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/* CFS.h - common definitions for XFH.
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Kristian Nielsen.
This file is part of XFH, the compressing file system handler.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
/* #include "patchup.h" */ /* Compiling in 1.3. */
#include "version.h"
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <dos/exall.h>
#include <dos/notify.h>
#define IONAME "ram:CFSIO"
#define MAXFILENAME 30 /* Maximum length of file names. */
#define XROOTNAME "XFH" /* Unit number and ':' will be appended. */
#define XROOTNAMESIZE 15 /* Max. size of root assign (unit 2^32-1) */
#define ALTOPTIONPATH ".xfhrc"
#define TMPNAMETEMPLATE "%lx.%lx_XFH" /* Used in sprintf(..,task,num) */
#define TMPNAMEMAXSIZE (8+ 1+8+4+ 1)
#define AREXXPORTTEMPLATE "%s" /* %s will be device name (XHx:) */
#define AREXXPORTMAXLEN 1 /* Plus device name size. */
#define OUTOFMEM glob -> ioerr = ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE
#define DECLIOERR LONG saveioerr;
#define PUTIOERR saveioerr = glob->ioerr
#define SAVEIOERR LONG saveioerr = glob->ioerr
#define RESTIOERR glob->ioerr = saveioerr
#define XFH_ID "XFH A"
#define MAXSTRING 256 /* Maximum length of some strings (like a path). */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define debug(a) dprintf a
#include <DebugPrc.h>
#define debug(a)
/* This is the structure used internally to represent a file/directory
* lock. All locks we return contain the address of this structure in their
* lock->fl_Key field.
* The CFSLock.refcount field is a sad hack nessesary to overcome a
* problem with exclusive directory locks when compressing files. The
* problem is that we need a copy of the parent lock used in RawCFSOpen()
* when the file is Close()'d. However, if the parent lock is exclusive,
* it cannot be DupLock()'ed, and so we must store a reference to it.
* The refcount counts the number of such references, and prevents the
* lock from going away until after the Close().
struct CFSLock {
LONG objtype;
struct cfsfunctions *f;
LONG mode;
struct FileLock *xlock;
LONG refcount; /* Currently valid only for XOBJECT's. */
/* Structure for file handles. */
struct CFSFH {
LONG objtype;
struct cfsfunctions *f;
LONG mode;
struct FileHandle *xfh;
char *filename; /* Used when compressing file at Close(). */
struct CFSLock *parent; /* Used when compressing file at Close(). */
/* A non-null 'filename' field means (for xobj's) that Close() will
* attempt to compress the file. */
/* CFSLock filetypes. */
#define XOBJECTB 1 /* A simple handle on an object in ufs. */
/* #define NUKEOBJECTB 2 */ /* The NUKE format (U. Mueller). */
/* #define PPACKOBJB 3 */ /* Files packed with powerpacker. */
#define XPKOBJECTB 4 /* Xpk.library files. */
#define XOBJECT (1 << XOBJECTB)
/* #define NUKEOBJECT (1 << NUKEOBJECTB) */
/* #define PPACKOBJ (1 << PPACKOBJB) */
/* Blocksize to fake in Examine()/ExNext(). */
#define BLOCKSIZE glob->bytesperblock
/* Global datastructure. This allow us to use global variables and still
* be reentrant without using any kind of short addressing (no need for
* any __saveds keywords or startup code).
