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ABPs IDEA implementation for XPK
Version 1.00
Copyright 1992 André Beck
This library may be freely distributed with the XPK compression
package, as long as it is kept in its original, complete, and unmodified
form. It may not be distributed by itself or in a commercial package of
any kind without my permission and the permission of the originators of
the International Data Encryption Algorithm, see section Patent.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
IDEA is registered as the international patent WO 91/18459
"Device for Converting a Digital Block and the Use thereof".
For commercial use of IDEA, one should contact
Freiburgstrasse 370
CH-3018 Bern, Switzerland
IDEA is an XPK packer sublibrary which implements a highly optimized
form of the IDEA encryption algorithm.
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) is a block cipher
developed by Xuejia Lai and Prof. Dr. J. L. Massey at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology. See patent for information on any commercial
use of this algorithm. Especially, this library is not only claimed by
the copyright of the author and the copyright of the author of the used
IDEA kernal routine, but by the copyright of the IDEA originators and
their patent, too.
This implementation of the algorithm was done by André Beck, Dept. of
Computer Science, Technical University of Dresden, Germany.
xpkIDEA.library gives a chunk based access to the most common encryption
methods, using the IDEA cipher as the encryption function. The IDEA cipher
is known to be somewhat slow. It performs 34 multiplications modulo 2^16+1
for every 64 bit data packet, so it must have limited performance on a
plain 68000 processor. This library uses the heavily hand optimized,
permuted, macrotized and partially unrolled 68000 assembler implementation
of IDEA by Colin Plumb. Therefore, the kernal IDEA routine and it's
macros are copyright by Colin Plumb.
In difference to the most wide spread compressors distributed with XPK, one
should know something about IDEA before using it. First, IDEA is completely
no compressor, it only encrypts or decrypts data. A password must be
specified with first calls to "pack" or "unpack" a chunk. Furthermore, the
password given on encryption MUST restore the original chunk contents,
otherwise the password will be treated as incorrect. This is a tribute
to the XPK architecture and it's safety, but has the disadvantage of
preventing you from doing things like a triple crypt, what means to first
encrypt a chunk with password 1, then decrypting it with password 2 and
last encrypting it with password 3, all three passwords different.
Encryption Methods
IDEA is a cipher used for encryption in this library, what means
it is a function taking one data block and an encryption key as input and
producing one data block as output. The purpose of this function is to
generate a very random result from normaly highly redundant input, in other
words to make White Noise of bits from a regular, low entropic bit stream.
The IDEA data blocks are sized 64 bits, where the key has 128 bits in it's
unexpanded form (DES has a key of 56 bits). One now may use this function
in different ways. The simplest encryption is to take the input chunk block
by block, driving it through the IDEA function, and building the output
chunk from the result. This mode is called Electronic Code Book (ECB).
But an Code Book based encryption is not the state of the art, because it
is somewhat easy to crack (even ECB using IDEA is not easy to crack, only
a bit easier than the following modes). One can imagine, that including the
chunks contents (which is to be crypted) itself into the encryption will be
much safer. Consider a simple ECB to encrypt text, generated by the function
out_character = (in_character + 1) MODULO num_of_characters.
This is nothing other than incrementing every character, f.i. making A to B,
F to G and Z back to A. So the word FOOBAR will be crypted to GPPCBS, and
nobody will see what it is on the first visit. But there are also people
called Cryptologists, and cracking such codes is their job. Simple methods
of cracking are especially based on the probability of characters in
different languages. They know e is a very often found letter in indo
european languages, and if they find one character very often in the
crypted text, this one may be an e. If it's sure that it's an e, one can
insert it in the complete crypted text where the cracked character was.
The method to prevent such simple cracks is based on chaining the produced
output back into the crypt function with some delay.
out_character = ((in_character + last_out_char)+1) MODULO num_characters
with an initial last out character of 'C'.
FOOBAR gets JAQTVL using this code and nobody can see that an double O was
in the input. So it's more complicated to crack messages crypted with this
code, because one MUST start at the beginning of the text. It's also
possible to increase the number of ,,states of remember'' we are using,
for instance by not using the last_out_char but the seventh_last_out_char
and using 7 different initial values for them.
The method used above is very similar to a common encryption method called
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) with one state of remember (CBC 1).
The difference to ECB in schematic view:
ECB electronic code book mode
y[i] = IDEA(z, x[i])
x[i] = IIDEA(z, y[i])
CBC cipher block chaining mode
y[i] = IDEA(z, x[i] ^ y[i-N])
x[i] = IIDEA(z, y[i]) ^ y[i-N]
x[i] is the input block number i
y[i] is the output block number i
z is the encryption key
N is the number of states of remember (at least one)
IDEA is the encryption function using the IDEA cipher
IIDEA is the corresponding decryption function
^ means the XOR of the operands (Bitwise Exclusive Or)
There are two additional modes often used with encryption. See the following
CFB ciphertext feedback mode
y[i] = x[i] ^ IDEA(z, y[i-N])
x[i] = y[i] ^ IDEA(z, y[i-N])
OFB output feedback mode
h[i] = IDEA(z, h[i-N])
y[i] = x[i] ^ h[i]
x[i] = y[i] ^ h[i]
As you see, all the chaining modes have additional parameters determining the
result of the crypt. Not only the key determines the resulting chunk for a
special input chunk, but also the number of states of remember used by the
mode and the values used to initialize the states (in CBC 1 coding block
#0, you need block #[i-1], but you have no block #-1, so you have to give
some initial value for it). For CBC 8 you have to give 8 initailizers,
and so on.
