Labels:animal | bulletin board | earth | fence | field | grass | person | reckoner | sky OCR: ab.cddghijkimnofpgrstuvwoys ABCDEFGHI IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 %$#+ C/f:NI{}[]">f guick brown f-ox jamps ever the Lary dos. 18 ThE quick brown fox jumfes over the lazy 24 The quick Lrown fox jumies over the tary .30ry 36 The quick &erown fox jumfes the lary .3ory The quick trown fox jumips the Lary dos. 60 The quick terown fOx jumjes VanO the Lary The quick trown tox jumfes over ahcde caiiklm nopgrstuwxy ABCDEFCHI jumps cver drown jumes iary rown frown qick jumpes