ((IOREQUEST *) tr);
- flags = Wait ((1L << tp->mp_SigBit) | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- if (flags & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- {
- AbortIO ((IOREQUEST *) tr);
- WaitIO ((IOREQUEST *) tr);
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : pause
- Purpose : waits for given millisecs
- ( or until ^C hit )
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- pause (int millisecs)
- {
- static TIMEVAL tv;
- tv.tv_secs = millisecs / 1000;
- tv.tv_micro = (millisecs % 1000) * 1000;
- wait_for_timer (Timermsg, &tv);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : scan_args
- Purpose: scans and validates command line
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- scan_args (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- char *ptr;
- char arch;
- char plusminus;
- int a = 0;
- int n = 0;
- int b = 0;
- int d = 0;
- int s = 0;
- int t = 0;
- int l = 0;
- int L = 0;
- while (--argc)
- {
- ptr = *++argv;
- plusminus = *ptr++;
- /*
- * now look for options
- */
- if ((plusminus == '-') || (plusminus == '+'))
- {
- ++opt_count;
- arch = *ptr++;
- switch (arch)
- {
- case 'a': /* adjust clock time */
- if (a++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -a options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- a_flag = TRUE;
- if (sscanf (ptr, "%d", &adjust) != 1)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "bad -a option value\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- if (plusminus == '-')
- adjust = -adjust;
- break;
- case 'b':
- if (b++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -b options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- b_flag = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'd':
- if (d++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -d options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- d_flag = TRUE;
- date_ptr = ptr;
- break;
- case 't':
- if (t++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -t options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- t_flag = TRUE;
- time_ptr = ptr;
- break;
- case 's':
- if (s++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -s options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- s_flag = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'h':
- usage (""); /* help */
- hexit (1);
- case 'l':
- if (l++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -l options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- l_flag = TRUE;
- logfile = (*ptr) ? ptr : "LOG_CLOCKTOOL:";
- if ((fp = fopen (logfile, "a")) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", logfile);
- hexit (1);
- }
- break;
- case 'L':
- if (L++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -L options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- L_flag = TRUE;
- logfile = (*ptr) ? ptr : "LOG_CLOCKTOOL:";
- if ((fp = fopen (logfile, "a")) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", logfile);
- hexit (1);
- }
- break;
- case 'n': /* put str in log file entry */
- if (n++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "too many -n options\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- n_flag = TRUE;
- xstr = ptr;
- break;
- default:
- usage ("unknown option"); /* bad option */
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- usage ("not an option");
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- if (opt_count == 0)
- return;
- /*
- * now validate options
- */
- if (b_flag && s_flag)
- {
- usage ("only one -b or -s option"); /* bad option */
- hexit (1);
- }
- if ((b_flag == FALSE) && (s_flag == FALSE))
- {
- usage ("need -b or -s option"); /* bad option */
- hexit (1);
- }
- if (d_flag || t_flag)
- {
- if (d_flag)
- {
- if (*date_ptr == '\0')
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "need a date string\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- if (t_flag)
- {
- if (*time_ptr == '\0')
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "need a time string\n");
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (l_flag && L_flag)
- {
- usage ("only one -l or -L option"); /* bad option */
- hexit (1);
- }
- if ((opt_count > 2) && (a_flag == TRUE))
- {
- usage ("invalid options with -a option"); /* bad option */
- hexit (1);
- }
- if ((opt_count > 2) && (n_flag == FALSE))
- {
- usage ("need a -n option"); /* bad option */
- hexit (1);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function : usage
- Purpose: prints invocation parameters
- Entry :
- Returns :
- ****************************************************************************/
- void
- usage (char *p)
- {
- static char *rats[] =
- {
- "Usage modes :-",
- " 1) display both : clocktool",
- " 2) set selected",
- " from other : clocktool -[b | s]",
- " 3) set date/time : clocktool -[b | s] -d<date> -t<time> ",
- " 4) adjust : clocktool -[b | s] +|-a<n>",
- " 5) log then reset : clocktool -[b | s] -l<file> [-n<str>]",
- " 6) log only : clocktool -[b | s] -L<file> [-n<str>]",
- "\nOptions:",
- " -b : battery clock",
- " -s : system clock",
- " -d<str> : set selected clock's date to str (dd-MMM-yy)",
- " -t<str> : set selected clock's time to str (hh:mm[:ss])",
- " (can use either or both d/t options)",
- "",
- " +|-a<n> : change selected clock by + or - <n> millisecs",
- "",
- " -l<file> : log time of clock to <file> ; reset from other",
- " (default file = LOG_CLOCKTOOL:)",
- " -L<file> : log time of clock to <file> ; don't reset from other",
- " (default file = LOG_CLOCKTOOL:)",
- " -n<str> : append the <str> to log file entry, e.g. \"reboot\"",
- };
- int j = 0;
- char *ptr;
- if (*p)
- fprintf (stderr, "Error: %s\n\n", p);
- printf (
- "%s: Displays/adjusts/sets times of battery clock and/or system clock\n\n",
- "ClockTool");
- printf (
- "Version %s [%s : %s] written by gduncan@werple.net.au\n\n",
- VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__);
- while (ptr = rats[j++])
- printf ("%s\n", ptr);
- }
- /* */