The xpkIDEA implementation uses the following XPK modes for different
encryption methods:
XPK Mode Encr. Method Nr. States 68030/25 68000/7.14
-------- ------------ ---------- -------- ----------
0..25 ECB / 90 K/s 12 K/s
26 CFB 1
. . . 87 K/s 11 K/s
. . .
50 CFB 25
51 OFB 1
. . . 84 K/s 11 K/s
. . .
75 OFB 25
76 CBC 1
. . . 84 K/s 11 K/s
. . .
100 CBC 25
As you see, the modes were ordered to somehow match the scheme given by the
most XPK packers, with 0..100 mapped to increasing efficiency and decreasing
speed. There are neither big differences in speed nor in efficiency of the
used modes, and the mapping used is easy to remember. Especially one gets
very simple from the mode used to the encr. method and state number by
subsequent subtractions of 25 from the mode:
IDEA.79 -> 79 - (3*25) = 4 , so mode 3 (CBC) with 4 states applies.
The default method used when no mode is explicitely given is CBC1,
i.e. the mode IDEA.76
The presented speed (in KByte/second) is not very exact. This is mainly
caused by the varying cycle count of the 68000's mul instruction. The
encryption will be faster with the all-zero-key and slower with the
all-ones-key. Try around with key values
to see the differences.
Not only IDEA.100 is a very safe encryption, also IDEA.75 and IDEA.50 may
be good for safe results. They are modes with 25 states, so one may give
25 (!) different initializers to the password, which must all be known to
get this decrypted again. The code is developed in a way that no speed
loss will occure even using much states. At the other hand, a open connection
with this sublibrary for packing or unpacking forces the allocation of around
600 bytes of memory. If you are low on memory, the library may return a
matching error condition.
The Password
You may ask now, how to give different initializers to the encryption
modes which use them ? Therefore, the password parsing routine within this
library is more complicated than normal ones. An IDEA password consists
of the key value and a optional set of initializers, both specified either
as a plain ascii string to be hashed or as the explicite hexadecimal value.
The syntax is as follows:
<password> ::= <keyspec>[<initializer>]*.
<keyspec> ::= <valuespec>.
<initializer> ::= ":"<valuespec>.
<valuespec> ::= [<charstring>|<hexstring>].
<charstring> ::= ["!".."~"]*.
<hexstring> ::= "#"["0".."9"|"a".."f"|"A".."F"]*.
so possible passwords are f.i.:
: <-- this results in the all-zero-key.
passwd::::ini4 <-- initializers 1..3 are zero
Its useless to specify any initializers with ECB
Its useless to specify more then N initializers for mode [CBC|CFB|OFB] N
The maximum number of initializers is 25
charstrings may have any number of characters
hexvalues for keyspec have to fit in an OCTAWORD. (16 Byte)
hexvalues for initializers must fit in a QUADWORD. (8 Byte)
unspecified values (key/initializers) are zero.
If you don't initialize a value, it will be zero. Any syntactic or
semantic error in the password specification will raise the error
XPKERR_WRONGPW. The '#' character is used to introduce hex values because
many shells would missinterpret $ even if it appears in doublequotes.
The hash routine currently used in this password parser is not very strong.
String passwords should be at least 12 characters long to give a nice
Technical Info
This lib is completely written in assembler using a68k and the 1.3 includes.
It was developed within around 10 hours of work distributed over more than
14 days (better to say nights).
The author could only test it on an 1 Meg chip no fast 7.14MHz 68000 A500
under Kickstart 1.3. The source is now around 30000 bytes and may contain
some bogus. If you find any bugs report them to me via the email address
given below.
Make sure the output buffer is at least the size of the input buffer plus
XPK_MARGIN, even if this is on decompression more then the original chunk
size. This library relies on this behavior, which is correctly done by
As already stated in the section Disclaimer, the author gives no warranties
for the proper function of this software. Additional, he cannot give any
guarantee that IDEA itself is a useful encryption standard. It SEEMS to be
very strong, but it's still under analyzation by some organizations like
the NSA and similars. If you are interested in the theoretics of this
algorithm, ask me for some hints.
Version History
1.00 ( 5-Aug-92 )
First public release.
Contact Address
See section Patent for information on how to reach the authors of the
IDEA cipher.
The following mail address applies only until March '93. You will reach
the author of this library there:
If you want to get in contact with the author of the fast idea routine used
within this library, contact Mr. Colin Plumb at: