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Shrink User's Guide
Version 1.1 - June 1992
Written by Matthias Meixner
Copyright (c) 1992 by Matthias Meixner
All rights reserved
Not for commercial use
1- Disclaimer
The author cannot be held liable for the suitability or accuracy of this
manual and/or the program(s) it describes. Any damage directly or
indirectly caused by the use or misuse of this manual and/or the program
it describes is the sole responsibility of the user her/him self.
2 - Copyright/Distribution
Shrink, (c) Copyright 1992 Matthias Meixner. All rights reserved. This
Program is FREEWARE, so no financial donations are required (but welcome).
This program may be freely distributed as long as all documentation and
executable(s) remain unchanged and are included with the distribution.
Also no profit is to be made by selling this program.
Shrink V1.1 must not be added to other PD-libraries than AmigaLibDisks
from Fred Fish without my written permission. The price must not exceed
the costs of disk, package and mailing.
3 - Introduction
Shrink is a new archiver for the Commodore-Amiga computer similar to
LHA, lharc or zoo. It is not as fast as LHA, but compression rate is
better than the rate of all these other archivers. Shrink uses a new
IFF - format for its archives, that is designed to handle archives with
other programs (see IFF-documentation).
4 - System requirements
Shrink will run on any Amiga system with at least 512KB RAM an one
diskdrive. But for compressing large files more memory is needed, because
shrink loads all files completely into RAM to reduce diskaccess.
A 68020, 030 or 040 processor is very useful to reduce compression time.
5 - Command line syntax
The command line syntax is as follows:
shrink [-options] <Command> <Archive> [dest path] [pattern1] [pattern2] ..
[-options] are optional, [dest path] is only needed for extraction and
must end with ':' or '/', patterns are optional in some cases and
sometimes needed (see documentation of commands).
Patterns are the normal amiga patterns like #? or #?(x|y). Komplex
patterns like (#?|#?.c) are not supported.
6 - Adding files to archive
There are several ways to add files to an archive. Shrink supports the
following commands to add files matching the pattern to the archive:
'a': (add)
Adds files to the archive if they are not already there.
'aa': (add all)
Adds or replaces files in the archive. If the files was already
in the archive, its generation is increased by one.
(see generations)
'f': (freshen files)
Replaces a file in an archive if the file is newer than the file
in the archive. The generation of the older file is increased
by one. Files that have not been in the archive are not addes to
the archive.
'u: (update archive)
Files are added to the archive if they are not already in the
archive or are replaced in the archive if they are newer than
the files in the archive. In this case the generation is
increased by one.
Options for adding files:
The compression method can be set using the -m option. (-m0 no compression
.. -m7 best compression [default]).
-r forces shrink to collect the files recursively, e.g. to compress
directories with subdirectories.
With the option -a shrink supports the archive flag. When the option is
set, only files with non-set archive flag are added to the archive. After
adding them to the archive, the archive flag is set.
-q (quiet mode) switches the progress indicator off when compressing.
With -p(n) you can force shrink to pack the archive after adding files
(see also "packing the archive").
7 - Testing archives
The commands 't(n)' and 'ta' are used to test archives if they contain any
errors. 't(n)' tests generation n of all files matching the pattern. If no
pattern is given, shrink uses #? as default. 'n' Is a number between
1 and 255 and specifies the generation that shall be tested. If it is
ommitted shrink assumes generation 1.
'ta' tests all files that are contained in the archive. Therefore it does
not support any patterns.
8 - Deleting files
Using 't(n)' or 'ta' you can delete files from the archive. With 'tn' the
generation n of a file is deleted from the archive. 'ta' deletes all
generations of the file.
When you delete files from an archive they are not really removed from
the archive, only their generation is set to 256. They are only removed
when packing the archive (see packing the archive). As long as they are
not removed from the archive they can be recovered again (see recovering
deleted files).
Using the option -p(n) you can force shrink to pack the archive after
deleting files (see also "packing the archive").
9 - Recovering deleted files
If you wish to get back deleted files or files with an older generation
you can use 'r(n)' to get back generation n of the file or 'ra' to get
back a deleted file. The generation of this file is set to 1. The
generation of the other files with the same name is increased by 1.
If there exist more than one file with the same name and the same
generation in an archive, you can use the -i(n) option to turn on the
file index mode. Then only the n-th file that matches the pattern is
referred by this command.
10 - Packing the archive
Packing is used to remove all deleted or older files from an archive.
'p(n)' removes all generations that are higher than n from the archive.
