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/* */
/* Amiga C Encyclopedia (ACE) V3.0 Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* ------------------------------- ------------------ */
/* */
/* Book: ACM Graphics Amiga C Club */
/* Chapter: Fonts Tulevagen 22 */
/* File: Example6.c 181 41 LIDINGO */
/* Author: Anders Bjerin SWEDEN */
/* Date: 92-04-28 */
/* Version: 1.00 */
/* */
/* Copyright 1992, Anders Bjerin - Amiga C Club (ACC) */
/* */
/* Registered members may use this program freely in their */
/* own commercial/noncommercial programs/articles. */
/* */
/* This example demonstrates how you can use a font loaded */
/* from a disk in your own Intuition programs. */
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
/* Max 50 characters: */
#define MAXCHAR 50
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase; /* Intuition library. */
struct GfxBase *GfxBase; /* Graphics library. */
struct Library *DiskfontBase; /* DiskFont library. */
/* The new font's attributes: */
struct TextAttr my_font_attr=
"Helvetica.font", /* Name of the font. */
24, /* Height (in pixels) */
FS_NORMAL, /* Style */
FPF_DISKFONT /* Exist on Disk. */
/* Pointer to our new font: */
struct TextFont *my_font;
/* The coordinates for the box: */
SHORT my_points[]=
-7, -4, /* Start at position (-7, -4) */
200, -4, /* Draw a line to the right to position (200,-4) */
200, 11, /* Draw a line down to position (200,11) */
-7, 11, /* Draw a line to the right to position (-7,11) */
-7, -4 /* Finish of by drawing a line up to position (-7,-4) */
/* The Border structure: */
struct Border my_border=
0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge. */
1, /* FrontPen, colour register 1. */
0, /* BackPen, for the moment unused. */
JAM1, /* DrawMode, draw the lines with colour 1. */
5, /* Count, 5 pair of coordinates in the array. */
my_points, /* XY, pointer to the array with the coordinates. */
NULL, /* NextBorder, no other Border structures are connected. */
/* The IntuiText structure: */
struct IntuiText my_text=
1, /* FrontPen, colour register 1. */
0, /* BackPen, colour register 0. */
JAM1, /* DrawMode, draw the characters with colour 1, do not */
/* change the background. */
-65, -8, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge. */
&my_font_attr, /* ITextFont, use default font. */
"Text:", /* IText, the text that will be printed. */
NULL, /* NextText, no other IntuiText structures. */
/* Once the font has been loaded you can start to use */
/* the IntuiText structure with a pointer to the new */
/* font's attributes. Since the text is connected to */
/* a gadget which is connected to a window, we must */
/* open the new font BEFORE we open the window! */
UBYTE my_buffer[MAXCHAR]; /* Max nr. characters including the NULL-sign. */
UBYTE my_undo_buffer[MAXCHAR]; /* Must be at least as big as my_buffer. */
struct StringInfo my_string_info=
my_buffer, /* Buffer, pointer to a null-terminated string. */
my_undo_buffer, /* UndoBuffer, pointer to a null-terminated string. */
/* (Remember my_buffer is equal to &my_buffer[0]) */
0, /* BufferPos, initial position of the cursor. */
MAXCHAR, /* MaxChars, (50) characters + null-sign ('\0'). */
0, /* DispPos, first character in the string should be */
/* first character in the display. */
/* Intuition initializes and maintaines these variables: */
0, /* UndoPos */
0, /* NumChars */
0, /* DispCount */
0, 0, /* CLeft, CTop */
NULL, /* LayerPtr */
NULL, /* LongInt */
NULL, /* AltKeyMap */
struct Gadget my_gadget=
NULL, /* NextGadget, no more gadgets in the list. */
80, /* LeftEdge, 80 pixels out. */
30, /* TopEdge, 30 lines down. */
198, /* Width, 198 pixels wide. */
8, /* Height, 8 pixels lines heigh. */
GADGHCOMP, /* Flags, draw the select box in the complement */
/* colours. Note: it actually only the cursor which */
/* will be drawn in the complement colours (yellow). */
/* If you set the flag GADGHNONE the cursor will not be */
/* highlighted, and the user will therefore not be able */
/* to see it. */
GADGIMMEDIATE| /* Activation, our program will recieve a message when */
RELVERIFY, /* the user has selected this gadget, and when the user */
/* has released it. */
STRGADGET, /* GadgetType, a String gadget. */
(APTR) &my_border, /* GadgetRender, a pointer to our Border structure. */
NULL, /* SelectRender, NULL since we do not supply the gadget */
/* with an alternative image. */
&my_text, /* GadgetText, a pointer to our IntuiText structure. */
NULL, /* MutualExclude, no mutual exclude. */
(APTR) &my_string_info, /* SpecialInfo, a pointer to a StringInfo str. */
0, /* GadgetID, no id. */