struct glob{
/* Shared data buffers to save on dalloc()'s.*/
/* Note that care should be taken when using these, since they are*/
/* shared between a number of functions. A rule of thumb is that a*/
/* lower level (dosfunc.c) shouldn't use something owned by a*/
/* higher level (lock.c). This way, a call in lock.c to a function*/
/* in dosfunc.c won't change your buffer, while a call to another*/
/* lock.c-function potentially may.*/
char stringbuf[MAXSTRING]; /* Buffer for dosfunctions (bstr conv.) */
char stringbuf2[MAXSTRING]; /* Buffer for dosfunctions (bstr conv.) */
char pktstringbuf[MAXSTRING]; /* Buffer for packet bstr->cstr. */
char pktstringbuf2[MAXSTRING]; /* Buffer for packet bstr->cstr. */
struct FileInfoBlock fib1; /* Used during Lock(). */
struct FileInfoBlock fib2; /* General high-level in dosfunc.c */
struct StandardPacket iopkt; /* This will be long alligned. */
struct InfoData infodata;
struct MsgPort *dosport, /* Dos Port (ProcId) of this handler. */
*ioport, /* Port to use for DOS IO. */
*xpkport; /* Port for calling Xpk in KS1.3. */
struct Task *mytask; /* Copy of FindTask(0L) */
struct Process *myproc;
void *DOSBase;
struct Library *XpkBase;
struct Library *IconBase;
struct PPBase *PPBase;
struct DeviceNode *devnode;
char *devname;
struct DeviceList *volnode; /* Pointer to our volumenode. */
BSTR bcplstartup; /* Copy of BPTR to startup string. */
struct CFSLock *rootlock; /* Our rootlock. */
struct FileLock *xrootlock; /* Rootlock for underlying fs. */
struct MsgPort *xprocid; /* ProcID of the underlying fs. */
LONG ioerr;
short opencnt;
BOOL done; /* Flag for main packet loop. */
LONG tmpfilecount; /* used for tmpfile generation. */
LONG bytesperblock; /* Blocksize in the UFS. */
struct MsgPort *arexxport;
char *arexxportname;
/* These are options handled by 'options.c'. */
/* Also read by SetConfigSem() in gui.c. */
char *badoption; /* Name of errorneous option. */
BOOL optionsset; /* True when options has been set. */
BOOL stepdown; /* Flag for XpkPack(). */
BOOL autocompress; /* Whether to compress on Write(). */
BOOL truncateonpack; /* Use SetFileSize() when packing? */
char *packmode; /* Packmode for XpkPack(). */
char *xRootName; /* 'True' name of our root dir. */
char *uservolname; /* User requested volume name. ONLY
* accessed by createvolnode(). */
char *xpkpassword; /* Password used in Xpk(Un)Pack(). */
BOOL xpksetpri; /* Change taskpri when (un)packing? */
LONG xpkpri; /* priority to use if xpksetpri. */
BOOL createvolnode; /* Whether se have a volume. *NOTE*: */
/* DON'T CHANGE AFTER createvolnode().*/
BOOL FailOnExNext; /* Silently gobble ModifyFIB() errors.*/
BOOL compressreadwrite; /* Whether to compress MODE_READWRITE.*/
BOOL allowappend; /* Whether to support MODE_READWRITE.*/
char *userarexxportname; /* User requested name of AREXX port. */
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Extra fields for debug code. */
char debugbuf1[MAXSTRING];
char debugbuf2[MAXSTRING]; /* Used to print bcpl strings. */
typedef struct glob *glb;
/* For each of the supported file formats, there is an instance of this
* structure. It holds pointers to fuctions that performs tasks such as
* Read(), Lock(), etc.
struct cfsfunctions {
/*********************** Input/Output functions. ************************/
/* Open file from parent lock of this type and a simple filename
* (no path specification). This will determine file type and
* fetch the correct function to actually do the open.
struct CFSFH * (*Open)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, LONG);
/* Read(), Write(), Seek(), Close() functions. */
LONG (*Read)(glb, struct CFSFH *, UBYTE *, LONG );
LONG (*Write)(glb, struct CFSFH *, UBYTE *, LONG );
LONG (*Seek)(glb, struct CFSFH *, LONG, LONG );
LONG (*Close)(glb, struct CFSFH *);
BOOL (*SetFileSize)(glb, struct CFSFH *, LONG, LONG);
BOOL (*LockRecord)(glb, struct CFSFH *, LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG);
BOOL (*UnLockRecord)(glb, struct CFSFH *, LONG, LONG);
/*********************** Input/Output functions. ************************/
/* Lock function. As with Open, the type refers to the parent lock. */
struct CFSLock * (*Lock)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, LONG);
/* Other functions related to locks. */
struct CFSLock * (*DupLock)(glb, struct CFSLock *);
BOOL (*UnLock)(glb, struct CFSLock *); /* Always succesful. */
BOOL (*Examine)(glb, struct CFSLock *, struct FileInfoBlock *);
BOOL (*ExNext)(glb, struct CFSLock *, struct FileInfoBlock *);
struct CFSLock * (*CreateDir)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *);
BOOL (*DeleteFile)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *);
/* Rename() is a bit tricky. As an example, how is a Rename()
* from a powerpacked file to an archive to be handled?
