The Lilith-Heavy font is a companion to the Lilith-Light and Lilith Initials fonts already out there on bulletin boards and other places where quality shareware is found (sic). The Lilith-Heavy font was created from scratch - - it is not simply a wider version of Lilith-Light. The font is bold and semi-calligraphic with strokes that lighten on the way down, like in Lilith-Light. The x-height is quite small (about 40 percent of the caps height). You'll find a complete alphabet, numbers and punctuation in the font.
Lilith-Heavy is copyright (c) 1992 by David Rakowski. All Rights Reserved. It is distributed as shareware; if you like, use and/or keep this font, please make a donation to the Columbia University Music Department of $3.01 (a mere penny more than the cost of Lilith-Light). If your first or last name is hyphenated, please send $4.01 instead. Make your check out to Columbia University and send it to Cynthia Lemiesz, Music Department, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. In it, you may enclose a brief letter with all the vowels left out (e.g. "Dr Cnth: Hw r y? m fn.).
DISTRIBUTION: You may freely copy this font and give it to your friends, providing all the files from the original archive, including the file you are reading, are included. User groups and nonprofits may distribute the font on disks for which they charge a nominal fee with the same conditions. For profit groups such as shareware/public domain outlets are specifically prohibited from selling or giving away any disks with this font on it.
Lilith-Heavy comes to you from Insect Bytes, and there's nothing you can do about it.