NULL /* UserData, no user data connected to the gadget. */
/* Declare a pointer to a Window structure: */
struct Window *my_window;
/* Declare and initialize your NewWindow structure: */
struct NewWindow my_new_window=
50, /* LeftEdge x position of the window. */
25, /* TopEdge y positio of the window. */
320, /* Width 320 pixels wide. */
100, /* Height 100 lines high. */
0, /* DetailPen Text should be drawn with colour reg. 0 */
1, /* BlockPen Blocks should be drawn with colour reg. 1 */
CLOSEWINDOW| /* IDCMPFlags The window will give us a message if the */
/* user has selected the Close window gad, */
GADGETDOWN| /* or a gadget has been pressed on, or */
GADGETUP, /* a gadge has been released. */
SMART_REFRESH| /* Flags Intuition should refresh the window. */
WINDOWCLOSE| /* Close Gadget. */
WINDOWDRAG| /* Drag gadget. */
WINDOWDEPTH| /* Depth arrange Gadgets. */
WINDOWSIZING| /* Sizing Gadget. */
ACTIVATE, /* The window should be Active when opened. */
&my_gadget, /* FirstGadget A pointer to the String gadget. */
NULL, /* CheckMark Use Intuition's default CheckMark. */
"String Window", /* Title Title of the window. */
NULL, /* Screen Connected to the Workbench Screen. */
NULL, /* BitMap No Custom BitMap. */
320, /* MinWidth We will not allow the window to become */
50, /* MinHeight smaller than 320 x 50, and not bigger */
640, /* MaxWidth than 640 x 200. */
200, /* MaxHeight */
WBENCHSCREEN /* Type Connected to the Workbench Screen. */
/* Declare our functions: */
void main();
void clean_up();
void main()
/* Boolean variable used for the while loop: */
BOOL close_me;
/* Declare a variable in which we will store the IDCMP flag: */
ULONG class;
/* Declare a pointer to an IntuiMessage structure: */
struct IntuiMessage *my_message;
/* Put some text into the my_buffer string: */
strcpy( my_buffer, "Some text" );
/* Open the necessary libraries: (Note the DiskFont library!) */
IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
if( !IntuitionBase )
clean_up( "Could not open Intuition library!" );
GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0 );
if( !GfxBase )
clean_up( "Could not open Graphics library!" );
DiskfontBase = (struct DiskfontBase *)
OpenLibrary( "diskfont.library", 0 );
if( !DiskfontBase )
clean_up( "Could not open Diskfont library!" );
/* Try to open a disk font: */
my_font = (struct TextFont *)
OpenDiskFont( &my_font_attr );
/* Have we opened the font successfully? */
if( !my_font )
clean_up( "Could not open the font!" );
/* We will now try to open the window: */
my_window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow( &my_new_window );
/* Have we opened the window succesfully? */
if(my_window == NULL)
clean_up( "Could NOT open the Window!" );
/* Stay in the while loop until the user has selected the Close window */
/* gadget: */
close_me = FALSE;
while( close_me == FALSE )
/* Wait until we have recieved a message: */
WaitPort( my_window->UserPort );
/* Collect as many messages as possible: */
while( my_message = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg( my_window->UserPort ) )
/* After we have collected the message we can read it, and save any */
/* important values which we maybe want to check later: */
class = my_message->Class; /* Save the IDCMP flag. */
/* After we have read it we reply as fast as possible: */
/* REMEMBER! Do never try to read a message after you have replied! */
/* Some other process has maybe changed it. */
ReplyMsg( my_message );
/* Check which IDCMP flag was sent: */
switch( class )
case CLOSEWINDOW: /* The user selected the Close window gadget! */
case GADGETDOWN: /* The user has selected the String gadget: */
/* (Clicked inside the select box) */
printf("String gadget selected.\n");
case GADGETUP: /* The user has released the String gadget: */
/* (Pressed ENTER or RETURN) */
printf("String gadget released.\n");
/* Print out the final string: */
printf("String: %s\n", my_string_info.Buffer);
/* Give everything back nice and neatly before */
/* this program terminates: */
clean_up( "The End" );
void clean_up( message )
STRPTR message;
/* Note that this function will only close */
/* things which we have previously opened. */
/* Close the window: */
if( my_window )
CloseWindow( my_window );
/* Close the new font: */
if( my_font )
CloseFont( my_font );
/* Close the Font Library: */
if( DiskfontBase )
CloseLibrary( DiskfontBase );
/* Close the Graphics Library: */
if( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
/* Close the Intuition Library: */
if( IntuitionBase )
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
/* Print the message: */
printf( "%s\n", message );
/* Quit: */
exit( 0 );