* The correct Rename() function to call is determined from
* the type of the FROM directory. Each function must then
* check the type of the destination directory themselves.
BOOL (*Rename)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, struct CFSLock *, char *);
struct CFSLock * (*Parent)(glb, struct CFSLock *);
BOOL (*SetProtection)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, LONG);
BOOL (*SetComment)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, char *);
BOOL (*SetFileDate)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, struct DateStamp *);
struct CFSFH *(*OpenFromLock)(glb, struct CFSLock *);
/* ToDo: What is SameLock() really supposed to do, packet level?
* In the CFS, internally, each filetype has a SameLock() that
* expects two locks of the same type, and returns a bool.
BOOL (*SameLock)(glb, struct CFSLock *, struct CFSLock *);
/* ToDo: Support for links also really needs some work... */
BOOL (*MakeLink)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, void *, LONG);
LONG (*ReadLink)();
BOOL (*ChangeMode)(glb, LONG, void *, LONG);
struct CFSLock * (*DupLockFromFH)(glb, struct CFSFH *);
struct CFSLock * (*ParentOfFH)(glb, struct CFSFH *);
/* The new 2.0 Examine..() type functions. ExAll() will be
* simulated if NULL.
LONG (*ExAll)(glb, struct CFSLock *, char *, LONG, LONG, struct ExAllControl *);
BOOL (*ExamineFH)(glb, struct CFSFH *, struct FileInfoBlock *);
/* ToDo: The notify functions still need some thought. Remember,
* a notify is on an absolute path, not relative to a Lock.
BOOL (*StartNotify)(glb, struct NotifyRequest *);
BOOL (*EndNotify)(glb, struct NotifyRequest *);
extern struct cfsfunctions Xfunc,Xpkfunc;
/* Prototypes. */
/* CFS.c */
struct DosPacket *getpkt(glb glob);
ULONG getpktsigmask(glb glob);
struct DosPacket *checkpkt(glb glob);
void returnpkt(struct DosPacket *pkt,LONG res1,LONG res2,glb glob);
extern int sprintf(char *,const char *,...);
struct MsgPort *DoDeviceProc(LONG *res2,char *filedesc,glb glob);
BPTR getfile(char * desc,glb glob);
void closefile(BPTR file,glb glob);
void addvolnode(glb glob, struct DeviceList *volnode);
BOOL removevolnode(glb glob, struct DeviceList *volnode);
void DevNode_Stuff_Startup_String(glb glob, BSTR value);
BOOL createvolnode(glb glob, BOOL fixroot, struct FileInfoBlock *fib);
BOOL SetVolumeNameVolNode(glb glob, char *name);
BOOL freevolnode(glb glob);
BOOL diskinfo(glb glob, struct InfoData *infodata);
/* Packet.c */
void putpkt(struct StandardPacket *pkt,struct MsgPort *procid,struct MsgPort *retport,LONG type,int numarg,...);
LONG dopkt(struct StandardPacket *pkt,struct MsgPort *procid,struct MsgPort *retport,LONG *res2,LONG type,int numarg,...);
/* dosfunc.c */
struct FileLock *xLock(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name, LONG mode);
BOOL xExists1(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name);
BOOL xExamine(glb glob, struct FileLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib);
BOOL xExamineNext(glb glob, struct FileLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib);
struct FileLock *xCreateDir(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name);
BOOL xDeleteFile(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name);
BOOL xRename(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent1, char *name1, struct FileLock *parent2, char *name2);
struct FileLock *xParentDir(glb glob, struct FileLock *lock);
struct FileLock *xParentFH(glb glob, struct FileHandle *fh);
BOOL xSetProtection(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name, LONG bits);
BOOL xSetComment(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name, char *comment);
BOOL xSetFileDate(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name, struct DateStamp *ds);
struct FileLock *xDupLock(glb glob, struct FileLock *lock);
BOOL xUnLock(glb glob, struct FileLock *lock);
struct FileHandle *xOpen(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name, LONG mode);
