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152 lines
/* */
/* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
/* */
/* Book: ACM Graphics Amiga C Club */
/* Chapter: Fonts Tulevagen 22 */
/* File: Example5.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
/* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
/* Date: 92-04-28 */
/* Version: 1.00 */
/* */
/* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* */
/* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
/* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
/* */
/* This example demonstrates how to use the AvailFonts() */
/* function. All available fonts (both on the disk as */
/* well as in the memory) will be listed together with */
/* some useful information about them. */
#include <exec/types.h> /* Data types */
#include <exec/memory.h> /* MEMF_CLEAR */
#include <libraries/diskfont.h> /* struct AvailFonts etc... */
#include <graphics/text.h> /* FS_NORMAL etc... */
struct Library *DiskfontBase; /* OpenDiskFont() etc. */
int size=0;
struct AvailFontsHeader *avail_fonts_header;
struct AvailFonts *avail_fonts;
void main();
void clean_up();
void main()
int loop;
/* Open the DiskFont Library: */
DiskfontBase = (struct DiskfontBase *)
OpenLibrary( "diskfont.library", 0 );
if( !DiskfontBase )
clean_up( "Could not open Diskfont library!" );
/* Check how large buffer we need to allocate. */
/* (We give AvailFons() no memory to store the */
/* font list in, so it will return the exact */
/* number of bytes we need to allocate. This */
/* means we have to call the function */
/* AvailFonts() twice, but we are sure to get */
/* a buffer of the exactly the right size so we */
/* do not need to waste any memory.) */
printf( "Collecting information about all available fonts...\n" );
size = AvailFonts( NULL, 0, AFF_DISK | AFF_MEMORY );
/* Print the size of the buffer we need to allocate: */
printf( "Buffer size: %d\n", size );
/* Allocate the buffer: */
printf( "Storing information about all available fonts...\n" );
avail_fonts_header = (struct AvailFontsHeadr *)
AllocMem( size, MEMF_CLEAR );
/* Call the function AvailFonts() again, but this time we give */
/* it a buffer to store the information in: (Remember to still */
/* check that the buffer was big enough! Some other task could */
/* have changed something in the FONTS: device while we */
/* allocated the buffer. Never trust the Amiga... */
if( AvailFonts( avail_fonts_header, size, AFF_DISK | AFF_MEMORY ) )
clean_up( "Buffer to small to store the font list in!" );
/* Skip the afh_NumEntries filed: */
avail_fonts = (struct AvailFonts *) &avail_fonts_header[1];
/* Print some information: */
printf( "-------------------------------------\n" );
printf( "| Here is the complete font list! |\n" );
printf( "-------------------------------------\n" );
/* Check all AvailFonts structures: */
for( loop=0; loop < avail_fonts_header->afh_NumEntries; loop++ )
printf( "Name: \"%s\"\n", avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Name );
printf( "Size: %3d\n", avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_YSize );
printf( "Flags: " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_REMOVED )
printf( "Removed " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_REVPATH )
printf( "Reversed path " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_ROMFONT )
printf( "ROMFont " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_DISKFONT )
printf( "DiskFont " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_TALLDOT )
printf( "HiresNonInterlaced " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_WIDEDOT )
printf( "LowresInterlaced " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_PROPORTIONAL )
printf( "Proportional " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_DESIGNED )
printf( "Designed " );
printf( "\nStyle: " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Style & FS_NORMAL )
printf( "Normal " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Style & FSF_EXTENDED )
printf( "Extended " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Style & FSF_ITALIC )
printf( "Italic " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Style & FSF_BOLD )
printf( "Bold " );
if( avail_fonts->af_Attr.ta_Style & FSF_UNDERLINED )
printf( "Underlined " );
printf( "\n-------------------------------------\n" );
/* Step to the next structure: */
/* Clean up and leave: */
clean_up( "The End" );
void clean_up( message )
STRPTR message;
if( avail_fonts_header )
FreeMem( avail_fonts_header, size);
if( DiskfontBase )
CloseLibrary( DiskfontBase );
printf( "%s\n", message );