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- Short:Fantastic new cards for Klondike-AGA
- Type:game/think
- Uploader:mikasaas@utu.fi
- Hello to all Klondike-AGA players (again)!
- Here's another brand new card set for the utterly cool Klondike-AGA game.
- This time it's about faces of pretty young ladies! Oh man, let me tell you,
- they are extremely pretty! The quality of these images is much much better
- than in my previous card set, the "hajimecards", because with the 1st card
- set I was just practising (which resulted in color fringing problems), but
- now I know the "correct procedure" of constructing these cards and it really
- shows! :)
- Anyway, the faces in the cards belong to both real and imaginary (from
- H.Sorayama's artwork again) people. The real people include several well
- known persons (Cindy C. or Sherilyn F., anyone? :) as well as many unknown
- (to me anyway) models. My favourite is the face on the "8 of hearts" card.
- It belongs to a Finnish TV hostess, who is extremely sexy and a major blast
- in action, you should see her! This particular image shows her in one of her
- more conservative outfits, but in each episode of her show, she looks totally
- different, long hair, short hair, blonde, brunette, red-head, mini-skirt,
- long skirt... Excuse me, while I go under the blanket and drool a bit...
- <drool><dribble><drool>... Right! I think I'm okay now. :) The funny thing
- is that her show is mainly aimed at rather young people, children actually,
- it's the interactive Hugo TV-gameshow, which is seen in many European
- countries. Despite this, quite a lot of older people, esp. males, watch this
- show for some strange reason... :) Well, never mind... By the way, does
- anyone know where I could find 52 images of Cindy Crawford? That'd would
- make the Ultimate Klondike-AGA card set! :)
- To use this card set you have unpack the archive and copy the "faces.reko"
- file to the "CARDS" directory of the game and add the name of this card file
- to the "REKO.Prefs" file (as described in the docs of the game) and when
- playing the game press the corresponding digit key (0-9) to load these cards.
- And then... Be prepared to collect your jaw from the floor and pop your eyes
- back into their sockets! :) This card set is a must!
- This card set was constructed by me from a large number of JPEGs and GIFs of
- pretty ladies. Enjoy! And if you have made your own card sets, let's see them!
- I don't want to be the only one to release these card sets! Please upload them
- to the Aminet site near you! :)
- Mika Saastamoinen (-MiS-) Turku School of Economics // Amiga - In an
- mikasaas@polaris.cc.utu.fi and Business Administration \\ // insane world it's
- msaastamoine@finabo.abo.fi Information Systems Science \X/ the sanest choice!
- A1200/7 megs/245 megs!
- P.S. A word for any non-AGA Amigos out there: You're missing out on a great
- thing! :)