Labels:bulletin board | daily | gazette | reckoner | sky OCR: ACADEMY Moc NEW THINKING Abadormy oundatior which ya croatod purpose promoting socia justio and Toani -pentr in potties tpundatior which indurio rto scfivife monitoring course technological ecologica and scor omic revolution wth Implication: the survival nurme nkind invostigation and pubicattor specific econormic mochanisms invcived this proc6ss ecological inspection projects and technologios affecting hasita spport echnologle which consurmo Bimuitanecus improvern atmosp onysics soiftue population economic financial through ecolog/cal activity The such echnoicgle ransport industry agricultune educatior crganisatlon which invites internafion organis cipste colog retorr numarit Pyatnitskaya 113035 Moscow Russia Academy New Thinking +/7/095/233 O7 Fex +/7/095 200 +/7/095/233 07 Telex 151 INPU ...