E.g. 'r255' removes all files with a generation higher than 255 i.e.
deleted files. Or if you only want to keep 5 generations of each file
use 'p5' to remove all older files. Shrink generates a backup-file when
packing an archive. This is disabled by using the -d option. After adding
or deleting files you can auto-pack the archive using the -p(n) option.
11 - Extracting files
Extraction is done by using the command 'e(n)' or 'x(n)'. These commands
extract the generation n of the files matching the pattern. If n is not
given the first generation is extracted.
If you do not want the whole pathname to be extracted, use the -c option
to extract only the filenames. A special feature of this option is to cut
off part of the filename. This can be used to change the path during
extraction. For example the file ff500/c/MuchMore would be extracted as
df0:c/MuchMore by the following command:
shrink -cff500 x archive ff500/c/MuchMore
If you wish to set the archive flag of the extracted files. you can use
the -a option that does exactly this during extraction.
By using the index-file-mode with the -i(n) option one can refer to the
n-th file that matches generation and pattern. This is useful when there
are more than one file of the same name and generation in one archive.
-x switches long pathnames on. The last givem option -c or -x is the one
that is used for extraction.
12 - Extracting files on the screen
's(n)' extracts the n-th generation of the file on the screen. You can
use the same options that can be used for normal extraction.
13 - Listing the contents of an archive
'l(n)' or 'v(n)' prints the contents upto generation n of the archive on
the screen, sorted by name and generation. Use 'la' or 'va' to get a list
of all files and deleted files. It has the same effect as using 'l256'.
You can preset the generation using the -l(n) option.
14 - Other options
'-q' disables the progress indicator during compression and decompression.
15 - Default options
You can setup default options in the environment variable ShrinkOptions.
E.g. setenv ShrinkOptions "-c -p10 -l10".
16 - Technical info
Shrink uses a dictionary from 1024 upto 65536 bytes for compression due to
the compression-mode. String down to 2 bytes are replaced by their
reference to achieve maximum compression. Shrink uses dynamic arithmetic
encoding instead of huffman encoding to get a better compression rate.
Shrink is the first archiver on the amiga that uses this method for best
compression rate.
17 - IFF-Archive-Format
Shrink uses a new IFF format for its archive files.
The structure is as follows:
FORM xxxx CDAF ; Compressed Data Archive File
^^^^ length of FORM
NAME xxxx archivers_name ; This chunk must be the first chunk in the
; archive to determine the archiver that is
; required for compression and decompression
; of files in the archive. The other functions
; like deleting or recovering files should
; work with every archiver using this format
FILE xxxx ; This must be the first chunk of every file
; contained in the archive
UBYTE Checksum ; The sum of all bytes in this chunk must be zero
UBYTE Method,Version ; Method and version of the compression method
; that was used to compress this file
UBYTE Generation ; Generation of the file: 0=new .. 255=deleted
USHORT SystemID ; System ID of the computer on which the file
; was compressed.
ULONG Filesize ; Original size of the file, the compressed
; size of the file is the size of the BODY chunk
UBYTE Year,Month,Day ; Date of the file (year since 1900)
UBYTE Hour,Mins,Secs ; Time of the file
USHORT CRC ; CRC Checksum of the uncompressed file
ULONG Protection ; File attributes on the computer of SystemID
UBYTE Filname[] ; The rest of the length of this chunk is used
; to store the filename. This enables filenames
; of any lenght
BODY xxxx ; This chunk contains the compressed data of the
; file. This must be the last chunk of every
; file in the archive.
Between the chunks FILE and BODY there can be as many chunks as the
archiver needs to store additional information about the file and/or
compression. Therefore these chunks must not be removed when packing or
modifying archives. One of these chunks is the NOTE chunk:
NOTE xxxx filenote
It contains the filenote of the file.
18 - SystemID's
19 - History
V1.01b First official release
V1.1 Shrink now handles files with a size of 65536 bytes correct.
Improoved speed on archivehandling.
Default options in ENV:ShrinkOptions
Autopacking of the archive with a,f,u,d
The compression rate is now calculated correctly for large files
20 - Known bugs
Shrink adds the archive to itself, if the archive has already been
21 - Something on bug reports
When sending in bug reports, please state exactly under what
circumstances the bug occurred, what equipment was used and what happened.
If possible also try to give me enough information to reproduce the bug.
It is very difficult to find bugs when you don't know exactly what
happened. Please don't just send messages like "it can't extract files
from archives sometimes", that really doesn't help me. If possible,
submit the offending file/archive to me so I can test it myself, or give
me a pointer where I can find the archive.
22 - Notes
Bug reports, suggestions, postcards, flames, criticism, contributions,
ideas, gifts, etc., etc., etc........... to:
Matthias Meixner
Sandberg 13
W-6417 Hofbieber 2