struct FileHandle *xOpenFromLock( glb glob, struct FileLock *lock );
struct FileHandle *xOpenFromCopyOfLock( glb glob, struct FileLock *lock );
BOOL xClose(glb glob, struct FileHandle *fh);
LONG xRead(glb glob, struct FileHandle *fh, void *buf, LONG len);
LONG xWrite(glb glob, struct FileHandle *fh, void *buf, LONG len);
LONG xSeek(glb glob, struct FileHandle *fh, LONG pos, LONG offset);
BOOL xChangeMode(glb glob, ULONG type, void *obj, ULONG mode);
BOOL xInfo(glb glob, struct FileLock *lock, struct InfoData *info);
LONG xSameLock( glb glob, struct FileLock *l1, struct FileLock *l2 );
BOOL xgetpath(glb glob, struct FileLock *Lock, char *f, int max);
BOOL TransformXFH(glb glob, struct FileHandle *srcfh, struct FileLock *parent, char *name, BOOL (*f)(glb, struct FileHandle *, struct FileHandle *, void *), void *userdata);
BOOL TransformFile(glb glob, struct FileLock *parent, char *name, BOOL (*f)(glb, struct FileHandle *, struct FileHandle *, void *), void *userdata);
LONG xGetFileSize(glb glob, struct FileHandle *fh);
BOOL xWriteStr(glb glob, struct FileHandle *fh, char *str);
/* misc.c */
char *copybstr(BSTR bstr);
char *copystr(char *str);
void freestr(char *str);
char *safebstr2cinplace(UBYTE *pp, int buflen);
BSTR safecstr2binplace(char *pp, int buflen);
LONG ank( glb glob, ... );
LONG ank_fail( glb glob, ... );
LONG owt( glb glob, ... );
LONG abs_seek_pos( LONG currentpos, LONG filelen, LONG pos, LONG offset );
LONG xFileSizeXfh( glb glob, struct FileHandle *xfh );
/* lock.c */
struct CFSLock *RawCFSLock(glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock, char * name, LONG mode );
struct FileLock * CreateFileLock( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock );
struct CFSLock *CFSLockParent( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parentlock, char **nameptr );
struct CFSLock * CFSLock(glb glob,struct CFSLock * parentlock, char * name,LONG mode);
struct CFSLock *makerootlockdayone(glb glob);
struct CFSLock *CFSDupLock( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock );
struct CFSLock *CFSParentDir( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock);
struct CFSLock *CFSParentFH( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh);
BOOL CFSUnLock( glb glob,struct CFSLock *lock);
BOOL CFSExamine( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib);
BOOL CFSExamineNext(glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib);
struct CFSLock *CFSCreateDir( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name );
BOOL CFSDeleteFile( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name );
BOOL CFSRename( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent1, char *name1, struct CFSLock *parent2, char *name2 );
BOOL CFSSetProtection( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name, LONG bits );
BOOL CFSSetComment( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name, char *comment );
BOOL CFSSetDate( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name, struct DateStamp *ds );
BOOL CFSSameLock( glb glob, struct CFSLock *l1, struct CFSLock *l2 );
/* file.c */
struct CFSFH *RawCFSOpen(glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock, char * name, LONG mode );
struct CFSFH *CFSOpen(glb glob,struct CFSLock * parentlock, char * name,LONG mode);
BOOL CFSClose( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh );
LONG CFSRead( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh, void *buf, LONG len );
LONG CFSWrite( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh, void *buf, LONG len );
LONG CFSSeek( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh, LONG pos, LONG offset );
/* pack.c */
LONG xFileType( glb glob, struct FileHandle *xfh );
/* xobj.c */
struct XpkFH *XpkOpenOldFile( glb glob, struct FileHandle *xfh );
LONG XObjClose( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh );
LONG XObjRead( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh, UBYTE *buf, LONG len );
LONG XObjWrite( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh, UBYTE *buf, LONG len );
