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OCR: APEHAHOE NPEANPMATHE LEASEHOLD ENTERPRISE OECCKMM ODESSA FOOD KOMEWHAT nMUEBbX CONCENTRATES KOHLIEHTPATOB PLANT IpOM3BO3CTBO: HbIC 3KOJIOTHYCCKM YMCTbIe, HarypaTh- cyxue Production of best gically quality, clean dry natural, food ecolo- esble KoineunaTs centrafes: soups, porridges ecepTh RTVD3TINT! desserts, natural and instan pACTBODHM CHCLHH spices ane other food LMeBble LDOTYKTbI products 9kcnopt: KOMO HHATOM 1DOH38OM Exportation: greer products coffee, fabricated in spices the packing plant. UMnopr: 3enemaR xobe, cneimm Importation: maerials yAKOBOHJe Instrumentalnaya St. Phone: ++ 380 482/ 222865 Odessa 270005 FOX Type: 232222 /380 /482/ ANTEY 337233 NPEANPHATHE OIECCKMM KOMBMHAT DMUEBBX Dkcnopt UMuopr cneiM UKRAINE