LONG XObjSeek( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh, LONG pos, LONG offset );
void XObjStealXpkFH(glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh);
BOOL XObjStuffFH(glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh, char *name, struct CFSLock *parent);
void XObjUnStuffFH(glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh);
void XObjFreeFH(glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh);
struct CFSFH *XObjCreateFH(glb glob, struct FileHandle *xfh, LONG mode, char *name,struct CFSLock *parent);
struct CFSLock *XObjMakeLock( glb glob, struct FileLock *xlock, LONG mode );
struct CFSLock *XObjDupLock( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock );
void XObjAddReferenceToLock(glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock);
struct CFSLock *XObjParentDir( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock );
struct CFSLock *XObjParentFH( glb glob, struct CFSFH *fh);
BOOL XObjUnLock( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock );
BOOL XObjSameLock(glb glob, struct CFSLock *l1, struct CFSLock *l2 );
BOOL XObjExamine( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib );
BOOL XObjExNext( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib );
BOOL ModifyFIB( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib );
BOOL XObjModifyFIB( glb glob, struct CFSLock *lock,struct FileInfoBlock *fib, struct FileHandle *xfh );
struct CFSLock *XObjCreateDir( glb glob, struct CFSLock *parentlock, char *name );
BOOL XObjSetProtection(glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name, LONG mask);
BOOL XObjSetComment(glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name, char *comment);
BOOL XObjSetFileDate(glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name, struct DateStamp *ds);
BOOL XObjDeleteFile(glb glob, struct CFSLock *parent, char *name);
BOOL XObjRename(glb glob, struct CFSLock *p1, char *n1, struct CFSLock *p2, char *n2);
/* xpk.c */
struct XpkLock;
struct XpkFib;
struct XpkFH *XpkOpenOldFile( glb glob, struct FileHandle *xfh );
struct XpkFH *XpkOpenOldFileFromCopyOfLock( glb glob, struct XpkLock *lock );
BOOL IsXpkFile( glb glob, struct FileHandle *xfh );
BOOL PackFile2File(glb glob, struct FileHandle *srcxfh, struct FileHandle *dstxfh, void *dummy);
BOOL UnPackFile2File(glb glob, struct FileHandle *srcxfh, struct FileHandle *dstxfh, void *dummy);
BOOL XpkExamine_FH( glb glob, struct FileHandle *xfh, struct XpkFib *fib );
LONG Xpk_Read( glb glob, struct XpkFH *fh, UBYTE *buf, LONG len );
LONG Xpk_Write(glb glob, struct XpkFH *fh, UBYTE *buf, LONG len);
LONG Xpk_Seek( glb glob, struct XpkFH *fh, LONG pos, LONG offset );
BOOL Xpk_Close( glb glob, struct XpkFH *fh );
struct XpkLock *XpkMakeLock( glb glob, struct FileLock *xlock, LONG mode );
struct XpkLock *XpkDupLock( glb glob, struct XpkLock *lock );
struct CFSLock *XpkParentDir( glb glob, struct XpkLock *lock );
struct CFSLock *XpkParentFH( glb glob, struct XpkFH *XpkFH );
BOOL XpkUnLock( glb glob, struct XpkLock *lock );
BOOL XpkSameLock(glb glob, struct XpkLock *l1, struct XpkLock *l2 );
BOOL XpkObjExamine( glb glob, struct XpkLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib );
BOOL XpkModifyFIB( glb glob, struct XpkLock *lock,struct FileInfoBlock *fib, struct FileHandle *xfh );
BOOL XpkFastModifyFIB( struct FileInfoBlock *FIB );
BOOL InitXpk( glb glob );
void CleanupXpk( glb glob );
/* packfunc.c */
BOOL ModifyFIB_type( glb glob, LONG type, struct CFSLock *lock, struct FileInfoBlock *fib, struct FileHandle *xfh );
/* options.c */
BOOL set_option(glb glob, char *p);
BOOL InitOptions(glb glob);
void CleanupOptions(glb glob);
BOOL SetOptionPermanent(glb glob, char *opt, char *val);
BOOL SetOptionsFromFile(glb glob, struct FileLock *lock, char *name);
/* arexx.c */
void checkarexxmsg(glb glob);
ULONG arexxsigmask(glb glob);
BOOL InitArexx(glb glob);
void CleanupArexx(glb glob);
/* gui.c */
BOOL UpdateXFHNode(glb glob);
ULONG guisigmask(glb glob);
/* End of CFS.h */